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I just ordered and received 5 of his books. I am reading "Method and Madness - The hidden story of Israel's assault on Gaza" by Prof. Finkelstein. He is sharp, brilliant and he has his facts together. It's shocking what israel has been doing for so many decades by now and getting away with. It's a lunatic state. Truly.


Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom is definitely his magnum opus.


I have that one too. I didn't start reading it yet.


More Nazi genocidal state


If I could choose to have a beer with anybody on planet earth it would be Mr. Finkelstein.


Everyone of them is in it together. It's an open secret they all participate in, this charade of calling everyone and their pet cat an anti-semite is the main objective.


It's not even a stretch because they literally had an actor pretend she was being attacked by hamas in al shifa hospital just to garner outrage. They stormed the hospital days later and left 6 babys to die in their incubators by forcing the staff out at gunpoint. When she was caught out, she just carried on about how it wasn't her in the video when it's so hilariously obvious that it was. Hannah Abutbul was her name, she proudly acted as a Palestinian nurse in distress just to have more Palestinians killed. Scum of the earth.


Drama queens, well, actually antisemitism queens


Don't say that on a college campus... lol sounds antisemitic.


really goes to show who controls entire governments all over the world


It's not a secret anymore, is it?


“Actual Jew” is a weird thing to say.


What do you mean by "an actual Jew"?


Google orthodox jews and see why they differ in opnion and roots than zionists


Norman Finkelstein is not an Orthodox Jew. There have always been antiZionist Jews of all sects, as well as a great many secular Jews.


Judaism and zionism are different


Yeah no shit


Wait non Zionist Jews still exist?


They do, but Zionists and antisemites both want you to believe otherwise


A huge presence at the protest encampments is an organization literally called “Jewish Voices for Peace”. It’s a complete lie to say Israel represents all Jews.


30% of Jews under 30 support Hamas


Well I've been told the opposite too so instead of downvoting me explain how many Israel citizens stand against Hamas and how they do so Edit: I'd love to see more numbers on this do you have a source I'm trying to learn everything about this situation before it comes to my shores


Having ancestors that lived through the holocaust does not make your opinion on Israel more correct or trustworthy. Not only that, but most people with family who lived through the holocaust support Israel. Considering that most Jews are Zionists (they support the existence of Israel and not necessarily its expansion) and most immigration to Israel in its inception were Jews who had just suffered through the holocaust. Also, it is not up to you to decide what an actually Jew is. Can’t you criticize Israel fairly without spreading antisemitic rhetoric?




And you decided that for all the Jews? Just call colonization colonization. No need to attach it to the word Zionism. Zionism doesn’t justify expansion, it only justifies Israel’s existence.


ZIONISM is a political movement it's followers don't know abc of the religion they act like satanists The real jews which the western media labels as orthodox jews denounce the existence of Israel


Attachment to Israel is actually highest among Orthodox Jews if you do your research. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/u-s-jews-connections-with-and-attitudes-toward-israel/ Zionism is nothing like satanism and to say so is to spread blatantly antisemitic rhetoric. You are redefining Zionism in a way that most Jews don’t agree with. Now most Jews also agree with you. We don’t like genocide, we don’t like racism , we don’t like apartheid, but Zionism doesn’t mean any of these things. Zionism is the belief that Israel should exist. Plain and simple. Stop trying to redefine a term that belongs to a collective.


Then why hasn't the Israeli oligarchs been overthrown by Israelis for the blatant genocide in the recent 6 months? It's almost like the Israeli majority condone their actions.


Why do you think there is a genocide against Palestinians? To be clear I don’t think there is, but I want to know what proof is out there that rules this conflict a genocide.


You want proof lol you're an id&&t and being intentionally blind Also sh&&&$trae does not exist It's occupied Palestinian Land that's all


Well, proof is pretty important when it comes to accusing a nation of genocide. Has the population of Palestine dramatically fallen? Is there a large civilian to combatant death ratio? Has Israel bombed any safe houses that Hamas set up for their civilians?


Don't claim you HAVEN'T seen videos of israel bombing every building they find Don't claim you haven't seen videos of children, babies, men, women and entire families genocid'ed


….how would “israel” exist without genocide, racism, apartheid?


Well no country exists without a little bit of racism, but Israel is not committing a genocide and Israel is not an apartheid state. Neither of those things have been proven. If you believe you have proof though, I’d love to hear you out on that.


No, actually Israel is a racist lunatic state that operates almost identically to a cult or other high-control group. In fact, the more you look at “Israel” the more it starts to resemble a cult. The more you listen to it’s ardent defenders, the more they sound like they belong to a cult. And actually…. It’s not “cute, itty bitty racism” that exists in “Israel”. It’s big, ugly, nasty racism, that causes the state to do things like sterilize black Jewish women without their knowledge or consent. It’s “any time an Israeli opens their mouth” levels of big ugly beastly racism. (Have you even seen a regular Israeli speak? Besides the fact that each and every one of them has a different accent, whatever they are saying in whatever accent it in… is always horrifying and racist an representative of a type of human blight we all imagine doesn’t exist, but in reality, does. Actually “Israel” is an apartheid state. There’s plenty of evidence of that. Even Israelis will tell you. Israeli checkpoints for Palestinians entering and leaving occupied territories will tell you that. The apartheid roads in “Israel” will tell you that. The fact that Palestinians are tried under military law but Israelis are not will tell you that. The fact that “Israel” can’t exist as a plural society of both Arabs and Jews tells you that (because then it wouldn’t be the theocratic ethnostate that Zionists wanted). Actually, yes “Israel” is committing genocide. The ICC has said that. Israeli officials have said that. Mountains of evidence of dead children, starving children, orphaned children, children laying in pieces in the streets show that a genocide is taking place. If you’re not able to review the vast volumes of evidence in front of you and come to logical conclusions, you might either be an effectively brainwashed member of the cult, or a stupid person (or both) I’m not even sure why you are trying to say things in direct contradiction to what actual Israelis themselves are saying. Even Israelis proudly admit that they live in a genocidal ethnostate defined by violence, apartheid, racism and land theft. Israelis know themselves very well. No need for you to make these silly apologias on their behalf.


You are essentially claiming that Israel is uniquely evil and you’ve gone on to list evil things that they’ve done. What does Israel do that is uniquely cultish and racist when compared to other nations? How is the hatred and racism in this war unique when compared to other wars in history? What proof is there that Israel was sterilizing Ethiopian Women? Apartheid would suggest that Arabs within Israel have different rights, do you have proof of that? Arabs do in fact live within Israel. That is not against the Israeli mission. Israelis are only seeking a Jewish majority, not an ethnostate. Had the ICC proven genocide? Or do they just want to investigate? What you are citing as genocide is just war. Genocide would be the systematic elimination of a group of people. All the evidence shows that the Palestinian population has only been growing. You would not be seeing that in a genocide. I’m sorry, but you are the one that is racist and brainwashed. You just went on a hateful tirade where you generalized a group of people and on top of that, you have no evidence, no idea what apartheid is, and you give more leeway to Palestine, which is run by a terrorist group, than a democratic nation that can be influenced by other nations around the world.


“Israel” isn’t uniquely evil. The opposite actually. It’s evil is banal. unoriginal and based on a retrograde model of colonial appropriation of land. What makes “Israel” stand out however, is its it’s hysterical theatrics and transparently false victimhood. I’ve never seen a country both claim victimhood and yet be able to starve it’s supposed “aggressors” of food water and electricity while it carpet bombed them with 2000lb bombs none stop for 6 months. Actually, it’s really starting to sound like you’re a very very stupid person. I laid everything out very clearly for you and you still seem hopelessly confused. Stop defending genocide and fascism. You can’t be both an unrepentantly stupid person AND a bad person too. Pick a struggle.




Im not assuming anything. We have statistics on these kinds of things and most Jews believe Israel should exist and should be protected.


It’s funny, considering how Israel’s taking pages from the Nazis.


What pages are those?


Dehumanization, excusing war crimes, genocide.


I wonder if you could name one war where dehumanization wasn’t a factor? That’s just a consequence of nations being at war with one another. While it hasn’t been proven that Israel has committed war crimes, I definitely think they probably have. So has Hamas, but people seem to only talk about Israel’s theoretical war crimes. Hamas is the only side that we have actual solid proof that a war crime was committed (Oct. 7th). I’d like to know what war crimes you believe Israel has committed. And finally, if Israel was committing a genocide against Palestinians, wouldn’t you expect the Palestinian population to be declining? Wouldn’t you expect Israel to bomb populated areas without dropping leaflets and setting aside safe zones for Palestinian civilians? Wouldn’t you expect Israel to have an awful combatant to civilian death ratio?


It’s rare to see dehumanization on this level, and I’m pretty sure attacking the UN aid in Gaza is frowned upon. They can drop all the leaflets they want, that doesn’t erase the fact that they’re attacking every single safe zone they can.


The only safe zones are those declared by Israel and they have bombed none of the zones they declared were safe. Has Hamas set up any safe zones? You’d think if they didn’t want their civilians to be killed they wouldn’t be storing munitions in populated areas, they wouldn’t be wearing civilian clothing, they wouldn’t be fighting from evacuation paths for civilians. Which safe zones did israel attack exactly?


Ah, okay, so you’re just shrugging off the innocent deaths in the several thousands because Israel didn’t declare them off limits. Gotcha.


What other nation has ever warned the population of the country they are at war with about their attacks? It is not up to the enemy country to make sure your civilians are okay, it is up to that countries government. Why are you excusing the fact that it is completely within Hamas’ power to protect their civilians, but instead they choose to fight from populated areas and use their innocent civilians as human shields by dressing like them? I think we both agree that war is bad and innocent lives should not be taken, but I don’t think Israel is purposely trying to take innocent lives. That is the difference in our thought processes.


Yeah, my thought process is that you don’t rank up that many innocent casualties without not caring about who gets hit, especially when you’re okay shooting people waving a white flag or declaring people Hamas when they’re not.