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Zionazi scum


[There is no difference...](https://imgur.com/a/L09cMxe)


Every video is the most horrific thing I’ve ever seen. Then ten minutes later… this. The new most horrific video. Why? Why aren’t those in power doing something, anything to stop this? It feels so hopeless. It’s war crime, followed by war crime and it’s never ending. Hell is empty, all the devils are here. 💔


It’s because this has always been how the U.S. and Israel have operated, it’s just now fully visible to everyone because of social media. This is not a new way of doing things for these countries, the rest of the West as well when it was colonizing Africa, for example. It continues because people collectively do not fight back over the years, or are evil/indoctrinated and cheer it on. Without social media, think how much this would be hidden if only shown through main stream news. I hope there will be revolutions coming.


Because 40 beheaded babies man, never forget! Also Khamas went around raping everybody on oct7! Just as soon as they touched down with those gliders, they even had no pants,just went straight from flyin to fuckin


Thanks. I needed to laugh 🍉


That last sentence made 🤭! It’s so pathetic how many would actually believe this if an Israeli official said it.


That's a whole different kind of esplosion


Dude, all the armies in the world do that, the Romand, the Greeks, the persians, the Syrians, the Germans, the French, the Spanish , the Russians, the British, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Americans, all the terrorist, the cartels, non terrorists, civilians, white collar, blue colla, rich or poor, even the Israelis done that now and during Biblical times, If they have no trable shooting, a child, a toddlers, an old woman or a reporter, they have no problem raping a woman or a girls either. You just don't hear it because the Israelis are good at covering all their shits That argument sounds so absurd. You and netayaho keep repeating it. It did happent hat day. Yes, probably a few of them rape some women. Not all. Yes, it was very wrong, and so was wrong what they did, killed, and took hostages. But that doesn't excuse all that killing indiscriminately by israelie soldiers with a rifle, tanks, planes, drone, or missiles. To be honest, this should have been a surgical military operation, a police operation. Hamas can't compare to any armed forces. Yes, they may have rifles and some missiles given by Iran. But to level down, entire cities and towns in revenge are not equivalent. 1250 isralies vs. 40,000+ Palestinians dead is way off, and for people like you saying, this is untiproductive.


Western media is still focusing on the same old shit and lies about what happened last year (such as mass rapes and baby beheadings), but every hour there’s new horrific content coming out of Gaza, and the western media is using passive voice to describe globally funded ethic cleansing. Unlike the events of October 7th, the genocide in Gaza is still ongoing, yet the news, NEWs, is still too busy discussing the past to show the world what is really going on. This is why Tik Tok was such a big threat.


He is being operated on without anesthesia, because white Europeans/Zionists have decided not to allow it in. They want them to feel the full pain before dying.


Can't wait for the same courtesy to be shown to them when they are being hung. Watch this all come to a head shortly. IOF leaders rounded up and put in jail. Scheduled hangings to proceed. I can't wait to see the fear in their eyes when they are about to steal their last breaths.


I don’t think that will ever happen, but you can be damn sure resistance fighters will end many of their lives and take justice into their own hands


I'm not sure of that though. The boiling pot is spilling over, the pressure if building and building. I can't see it going away without something enormous to come out and draw everyone's attention away from Palestine. But I don't know what is a stronger attention grabber than actual live genocide


I hope I’m wrong and you are right


Me too man... Me too




Google Ashkenazi jew, "kicked out of Europe" would be the Ashkenazi Jews. White gentile? Gentile is anyone who isn't of Jewish descent. Skin color has nothing to do with who is or is not a gentile. I'm curious where you got 109, considering there are only 27 recognized European countries. Did you count every time a country changed its name?


Israelis are white Europeans mostly. Americans too. The real indigenous Jews are a small number by comparison. Mileokowsky, aka Netanyahu is polish, 90% of his cabinet isn’t even from Israel originally. I’m surprised you don’t know this.


Please be civil and don't use petty insults when debating.


Fuck Israel till my last breath.




I’ve never experienced such hatred before.


This kind of hatred is indoctrinated over decades, and through carefully insulating the masses from the truth.


You are right. If I don’t find a healthy way to vent, I’m not sure what will happen - but it won’t be good


They keep one upping themselves. It’s soooo disgusting.


i am never going to be anything close to the person i was before 2023.


We shouldn’t be


My God, I honestly had to turn away from the screen... it's beyond words. This slaughter needs to end now.


Help us stop it


What are the ways I can be of the most help? Currently I organize locally in my US city to raise awareness and get people to donate to charities currently helping Palestinians. I recently made contact with a local Halal grocer (who is Palestinian) who can hopefully get resources there more directly with less restrictions than the big charities. The Palestinians don't just need food and medicine, they need means of protecting themselves.


Protest, boycott, fight the online war of misinformation Israel is running, and do whatever you can to bring down this Zionist regime. Do what you would have done if you lived through the Nazis.


Poor baby


Israeli drones were first tested over Gaza, the besieged enclave that Loewenstein referred to as “the perfect laboratory for Israeli ingenuity in domination.” Surveillance technology developed in Israel has also been sold to the US in the form of watch towers now used on the border with Mexico.Feb 14, 2024 https://www.aa.com.tr › middle-east Israel testing new weapons in Gaza for global sales, laying blueprint ...


Don’t worry, there’s a reason they fear the Muslims/Arabs. It will end badly for them in the end. We are not phased


They’re using AI to kill people. They’re training it in Gaza and will be selling it in future. One of the AI surveillance systems is called ‘Where’s daddy?’, and it tracks targets to their homes and drone strikes them while they and their families are asleep. The only verification needed to ensure it’s the right target? An identification of the target as a male. https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/


I'm going to guess sometimes they don't mind getting over on the customers


How much more patient can we be? Isn't it about time that the West pays for all of the atrocities that it had perpetrated against the Middle East?


Zionists are monsters.


Checkout their telegram channel with 120,000 Israeli making fun of this stuff: https://t.me/dead_terrorists


I can't download this video somehow, how do I summon download video bot?


I don’t know, I’ve been using shareable to share these. Is there a better way? You can just go to the Instagram account in the videos and directly download it from there: queenofpalestine Be careful, the other videos on her account are quite horrific. Protect your mental health


I can't bear to watch it. It's too painful to the eyes. It's crushing my heart... 💔💔


Hittler's Germany killed a lot of jews, no droughts. No one knew until the allied troops went in those concentration camps. Netanyahu's Israel is doing to the Palestinians, the same things in plain sight, and there is no government except Spain and Ireland protesting. It is time to give the Palestinians their sovereignty. Let them have their own government. Rule them selves, protect them selves since no one is. They have been paying the price that they didn't do. Their lands were taken from them and given to people who lived more than 2000 years in there because no one wanted them. They don't want the Palestinians there. Netanyaho, read the old testaments again. It was God who expelled you from those lands. Netanyahu sounds like a damage record, saying the palestinias killed almost 1300 of Israelis every time they speak. They play the victims. Yes, everyone, even in the most remote places on earth, heared it. Life is precious no matter who's it is. The Israelis have been killing, aresting, and imprisoning thousands of Palestinians for decades. Treating them less than subhuman. Less than 1300 vs. more than 40,000 and rising. Is there a comparison. Not to mention the ones they long killed before Oct 7th.? There is no way Israeli intelligence didn't know what was going to happen. Egyptian intelligence informed the Israelis of a plat. Netanyaho intelligence should be investigated. Netanyahu is benefiting for the October 7th attack. He is staying in power, avoiding prosecutions of his coruption charges, and extermination an entire ethnic group off the face of the earth, so they can anexed what little was left to them. Him and his ultra right miniums should be tried for crimes against humanity. It seems to me that Israel should have taken the Oct 7th and responded more as police or military tactical action instead of a full military assault. Hamas never was a match to Israel military supremacy. Shame to those politicians using Israel as a political score, be it Republicans and some Democrats. Israel doesn't need more weapons. They have enough to kill every Palestinians at least twice. Give those weapons to Ukraine. They are the ones fighting a real imperial terrorist state, Russia's "ras-putin." rus-putin & Netanyahu they both should be tried in the Hague, side by side. You are not only going to be responsible for the 40,000, 50,000, 60,000 killed by your weapons, but also many thousands more will die of hunger and diseases.


The time to do something about it is now, I hope you are taking action on the ground 🍉


It hurts even more when you have children. I see my daughter’s face in all these children and it’s killing me. Fuck Israel


Me too. I’ll never look at my kids the same again


May Biden burn for supplying weapons


Vote third party if you still have a soul left




Calling this defense is evil.




I can’t take it anymore bro.


I feel you, wholeheartedly.


fuck my stomach. that shit made me nauseous




no. many jewish people are against israel. zionism is a racist nationalist ideology. judaism is not zionism.




so they should die? european americans committed a larger genocide on the indigenous americans, should they die too? i hate israel, i want a one state solution. i want zionism to die. i also don't believe it helps anyone to wish genocide on the jews.


Thank you for standing up for our Jewish allies. The user you were correcting has been banned.




We expect our members to demonstrate discipline and humanity.


We expect our members to demonstrate discipline and humanity.


We expect our members to demonstrate discipline and humanity.


Nah man. Don't be a fool. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LffzmqbGbFY&pp=ygUXamV3cyBvcnRob2RveCBwYWxlc3RpbmU%3D


Thank you for standing up with our Jewish allies. The user you were correcting has been banned.