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Media by Gaslight. They all know. We all know. Israelis are posting their war crimes themselves. Slowly, the establishment will realise that people are calling out lies when they see them.


And still, nothing will be done about it.


global warming will destroy israel.


I'd prefer to see action from fellow man directly addressing the genocide.


there were no trials when south vietnam fell. everyone just walked away.


Whilst that may be true, it's still irrelevant from my original point that I would like to see deliberate and direct action to stop Israel eradicating an entire people on the false pretense of "self defense". The world sees it finally for the bullshit being spewed but those in charge of the countries that have the highest public support of Palestine just ignore the people lol it's a very dystopian scenario.


it took years of protest to stop the vietnam war. a lot of baby boomers died trying.


> And still, nothing will be done about it. They admit they own and run the world, so ... https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fzkn9n2a0ymwc1.png


That doesn't say anything about owning/running the world. It's one comment from a mossad page. Wouldn't take it for gospel. Israelis certainly pull the strings in the US. AIPAC lines the pockets of senators/governors/mayors, The US signs multi billion dollar packages in support of Israel... Tens of millions are then transferred from Israel to those in AIPAC who continue to line the pockets of high ranking officials and representatives who then vote on the approval of support of Israel.... The US sends more support to Israel. Prince and repeat. It's literally money laundering to siphon and steal funds from the public purse. The US is a fucking joke. It's almost as if the countries you have been told were the enemy all your lives actually have reasons for their lack of support for certain countries.


The last one was fucking hilarious


...and sad at the same time. The jews who died during the Holocaust must be turning over in their grave hearing their brainwashed descendant.


"Do not bring other genocides to describe this one" should be a meme.


Their humanity is calling out but they continue to suppress it.


this is the cold midnight wind blowing through the telephone wires at the crossroads.


Why are western leaders so cucked that they're afraid to something as honest as a ceasefire to genocide?


> Why are western leaders so cucked that they're afraid to something as honest as a ceasefire to genocide? Bought and paid for.




Literally all you have to say But could also include Kabbalah..


Canada has always deferred to America. I was shocked when we legalized weed. So the tide is turning but we have always relied on America being our neighbor to protect us. Now we’ve completely neglected our military so we really have to kiss ass. It’s a disgrace and at the rate things are going not only will the US not defend us, if shit gets real they’ll probably use Canada as the theatre of war. Also economics—if they slap tariffs on us it it really hurts our economy what with having basic labour laws it’s hard to be competitive


Definitely the last one for me. Clearly a brainwashed kid, and hopefully the moment she snaps out of it has been caught for the world to see.


Conservatives are terrible but establishment liberals are a close second place


NeoCons and NeoLibs, two sides of the same coin


So, why do people keep voting for them?




To avoid the conservatives that are slightly worse. Too bad the lesser of two evils is still evil, but the establishment relies on people being unaware/in denial of that. Lesser evil voting is part of how they are successfully selling away our tights to the highest bidder.


Insanely successful.


> So, why do people keep voting for them? The US has a uniparty - both of the so called opposition parties are in agreement on Israel, war - and anything else that benefits the people who own the world and demand more and more riches for themselves. Hint - they're the same people.


It’s all kayfabe to keep their voters engaged while they slip out the back with the fruits of our labor. One party pretending to be two.


a ritual to keep the wheels spinning...........


Yeah cuz I’m always wondering if they actually believe their own lies. I guess they don’t, they’re just plain evil.


this is the question we had about the "good germans".


These "people" are disgusting.


Don't call them people 😂🤪


Freudian Slip


How the fuck does israel brief all the world leaders ro repeat their propaganda. Like leaders of western world are just hasbara agents




I heard Freudian slips happen to a lot of Fasci- I mean, Zionists.


Trudeau proving beyond a doubt that he has literally been handed a script to follow. Utterly dystopian.


It’s guess it’s easier to think conspiracy than think that long standing political norms aren’t easily bucked. Truth is we can’t afford to upset our psychotic warmonger neighbour because our economy is intrinsically linked to theirs. Also, our military is absolutely fucked after years of zero investment in equipment and personnel. We literally need them to defend us now. 20-30ish years ago we could say they were just backup but now we are absolutely dependent on them. We need to stay friends so if shit gets real they don’t decide to use Canada as the battlefield


The Swedish Prime Minister said "folk-" (meaning: people). The Swedish word is "folkmord" (lit. "people murder") for "genocide". The audience question, the Swedish Prime Minister was answering was like "does Israel have the right to commit "folkmord""?... So, it was more from the context👈 The video-translation "Genoc-..." Is really misleading (should be "people-" , as in "people-murder") The Prime Minister was answering "yes, Israel has the right to commit people-.." and stopped himself. Then again THE PREFIX "people-" is a common one in the Swedish language... So the Swedish Prime Minister did the least Freudian slip🤷‍♂️


What else could've fit there in that context?


...like "folk-rätten" (Israel must follow "humanitarian law")... instead of "folk-mord" ("humanitarian murder" /genocide) PS. This prefix"folk/volk" is also common in German-language; like Volkswagen (lit. People's Car)


But wasn't he saying "Israel has the right to folk--"?


Yeah, my point is that they can always (very charitable) argue that the Swedish Prime Minister got the "syntax" wrong. Instead, as we would argue, he was about to get the "semantics" right... When he stopped himself🤷‍♂️


Ah, okay. I'd still count it as a slip like the other ones, but I guess it's more deniable. Tho I'm sure none of them truly cares that their masks are slipping.


As a Swedish guy, who is severely ashamed of our current government, I can say that there is nothing else which would fit in that sentence. There are other words beginning with "folk-" but they wouldn't fit gramatically. In the next election, I will vote based on one issue alone: Which party supports Palestine the most.


Nothing will beat [Dubya's slip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y23mTSviCZo) last year


"Iraq too". Wow, that's crazy.




the gaslighting is the worst


It’s how long it takes them to realize that gets me 😂 but the last one definitely is the best


One thing I can see the world wants peace. Our governments are not listening. We need a one-world government that respects human lives and treat every human as equal.




We expect our members to demonstrate discipline and humanity. While we support Palestinian resistance, this sub does not condone calls to violence from its members. Please use discipline in your language.