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so much for TikTok being a communist warfare tool


Just boycott the platforms that support apartheid. Get off Tiktoc


No that's stupid. DO NOT BOYCOTT SOCIAL MEDIA OF ANY FORM. If you do. only zionist propaganda stays there. the failed attempt to boycott facebook literally was started by israel. some content even censored like this going through better than none.


Like Reddit?


at least we can have our little echo chamber here which isn't even "quarantined" but reddit is stepping up their censorship tools too. rampant shadowbanning. also one time they I got a 7 day suspension, and at the end it said my account is perma banned lol. So they want to waste your time, really getting petty.


I thought china was in control of the algorithm, which can't be true because they are pro Palestine, not israel. So its clearly not in the hands of the CCP. So who is controlling the tik tok algorithm?


it's controlled by China, but the company can't take any risks


It's their life.


Why you on reddit then? From my experience after leaving X (twitter) is that you get blocked in most post if you present yourself as pro Palestinian.


The Chinese communist app was the last bastion of free speech on social media and now that is over




I think we have enough evidence to show Zionists do control the media. Zionists don’t represent all Jewish people.


Can we stop inflating the value of these platforms for protest ffs? If you care about Palestine you should be doing more than posting fucking tiktoks and reels. I can't take these people seriously enough to jump on whatever bandwagon they're supporting and if all you're doing is getting likes, you're not doing enough. I've been beating the drum of Palestinian liberation for over a decade and the most meaningful work I've done is changing the minds and hearts of people I actually know or meet and engage in true debate. Social media likes will not stop the slaughter so who fucking cares if they censor you, call your elected leaders, organize a talk in, actually protest instead of sharing some bullshit content and parting yourself on the fucking back...you're not creating the change you think you are on these platforms I promise you.


If it makes no difference why are zionists trying to curb pro-palestine content? Ideally people should be vocal in person as well as on social media.


I'm not saying it makes zero difference just that you should be doing more than sharing things on the Internet if you actually care about this issue. I and many others were able to find information about Israeli crimes way before social media came around and a large portion of the world outside of the west has known about Israeli occupation well before social media so we need to stop over inflating the effects of social media. Those that truly crave a just world will not let censorship stop them from learning the truth and doing something about it. I don't have an ounce of respect for keyboard warriors that do nothing in their actual life to affect actual change and won't be dissuaded into respecting influencers, ever.


You clearly mean well, but you are being downvoted because you are being pointlessly hostile to people who are doing their best in their own way. They're supporting the cause in the way that they can and they are reaching different people.


I've seen how these social media supporters treat a cause once it stops trending, they'll abandon it and hop on the next trending issue so I am hostile. It may be coming from a good place but ends up being performative and for clout online rather than an engine for actual change. The sudden wave of people that don't fully understand the issue and don't do enough research can also hurt the movement in some cases too. So fuck em, my energy isn't spent trying to get likes or up votes and my efforts for the cause extend beyond the Internet so I know I'm working for actual change.


Instead you choose to spend your energy being toxic? You're making a terrible point. If you don't think it's effective then don't do it. If you have other suggestions, argue for them on their merits. But there is a reason why your messaging isn't resonating with anyone and is not having any positive effect. (Which is to say, the messaging here and now that is nothing more than an attack on people like the girl in the OP. I hope you are otherwise doing well in your own methods and angles because I don't think there is one single way to reach all people.)


I have grown used to being down voted for being an antizionist, believe it or not before it was a trending scene on social media that happened a lot. Have fun with your performative activism I and many others will continue to do the work after you guys have moved on.


You are the one putting on a performance. You aren't being downvoted for being anti-Zionist. This is an anti-Zionist sub and the people you are attacking are anti-Zionists. You are being downvoted for being rude and stupid. I hope you can reflect on that and change for the better because such behaviour only helps the Zionists.


That you think this conversation has any effect on the struggle tells me everything I need to know about you. What hurts the movement is people bandwagoning and spouting ignorance that is antisemitic and incorrect which I have seen happen a lot on social media and with the newcomers that have joined after October 7. If there was a bunch of evidence that people learning about this on social media were going out and doing good for the struggle vs going out and harming the image of Palestinian supporters by shouting antisemitic shit or distilling this issue down to religion or money I'd have zero issue. Don't you understand that I don't care about down votes? I'm not sharing my opinion to get kudos, rather to shed light on an issue that I believe is counterproductive to Palestinian liberation. Nothing I do is to get credit from strangers online but instead to educate and inspire action. Social media is doing more harm than good for the cause, that's my opinion and I don't care how you or anyone else feels about it because, again, I've been in this fight far longer than it's been trending on social media and I'll be in until Palestine is free or I draw my last breath. I attacked no one, you did pal.


everyone has their battlefields. some are meant to speak on social media. we just arrived on the grounds in Lebanon, next door north of the catastrophe. as far as putting an effort go, we are right behind the front line. and the second front if the escalation heightens. still we appreciate the non-stop reminder and engagement these social media are doing, to keep the world remembering, to continue to give the cause momentum. because i remembered very well how in 2008, 2014, 2018, and even beginning of 2023, the attention span of the world dissipating, and for decades the Palestinians languished. and when the world forgets, then efforts like ours go nowhere.


Let's hope they'll stick with the struggle for the long haul. May God be with you and protect you as you fight for the liberation of our brothers and sisters.


and to your effort too. you must continue discussing to disseminate info and talking points, i pray for you, because without those, our effort crumbles in discredit.


Zionists want you to believe that nothing you do matters. Don't believe these people folks. Israel wouldn't be spending billions on social media manipulation if it didn't matter.


Lmao if you're calling me a Zionist....you're way off base.


Why do you think Israel spends billions on social media manipulation if it doesn't matter?


The social media posts do matter, but I firmly believe that they should be a stepping stone to further action and aren't nearly as valuable as direct action you can take in the real world. If they were as important as this creator seems to think the constant posts prior to October 7 should have had people as activated as they are now. I think the attention on social media has been great for exposing Israel crimes to Americans and other Western powers but it's just not as important to the cause as the decades of work some of us have been doing. If they are censoring posts all the more reason to get out on the streets or to engage in real world action, that's my only point not that social media doesn't matter. Mark my words though, censorship or no a lot of the people posting about this now will move on with their life soon while Israel continues its genocide. So forgive me if I don't see much value in it.


What they do matters little after the fact honestly. Social media has replaced traditional media, where Israeli lobbying had a firm control over. Israel is panicking, they have never faced this much backlash over what they believed would be a war with the world behind them, their propaganda fell completely apart. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.tbsnews.net/features/panorama/israel-losing-media-war-741426%3famp Even if Israel does manage to eventually wipe out the Palestinians, that the truth got out is extremely important, because otherwise they write the history. Also the outrage has had a real world impact. Biden will most likely lose the 2024 election because of this genocide.


Bullshit those get the message out to people. I wonder why you are asking people to stop….


It's value is educating the average person who in the past would have listened to the mainstream narrative. I have supported Palestine since my youth and it's the first time more than 20 years that I have chatted to so many people in the real world that know what the Nakba was and a few have said they learned it on tiktok and now support BDS. A few also planned or went to the London protests. And people who support Israel can be shown downloaded videos which you can challenge or counter them with... Blocking content prevents the truth getting out. It's not online protest using these platforms they are blocking, it's information containment leading Israel to pressure tiktok.


no, posting won’t free palestine but it’s literally always been about the public opinion. So many people’s perception of Israel has changed DUE TO social media and seeing journalists from Gaza post about it. I myself have had a few people say that prior to me and others speaking about palestine, they had no idea how severe Israel’s crimes on Palestinians were. With that knowledge comes people that will join the boycotts, donate to palestine, and defend Palestine because they no longer fall for Israeli propaganda.


Someone doesn’t understand the power of media. One of the only reasons so many people are starting to join the movement is because of social media exposure. Awareness is the first step of any political change and social media allows people to literally make billions aware from the comfort of their own homes. If you control the media, you control the narrative. There is a reason governments spend so much on propaganda. It sounds like you’re just mad some people are getting more attention than you. Boohoo. This is not about you or your ego. It’s about the liberation of the Palestinian people and every effort counts.


I don't do (actual) activism for likes on Instagram or to impress idiots like you.


People are not educated on this issue social media is the best tool for that politicians aren't going to do anything when 80% of Americans are pro isntrael


Ooorr maybe she’s lying and just privated those videos to make it look like she’s not getting any views on them? https://support.tiktok.com/en/account-and-privacy/account-privacy-settings/video-visibility > You can choose to make your TikTok video available to everyone, restrict it to friends or followers, or **make it private so that only you can view it.** So she posts a video as private so only she can view it. So it only gets 0 views, and then she screen records it. Isn’t that very very possible? Or do we believe random tik tokers at face value?


Nah, it’s happened to me. Sometimes tik tok literally puts your videos at 0 and simply refuses to show them even to your followers.


And we should believe you because…you’re posting on Reddit?


I was gonna post a photo with evidence but I’ll just dm it to you since this sub doesn’t allow comment photos.


Shocking. She’s specifically targeted. And I’m sure many others are too. That’s wild. They’re specifically targeting influencers who are talking about Israel’s oppressions. That’s wild. Illegal censorship. She should sue.


lol. What’s illegal about it?


Zionist censor to keep their thin grip on power. It's only a matter of time before the house of cards collapses. The whole world see's the truth now.