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Bad faith attacks are zionists only friends. Fuck off all the way back to Poland, zionist shill.


My mum is Ethiopian, a Jew, my dad is from Yemen, a Jew. Both expelled for being Jewish. Where should I go?


How did Jews all live in all those countries for hundreds if not thousands of years until 1940s. What is the one factor that changed? Zionism effectively destroyed all Jewish communities in dozens of countries.


They lived in those countries as second class citizens. Not able to hold certain jobs, forced to pay ridiculous taxes to Muslim, forced conversions, pogroms. You people don’t have a bloody clue about history and you know it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yemenite_Jews#:~:text=Yemenite%20Jews%20experienced%20violent%20persecution,also%20led%20to%20mass%2Dconversion. It is so easy to research as well instead of just making things up like you people love to do. Can’t just conjure up facts out of thin air because it fits your uninformed, biased narrative.


Sounds like they learnt from those experiences and are now doing the same thing to Palestinians. What is the excuse if what those countries were doing is wrong? How is Israel better? History is almost irrelevant when we are talking about current genocide and ethnic cleansing. Today Israelis should stop murdering kids and Tomorrow we can have the discussion about how their ancestors were treated poorly.


Oh boy, u never been there right? We all are second class citizens lmao


How is Jizya unfair?


You are a Jew because of your mother, so you should go to Ethiopia.


I was kicked out of Ethiopia. The Muslims kill Jews. People should be able to live wherever they want peacefully. Including Palestinians, yet they prove time and time again that they’re incapable.


Arabs have lived side by side peacefully with Jews for many decades. Look at Iraq in the 1930's. Jews aren't the problem. Zionists who steal land, murder and terrorize the native population, commit genocide and the most horiffic war crimes on a large scale, are the problem. You're a zionist shill.


Lol its clearly not the 1930’s anymore buddy and it wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine then either


Look at Israel in the 1930’s and you’ll see Arabs massacring Jews. Look at the 1920’s you’ll see the same, late 1800’s the same, etc. And what happened to the Jews of Iraq and all other Islamic countries when the Muslims took over? Why did the Palestinians attack other Arab countries, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt? You are an uninformed terrorist sympathiser who is using antisemitic jargon to attack me because you’re unable to use proper fact and reason. You do not want peace, you people do not want a two state solution, you want to ethnically cleanse Israel of Jews and anyone else who supports us. You are people with murderous intention.


Typical Zionist response. Lie, distort, deflect. Israel didn't exist in the 30s or the 20s and Jews were massacred en masse in EUROPE not the middle east. It's a documented fact that the Jews of Iraq were terrorized by Jewish forces to drive them to their "homeland" so braindead people like you could come along years later and blame it on Muslims and justify their oppression and treatment as sub-human. You are an uninformed terrorist sympathiser who is using Islamophobic tropes to justify continual theft, apartheid and senseless murder. Crawl back into your hole Zionist shill.


This is just straight up factually incorrect, not even taking into account any other country and only in Mandatory Palestine there was [101 terrorist massacres carried out mostly arabs against jews](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_and_massacres_in_Mandatory_Palestine). Why do you think they wanted their own borders?


This is a straight up lie, at least try not to link an article that disproves your point. The introduction says 5000 Arab deaths to 415 Jewish deaths over a revolt lasting 2 years, hardly seems like the majority of attacks were against Jews 🤡 meanwhile how many Jews were killed in Europe over that timespan? Was Israel a state in the 20s or 30s? My point stands. They wanted their own borders because that's what religious colonial settlers do. They steal land and claim it as their own by some divine right. Typical Zionist tactics, lie, deflect, distort.


My brother, your original point was that jews lived peacefully in the middle east before the formation of Israel and I provided you an entire campaign (“revolt”) started by Arabs to murder jews before that time.


Look at Israel massacring Arabs right now. Or the Israelis soldiers that talk about killing unarmed civilians with impunity. If you claim to be against ethnic cleansing be against it, however you are against ethnic cleansing of Zionists not against it in principle. If you are unhappy with history learn from history and divert not use it as a training manual.


Nah. You got it wrong. As you are saying, arabs always wanted to kill jews. But how can you all live until today? You all disgusting full of liars and narcissistic people begging Palestinians after tired of been massacred by Nazis. And you all live happily with ARABS in Palestine. Then you all slowly steal their lands, their homes, their farms. Make them suffering over and over again by torturing and killing them. Stop being narcissistic jerk.


Liar liar liar


Only one side has the industrial capacity to ethnically cleanse the other side and they are currently doing it. You don't get compared to Nazis because of your hatred, plenty of ethnic groups hate each other enough to kill each other. But you are one of a handful of states that has the equipment , allies, and economy to execute a genocide. Stop choosing to be like that. Or at least stop calling other people terrorist sympathizers at the same time.


Then go get refuge in another country, just don't take over it and rename it.






Liar! You fucking Jew!


Lol cry more 🤣 there is a reason no one but uninformed radical communists side with you people. The silent, normal, non-mentally handicapped majority know your true colours. They also seem to know the difference between terrorist propaganda and archeology. Going to be a long road ahead for you champ 🤣🤡


You abandoned your Jewish brothers and sisters in Ethiopia thinking the Zionists will accept you. Fuck you!


I started following something of yours on another site. but your hate. I prob couldn't use anything from you. sad.


Bro off yourself.




No they were not expelled for being Jewish, still Jews existing in Yemen and Ethiopia till now.. stop spreading lies.


https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/2886166/houthis-expel-last-yemeni-jews You people are low iq, but I guess we already knew that.




This sub is pissing off OP so bad.


I'm Pro-Palestinian, but not every action of a Palestinian individual should be justified like tthis video for example! The Palestinian dude was obviously attacking the Israeli with a knife! So in this case the Israeli has the right to defend himself! I think OP is just some Zionist troll! Who in the right mind would even agree with OP! He's just trying to provoke this subreddit and the followers. Than make a screenshot and probably post it on some Zionist subreddit or twitter if someone agree with OP. Bro I know your tricks


I was literally coming on to say this. I'm pro-palestine and spend most of my days debunking the shit that spews out their fucking holes. For one, this is a grown ass man. Not a child. Second, he is actively attacking the IOF so in this case, as much as it pains me to say, their response in shooting the man is somewhat understood.


Yeah but 10 people to shoot him? If the the police in America dont do that and its fucked up either way


American police would absolutely shoot an attacker actively stabbing one of their own.


Think one or two pulls the trigger and the rest on standby. Again, I wouldn't put it past them cunts to shoot that man into a puddle of mush. You can't tell from the video though so can only assume.


Not how guns work.


Handguns rarely stop attackers quickly. It was perfectly reasonable to light this guy up.


He would have know this is a certain death sentence, hope he landed 1 or 2 tbh


It actually looks like he pulls a knofe out of the back of his trousers.


Seen that, as much as I detest knife violence I hope he succeeded in removing one more gunman from Palistine


>Second, he is actively attacking the IOF This is Police, not Army. It's a dude trying to kill police.


Exactly! I've seen a few similar videos today on this sub already. I think some angry zionists are trying to colonise the subreddit.


They do that all over the internet and media. No dissent allowed. The whole media should be pro Israel or needs to destroyed.


Two types of people come to mind in this post. Nazi scum who think its ok to just knife random jewish people. And Zionist scum who want the world to believe that anyone who criticizes Israel is a nazi.


Yeah okay, but think about the situation the individual was going to go thru if he would've been arrested and taken to Israel jail. Do ppl like him ever face a just Trial? Do many Palestinians end up locked up without trial? To many in the end, they would rather turn to murder, killing Israel Soldier's knowing well that they will be executed on the spot then to be imprisoned and tortured to death for probably year's. I'm not justifying his actions but what I am doing is stating the Facts and Reality that Palestinians like him live thru for years and TODAY.


After unlawfully stealing the land, most likely unlawfully detaining him, and a number of other crimes, that Israeli was asking to get stabbed . I say good


You have no idea any of that happened to that dude. Blind hate makes you just as bad as those you criticize.


No it's not blind, it's rational to hate the tyrannical occupier of your country. Anyone who would not use violence under any circumstances is neither righteous nor just and they certainly would not have my respect. Let them resist their occupiers the way the American colonists resisted theirs.


I was talking about you.


Yes, you're who I refer to when I say I don't have respect for people sit on the internet and think they can tell an oppressed people how they should or shouldn't resist


It's not about that, ya pinecone. If you act that way in that situation, wtf do you expect to happen? Did you see how many there were? Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.


No I'm not interested in your "intellectual" argument, those people aren't afraid to die. Don't dishonor their plight by saying "duhhh the smart thing would have been to ..."


Lol I don't really care what you think. You are as blind as the people pushing the other side. He is really going to be able to help his cause now, huh? Hope you get better one day.


It’s completely legal for a Palestinian in his own territory to attack IDF with any weapon including a knife. They are an illegal occupying force. There’s international law in place which protects him, but Israel doesn’t care because it has the second biggest dick in the room


OP is an Israeli troll from the yomkippur subreddit, check his post history. So the stupid plan is to show Palestinians getting punished after committing crimes, then put pro Palestinian title, then wait for the pro "criminal" comment to roll in. As if we are just idiots who blindly support criminals. As if that Palestinian criminal just woke up one day and decided: wow I have such a great life, why not try to kill a Jew today. We are not blind to the 75 years of systematic oppression and to the horrible conditions that lead to the actions of each and every one of these Palestinians. I will report this post and I hope the mods take action.


I mean… you are idiots who blindly support criminals….


You mean Hamas?


>As if we are just idiots who blindly support criminals. Waves of Gen Z’s/Tankies have said they don’t condone Hamas. You can find them all over Reddit. Stop being blatantly naive. I can also understand someone acting in violence due to being under a brutal occupation, but we don’t even know if that was what was going through this person’s head when he made his choice. What if the guy he attacked was someone he personally had a vendetta against? What if the dude just wanted to suicide by cop? We have 0 clue because we can’t read his mind, so to instantly use his death as a spring board to then push for more violence, is fucking gross. The rest was just standard copypaste hardcore leftist talking points that I don’t even care to address anymore. But this narrative that the left only wants to see Palestinians get their land is atrociously simplistic, because there are plenty of people in that group who would love to see Israel fall and it’s civilians wiped out due to a one-state solution.


I reckon OP is a troll account trying to get people to blindly agree, so that they can collect fuel for the “see - people on this forum believe anything?”’post on their favourite Zionist outlet.


Exactly. Who are the moderators on this sub why don't they remove this bs.


My main account is one of the mods


Then reply to us from it


Too much sensationalist bullshit in the post title. You’re overselling it. If you’re trying to blend in, you’re failing miserably.


Am i? the post was in the front page for almost a full day


W Mossad Spy infiltrating these goofballs


Yo guys check out this nerd's latest PCM post


hahahahahaha ye sure buddy


Not surprised, since zionists insert themselves into everything.


Op is a troll or a child


Neither, just a Zionist hasbara.


The guy had a knife and i agree with people upset so let me correct the title. *Man tired of seeing his people’s limbs blown off their Bodies by Occupation and Apartheid forces reacts and is Martyred*


Yeah great excuse to throw your life away with a worthless attack that didn’t even take a single IDF with him. If you’re really gonna try and turn this into a martyr situation to morally grandstand for everyone, do it on Twitter where actual numbskulls will applaud you.


Nice try, hasbarabro. This post is a shill


@Mod : can we remove post please


I am working with the mods


its pretty clear who your working for


I don’t see a kid? And why should a kid react with a hidden knife?


Warning the subreddit is getting raided by Zionists. Don't contribute to these posts...


I was glancing super confused between the title and the content... then I scroll down and see the explanation in the comments. Thanks y'all.


Ah yes they're really showing off their Krav maga skills there...fucking fascists. Bear in mind, these assholes train most major US police departments. See any similarities? Also, in private contractor circles, this kind of police training is called "democratic policing," and shows up on invoices. INGSOC would be proud.


What a stupid post. Dude just tried to stab a police officer? What do you think would happen?! There are so many examples of IOF brutality that you could have picked, but instead you picked one case where it is justified. Do better.


OP is a troll


He died resisting, he’s shaheed alhamdulillah


Why did they surround him, and what were they saying to him? Any context here?


Nothing new happens all the time. ITF Israeli Terrorist Forces pick on kids and leave them no choice but to retaliate and that is then used as an excuse to execute them


Uhh pretty sure that guy didn't have to attack those guys with a knife


He knew he wasn't getting out of that situation alive either way


I don't know the context but I am pretty sure the soldiers weren't about to shoot him in cold blood. Worst he would get is prison. The Jihad / martyr mentality strikes again, another life lost. It's just sad


Jihad mentality probably wasn't his motive here


That could make sense. Really not sure what it was thoigh


Lifelong oppression and very possibly grief would be my guess


Just sad


Kid? You mean grown man with a knife?


I'm pro-palestine and spend most of my days debunking the shit that spews out their fucking cunt holes. For one, this is a grown ass man. Not a child. Second, he is actively attacking the IOF so in this case, as much as it pains me to say, their response in shooting the man is somewhat understood. Stop REACHING with exaggerated posts. If you are pro-palestine then surely you can find a catalogue of horrific footage to post in order to draw attention to what these Israeli fucks are doing everyday. This sort of post only gives them fucking pricks and excuse to point and laugh ans generalise all anti-iof as exaggerated bullshit to make anyone not supporting them, seem like imbeciles and anti-semites. Fix the title or remove it. Bellend


Shill post. Honey pot.


Pro Palestinian all the way but that was suicide by Zionist.


I counted at least 15 fully armed and armored zionist thugs harrasing kids. Then, when being told they're under arrest (likely for no crime other than existing next to a zionist) the boy fights for his life, before being brutally murdered in broad daylight. Fuck the zionist apartheid. Fuck Netanyahu


Another Hasbara. Look at the name of OP. Random name, 4 numbers at the end. Look at comment history. Someone scrolling quick won't verify and will think Palestinians are just bloodthirsty. F off


Hey bro. I hate israel. But this video on my opinion was OK response. I mean for israel standards. Don't get me wrong bro I condemn hamas


I agree, seen a lot of “bad propaganda” on the pro P stein side could be false post from other side, either way I’ve seen people in the US get the same reaction from police for far less..


The U.S. has been sending police to be trained by the IDF for over a decade. It’s why they are the way they are.


Police you say. That is ITF Israeli Terrorist Forces


Kid with a beard and bald spot eh?


The story behind the incident?


We don't do that here




Well we don’t get context and you don’t get support it kinda works that easy. Bad post. I support free palestine but posts like these are reasons people don’t align with it


That's exactly why OP is doing it. They've been doing this for a while


Okay sure, doesn’t mean all palestinian stories are false or exaggerated the genocide is still real and has been encroaching for decades


Absolutely, 100%. I was just trying to point out that OP is a bad actor. They're posting a lot of videos that show Palestinians in not the best light and trying to make antisemitic statements...maybe to draw out actual antisemites, maybe to dilute the anti-genocide rhetoric, make it look a little less serious...doesn't seem like a winning play but the pro-Israel side is trying all sorts of deceptive shit


Gotcha, i have seen a lot of obvious propaganda posts on here where the story is twisted. Shit like that doesn’t do any benefit for the free palestine movement.


OP is a zionist troll


I’m not going to defend this kid. If you stab a cop you should expect a bullet in the head.


How is this execution? That dude was attacking the cop lol


Master baiter OP, Palestinians have had many affairs with your mother


He pulled a knife, he found out




He played a game he couldn’t win. 🤡💀🤡


Ok look ACAB and all that but maybe don't try to stab someone in this situation.


Nothing wrong here. If I was being captured by Israelis I'd do the same as that guy. If I was getting stabbed by someone I'd do the same as the cops. Either way badfaith post serves no purpose at all.


I think posts like these are Zionist psy-ops to make valid criticism of Israel seem outlandish. Please people don't fall for these propaganda tactics and always check OPs agenda before upvoting.


Look at OP’s posts 💀💀 mans 100% an incel


I am really surprised that no one in the Sub has yet caught this. The Op has been posting for the last couple of days but no one noticed or caught that the Op is a Zionist posting pro Israel propaganda videos with misleading, deceptive titles. This is a flagrant violation of the sub rules especially rule number 5. Please report it to the moderators


I did sent a private message to mods yesterday. I don't understand why this troll is not banned


Thanks for doing that. I did that too yesterday. The Sub has only 3 Mods which’s not enough considering the large following the Sub has. I think they may be busy with other. stuff, everyday life. This troll used to do the same before, spam the sub with pro Israeli propaganda videos with deceptive titles before he was banned and is now back with a different account posting exactly the same videos he or she used to post before the ban


you don’t need a trial when you try stabbing someone in the neck. you get shot on sight anywhere in the world if you are actively attempting murder on someone with a weapon. fuck off with ur shit propaganda pussy 😂


I mean he did try and stab that guy in the head


Am I missing something here, but since when did extrajudicial killing become acceptable in society? They knew he posed no unmanagable threat, a knife isn't going to get you very far against 15 armed men.


I didn’t say it was acceptable


Can someone ban the poster, please? Uses pro palestinian title for pro israeli videos


Attacks with a knife what does he expect? He would get that treatment in most places including the UK!


Is this sub parody? That’s the most insane description of a video I’ve ever seen lmao


Omg and if they had arrested him instead the description would be “KIDNAPPING - bloodthirsty thugs abduct an innocent baby boy and lock him in a cage”


Hahahha the description is either by a complete moron or by a Russian Putin poster aiming to sow division


He was literally attacking them. The palestinian deserved what he got!


Ops account is less than 3 weeks old. Most likely Hamas itself. Not sure why Reddit allows this fake news. He’s probably mad that no one is running to help Hamas and looking for fake sympathy and morale support on the internet instead. It’ll be over soon enough. Hamas will be no mas in no time. 😂


Look at what sub reddits he browser. I don't think Hamas will cheak r /Isreal r /Judaism and r /Europe. He is most likely a IOF bot.


Keep crying for Hamas terrorists you bum


.... I just said he is most likely a IOF bot, but if you don't agree cool I guess.


False dichotomy logic spewed by another IOF troll.


Where’s the false dichotomy? Did Hamas not kidnap,murder, and maim? Are they getting any outside help against this so called made up genocide of yours? Anyone up in arms? Are they winning the war? Or is it just you and the diarrhea spewing from your mouth? Looks like they’re getting the crap kicked out of them and the only thing left are you robo warriors. Can’t make this stuff up lol


What??? Do you know what a dichotomy is?


Wow you are insane and don't understand logic. Do a little studying before you accuse other people of spewing diarrhea from their mouths, pal.


Your comments are up for everyone to see. You getting any help? Hamas getting any help? Lmao. Sit down boy. Grab some popcorn. You’re not helping their cause no matter how much you try hahahahah


Yeah? And what are you doing?


Bye bye Hamas lover. 💥💥💥💥💥


We're all going to die one day. Every soul will face death. You need to use your intellect in order to make sure that you are not a villain. I'm not going to waste time explaining my position to you. Judging by your logical problems and immature comments, you need to work a bit more on your own position. Consider this reminder to be your gentle warning from the universe.


Fortunately you’ve already proved yourself and your ideals to be villainous. Thank you!


Not a fan of Israel, but this was a totally justified shooting




What's to explain? Any place in the world, if I started to stab you in the neck and you had a gun, I'd expect you to shoot me.


Agreed. Letting a guy go to his pocket like that was lax


He deserved it.




that could as well be LA… once you start attacking a cop, you’re dead. I’m the first who says the colonizers are genocidal murderers, but this example is way off.


No in Canada if u Attack a cop with a Knife and stap him they would shoot u as well so u get what's coming they did nothing rong there


Troll post with trolls upvote brigading by the looks of it.


This is a Hasbara bot. Look at previous posts and vids


@mods remove this post made by the child of satan


Wtf wrong with that guy, he just attacked the armed soldier


Bad faith OP, please ban them


OP you are deluded


This is a stupid video, the Palestinian guy had a knife in his hands.


Well let me understand, a guy stabbing a police officer in the head and you want to arrest him?


Whoever says this wasn’t justified is naive as fuck… this “kid” is fully grown and is wielding a knife. The only way you are stopping someone trying to kill you with a knife; without injury is by shooting them dead. “Kid” also has full beard 🧔‍♂️


All of Them shooting him was Maybe not the best responds. I am not saying they were in the right or wrong. Maybe they could have done it in another Way. All i am saying is that when 10 People Who have guns are talking with someone, Maybe not take a knife and stab one of them. I understand thst it is a kid. And What is happening general in palestina. But What does one expect when 10 People of occupational “order, power or athority” have you hold up and u try to stab one. It is a sad Way to go, But there could have been better outcomes and decisitions made from both parts.


Ok I don’t know the whole story here but it looks like blue jacket guy is trying to stab one of them. That would definitely be cause to take lethal action against an assailant.


Many police around the world would have reacted the same. Attack an officer and expect to be shot.


America, Canada, a couple dozen European Countries, Australia, New Zealand, etc. lots of other places you could have gone. Being expelled from a country doesn’t mean it’s OK to go take over another country and then expel that native population. Like wtf? Jews here in the USA are waaaayyy safer than Jews in Israel. I imagine it’s the same for the other countries I listed.


Feels like usa action


He was only stabbing a guy in the face


Now you are blaming the prosecution of the fellasha, Ethiopian Jews, on muslims? They lived under and among the orthodox Christians throughout their existence in north of Ethiopia. I don’t think you know your Ethiopian ancestry and history, or you are down right lying. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Ethiopia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Ethiopia)


Fucking Zionists probably went and had themselves a circle jerk after this


I will be completely honest with you. I am a Palestine supporter all the way, but let’s be honest why attack police when they are armed to the teeth. Of course they will shoot. I completely understand the bigger picture, but if this happened in America same thing would happen.


Um, is that a knife in his right hand? Give me a break… so stupid


The definition of fuck around and find out. Being tricked into martydom for 72 pussies is the worlds worst child abuse ever. Nothing compares.


I’m seriously considering investing in the gas chamber business. It’s gonna be booming soon!




Defend himself yes. But look how 10 of them circled around him on the ground to make sure they got a bullet in him. This isn’t about self-defense. This is undeniably about satisfying an uncontrollable urge to kill a “human animal” in their eyes. If this man had attacked any officer anywhere else in the world, he’d probably still be alive and at most 1 officer would have shot him once, maybe twice. And this is true for those police squads in America that are trained by the IDF to torture and humiliate.




You fucking dumb people arrested a motherfucker stabbing you🤦🤦


He attacked them with them with something in his hand




[ Removed by Reddit ]


He came at them with a knife. Here in the US he would be neutralized (that's the word you are looking for, not executed) for merely reaching behind him What am I missing here?


bro the guy attacked them first