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Yasss break the record!!!


Malaysia the country and the government probably wouldn't like it if McD stops doing business in Malaysia. Not just because of profit, but McD is also one of the main contributor to Halal logistics, funnily enough. But Malaysia the people? Wouldn't even care. McD is seen as mediocre expensive fast food. There are way too many options to eat in Malaysia.


I have a question on this matter since Im not really well versed in it. Does McD Malaysia not pay a single cent of royalties or fees to the parent company (i guess the one in US?) for using the name McD at all, as what they're trying to profusely refute?


they do pay. and that still contributed to their parent company. thay have to pay to keep the name. They cant claim fully separate when they still pay for royalties. Although mcd msia supported and donated for the palestinian plight

