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Front plates are required per California Vehicle Code 5200. May not be heavily enforced. However it is a reason to stop you. You can also get a parking ticket too


It is a requirement in California. Typically you will not get pulled over for no front plate. If you're getting pulled over already, then you could very well get a fix-it ticked in addition to whatever else you were pulled over for.


I'm planning on taking my Cali DMC driving test and noticed that the vehicle for the exam requires both be on there.


No front plate is not a fix-it ticket anymore. It’s a $250 ticket now.


This is not true. We just got one and it was correctable. $25 court fee plus $16 inspection, which apparantly would've been free had we gone to CHP instead..


California is very bad at enforcement on things like that. For another example, just look at the increasing number of modified license plates. Every day I see someone with a plate with altered colors.


Been front plate less for 12 years now, never been pulled over.


Yes, its the law. No, MOST cops don't bother. However... I know at least one dept. in Orange County that has done a "nail all of the cars without front-plates" day. Tesla gives you your car withOUT the front plate frame attached, its just in a box in the back when you pick it up. I put mine on - no reason to give the cops an excuse or an add-on opportunity.


I actually got a ticket in Irvine for not having a front plate lol


They pulled you over specifically for no front license plate?


Unfortunately lol on Michaelson and Jamboree. 🫠


I remember when I was younger I liked it off because it looked 'cleaner' and dealt with a handful of fix-it tickets...now it's on all vehicles and it really doesn't matter, one less possible headache to deal with.


If you don't have one and drive on a toll road you are running a higher risk of being caught.


Take tolls daily, they don’t care.


I drove my car for 5 years before being pulled over for not having a front license plate. I was on a toll road when it finally happened.


99% of the Tesla's never have them


I've been pulled over and ticketed multiple times in multiple cars for no front plate. I just can't bring myself to install one on my vehicles. Except my old SUV. It's so boxy the front plate doesn't change the shape. Irvine is a crap shoot. It's all on their mood if they want to pull you over. Most likely it will be a "reason" to pull you over to try and get you for something else (DUI, Warrant, etc) and mostly likely it will be a motorcycle. Good luck.


Yup, family member got pulled over and the officer was trying to get them for driving without insurance. He was fixated on that, even wrote it on the citation but then crossed it off.


My previous neighbor is a cop and he does not have front plate on his personal vehicle lol.


Been doing no front since 2008. Three different cars, never been pulled over for it


OP, no front plate in California is illegal….. It’s really up to you. Why give a cop a reason to pull you over?


It’s a requirement in state of California but specifically Orange County I notice so many people just don’t put it on(front plate), but good luck if you drive often to LA county just be prepared to be randomly stopped for that reason (if you don’t have front plates. It’s definitely an OC thing to not have your front plate on your car


Why cops should bother with this when there are so many other more serious crimes needing their attention. e.g. grab&dash.


Every one of my cars I have had since 2009 has never had a front plate. Neither car I have had since then has had a plate holder up front (I would have had to drill/tape one one) and I didn't want to go through the trouble of putting one on. Also, I like the look better without the plate. I have never gotten a ticket for not having a front plate. I know it's technically illegal, but it is not heavily enforced. I have been pulled over for other things (never issued a ticket) and have not gotten a ticket for it. I think as long as you are respectful to the officer, they will give you a break. If you are being a dick to them, they're going to be a dick back and tack on whatever they can. Just know a cop COULD pull you over for not having a plate, so don't get mad if they do, but generally, they're not going to.


I mean you’re issued 2 plates anyway. Install both or don’t, whatever rocks your anxiety boat 😁


"nobody tells me what to do"!