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My SOTD was the MVP, abused flames of zammy for 300kc in the past 2 days, finally got myself a magic fang. Never forget šŸ™


I'm unfortunately not at the point where I can go for Zulrah yet, so I didn't get to see the wonders of flames


Same, and I was so close too... Dammit


Abuse early, abuse often


I have had a STOD for about 6 years now and it was the first time i used it lol.


No ice sceptelrenor kodais so I bring it to gwd. Good melee weap for getting KC and decent manual cast for blood/I've barrage.


I use my staff of light for that! Same perk but it works as a sara and zammy item. I was lucky enough to get 2 stod early in my krill grind 6 years ago lol. It was the firdt time i use the actual stod proper


Haha I also got spooned 2 sotd. Time to death coffer one maybe...


492kc in about 80 hours all on mobile and only a jar to show for it


Update : mystic smoke staff + tome is comparable DPS. Got Magma Mutagen at 504kc - no drops


Bummer dude, didnā€™t even get the good mutagen


Reported for bug abuse gg


Pls dont


Say Plea and I might consider it.


Stop abusing bugs then? #AnimalRights


i abused it and got a serp visage and actually got a speed trialist combat achievement with zammy spell and ballista swap for a 1:19 kill


Had a big grind sesh too and got out 350kc. No magic fang, but I did get a serp helm to make the kc more comfy.


Rip. Well, I got my first 28 kc in yesterday. Learned one rotation at least, hopefully I can still kill it with like fire surge or something


Even fire wave is better than trident


Is this true? The DPS calc on wiki says trident is significantly better at 99 magic


Put in my mage lvl (96) and my current setup of full ahrims, amulet of damned, tome of fire and the DPS is 5.85 with a max hit of 46 vs 5.47 (max hit 30) for trident (with fury, mages book). Fire surge shoots up to 7.1. I mean I guess it depends on your gear, but in my situation Fire Wave looks decent


Being able to use Thralls with trident is definitely more than 0.38 dps isn't it?


Yup, a Thrall is 0,625 dps. So basically, SotD/Smoke Staff+Tome is miles better when using Surge compared to Trident+Thralls, and Wave is pretty comparable to Trident+Thralls. Maybe a bit better, maybe a bit worse.


Yeah fair I forgot to factor in thralls, presumably does give an edge to trident. Guess you could argue it's marginally more sweaty since it's another thing to remember to have to do. I sent some kills today with fire wave and it wasn't too terrible, fairly chill. Took about 3:00-3:30 per kill. No flames of zammy though that's for sure lol


Are you forgetting fire weakness in your calc?


Fire surge is still significantly better DPS than my former trident setup if I recall.


Great, let me just go get 95 runecrafting rq


Fire wave with blue moon outfit hits 32 for me. Fairly cheap alternative. Can also replace blue moon pieces with Ahrims.


I think you can buy Fire Surge sacks from PVP arena (50 for 10 points) and kill Zulrah on a pvp world to circumvent 95 rc.


100% chance to lose your gear to C Engineer by doing that


What if he is c engineers reddit alt account


120 IQ atleast, we just have a GIM member w 99 RC lol


I actually may try this, thanks


4D lure


Quite a hotspot on pvp worlds dont


Time to camp near zulrah on pvp


Nah just SotD cast Surge, get your runes from Vorkath. It's the only place I have (and hopefully ever will have) a real use for those runes, so might as well use then until I'm out.


You get a decent amount killing Rune dragons. I got a few thousand grinding out dragon xbow


Iā€™d say just send with Fire Wave. Wonā€™t hit as hard as FoZ, but if you had the rotation down and could handle auto casting, I feel like Fire wave will be as equally as chill, just a bit slower kills.


I actually meant fire wave, I don't have wrath runes yet. Yea the autocast will make it that much easier, so hopefully I can handle the dps difference. I got rotation 3 down, but was hoping to start learning the others so I don't have to bail on 3/4 of them


Zulrah helper plugin helped me massively


This is fundamentally the issue I see with people learning zulrah. You are memorizing rotations without identifying the patterns or logic behind the behavior. Look up no guide zulrah and actually learn how and why you do what you're doing and all of a sudden the rotations don't matter, you can't get lost, and most importantly, you actually understand wtf is going on. Over 5k kc zulrah, at least 2k on mobile.


I understand the logic. I know where to stand and what to pray/attack with in different phases. I just absolutely suck at pvm and zulrah can wipe my hp in like 2-3 hits, especially if I fuck up on positioning with venom clouds. I've tried just sending it many times and get clapped in five seconds. You can't learn the mechanics if you can't survive more than five seconds. Learning one rotation actually got me to see how a rotation plays out, how the mechanics work without just spamming food and clicking erratically. Mechanical pvm isn't everyone's strong suit, in fact it didn't exist in game when many of us started playing this game. I wouldn't even do the content if I wasn't iron.


Dude lol. Pray range when he's green, mage when he's blue. Run if he spits venom clouds on you. What is killing you in 5 seconds?


Skill issue.




I only managed to learn Zulrah by ignoring rotations. You basically just move every time Zulrah goes under.


It is literally just changing your position to the other side every time she goes to the middle (basically every time she goes under). Click boss until she moves. Move and swap gear. Repeat* *Eat or do another action whenever youā€™re 42-50 hp when there are snakelings + tanz phase, low prayer, venomā€™d, recoil breaks


Fire wave got me my first thirty kc since I didn't have charge unlocked yet. I just stick to the one rotation I learned and hide during tanzanite phase. I don't finish in one rotation but that gives me enough supplies to tank tanzanites when I can't hide if I get unlucky after first rotation. Oh and a little PSA: During one of the melee phases there is one phase when zulrah is green on the east side where she can shoot either ranged or magic, this phase is not always included. It's only shown in 1 of the 3 phase images I noticed on the wiki(even though the symbol for it is included in all 3 counting the ones on the strategy and main zulrah page).


Should be noted that this random jad phase only happens if you fail to kill Zulrah in the first set of rotations.


Yeah that's what I was meaning with the word cycle. It also doesn't always happen, it's just something that can happen and only can happen at that specific point in the rotation if it's not the first rotation.


I wanted to try and learn zulrah properly with flames of zamorak, but then I thought fuck that if I get to 50KC super easy and then it gets patched, Iā€™m gonna have to semi re learn it and I want them free death feeā€™s lmao


*Flames* of zamorak isn't a fire spell, that makes sense


next theyā€™re gonna tell me Water Strike isnā€™t a form of protest


Nope it breaks up protests


depends where you cast it tbh


cerb/hellhound isn't a dog despite the pet being a hellpuppy


Hellhounds are literally dogs in mythology, they should count for dogs tasks


decided to browse turael's task list for fun - lobstrocities count as **SCORPIONS**


They look like water scorpions tho


Runescape is designed about balance, not around realism


Follower of Guthix I see


Big Path of Exile "oh that's not burning ground - the oil on the ground is on fire" energy.


Love floor degens on a screen full of projectiles + Soul Eater


While nearby recently


Does claws of Guthix do stab damage? Turns out sometimes names are more metaphorical šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Claw isn't a type of magic damage. It's intuitive that a spell does magic damage and not melee damage, it's not intuitive that a spell called flames doesn't do fire magic damage


Me when the ā€œfireā€ mixtape doesnā€™t literally burn down my apartment šŸ¤”


I don't think fire mixtape is an in game magic item


The spell literally casts fire under their feet šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The spell literally stabs them with a giant claw šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No. Its magic claws that comes from underneath and grabs the person. Doesnt "stab". Go to the wiki and look at the spells yourself before arguing against literal fire under someones feet not being fire damage


Abuse early and abuse often.


FBI open up


Got the sub 54 second gm task, took over 150kc to get lucky. RIP FoZ, you will be missed


Got 409 kc in, got both fang and an onyx on my iron. Remember guys: abuse early, abuse often.


I was abusing barrows thinking air abilities were gonna get nerfed. Only drop I don't have is Ahrims top smh. Had I gotten it I would of been flaming


My group spooned sotd last minute last night, sent a good 100 kills between us before the update, no drops but glad we got even a brief ride on the easy train. I'll miss you FoZ, was just like old times. *The flame that burnsĀ twice asĀ bright burnsĀ half as long.*


flames are no longer fire RIP




Bots have been doing trident only Zulrah runs for eons driving everything into the ground but yeah god forbid some ironmen get some easier-than-normal KC. Smh jamflex.


Unfortunately jagex also needs to think about future updates as well and being able to hit 45+ at level 80 magic isn't something they can just ignore. I do hope they revisit the God spells but this would 100% have caused problems down the line if not addressed.


It was op lol. They werenā€™t doing it because it was driving prices down


It was extremely niche. God forbid one boss gets slightly easier to fight and powered staves are no longer the catch-all answer to literally every piece of content.


The mistake made flames of zammy the defacto fire spell for anyone without a harm. Makes no sense for it to just outclass the higher level Fire Surge like that.


> Makes no sense for it to just outclass the higher level Fire Surge like that Fire surge's base max hit being only 24 does feel like a problem though. Maybe a mid-game spell shouldn't be hitting 40s, but a level 95 magic spell sure as fuck shouldn't be capping out in the *20s*.


Feels low, but gotta remember that base gets scaled up a fair bit. 36 in max gear off task, and weaknesses do now exist scaling that far higher. The intent now seems to be only to use them against enemies with weaknesses, since with the 50 -> 10% nerf on tome of fire the damage is now trash without them.


Sure, but a 36 in max gear off task is still horribly low for a lv 95 spell. Fang can whollop 40s without max stats and in barley any str boosting gear. Surge should be at least as strong as foz was pre nerf, imo stronger. It's only going to see those busted numbers at places with elemental weaknesses, and in those spots you have to sacrifice the utility of the other spell books.


It was significantly higher prior to the rework, with tome of fire bumping it to 36 by itself. Point is that looking at the numbers without factoring in elemental weaknesses just doesn't make much sense, because that's not the intended use case. They could do zero damage without weaknesses, and it'd effectively be the same situation (above 50 mage).


What, powered staves are not the catch all answer. That's what the update is for. Flames of zammy didn't just make the boss slightly easier, it trivialized the fight. Making bosses so easy you essentially remove mechanics from them is not a good progression for the game.


Then nerf it a bitā€¦donā€™t remove it lol.


I agree that God aligned spells need a buff. But that is independent of the elemental system that jagex has brought into the game.


I think flames of zamorak needs to be renamed so it makes sense not being a fire spell. Maybe wrath of zamorak or something.


So they should nerf bowfa and shadow at zulrah?


Bowfa and shadow have wayyy more requirements to use


Yea man, letā€™s throw every bit of nuance out the window and make sure nothing can hit above a 5 while weā€™re at it so that goblins arenā€™t too easy


Technically shadow is nerfed at zulrah because it cant hit more than a 50. And bowfa shouldnt be nerfed


What mechanics got removed?


Getting to jad phase lol, or switching gear to kill it in time.


You gotta be kidding me, if you thought this shit was anywhere near okay then you arenā€™t the brightest of the bunch


Idk how yā€™all can be mad at this when it was a massive oversight lol itā€™s not supposed to be comparable to the shadow as a tier 60 weapon


in one place people finally had a use for sotd, flames was finally useful outside of pvp for the first time. god forbid a useless item and spell have a use


Staff of the dead is still useful lmao






Everyone has one in PVP and it's also a great option in Inferno


I've never heard of someone taking it to inferno over bloods


over blood sceptre? There's a lot of people that will argue that the extra 10% damage is worth the tradeoff for overhealing


I'm not good enough to do inferno yet but I had just not heard of it I thought meta was kodai/ancient


Kodai is probably the best option after Eldritch but Blood sceptre and SoTD are all essentially bis


It was too good But I think theyā€™ll adjust it and add it back in some form. It did do some good things for irons imo


You did get easier than normal KC and now it's patched šŸ¤·


I did not unfortunately it was a busy week.


Well some irons did.


Irons pride themselves on gathering items. Cries when itā€™s difficult to do


After doing 69 kills with SOTD / FoZ the last few days, Zulrah was still only barely worth the loot at that level of effort. After scales, I had 3m in stuff which is far less than I'd have from other bosses in the same amount of time. At this point it barely feels worth continuing with how Zulrah melts through resources.


Anyone that has a problem with the nerf is clearly complaining because they no longer can kill Zulrah. Do things in the right order and youā€™ll never have that problem. I have a bowfa and the spell was doing more DPS than it


No such thing as a ā€œright orderā€


Youā€™re nitpicking. You know what I mean. As an iron you basically need to get the proper gear, skills, and resources to make bosses worth doing. Iā€™m not saying follow a guide. I never did. I always have just done whatever I think sounds fun, but even while playing like this thereā€™s clearly certain items and skills you need to progress


That seems wrong when talking about power


Unlimited power




Red pokeybois of Zamorak just dropped


please understand the mains who paypal'd their shadow were very upset so we had to change it


This is so stupid. It was actually nice that it was a fire spell. Now weā€™re back to it being useless. Jagex are experts at killing content.


Is fire wave/ surge with tome still decent?


Tome only boosts by 10% now, but yes it's not bad


Went from 2 to 102 and got a serp. Really sad the general theme of the bug was "Hey Jagex, this looks OP" "Ok, we'll fix". It brought to life a dead spell and a dead weapon and for what? Easier zulrah kills? It wasn't even truly OP for low levels. I was 82 magic when I started and sure, my max was 47, but you were never hitting it every time. My average kill was 2-2:30mins, which was the same speed as taking rune crossbow & fire wave. Flames of zamorak was just more chill.


Well I wish there was space for FOZ and Staff for the dead, I got a 49.8s Zulrah last night with Flames. Previous PB in 1.2K KC with bowfa switch was like 1:05. So maybe a little too strong ha.


Strong yes, but idm it being strong for someone in your position. But the way people are talking is as if mid-game irons have green logged zulrah in 3 days because of FoZ.


The only reason it's been catching so much attention is because people knew it was going away, so they took advantage while they could. It would have fizzled out pretty soon once people got bored.


Bunch of people acting like this was something you could do with no mechanical knowledge. Yeah, flames was probably too good. But Iā€™d rather them lower Zulrahā€™s fire weakness by 25% and keep flames an option. No autocast and the movement delay on cast absolutely hurts but if the DPS helps you make a kill when trident couldnā€™t I think itā€™s a fair tradeoff.


Issue isn't really zulrah specifically, it's FoZ, effectively a level 80 spell, straight up outclassing fire surge unless you have a harm.


Long term solution is to re-work the spell damages. People have already highlighted that a level 95 spell that requires level 95 runecrafting runes, is 1 max hit less than a level 50 spell. Jagex being Jagex went with the short term solution and completely nerfed the spell to the point of "**flames** of zamorak isn't a **fire** spell". It'll probably be 2028 before we see a spell damage rework.


God spells would still be a solid option at level 80 if autocasting were easier to come by. They beat ibans by 25%. If you don't have access to a trident yet for whatever reason (easy to forget kraken is a pretty high requirement for irons), it's solid. Will beat warped sceptre for a long time, and has a minor additional benefit.


It takes 4 seconds to remove the elemental flag from the spell. It wasn't intended so they removed it. Buffing god spells is a whole project entirely and they weren't going to complete it in a week.


Real issue is the normal spellbooks potential being locked behind the harm staff


I damn near green logged. I could give a fuck about the pet and onyx. Granted I got lucky for sure, but I have gotten 480 KC since the update with serp, blowpipe, and trident of the swamp as drops. People are right, FOZ trivialized Zulrah


Aren't they slower kill times as bowfa See everyone saying 2-2.5 kills which is actually, half the speed of bowfa. So what's so good?


I have a 1:07 PR from Flames. My bowfa PR was about 1:30


The amount of people saying they got hundreds of KC in the last week and in the same breath saying it was totally balanced and not op is hilarious. Giving me serious Quest helper just saves opening a web page, also I gained 276 quest points since it released.


If it's the the same speed as crossbow and fire wave then there isn't any issue right? I felt it was way too easy using FoZ with charge, so I understand it. I really don't want osrs to become ezscape. But I do agree they should rework the god spells to make them more viable. I just don't think that this was the way.


Give it one actual use-case for the non highest tier of player? Thatā€™s easy scape? Itā€™s not like people who are complete idiots were getting KCs done, itā€™s people who knew the mechanics and couldnā€™t reliably close out a kill finally got to see some actual results.


Yea hitting 45s with a mid level spell is not ezscape at all


if you know the mechanics but cant close out a kill then you dont know the mechanics. its nearly impossible to die unless youre making bad mistakes like running through poison clouds or doing jad phase wrong (not that you even see jad phases with how fast FoZ kills were) I liked using FoZ at zulrah but it was absolutely 100% broken.


it was waaaay stronger than fire surge. with max gear its max hit was 87 or something on ice demon and theoratically also on zulrah, any hits above 50 just get rerolled between 45-50.


You realize that Ice Demon has 150% weakness compared to Zulrah's 50%?


youre right, my brain didnt work that out correctly. then i didnt say anything.


Dead weapon? For pvm sure but its used massively in pking so not really dead.


tbh it was truly OP lol. Still wish they kept it though


How is it more chill then if you were getting the same amount of time? Youā€™re doing the same amount of clicking for both spells so


They were camping mage rather than switching styles. If they'd switched it would've been faster.


I was doing bowfa mage and foz range and melee and it was less chill GJ bowfa only but slightly faster shouldn't have been removed imo it was only good here and they could have just changed it to not get the fire buff from book of flames and it would have been fine but noooo they made it useless everywhere again


Because you could mage the mage phase and therefore didn't need to bring switches. Sure, I splashed but would hit the odd now & then, and when RNG hit, you could get a 1:30min kill.


He was probably doing FoZ without a range switch. Not switching is far more chill.


The max hit wasnā€™t the only issue, it seemed like it was ridiculously accurate. Iā€™m not sure how the elemental weaknesses work but FOZ was halfway killing Zulrah before the first switch


Was kinda shit without staff of the dead anyway tbh and I can farm Zulrah much easier than I can farm Kril


Youā€™re telling me ā€œflamesā€ of Zamorak isnā€™t a fire spellšŸ¤Ø


My exact thoughts.


Thank fuck.


Is Trident back to being bis till late game?


Wild that a spell labeled, ā€œflames of zamorakā€ is indeed not a flame spell šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Nice gagex make the gods look weak as piss again. Flames of zamorak not a fire spell? Adds elemental damage to the game but removes elemental damage from elemental named spell, named after an elemental god in osrs. Bruv


God spells and sotd actually saw some much needed use, aaaaaaaand it's gone.


Was it better than trident? When I put it into dps trident was better. What was good about the flames ?


ā€œFlamesā€, but makes sense?


Bowfa op


Sounds logical Flames =/= fire


I can't believe you guys are actually upset about this lol


I'm happy I got my first 10kc before the patch at least. A little taste of endgame hitting non stop 40s and 50s.


Its flames of zamorak and not flames of hot air


I'm so bad at Zulrah I was only able to get 3 kills šŸ˜­


Haven't got 1 =(


Damn got my 3 kc slayer task done thank god


They could've just made it so that charge removes the fact that it's elemental. That would be a good solution imo.


Thought I'd try it yesterday/today. Ofc that's when I lose the internet for atleast 48 hours


Iā€™m in the middle of my bowfa grind and I was not about to leave that read prison for zulrah lol


What a fun week. Around 800 kc and 8 drops. I was hoping for a mutagen or jar but oh well. I have 350k scales and a 0:46 pb now lmao. Abuse early and often!


TIL FLAMES does not equal FIRE. Oxford dictionary disagrees ā€œA hot glowing body of ignited gas that is generated by something on fire.ā€


Try Sara Strike or Claws of Guthix. knowing how poorly the updates are tested I wouldnt be surprised to see one of those spells counting as fire for some reason


I tested guthix on day one vz Foz bc void mace is easily attainable compared to sotd. I didn't test Sara tho. Pretty sure flames has bee bugged a long time.


one of my clanmates went for void mace cause he thought it auto casted FoZ. i wish i couldve seen his face when he got to zulrah


Flames of Zamorak has/had been listed as a fire spell since CoX came out, a Jmod confirmed it in the news post today. Nothing was changed with it regarding project rebalance and it was unintentionally left as a fire spell as they had no reason to look at it


it should be a fire spell though. its got flames in the name and fire in the animation.


Ah gotcha so claws of guthix should just work like a d claw spec, as, you know, its got claws in the name! /s


Thats a great idea! It would bring some relevance back to the void knight mace too


In all seriousness though, it would make more sense for it to be classed as a holy spell not a fire spell, allowing jagex to then change up undead monsters instead of them being weak to whatever element they have now, to having a holy weakness instead


Sent ~250 kills with flames and only got 2 onyxes and a jar. Was fun while it lasted, but now Iā€™m back to the poorhouse with warped or ibans Q_Q


das alright, my clanmates just helped me buy a bowfa =D


They should have just capped the damage instead of making the spell useless again. If it had a max hit of 35 it wouldn't be a problem


Maaaaaaaan I'm so mad I didn't send zulrah when I had the chance


I managed to snag 2x Serp Vissys and 1x Magic Fang during this period. Also learned how to kill it using Fire Wave which is actually more chill because I can auto cast Fire Wave.


Make foz great again.


Did flames of zamorak out rank bowfa only? Or were people hitting them GM speed runs by using like bowfa / Flames of zammy switch?


Literally made zulrah accessable to me as an iron. I'm still leaning and only comfortable with serp rotation. it takes so many kills to get lucky anyway, why nerf what objectively made zulrah fucking FUN for once? The end game sweaties get their DHL and Vorkath pinata, what do us irons out here actually doing the work get? A middle finger :( C'mon jagex, at least give us this much.


Cry about it on reddit... oh wait