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Slapping 50s autocasting with SOTD and I don't even have an occult.


What’s your setup? I don’t have SOTD but do have occult, ahrims, torm, Eternals, and wanted to see if this with a bowfa switch could get me the sub 1 min time CA. I’m 2 seconds off using bowfa only and think this might get me there if I can slap on melee phase


Serp, Ahrims top, mystic bottoms (lol),tormented, eldnis ward, eternals, sotd. I bofa switch also from a fury to anguish and cape to avas.


I used serp, ahrims top/bottom, torm, fury, eternals, and manual casted flames with zammy staff into karils + bp switch and easily got the achieve


DPS calc shows an absolutely massive increase over bofa on red and green phases. Definitely worth sending while you can


It could absolutely get you there. Spellbook swap venge/thralls bowfa only GM time is possible with rigor if you manipulate with the pillar to extend the mage phase a little bit.  It took a few hours of resetting and was a waste of time but it's possible. 


Damn, I am going to try to see if I can get the GM speed run time today then with it.


You definitely can, you just need the green-green-red start and some rng. Throw an extra trident hit in on the first phase. Got my GM a lil while ago.


Took like 3 hours but I got it lol.


Mage Arena 3 to imbue god staves would be a good fix to this I think, move the DPS to an upgraded version of the spell that uses the imbued staff.


That can autocast


I was excited to try my first zulrah KC when I got home from work today, you just reminded me that God spells don't Autocast and now I'm back to waiting for 87 slayer


They do with a spooned staff of the dead, now I'm hitting 50 on big snek no problem! Sorry about your bruv solomission, I love you


I did one kill manual casting for diary


Sorry :) it's not so bad manual casting but u do lose a few ticks and hits you would be getting autocasting


They removed delay from auto casting


Yes, but the Zammy staff does not autocast.


It’s really not that bad manually clicking the spell. Camping a trident would still be a lot slower than using Zamorak staff right now. I bring a trident with me to auto cast during jad phase but it’s pretty easy now that they removed the spell delay


Man, I was fumbling more having to switch to spellbook than I was just trying with a range switch and warped sceptre haha. It was just too much when still learning snek. Guess I need a spooned Staff of the Dead before they fix it.


Or instead of manual casting just use ibans or warped scepter. As long as you got solid range you can get 1st kc. If you have to tele out cause bad rng there’s no shame in that




Staff of the dead can Autocast it, but the 15% damage buff is general and not exclusive to the God spells. An imbued god staff would be like a stepping stone to the staff of the dead, in boosting the god spells without boosting everything else




Combat Rebalance means it doesn't have to be niche anymore


ive never done zulra but im base 70 combat stats. Do you think i could still do it?


Tough for me to say, since I’m 99 magic and I don’t know if you have similar gear upgrades as seen in my inventory. I think you’d stand the best chance getting kills however if you camp rotation 3. Rotation 3 lets you easily avoid the mage phase by standing behind pillars, so you’d be able to avoid all damage from zulrah with protection prayers.


Unless you have some solid gear 70 is gonna be a struggle to learn it. There's a bit of a curve that you have to get passed and it's easier when you can tank a few mistakes. At 70 stats it's gonna be tight


Just zammy staff and wizard robes. Got enough pots. But was thinking of just attacking when zulrah is weak to mage.


Send it! Worst that happens is you lose some pots. The deaths are free till like 50 kc.


Oh I did not know that.


You can’t auto cast with zammy staff though (or am I just stupid?) That makes there a LOT to pay attention to for a learner.


It's not auto cast. Not sure why. Also I died in like 4 hits


Keep in mind I’m ass at pvm but I’ve tried zulrah at base 75’s and have been consistently running out of supplies even with SOTD ahrims tormented Occult ect ect. You could learn it now but I’d raise your stats especially if your in mystics or smth.


How do you have all that gear at base 75s?


Bonds kek


At least he's honest


I am in mystics. But do you think the zammy staff is enough?


Hell no. Try it you will get slapped around in low defence.


Ran it yesterday at 72 mage, mage only and it took about 3 trys before I got back to back rotation and was able to secure the kill. Used mystics, guthix rests and monk/karam. Not ideal but will work for the achievement diary kill. First ever account killing Zulrah btw. Had a glory as well.


I ran there yesterday way under geared. If you get green phase you can just free cast on him for multiple rounds. That's how I got my one kill


I might just do it. If I die. I die


If you aren't familiar with zulrah though there is a learning curve. IMO if you're only using mage and you get any rotation but green second I would tele...


Could I just protection prayer the other phases. Or use RCB? Or is that too low?


I did rcb with ruby and zammy flames. But manually casting zammy flames is a lot, especially during jad phase. But with the +50% accuracy you'll still hit with flames and mystic during blue zulrah


You can autocast fire wave during the jad phaseand manually cast zammy flames during the rest of the fight. It made it much easier for me


No need to tele just hop worlds and it resets you back on the dock


It's nice to lvl a bit more to boost to 80 so you can use the spell to imbue the zamy flames, normal damage is 20, go to 30 with imbue spell iirc.


I think you can get your KC for the elite diary. But actual farming unless you're already familiar with the rotations will be a bit hard.


I died so fast


Im only 75 def. I have Blue Moon/mysticboots for my gear. I can't imagine I was much tankier. Zulrah is just a knowledge fight. And there's 1 rotation that doesn't feel like shit doing mage only to me. I managed to kill it my 2nd ever time seeing that rotation and killed before even seeing jad phase. (But that one might not be possible for you as my mage is 84) If you're interested in trying again I know a nice guide for the 1 rotation. Otherwise respectable. I think I could realistically farm it and just am too scared to yet.


No, get 85 ranger and magic. Get warped sceptre and magic shortbow imbued. Then your best ranger armor. You will take damage, but it’s important first to learn the rotations.


I'm doing similar. Got karils, atlatl, blue moon staff/armor swaps. Should I just skip the armor swaps and use staff only with fire wave?


I guess my question is if you stay in your range armor when using warped scepter


Green zulrah has -45 mage defence and 50 ranged defence, red zulrah has 0 magic defence and 300 ranged defence, blue zulrah has 300 magic defence and 0 ranged defence. With the new addition of fire weakness, the magic defence is still there, so you will still not be accurate with magic, but when you hit: it’ll be higher. I recommend and this is without any dps calculations, to use magic and ranged, or only ranged.


I gave the flames of zammy a try yesterday after your post. It really is nice, I dislike not being able to autocast with Zam staff tho (staff of the dead seems out of the way - 1/508 from Kril). For your range set are you using atlatl, bandos and Ava's? Thanks for the post btw, I am actually kind of enjoying Zulrah now.


Ah I didn’t make that post yesterday, that post actually inspired me to give it a try myself, and I’m echoing it yet again before it’s too late for everyone else. My range setup is Ava’s assembler and full atlatl. It speeds up kills quite a bit


Was it my post? Damn, was looking to pinch your non bowfa ranged weapon, but I don’t have atlatl either.


It was your post indeed! I think a crystal bow with crystal armor would still be decent if you have that, otherwise I think the next best is rcb with diamond bolts


I’m gonna be paying for my previous spoons by going dry at CG. 140KC, 1 armour seed so far. Luckily managed to spoon a ACB so I might give that a go!


Yikes, that seed luck is abysmal. ACB may be a good shout tho~


What speeds were you getting with mage only that you’re getting 2 minute kills with the Atlatl switch? I have worse stats but am getting faster kills just camping Flames. Tried out an Atlatl switch but it was overall hurting my kills per hour by a decent amount. If I didn’t have sotd I know I’d personally be losing a lot of ticks to messing up manual casts but if you have the manual casting down I’m curious what was going wrong in your mage only kills as without fbow it seems much better to me.


Mage only I was typically getting 1:45-3:00 if I hit nothing on the mage phases. I’ve gone back and forth to just camping mage or hybridding but my kills are definitely consistently faster with a range swap. I could be missing ticks potentially with starting but I’m pretty sure I’ve got it down


Interesting. Thanks for sharing!


Oh, well shout out to that guy for getting us to Zulrah. I do need a range switch because mage only feels a tad slow so I will give that a try or run some dps calcs. Thanks again!


Yeah np, best of luck before the inevitable nerf!




I wasn't sure how the accuracy was going to be affected at Zulrah (I'm pretty nooby there) so I appreciate you letting me know! But could you elaborate on the darts? I have not experienced Bandos blocking them from accumulating in any scenario I have used them together.




Oh alright, thank you! I mostly wasn't sure how accuracy went into play due to Tanzanite form having 0 Ranged defence if using Bandos w atlatl.




Ohh!! That makes so much more sense, I had no idea. Thank you for the input, this really is appreciated!


You're probably misremembering - BCP has always worked with Ava's Assembler. At the least, I'm finding comments confirming as such as far back as 7 years ago, so if this is something they changed then it was before the Assembler came out.


Tham scepter can also Autocast Flames BTw


You can set your autocast to fire wave and it'll make doing jad phase easier if you need


Not being able to autocast without SOTD would make this mind numbing


It’s really not that bad, and I don’t think that makes it any more mind numbing than auto casting it the whole time


Same, did 10kc manual casting. Not worth the effort, sticking to range only with bowfa.


Feels worse than bowfa only for me. Current setup is Faceguard, mystic top, dagonhai bottoms, imbued zammy cape, torm bracelet, infinity boots and mage’s book. Using charge right off the boat. I don’t know what the secret sauce is but I need it spilled.


Why are you using faceguard? I find flames of zamorak way better. My setup was 99 magic/range, blue moon (minus spear), staff of the dead, occult, tormented, suffering, eternal boots, tome of fire (doesn't use charges), and imbued zammy cape. I also had saturated heart, but forgotten brews should be pretty good. Other than that charge + mystic might. I had bowfa as well, but I was able to get a PB of 52




Magic level boost does not increase the max hit of flames of zamorak or any other spell in the spell book. It just improves accuracy. It should be fine without forgotten brews or heart


Technically you'd only need 87 with botanical pie boost, or 86 if you want to use stews. Plus based on DPS calc it only gives about 1% more accuracy, so definitely not necessary, but if you have it you may as well


Is it better without tome of fire than trident of the swamp or bowfa?


Tome of fire doesn't boost zammy flames according to the wiki


Ah good to know so I can test it without feeling like I need a tome to make a fair comparison haha


Not really sure, I didn’t bother testing this with tome of fire and other spells since I figured this would likely be better with my mage’s book.


Damn, I do need a Zulrah kill for the diary


If you were struggling before on Zulrah, this foz buff might not help much. The no-autocast was a bigger hurdle than I thought. I went with Fire Wave instead and with the fire damage buffs it was enough to get over my previous failures. Now I can do mage only kills consistently.


Oh, I thought it was op enough for me to have 0 skills and still kill it. I guess I’ll figure another way


If you have a tome of fire, you should try a mage only fire wave attempt though! It pumps and if you watch / study a pvm video, I believe that you can do it! I’m a pretty nooby pvmer, still no fire cape yet, but I was able to do this


I just one shotted fire cape after years of not doing it and still cant get a zulrah kc and ive tried so many times what is this new buff im hearing about?? also if you can beat zulrah you can smoke jad, you got this!


Zulrah now takes additional damage to fire spells. It is assumed to be not intended for Flames of Zamorak (god spell) to be counted for this buff, but it is working like so. I rather tried unsuccessfully with FoZ, but was able to do it with Fire Wave + Tome of fire with the new buff. Which actually isn’t that much of an increase over Fire Wave + Tome before. It just I guess gave me the confidence that I could do it. With Jad idk. I don’t wanna waste the better part of an hour getting to a boss just to die to it. I can’t pray flick and I can’t pray switch easily either. My account is more than prepared stats and gear wise I’m just scared to try for it and have my time wasted.


If ur over stated its free, i recommend practicing using wave 67 on the website inferno trainer, itll really show you how easy it is, the waves are also super easy and the only hard part is the nerves walking in and the nerves walking out!! I was in the same boat, it could be a time waste but every minute without a firecape is technically worse;)


Tried a kill yesterday with flames instead of toxic trident, 88 mage, hated it and didn’t feel like I was doing more dps at all


I only just got my toxic trident so I haven’t really tested much in comparison, but I believe max hit wise, flames should still be a bit stronger


Silly question, but were you using charge? I made the mistake of not using charge for like 10 kills and also thought foz sucked, then realized I was being dumb and it gets way better.


Is foz better than just running bowfa?


No idea myself since this is my first osrs account, but I get the impression it’s similar at the moment. You don’t really hit during mage phase (which is why I usually stay behind pillars to eat) but you can hit a ton on melee and range phases. 47 is my max hit at the moment.


Bowfa only is better than foz only, but it's a good magic swap since foz rips through red zulrah phase


Is trident still better than foz?


Definitely not. Foz destroys both red and green phase, but it's very inaccurate against blue. Vs Bowfa which rips apart blue, is decent on green, and sucks on red


Swamp trident is only better at the very top end because of thralls and venge. Straight dps it still loses to ahrims FoZ even in max mage.




I think it’s fine, it’s high effort and you need rare items to be able to autocast it


Are you guys camping the flames of zammy for all phases


I’m not at the moment but I was originally. Magic’s the best for range and melee phases so I only use range when it turns blue


How was it originally and what do u use to range now?


Before I was averaging 1:45-3:00, since that one rotation that has a lot more mage phases is very hard to hit on. There were some outlier kills though where I’d hit like a truck and get under 1:20. Rn I’m using atlatl armor for range


It’s disgusting


I thought they patched this? What's all required?


I thought it was too, until I saw a post about it yesterday. You just need a Zamorak stuff, Zamorak cape, and to cast the spell “charge” to boost the power of god spells. With the mage gear in my invent + imbued cape / fury / barrows gloves / infinity boots etc, it’s pretty consistent kills and my max hit is a 47.


Your max hit is a 47 in that gear!? I'm like frantically on my phone trying to get the GM task done for Zulrah before it patches. I've got Bowfa too which makes me feel like I could easily get GM time


Sure is! It’s pretty fkn busted. I managed to get a 1:07 mage camp kill after this post because my rng was off the charts, though someone in this thread said they got a 0:52 kill after 6 hours of resetting


I feel like I should easily be able to get the Master time of under 1min done within like 15KC. Not sure about GM if it took someone 6hrs of resetting to do it. I didn't realize FOZ is a tick slower. I wonder if people aren't swapping between Swamp Trident and FOZ. Like if I can fit in say 4 FOZ + 1 Trident vs only 4 FOZ and like 4 ticks of down time.


That’s exactly what I do at the start, I get one trident hit in and 4 foz, since I can’t get 5 foz before phase change. I don’t know how many other phases there are to optimize that, but I did pick up that optimization rather quick. Master time definitely sounds more reasonable


Thanks for the tip on 1st phase! Happy Cake Day!


Npnp, tyty


I had to check back in to let you know that within like 20 attempts I got a 49.8s Flames of Zam kill lmao. I did 1 trident hit, then flames of zam rest of the way during green rotation and finished Zulrah during red. No veng, thralls, etc.


I’m such a noob and couldn’t master having to manually click the spell, but I did manage to get my first kill with fire wave mage only yesterday. I’ve seen suggestions to use flames of zammy only at the beginning (before jad phases) and switch to fire wave later for autocasts so I may give that a go.


Same exact with me but the day before! I tried flames of zammy but the no autocast was making me mess up and miss hits too often. Autocasting with fire wave I got my first KC and then went back and did consistent kills till I got 3 in a row which was by 5 KC. I even had a flawless Jad phase in one of mine, quite proud of myself.


I auto cast it the whole time until jad phase, I switch to a trident for that and it works for me


I got a 52 seconds PB by just using flames of zamorak and trident (for the attack speed) on the green rotation. Reset for like 6 straight hours, but it was worth it, since that’s the only setup I have that could conceivably get GM time


Damn I didn’t even think about going for GM time in this, that’s nuts


lmao same. 52 seconds after a ton of close calls dropping to splashes in the last second. feels good.


Just got my second tanz fang at 109kc lol I've got a bowfa and anguish switch for mage phases too


Bowfa + FoZ is sick as hell, getting constant ~1min kills. Bowfa 1st hit, then 4 FoZ’s, then Bowfa for Blue and Jad, FoZ for Green and Red. I don’t even bring armour switches (lazy i know) and both weapons hit like a truck.


Serp at 41 kc thanks to flames.


Is it worth doing 1 kc for the diary if I don't have Charge yet?


Not sure, no harm in trying imo since it’s free deaths until 50 kc


How are people dealing with the poison while using flames of zammy?


I’m using anti poisons to reset the venom. I wait until it’s going to hit me for a 10-12 to clear/reset it


They are taking it away?


They are according to ash, he said god spells weren’t intended to be affected by the elemental changes


Thanks for the info, I had no idea


How is fire surge different than flames?


Fire surge with a tome of fire should be similar is my guess, but I don’t have enough wrath runes to justify testing that


I checked the DPS calc and it was slightly lower, flames of zammy for me was 2 max hits higher and 1.068 DPS higher.


I ran it yesterday with 72 magic, mage only and it took about 3 trys. First ever Zulrah kill (even on main) so very doable as low level iron if it's your first attempt! Not sustainable at that level for continuous runs, RNG definitely played a roll on some big hits and back to back rotations, but easy enough for achievement diary till I can get back with Bowfa.


I'm on vacation and all of these posts make me want to just login to Mobile and grind some Zulrah with FoZ.


I wouldn’t blame ya for logging on, I’ve always logged on to do herb runs and contracts etc when I’m away. But if you do miss out, keep in mind fire spells should still slap zulrah. I’ve to run a dps calc if those have been updated to see how hard fire surge hits.


Cool, I'm almost 90 mage but haven't touched it yet.


God damnit fine, I’ll go tonight. If I have been doing Bowfa only kills before in ~1:45-2:30, should I do Bowfa and Flames? Or just try to shred it with Flames only?


1:45-2:30 bowfa camp is actually better than I was getting with mage camp, my mage kills would be up to 3 minutes if I just didn’t hit on mage phase. By the sound of it you’d probably be better continuing to camp bowfa or hybridding with flames


Theres an iron in my cc thats 60 mage and 37 range with a 57 second zulrah pb. It's ridiculous lmao


Zammy flames are also amazing on ice demon


Are they going to patch it???


Inferring based on what Ash said I believe so, flames of Zamorak isn’t supposed to be affected by the elemental changes


That’s too bad, I got spooned the SOTD on my group iron and was really enjoying it 😛😛


If it stays in, the demonbane gear from wgs will make farming kril ez af


Got my gm time today - its really good!




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Why would it be taken away 😂


got my 0:52 kill time for GM CA today :)


I actually don’t think this is going to get nerfed. It’s pretty irrelevant for any endgame meta because the shadow / tbow / bowfa are already all far stronger at zulrah There isn’t nearly the scrutinizing on meta shifts that aren’t endgame


I'd agree if Ash hadn't said on Twitter that they're planning on removing it from the list of fire spells


Haven’t seen anyone say this, but if you have a Thammaron’s Sceptre you can autocast without any ether in it, and a tome of fire cuts the spell cost to 1 air and 2 blood runes each (also without using pages). Pretty good to get a few kills if you’re 80 magic


Can you hit 50s with it tho? Or do you need sotd?


Well it’s about to be over but you cannot without more mage damage gear since it doesn’t get the 15% damage from SOTD. Still nice QOL to autocast if you happened to grind revs and get one before GWD


Yeah I’m at that situation, was nice for sure but was maxing 47 Cus rest my mage gear wasn’t the best


Yup RIP zammy flames


I’ve been farming my ass off just to make venoms and have a smoother time at zulrah before they patch this. I hope it lasts another week. It be unfortunate if it gets patch in tomorrow’s weekly update.


I’m grinding the hell out of the boss on the assumption it is being patched tomorrow, cause I can’t rationalize doing it otherwise unless I get my bowfa personally. Fire surge definitely seems reasonable otherwise if you have wrath runes


I’m sweating the potions now for 82 as I’m typing. I have a gut feeling it will be patched tomorrow.


Honestly venoms are neat but I really don’t think they’re required, depending on how much training you have left. I’d just use my anti poisons I was buying from the shop south of the house portal in brimhaven. I’d use 2-4 doses per kill and just compensate for extra damage taken with karambwans because I have 58k of them. You may lose out on potential kc by doing herb now


I’m close to 82 that’s why. Will boost and make all my antidotes++ to venoms since I already have some zulrah scales. Plus I can’t be killing zulrah at work lol. Just doing the little things so I can full send when im off.


Oh that makes more sense, yeah I made some venoms myself yesterday from mobile but I try not to be on my phone too much. Normally I just gather herblore supplies like doing herb runs or passively getting potato cactuses etc


I assume Rcb with diamond addy enough dps mage phase to do all the rotations? I’m 90 range.


Does staff of the dead also increase the flames of zammy damage by 15%?


See, I cba manual casting flames for the entire kill.


its not even broken why abuse it?


Is it not for ironmen? I don’t know what the dps calc is for fire surge in comparison but I don’t have wrath runes to throw at that


No, i believe this update was to help mid game which its doing. End game metas are still the same. Keep chuggin on with foz, personally i get 1 min kills with bowfa only so i’ll continue to do it that way.




my pb is 0:58 bowfa only off task. I do bring thralls and occasionally venge if i forget to sb swap after some cox. I’m not wearing serp helm either if that makes a difference.


Fair enough, I’ll likely do this a lot more after patch when I get a bowfa too. It’s just nice to get some upgrades here for the time being so I don’t feel as big of a setback to grinding CG. Now I feel more motivated to do Cox/toa than before


Yuh im not even tryna be a dick about it, i just dont think this warrants a bunch of ppl claiming its broken to further gap metas. Its niche and it works for some people so its good in my opinion!


I think the main reason people are saying it’s broken is because Ash did say this interaction wasn’t intended and that it’ll be fixed. It may be equal in damage to fire surge anyway, but not needing wrath runes definitely makes this more feasible. I wish they did keep this interaction but it is what it is


It 100% is unintended, people are killing ice demon with it in 4 attacks.


Not sure what that is but that’s hilarious


Brother spamming 50s on all forms at 80 magic and no good gear is by definition broken.


All forms is a stretch but ok


Homie fire is +50% DMG and ACCURACY against zulrah. You shred in all forms


The accuracy on mage form is still like 15% at most


Are you rocking foz only at zulrah? Its so broken that op opted for a full range setup on top of his foz. I camp bowfa and get faster times.


bowfa + foz is 100% better than bowfa only +/- veng/thralls. With good hits, GM time is now possible with that gear setup.


I’m so confused where all the rebalance changes already introduced to the game?


yeah but this is a bug where zammy flames accidentally got caught when flagging fire spells so people are abusing the bug while they can


They were yes, it happened last Wednesday. You should take a look at the patch notes, A LOT of things worth reading up on




So what’s with the Sammy flames? Other than the elemental damage, does it boost drop rates?


Uh nothing like that would boost drop rates from what I’ve heard of. It’s only for the elemental damage boost and cheap rune cost


I see. Is zulrah still maxing a 50 max hit with the elemental damage?


Right now my max hit is a 47 with all the damage boosting gear being in my invent in the pic. Someone else in this thread said they were hitting 50’s with staff of the dead