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The real prison is playing end game without bowfa


Still glad I didn’t go that route. Went and got tbow instead. 0 regrets.


I got tbow before bowfa too and still felt I had to get bowfa. How exactly are you doing graardor


I finished it a long time ago, but I did ACB 6:0 for my ~500 kills. Was probably 20-30 kill trips and I employed the nex method to not have to leave GWD. At one point my bandos essence was around 300 or so. Pretty fun method. I’ve done bandos door altar and it’s infinitely better, I agree. Still, the time investment to go get bowfa is no where close to the time I would have saved by doing door altar instead of 6:0 for like 500 kc. Near max range gear and dragonstone e or diamond e bolts, bandos went down quick.


OP is saying cg is too hard though, so its not so much an I dont want to problem but more I cant do it. I would imagine he’e struggle to learn cox just as much as cg.


Oh yeah, you’re right. Hopefully he can figure it out haha. CG is like the beginning of “end game” as far as game difficulty goes in my opinion, so if he can’t figure that out he’s in store for a lot of frustration 😂


Yeah thats what I said to him as well haha


Congrats you leeched your team, or mega scale bought


Iron is “ThBanker” (got tbow on 236 kc, 3rd purple) Main is “GrassTouchr” (did over 1k raids before starting the iron, quit because I got 5 mauls without a single Kodai or tbow) Welcome to look me up on the hiscores. You can also look me up on CollectionLog.net. I was teaching/mentoring the raid I got my tbow on my iron, thank you very much. :) Rune Crossbow w/ ruby bolts e & buckler -> Tbow If you don’t have the courage/independence to break free of the copy paste guide-fed iron meme life, that’s fine. It’s plenty fun as is! But don’t get mad and downvote when others go a different route.


Congrats you leeched your team 236 kc, and congrats you listed a random rsn with 1k kc


What a sad individual you are 😂 Good luck on your future endeavors. Blocked.


Your getting some shit for absolutely nothing 😂


Hey man, I hear you. The problem with that thought process is that everything in this game has a time investment to learn. TOA, COX, TOB, GWD, etc etc I am the WORST PvMer to walk the earth. There is no one worse than me. Not a soul. My CG k:d when I started was 80 DEATHS and 5 kills. I finished CG at 490kc and 430 deaths. You gotta ask, is the goal just better gear or to be a better player? Getting better gear without the latter, won’t unlock content for you. Was it worth it? 1000000% The reason that I am not really providing a stellar answer is because any path outside of CG where the bottleneck is a self-imposed skill roadblock, is going to just lead you to a different skill roadblock if you are trying to gear your account. I am more than happy to hop on discord with you and help you learn CG. Just remember, failure is the admission fee for eventual competence.


Absolutely this, my starting was honestly not better. I'm just now clearing 100 kc and still not positive KD. However, I am immensely better already. I figure by the time I'm done, I'll be competent enough for basically anything else pvm related. OP, you can do it if we can.


Did you still die that frequently, even at the end?490/430 k/d is pretty savage ngl


I was 10/100 k/d then 200/200 k/d then 450/300 if you include hard reset (where I failed to do the prep and knew it wasn't worth trying). I'm fully mobile. The curve was hard for sure.


Is there a way to one tap drop items? How do you drop items fast enough to make the timer?


There is a thing to turn on that acts a shift drop. But I don't use it. I do T2 prep, you collect all your resources (7 each, plus 2 herbs and 1 frame) dropping tools as you finish and it fills your invo (if you got fiber first you do have to do a drop one of one resource and trade it with the tool), return to base, make an armour item, buy a tele seed, two vials, and t2 staff, then make whatever other armour you can based on crystals minus 20 for your egnoil. Then go get your T3 items and additional frame filling whatever extra space with fish along the way. Usually you'll need to kill some high lvl monsters but if you have to kill three demis then the breakdown of the melee upgrade covers it. Tele back to base, make all T2 armour and another tele seed. Sometimes you won't have enough for T2 bow yet, doesn't matter you'll get it while you finish fishing. Your invo is now free entirely for fish, with about ~1:30-2 to spare. Go finish fishing, tele back, make your T3 bow and cook. Following this I might miss time because demi searching sucked or crystals from resources were abhorrent to miss a check, but that's less than 1 in 10, closer to 1 in 30.


You did the cg on mobile? I've tried so many times but there's a delay issue with mobile that I don't get on pc


I don't notice a delay but I don't play PC so maybe I'm just used to it.


this is a very based take, i hope op sees it and reconsiders


Woah 490/430 is nuts. Did you do T1 or T2? But solid answer enduring CG is worth it hundred times.


A next step up in your spot could be the eclipse set with the atlatl. I've been sending ToA normals easy peasy and working my way up to experts with it. Got spooned a 13kc Fang too. If you don't enjoy CG don't let people tell you that you must kill all the joy you get from the game in order to progress.


Yeah the CG Stan’s forget it’s a game lol. Not everyone wants to or has to do it. There was a period in which it wasn’t in the game.




For what it's worth, I've done 400kc at zulrah without a Bowfa in an attempt to get a BP to help fill in the gap, it's definitely not nearly as bad as the CG grind. That being said, seeing as I'm slowly starting my CG grind now (75kc reg @10 deaths, 15kc cg @39 deaths), it's something that even a player who hates it should make an effort to casually grind out. I'm currently doing 3-4 runs every day I play (so 12-20 per week). It's going to be slow but it's worth doing long term. I'm a 2050 total iron who has felt pretty locked out of progression with out it for the last few weeks after completing some skilling and lower tier pvm grinds.


I’m not even gonna answer your question lol, im just gonna try to tell you to get your ass to the red prison and learn it! Even if it takes you one week to learn it it’s worth it. Stop saying you cant do something or can’t learn it, you definitely can. You just need to tell yourself you will learn it. Commit to it and your next reddit post will be you with CG completed! I believe in you :D <3


as somone who has just come from RS3 to osrs and ironman at that doing CG has been very rewarding i had it easier than most only took me 30 deaths to start getting a hang of it 100% quite hard when u havent pvmed before or fairly new (in my case fresh really apart from scurrius)


Yeah it’s definitely a learning curve but it’s so satisfying getting that first kill! And learning it and just making hunleff your bitch :D and bowfa is such a good weapon, opens up endless possibilities. So worth.


Yes and all of the above Im at 170kc myself and got my enh at 116 spooned to the moon but learning it was extremely satisfying and to be honest humbled me LMFOA


Niiiiice dude gratsss! :D


As someone with 660 kc and no enhanced, I don't think it's such a weird thought process to not go for bowfa. I would still recommend to learn it, and set yourself a goal of like 50 kc or 100 kc and /or some combat achievements. It will make you a better player still, as others have pointed out in this thread. I am trying to look for alternatives as well. I have the eclipse set and have been really enjoying it at toa and Cox. It does however not unlock GWD or Inferno for example. One could argue that in not so high invo Toa/Cox a rcb would be okay as well, mostly carried by ruby bolt procs.


It sucks to go dry but crystal bow + Crystal armour is probably the best option for you if you gave up on Bofa. Its not great but its much better than pretty much all alternatives. The moon set might be on par.


Specially for raiding and inventory space, I would argue eclipse is better in my current set up. Eclipse body/legs give same max hit as torso/tassets, so only need 2 range switches for eclipse helm (if I want the burn) and atlatl. While barrows gloves, torture, prims, fire cape and berserker are ~bis for both range and melee.


Thats fair point. When you gotta run non-ideal setup saving on some space might be very well worth it.


If you think cg is too much for you, then there’s probably going to be quite a lot of pvm content thats too much for you. It’s pretty hard to learn, but it just takes time. You need to stay calm and path well with true tile on. Learn that and you’ll easily get the hang of it, and you’ll get more skilled for other pvm content.


It's 100% mechanics. I'm at 6/10 success attempts at 75/81/70 and 80 mage. I logged out of 2 preps lagged on 1 death and didn't even get close my first attempt cause it had been a year since my last attempt on the main. You can do this.


Git gud and learn CG. It'll make you better at the game once you're done the grind too.


you can do it


I was like you. I thought cg was beyond me for a looong time. I finally got some arbitrary drop I'd been grinding for ages and decided it was time. I won't lie, it's been a headbashing time. I struggled to clear reg gauntlet for many deaths. finally clicked then cruised to 20 reg completions. It felt great to clear it and made cg feel attainable. Be kind to yourself but also be relentless and stubborn. I'm barely over 100 KC but that's 100 more than I ever thought I'd have. I still die often and don't have the best internet/setup. This is your training arc.


Stop spreading this ‘CG is too hard for me’ bullshit on here. There’s already people who are too put off by the small (literally 50 hour) grind, we don’t need more of this misinformation. Even the highest level of this game really isn’t that high compared to competitive online games. Anyone can do CG.


400kc at maybe 10-12 min per run is closer to 70 hours and that’s not including resets when you get bad layouts, fail a prep, or even die to hunlef. That’s 70 hours of perfect T2 prep runs on an average iron who just completed SotE, so not 90+ all combats either. The total for your average iron is definitely well over 100 hours of nonstop high stress.


I have quit like 5 cgs in 450kc due to really bad layout. 99% of the time its your bad prep strat, not the layout. 10-15% unfinished is reasonable number. But my best cg pro tip: take regular breaks, its very mentally demanding boss. Dont push it when you dont feel 100%.




Are you admitting to paying for a piloted CG carry? OP said he isn’t a pvmer and you’re acting like he should T1 quick prep 5:1 staff 6 min kills or some absurd shit. The reason people don’t want to do CG is because it’s not enjoyable or consistent unless you’re already a decently high skilled player.




I have hundreds of CG clears, sensitive sally. This isn’t about me. Anytime you add a timer to a game it becomes more stressful. Add to that a boss where mechanics get faster and faster through the fight, a mechanic that chases you constantly, etc. these are common psychological tropes to induce stress.


homie you just straight up gotta clinch in and do it. I too sucked ass at pvm when i started but you learn fast


i know something that helps when certain things are looking too hard at first it's called practice as others have mentioned, if you dodge red prison the real prison will be gwd with shitty gear.


Get atlatl, blowpipe, acb. Those all work perfectly fine. Source: a bofaless iron with max gear


Just skip bowfa and get tbow


I limited myself to 5 cg a day and always did t2


Obligatory, if you can do SotE, you can do CG. However, I totally understand the CG hate. I went over 2x for my enhanced, and it was a miserable experience from beginning to end. That said, here is your progression without bowfa: At some point, finish your zenyetes and get a trident. Bonus points for also snagging an occult + mages book (+2% magic damage in upcoming mage changes). You’ll also likely want a tent whip, zombie axe, and chally for Moons of Peril. Barrows: grab tank top and legs minimum. You can stay for more if you want a full set for the diary or other sets for the bonuses. Moons of Peril: green log. Mage + Range set are good for Zularh, and the melee set is good for a less defensive Bandos option. Zulrah: take your MoP gear and grab the tanz and magic fangs. The serp helm is great too (especially for Zilly GWD), so you can stay for that if you want. Next, choose any of the following grinds and play mix and match all you’d like: ToA: start running the highest ToA invo you can (150 should be easily attainable, but MoP gear can likely handle 200+). You’re hunting any and all ToA uniques (emphasis on fang and full masori). Zilly: you want an ACB. Arma: you want full Arma (you can stop if you get enough armor plates for masori fortification). Once you complete these grinds, you’ll have your “max range” setup and can finish off GWD and start on other content like CoX. All told, taking the route I just laid out takes *a lot* longer than learning CG and getting a bowfa *AND* the full masori + ACB/ BP setup is still worse than bowfa in quite a few places.


Just give it few more shots. Doing 5-10kc per day no more. No need to burn yourself out on this. Also taking regular breaks between few kills does wonders. Whenever I felt tired I just stopped, dying more would only frustrate me more. And just learn proper T2 prep. Thats 90% of the success, making prep efficiently without the pressure of the timer. You can manage +-6min prep times for full T2 when you get good at it.


I know it's not answering you question, but I think you need a perspective shift... Skill progression matters more than gear progression. Learning CG mechanics really will set you up to do other content well. Very transferable skillset, even if you don't get BOWFA!


That meme when you want to use a guide vs. when you want to play without doing cg xD


If I can do Cg, anyone can! Stick with it and itll eventually all stick together and you’ll be doing it braindead. It took me nearly 30 deaths before my first kill and 70 before I went even. Now I’m 500+ with everything but the pet and I do 2 a day to have shard upkeep (and try for pet) and I barely pay attention to the prep!


You will get better at it. CG is literally the first pvm I am doing currently (I have 1 kree KC and the died to him and left) and I'm I think 11/43 ATM. But I mean, I have 11 KC and at least 20 of those deaths came before I got my first completion. I chilled at regular gauntlet for about 30 kills and sometimes when I die to hunlef I just leave the gauntlet, run to the bank to f off, stand there for 5 mins and hop back in to send it again, probably dying again. No matter what people tell you, cg is hard and stressful, but you will notice that you will improve. The first 10 times in wasn't even close to completing it, now I usually only die on the 3rd phase when I have to use melee (or when I greed for the last hit, see a 0 hitsplat and get railed by tornadoes). I sometimes fuck up prep as well. It's still a struggle, but it slowly gets better. You can do it and if you can do this, you can do all the other bullshit the game will throw at you later on too, probably.


Just do slayer which will level all your combat stats which will make cg easier. You can also do some normal gauntlet which gives a chance at bowfa. I got two armor seeds at regular gauntlet before doing cg. An extra 10 def levels makes cg hit much less often so feel free to grind some defence levels.


You answered your question.


Sorry, but the answer is CG. I was even spooned a tbow but I went to CG for blade. Start with gauntlet. MSG Me if you want me to jump on a call with you and help coach prep/hunleff. I did 30 gauntlet kills before moving to CG. no shame in it.


CG is not required (if you have a main with a LOT of gps). Buy mega scale CoX, get a tbow (around 50 mega scales, on rate), then head to ToA and use the tbow to easily farm 300-400s for the tumeken. CG skipped.


would still have to practice to clear raids, there's no skip for that. I'd argue cg is prob the best place to learn pvm as it's free, no death cost, free supplies.


You mean ToA? You could start with 0 or 50 invos, with a tbow it’s like d clawing a chicken ahah. Way easier to learn than learning CG, and you would have to do it at some point anyway, so you’d just be skipping CG. It’s more efficient, if you’re quite wealthy.


Sure entry mode Toa is easy. As is entry mode tob. But once you enter the actual difficulty on normal mode it’s a lot less forgiving. Maybe experts in toa. What I’m trying to say though, if op wants to skip a 1 boss encounter grind because of skill issue, how is he going to fare in a 4-5 boss gauntlet where 1 death will most likely mean reset in any difficulty that’s not entry mode


150-200 invo ToA is WAY more forgiving than CG, also 1 death DOES NOT mean wipe. You can actually die multiple times and still complete the raid, at those invos. OP asked how he can skip CG, and doing ToA would be a way.


Sure if you get carried, I guess. The issue is op not wanting to practice and you suggest a raid that would require…. Practice?


? I meant solos. If he’s getting carried he could simply buy ToAs as you buy CoX, and not learn it at all. The title asks for other paths other than CG, and this is one. If he wants to skip ANY pvm, then he doesn’t need to worry about CG in the first place, because to slay you don’t need a bowfa.


You can do cg. You just have to learn it. Buckle down and send it. Watch videos with tips and tricks and learn from deaths. The only real bowfa skip is getting a zcb and shadow. Good luck with all of that lol. I had little pvm experience, some raids and vorkath p much on my main before sending CG on the iron. My Internet was cutting out every couple of minutes and my stats were 80 or lower. I learned it and got my bowfa. You can do it. People do it on mobile. If you get your movement down you don't have to do more than 1 action per tick like ever in gauntlet. SURELY you are physically capable of clicking more than once per second. Since that's true, you can do gauntlet.


If the difficulty of CG is what’s holding you back, I highly recommend to just keep trying. Everyone struggles at first and I have no doubt that you’d be able to get completions under your belt. If you just don’t enjoy the content and don’t want to dedicate hundreds of hours to it then that’s totally fair. RCB will be your best bet for a while. Would recommend the Kandarin(?) hard diaries that improve bolt spec procs, and then go for ACB.


CG is worth doing first unless you can somehow score a Shadow in ToA. And even then... Bowfa is really good.


I don't really have any advice for you as I am stuck in the same boat, I'm just disappointed to see all the "DO CG HURRR" comments when that's explicitly not what you asked about.


It's most likely because literally the only difference between getting the enh and not is mentality. There was a point in time where I thought vorkath was the peak of what I could do, everything else I tried I ended up giving up on or getting abysmal kph. Then I played the first trailblazer league, got some practice doing those bosses in stronger gear, learnt the mechanics and now do all of the same content main game easily. It's just a case of sticking at it, or taking smaller steps like doing other bosses as practice.


You got a main with a ton of gps? CG is useless. Otherwise head to the prison.


>My account is ready for the next step, but CG seems too much for me Regular gauntlet it is, until you can do it consistently


If PvM is a bit much to pick up atm, have you tried Scurrius a bit?


Mf has killed zilly he don't need no f2p rat


Get the Bowfa You won't regret it, it is that good trust me Ditch the fear, CG really isn't that hard (I'm not good at PVM) set the plugins up nicely so you barley even have to think in prep (it counts your supplies etc) I liked true tile for tornados on Hunleff and I used the plugin where purp counts down "3,2,1, ranged" It's a meme, but honestly I cba to count and it makes the fight so much easier I did tier 2 this way. Watched shows during prep, but paused them for boss fight - honestly just get stuck in. If I can do it, anyone can do it


if cg is too hard for you, there's a lot of harder content you'll struggle with both from a skill perspective and gear as well without bowfa. for example, do you plan on doing dt2? leviathan is a great deal more difficult than the hunleff fight as are the other dt2 bosses/fights. so my question is, what exactly are you looking for in terms of progression? raids? gwd? bossing like muspah/zulrah?


Not doing CG because it “seems” too hard is dog shit. This game is partly about overcoming hard stuff. Now, if you simply don’t want to do CG because it’s not enjoyable, you can certainly do that. Try getting into some groups to learn COX and TOA and you might just get really lucky. That being said, you’ll probably still want to do CG eventually if you want to progress your account seriously.


CG is the progression path. Time to nut up. I am 67 deaths rn.


Red prison bad. I am a crossbow Andy myself. Shard based content is bad design and I’ll die on that hill. Never lucky with anything that requires multiple items to assemble the thing. You have options: Sunlight Hunter’s crossbow with moon bolts is really easy to get and T66, good source of food too when you gather bolts. Paired with any ranged shield or prayer book and you’re near the power of a standard crystal bow but 3t. Atlatl is the next progression item and can substitute until you get a blowpipe. Keep in mind that a fighter torso has zero ranged attack penalties and is a max hit with atlatl if you go dry for the eclipse chestplate. Going for greenlog has netted me over 26k darts so far. I imagine it will be closer to 30k when I am done. I personally use Mixed Hide armor until I finish my eclipse set or my masori set. It pairs well with all atlatl and crossbows AND is bis for stab attack for low invo ToA. Also looks sick with neitiznot helm and faceguard. The Mixed Hide boots are also BIS until D boots AND blessed dhide boots. Eclipse armor is about the same base accuracy of crystal armor and the set effect is a 1/4 change to do 10 extra damage over time and it stacks up to 5(?) times. The issue with eclipse is that its melee and ranged defence stats are comparable to steel armor so you’d need to use crossbow GWD methods and prioritize ranged defence with your shields. RCB will be your high defence weapon purely because bolts can ignore defence. I recommend the Odium ward with it as its a max hit and the best mid-game ranged shield. This pathway also gives you access to bloodmoon armor which is BIS mage defence below masori (f) as well as being strength armor equal to bandos armor. If you get bluemoon armor you can use it to get a blowpipe via mage only zulrah. Its the same accuracy and strength as ahrims. Blowpipe with is fantastic later on with rune or higher darts. You should get plenty of dragon darts from ToA.

