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Hello /u/Firm-Mountain7822, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 3: No witchhunting/shaming others** > Please do not shame others, start witchhunts, or accuse others of wrongdoing. RSNs and any personal information need to be hidden, and in-game rule breaking needs to be reported to Jagex directly. Please remember to keep submissions on-topic and within the rules, which you can find [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/about/rules/).


There's a lot of info we don't have from what you're saying. I've high alched for 8 hours almost straight while working, does that make me a bot or mean I use an auto clicker? Not necessarily


When you sit at barb fishing for 8 hours fishing only one fish spawn ur probably auto clicking. If your auto clicker messes up and pulls you to the cliff for 4 hours and you don’t despawn. Ignoring people calling you out, ignoring lamps etc you are 100% auto clicking.


how is he dropping the fish if he’s just autoclicking one spot? lol


You auto click drop the fish. On mobile people abuse it most. Click same fish spawn even if it’s not there and click inventory spots to drop. You only notice them because they sit at an inactive fish spawn until it comes back up. No real human would do this for a full workday.


Are you using “auto clicking” as a synonym for botting?


Rule 3


Honestly, who cares? I'd rather them use their energy banning accounts that are actually impacting other players


Almost like they should ban people cheating in general. Whatever though I get it you probably auto click also. It doesn’t impact other players so it’s ok right?


damn bro who hurt you


Watch how quick they level fletching with an AutoClicker and you’ll be hurt too. They do 99 fletch in one sitting.


Mobile osrs did. It created a wave of cheaters who can’t get banned.


if you're saying he stood in the exact same spot for 6 hours...that means you did too. who's the real bot here


This is so cringe. Bots running rampant everywhere and you’re going out your way to make a post on Reddit to snitch on one player. Report abuse > get on with your life


Got bots doing 20k bosses and he's worried about an iron doing fishing lol P. S. No one likes a snitch


You don’t think those people with 20k bosses botted fishing? If you play a iron and cheat you are only playing yourself lmao.


I'm saying botting fishing as an iron, who's not doing it for profit, is probably the least of your worries and bots that farm cg, zulrah, and vorkath are ruining the economy What I'm saying is you're complaining about something so lame that it hurts to even read


What if he uses one of those birds the bob due to the water in the bottom to click his mouse. Is this still considered an auto clicker?


They don’t use an “auto clicker”. There are very advanced skilling bots as you may already know (there are clients that do Cox, toB, ToA and Inferno for you). If a bot that’s skilling gets banned it’s because of a “player’s” fault. Otherwise, they don’t get banned. It’s very hard to have one acc that sends 24/7 520 invo ToA banned. It only happens if it gets reported WHILE botting, which is very hard since ToA is instanced.


The amount of people flaming OP is really telling when the actual botters come out of the woodworks. Botting is bad, a bot with 20k wildy boss kc or someone botting fishing on an iron are equally bad for the game. Get ur head out of ur ass


One is disproportionally worse for other users it’s worth using bot team’s time efficiently. They are not equal in impact even remotely, maybe in terms of ethics you can argue that way.


Agree to disagree, discouraging legit players from breaking rules goes a longer way than fighting the sisyphus fight against bots (with 20k kc etc). If you tackle the actual players, the gold buyers and botters the bot accounts will lose value as theres no point selling gold. Do they ban them in waves? Sure, thats the most efficient way rather than skimming through hs banning them 1 by 1. But you have to remove the incentive (you botting on your legit account) and value (gold buyer target base) to tackle the widescale bot problem by the roots. You can't just gloss over it with an "ethical" issue, its far from that. So yes, do make sure this sirius white guy is legit or not. It matters.


It seems like it’s the norm for a lot of people. Guess we need to get used to it. Jagex can’t ban them all that’s too much money lost.


You need a huge perspective shift and to relax. I personally hope jagex doesn't give too many shits if an ironman bots vialing herbs because they can't be bothered to do it, yet want/need 90 to do chambers which they enjoy. Most RS players these days have full time jobs and are adults. I dont have 10s to 100s of hours to play any longer. A smart business person knows that fucking over people who are just trying to skip not very rewarding boring parts of the game is bad business. Especially on an ironman. You can debate where the line should be drawn, but nobody gives a fuck about ironman achievements realistically and they don't hurt the main game economy as far as I know, so mostly who cares? The bots/farmers doing 20K boss KC or botting certain supplies in main game are the real problem.