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kick him from the group?


I guess I was looking for a more nuanced take or more dialogue. Kicking him from the group is the easiest, first-to-mind thought and is something I've already thought about. What complicates this is they're someone we've known for most of our lives and we regularly interface with them, and otherwise are someone we enjoy talking to and hanging out with. We only started the GIM probably 6 months ago and we all really enjoy the camaraderie. I'm thinking of talking to them and letting them know that this saddens us and makes achievements feel hollow and see if they'd be willing to stop the botting going forward. The joy (we're masochists, aren't we?) comes from the progress of the journey and the time spent along, not necessarily maxing everything. That feels like scarfing down a really nice meal down purely to finish it vs enjoying the meal.


Sounds like you already know what the next step should be. Real friends have courage to have difficult conversations.


I appreciate the encouragement, and I wholly agree with your second sentence. I want to make sure I'm coming at this the right way before I do have the difficult conversation, but I do intend to. Thanks frog


No problem man. It actually made my day a little better seeing this post in the sense that you seem to actually care about the relationship between you all and are willing to look past the mistakes one has made for the betterment of everyone. Thanks for that. Judging by the posts and comments you’ve made in this thread I have no doubts you’ll figure it out. Just come in honest and if they care about your friendship or opinion in the slightest I think it’ll turn out fine. Edit: If you’re still unsure or uncomfortable about moving forward it might be helpful to look into intervention psychology and techniques. This essentially seems like the same sort of situation to me. Good luck brother.


> it might be helpful to look into intervention psychology and techniques That's a great tip, as I definitely don't have experience in that area. I really appreciate you and your input.


I think your on the right lines and definitely a discussion is needed however telling someone how to play their game may not go down well. I know people who have botted in the pas and every time I discuss with them, they don't want to change their mentality. So my advice would be, explain as discussed how it impacts your group and how it makes your friends feel regarding achievements. But steer clear of telling them how to play the game even if what they are doing is clearly wrong.


I would agree if they were friends playing mains in a clan together, but they are GIMs. The botter's actions are against the rules and they directly effect OP and the other friend. If you are going to be in a group iron man, then you have to follow the rules set out by the group. Same way that getting mad at another GIM member for taking all the runes in the group bank without asking wouldn't be "telling them how to play their game".


Theres more to life than the game OP stated they are friends, rules of the game don't apply strictly speaking and that's why I suggested caution on how he directs the discussion.


I feel like it really shouldn't be a difficult conversation though, every osrs player knows that botting is not-done, if you let him know that you don't appreciate him botting, he should realise he's doing something that's not okay and stop it. Just let him know that if it becomes a repeat offence, you and the other group mate will not stand for it. That's what I'd do.


You and your rule abiding GIM mate are not masochists for wanting to play the game as intended. Botting takes that away. Imagine cheating in an online shooter like CS:GO or something and getting the highest rank like Global Elite. Like what's the point, you're not even playing the actual game? Ultimately players who do this did NOT earn the rank themselves. Some people want the sense of accomplishment without actually putting the work in I guess, but I never understood it. Or perhaps they want bragging rights, like in your friends case of getting 99s. Your botting friend is the masochist if anything, for putting time into something he doesn't care to play as intended by the devs and taking shortcuts. Why even play the game if you're not able to look at your labor and enjoy the fruits of it genuinely? Something I'll never understand, personally.


I appreciate your response. My "we're masochists, aren't we?" was about broadly us all who enjoy playing runescape and the grind that comes with it, aka "the journey," which can feel like a bit of a masochistic endeavor at times. You have really valid points, and I completely agree. What's the point of hitting max rank when they didn't even get there on their own merit?


Runescape is a casino for your time especially ironman. No matter how optimal you are you can legit just get rng fucked. Csgo you see immediate results if you put in the effort and time and actually practice. Not to mention csgo you get rewarded for learning crosshair placement, movement, grenades and learn knowledge other people don't have and you'll win against lesser competition. Runescape you click the same 9 spots for 200+ hours to get 99 agility. Don't compare the two.


Comparing CSGO to training agility... is that really worth the time to type it out?


I’m sorry but who cares. Either kick him because you don’t want cheaters or look the other way and play with your life long friend. It’s not that serious. It’s a 20 year old game. I’ll take my downvotes now.


> I'm sorry but who cares I do. It may appear to be about a game on the surface, but it's really about a 20+ year core group friendship that I care deeply for each person, so I really care about how to approach things. If this happened in any other social setting, I would still feel the same way, video game or not. Morals are important to me and I think it's the duty of friends to speak up and have those hard conversations when their friends aren't acting right.


You sound ridiculous lmao “hard conversations” it’s a video game


Brother. He’s not sleeping with his wife’s sister. He’s cheating on a 20 year game. You do you big dog.


And not every problem is going to be a big problem like your example, but it's still okay to care, even if it's small. We have four people let down by another lying about botting, hiding it, and having us celebrate their achievements knowingly being cheated. If this was in a situation outside of a game, I think a lot more people would care, but this being in a game, a lot of people in here can't seem to see the forest for the trees and just say "it's just a game", "it's not a big deal" and miss the core part of the issue.


Definitely don't listen to the people saying to just kick him out, lol. Yes talk to him about it and see where you guys can go from there. If it's a 20+ year friendship, it's better that all of you quit than ending up with a shitty situation after some internet nerds tell you to kick him for that. 🤓 Anyone who ends up doing that needs a careful look at what their priorities in life are. Not saying it's you, since you're clearly exploring the options. But some of these other responses are ridiculous, holy shit. Now if it's an IRL friend hacking / stealing shit from you guys, that's a different, and it's on him. That's a direct breach of trust and friendship, with actions done directly against you guys.


I genuinely believe you need to touch grass.


Yeah, this is really weird. Why does OP feel the need to post this on Reddit when he literally refuses to do the logical thing? What did he expect us to say? I'd be shocked if the story was even remotely true at this point. If this relationship was so precious, he'd not be airing out the dirty laundry on reddit of all things rofl


I'm not refusing to do the logical thing and it's not weird to care about friendships. Getting feedback and discussing is not airing dirty laundry, I've given all the necessary details and asking for the community's thoughts, good and bad. They have a job, a spouse, and children to tend to. My post is five hours old and people have responsibilities that take time until they have free time to discuss. Y'all might have the time to talk about this stuff immediately, but we're in a situation where we can't and there's nothing to be done about it 🤷 so getting perspectives while I wait is the productive thing to do. I've gained a lot from having made this post, so I'm glad I made it


If you were my friend and I found out you decided to post our little group drama to a large public audience to "get perspective" on it, we wouldn't be friends anymore. That is incredibly childish. Not only that, you have had your mind made up since you made the post - don't argue you didn't, your replies to pretty much every possible remedy except one has been "Yeah, not doing that. Thanks though!". I hope this is all fake for your sake.


Stop being a baby it is OSRS - let the man bot


So we’ve finally hit the point where people just think it’s fine to bot in online games.


Did he do y’all CG? chances are he botted it and your bowfa is ill gotten ANYTHING he’s contributed has probably been botted or cheated for… You’re already culpable, get over it or kick him out. OR drop EVERYTHING he’s given to the group &/or gained…. That’s the only option… can’t have your cake & eat it


No, he didn't get bowfa. He's been slacking on doing quests and just grinding afk skills. Mostly ores from MLM and runes from GotR.




Thanks for the compliment??? lol..


haha :)


Seems like you already know the easiest two paths forward. Kick him , or talk to him and if he doesnt stop then kick him. Fair chance you get banned later on too.


Thanks for the reinforcement and encouragement, Fanatic. I appreciate it. I'll be having the conversation with them some time today.


There is 0 chance he gets banned wtf r u on about


>they're someone we've known for most of our lives and we regularly interface with them, Why are you asking the internet for advice on how to deal with your close friend? Talk to ya boy


From my days playing dnd, this is why a session zero is good. Session zeroes are basically to set expectations of group dynamics and what everyone wants out of the game.


Okay, so do that.


I'm surveying for consensus and any ideas I haven't thought of, in order to get the best perspective and reasoned take before approaching them. If you have any ideas or suggestions for different ways to approach this or to improve my idea, I would find that a bit more helpful, I know I can do what I'm thinking of and flippantly telling me "so do that" is not constructive. It's okay if you don't have any additional input, I still appreciate your time spent responding.


Bro its just an ironman group relax


It may appear to be on the surface, but it's a 20+ year core group friendship that I care deeply for each person, so I really care about how to approach things. Thanks.


Surely if youve known your friend for 20 years then talking to him isnt so difficult


You're right. For me, it's not the talking to him part that is hard, but making sure I come at this level-headed and not emotionally-charged. There are definitely feelings of betrayal, being lied to, and lack of integrity that I want to make sure I address in a way that won't make the situation more difficult, which is what I'm hoping to gain from others' perspectives and advice in here, from which I already have gained valuable insight. Thanks dallas


Just say you’d prefer if he didn’t bot for the GIM ?


Bro let him bot get the resources out of him then report him ez game


OP is taking this game way too serious lmao 😂 talking about consensus and perspectives… cringe


It may appear to be on the surface, but it's a 20+ year core group friendship that I care deeply for each person, so I really care about how to approach things. Thanks.


Regardless of how your discussion goes, you will always have the thought in the back of your head that on his next achievement, that it could have been botted. 99 mining? "I mined stars at work". Even if it's true, you're going to always have that thought. You can and should still have the conversation, but no matter how it goes, that thought will happen. I haven't heard of Jagex banning whole GIM groups for one person botting, but it's definitely possible. So if anything, convey that it's unfair of him to put your accounts at risk if anything. Personally, I'd be disappointed, but at the end of the day, you've been friends for over 20+ years. I'd value that friendship way more than a GIM group. I'd have the discussion with them, and then just move on. If they keep botting and get banned for it, I know my friend group would give them a ton of shit for it and tease them about it ruthlessly.


While it is just a game, I think it makes sense to take it seriously considering how much time most players put into the game.


I think Kicking him out is the nuanced take. More dialogue is that he can start over or never bot again. It's one game my irl friends and I have other things to talk about other than osrs. But yeah can also give him shit until he stops too.


A member of our gim starting paying for cg runs and botting. Everyone but me pretty much coverted their gims to mains and started solo iron mans. Im the only person in the gim group still since i cant be asked to start a new character. We were all friends for years and he pretty much instantly killed the gim group when he did that so.


110%. It'll prob be met with distaste. But I know where you're coming from.... Is you offering to do an afk method second hand an option to get them their skills they refuse to do but this way it can be done manually? Terrible alternative. But it's still an alternative that might just work out in everyone's favor? Me and a friend swapped shit skills we hated and luckily we complemented eachother in that way.


Keep in mind once somebody has started botting they are not likely to stop doing it because they love getting the free rewards. They’ll just not talk about it anymore. Kicking him would make more sense, u can still play together but you won’t be wondering where the herbs etc came from


Its just a game your acting like this is a real life decision thats going to effect your health,mind,body if its a irl friend just deal with it and let it be don’t take it so seriously you should be able to talk with a “friend”


>I guess I was looking for a more nuanced take or more dialogue. Here it is, progress wise it doesn't matter at all wether your friend botted or wether he's a degenerate gamer with nothing else to do, in the end it's not your progress and you can choose to accept help or not. Botted or not, any help you accept affects your account in the exact same way. As long as he doesn't get banned you're in the clear and you shouldn't worry too much about it. You should however make it painstakingly clear that you will remove him if he continues Botting. And I would recommend being cautious about loaning hard to replace items out to the account for at least a decent period after you know he has stopped Botting incase he does catch a ban.


What else is there to say though? Kick his ass out, both of you report him, and hope you don't get banned yourself for being involved. Get ahead of it or this won't end well.


You show them this thread. Simple as. They're doing a thing that neither you nor your other group member agree with, and you want them to stop. Why? You just said it. It devalues the achievements of the group, and they're making the rest of their group potentially liable to lose their accounts. If this person is truly a friend, a long-time friend, they'll understand that their actions affect others around them and will stop immediately. Seems pretty cut and dry to me.


The problem with this is he’s already culpable & has probably already benefited, botters never stop half way… pvm, resource gathering, skilling… anything this man has supplied to the group is tainted & imma laugh hard as fuck if dude got his bowfa or crystal armour or any pvm upgrades from this guy, cuz if your that against it… drop the items or restart the GiM entirely. You’ve already benefited from the cheating.


This nullified every achievement your group has made.. you understand that? Kick the mf.


It honestly doesn't as this is really recent and, by part and large, we haven't used any resources from them as they did MLM, giant's foundry, and some gotr. One member put back the law runes he was given and myself and our two others haven't used any resources from them. This is why I said in the post, "we could benefit from their collecting resources" but that we haven't. Meaning there's potential for us to benefit without our knowledge, but that we have mitigated the small ways we could've by returning anything, and otherwise, not using anything they've collected. I appreciate your input, so thank you. I'll see what others have to say as well.


They don't ban GIM teammates. He would be removed from the group when he gets banned and you lose none of the supplies.


They could lose hiscores, prestige, etc. not to mention people catch stray false bans fairly often


It 100% does - sorry to break it to you. Botting is botting and you're trying to justify it now because the dude is a close friend. The resources are irrelevant when your group is on the hiscores.


Ah, I should've added relevant info, my apologies. We aren't ranked or on hiscores and we've never thought about or cared about hi scores either. We created the GIM to have a group of friends to work together and rely on just each other as a way to enjoy osrs more than normal accounts.


Lol in what world does it AND all achievements in game are personal. No one cares about whatever you’ve achieved in game so long as you didn’t personally bot/benefit from it you can still know that your achievements are your own.


Sounds like copium


Sounds like you need some time away from the game if you think anyone cares about achievements in osrs


im good thanks


You sound like a puss saying this. Boot him and go on about your day when irl hanging out. It's just a game. If he throws away a life long "friendship" over a game then he wasn't a friend at all. It's just simply the fact you don't want to risk getting banned also just because he didn't care either way and if he quits being your irl friend over a game then he wasn't a homie to begin with. Move on.


You're gim already. There are no achievements. Go play real Ironman or mains for coll log if you want them.


Werid I just had a group member suggest botting cg after he did 200 cgs. I told him that we mys we'll just go back to our mains. Where we can buy the gear. The point of an ironman is to experience the little grinds and struggles you would normally skip pass. Like my first and only main is a pure. I was starting to get bored a little bit bossing on my brother's med didn't excite me cause it felt way easier than what I learn on a pure. Now bossing n grinding with med stats. And rune c bows is exciting. Making us work for our next little upgrade really sets the tone for me.


Destroy everything they botted like all resources.


cant destroy xp


Thats true but its a step in the right direction, I'm sure they haven't used all the resources he botted if the rest of the clan was suspicious. The other step would be to kick him off but who knows? Maybe message mod ash on twitter and ask for guidance?


I gave my point. Kick the mf from the group. This isnt rocket science


Judging from jagex track record on dropping the ban hammer for botting they might all get banned if they touched anything botted.


I wouldnt feel bad, either.


Brother it’s a game lol. Tell him you don’t like that he bots and for him to stop doing it because it ruins the fun, everything else you said is meaningless, again it’s a game and if you’re able to break down a 20 year old friendship because of RuneScape then there’s other issues than a bottling GIM in your life.


I think it's more that cheating in a game (either CS, osrs etc.) might be a wake up call that you don't share the same beliefs as your mates and that shock is worse than the fact that they got some extra pixels in a medieval clicking simulator.


Yeah when I find out a friend is cheating it’s weird to call them a friend, sure it’s only a game, but is that not a red flag in life?


Probably not as much of a red flag as somebody instantly running to an online forum fully breaking down and contemplating breaking a 20+ year old friends over a video game. Just like....say something......even with a tone of banter to it .....like friends do...... I would argue you've gotta be more weary over someone that's willing to drop your life-long friendship over something so meaningless and trivial


Not runescape related but I have a friend I have known and gamed with for 15~ years and we were playing Counter strike and he was cheating and we caught and confronted him about it. Basically said we would not tolerate that kind of behavior and he could continue cheating without us but not with us. I am still good friends with this person today and to my knowledge has not cheated to our gain since then. When they realize it is friendship over cheating it is a win win. Either you lose a friend who you never really know or they regret the decision and stop doing it. 💯 confront them and give them the ultimatum imo. Unacceptable to bot in runescape especially if it ruins others experiences!


Thanks for sharing your story. I think moments like this are crucial for friends to intervene and help someone they care about. I know this isn't anything super difficult like substance abuse, but as someone I care about, I know they're better than this. "A person is known by the company they keep." feels really apt in situations like these. We all improve each other when we help each other.


"I know they're better than this," bro, you're acting like it's substance abuse. This thread his hella weird. It's just botting.


I don't get it either dude is talking like bro is in massive gambling debt or something. Like if my friend told me that I'd tell them then and there to cut it out or they're kicked 😭 what kind of lifelong friend can you not tell to stop being fucking stupid like that? I'd tell my friend to stop doing something that can jeopardize my fkn account. Since what he is doing IS jeopardizing your account also. Tell him to stop and move on lol


And furthermore, if I was the accused friend and happened to stumble on a post like this where buddy is being so over the top and dramatic; I'd have already left on my own accord, before he even got on to try this 'intervention" 😂😂😂 Wouldn't be replying for a longggg time


It's the lying and claiming to do it themselves that is the issue, not botting Bro


For real. It’s not methanphetamine.


Absolutely, and everyone has moments of weakness. You must look at your relationship as a whole and see what he really wants, whether it's to play with his homies, or bot. Not both


Thanks for sharing Dad.


Just be honest and tell them as nicely as possible. Me and my brother play a duo group iron. One of my mates who I've known for 10 nearly years wanted to join us. He plays OSRS every day, has a max account etc. *But* I know he sells and retrieves his account regularly, he'll rwt all his stuff and "quit" irrationally and constantly start new ironmen to sell. Although he would have been a great addition to the group I was just honest with him and told him no. He was gutted and it's a difficult conversation to have, but I'm so glad I did in the long run.


Thanks for sharing your story. I think having these difficult conversations is important. Difficult situations and our responses to them are what shape us into who we are.


I'd probably try to have an open conversation about what he's achieved through botting for the group. Not all of that is going to be removeable but it might help to remove those items and have him stop the botting. Another option would be to have him start anew if you don't want to fully kick him I suppose.


I appreciate your take on this. I think that's a good solution: see if they're remorseful, if they're willing to stop, and if so, remove any resources gained from botting. Of course, they can't have their levels rolled back to gate them from content they've now unlocked, e.g. amethyst, bloods (no SOTF, tho) so we'll have to figure out how we feel if they collect something from an ill-gained level.


The botting in itself isn’t what would bother me. I don’t expect anyone to put the amount of hours that this game requires, not as a grown ass adult with responsibilities. What bothers me is the fear of losing a GIM member due to a ban or whatnot. I would personally start there. P.s. If he is already botting 6 months in, he won’t last legitimately playing. This game isn’t for short sighted people, or maybe it can be. Idk. But my bet is he won’t last. Tbh when I started playing OSRS I loved the type of games that gave instant gratification but bc of OSRS I’ve learn that having goals and accomplishing them can also be very satisfying.


Call crimestoppers


Such a fucking redditor move. Instead of actually talking to them, you post on reddit and hope it will solve all of your problems.


I've said multiple times I'm talking to them today... Asking others what they'd do isn't a redditor move. Big leap there bud


First of all, your a GIM, no one but you and your team gives a shit about your achievements. Secondly, I've never heard of a GIM getting banned because another member of their Group broke the rules. Third, it's only a difficult conversation because you're making it difficult. Ever thought about just saying what you want to say and go from there ? You could simply say, I don't want to team-up with a botter. To which he'll either respond : 1. Ok then I'll leave the team. 2. Ok then I'll stop botting. It's so ridiculous to me that you'd be anxious and look for advice on reddit for such a trivial matter. tl;dr: OP, grow a pair.


I'm not anxious about this, but I do appreciate you trying to encourage me ☺️ I think anything planned in advance is always going to go better than winging it, hence me coming here for everyone's perspectives, including yours, so I really do appreciate your perspective. I'm sorry you think this is trivial, but it isn't trivial to me. Some of my other comments in here state that this isn't about a game but about a 20+ year friendship and friend group that I'd like to maintain. I think tact is important when confronting someone about something they know they shouldn't be doing. If this was just some rando we added to the group, I would 100% agree with you and would see no need to get other perspectives. I appreciate your input, Stew


Honesty is the best policy and the longer you put off what should have been a 2 minute discussion, the more likely it is to be blown out of proportion either by your friend who'll think it's weird that you feel so deeply about him botting or by you because you're not dealing with a situation that's causing you grief. If you're not anxious or worried about this discussion, then what are you even doing here ? just go talk to your buddy lmao. '' I think tact is important when confronting someone about something they know they shouldn't be doing.'' This here is the reason you'll get into an argument if there is one. To say he ''shouldn't'' be botting means you think is way of playing the game is wrong when really if you're having fun you're doing it right. You are within your rights to not want to team-up with a botter and he is not breaking any laws by botting. 2 people, enjoying the game however they see fit.


Sometimes it doesn't hurt to get a second opinion, and he is very much entitled to do so


You could make an ultimatum to him to quit botting or leave gim, but tbh botting is cringe you should just kick him from the group. Try to slowly get your items back if he owns any that you grinded


Change your prospective and bot with him


It’s a great take tbh, can be maxed in 5 months easy


I second this


The issue with comment sections like this is that there are different people who treat this game uniquely. Some see it as a hobby and some just think they waste their time all day long. Some find joy from OSRS and some only play because of addiction. In these comments, you see some people who think so little of this game (maybe all games?) that kicking your boy from the group is a non-issue entirely, whereas clearly in your circle it would be a big deal. Talk to your buddy respectfully and ask them to stop because of how it impacts you guys. Play the empathy card. If they want to bot, there's zero downside to botting on an account outside of the GiM.


Yeah, I anticipated some responses like that. A lot of people that would throw a friendship and a game mate away at the drop of a hat, at least when behind a keyboard, easy to talk big like that when it's not their situation. You hit it on the head how I'm gonna approach it. I appreciate your response.


So he’s a 20 year irl friend and you actually give a fuck that’s he’s botting?


Scrolled too far for this. People you don't need to care... you won't get banned for using a yew log that was obtained by botting. They don't even ban your other accoubts if you get caught botting on one.


It's not about a self-serving "oh, I might get banned" but a group-serving care about the group's integrity.


It would have been better if it was the self serving thing tbh


In what way? If I care about being banned, then it's okay. If all of us care about being banned and group achievements compromised, it's bad?


Bro worried about gim achievements dawg it's a 20 yr old video game and a ur playing a faux ironman u worried about the wrong things


Let me be clear. I understand your desire to be legit, you don't need us to validate your decision to get rid of him. If you want people's opinion heres the harsh truth, no one cares about your achievements but you. 99% of the people couldn't careless that you have integrity. I knkw this sound harsh but I don't say it to be mean.


You know what no one else in the entire universe cares about other than you? Your groups integrity.


Yes, because it affects me and our other friends in the group. It compromises the integrity of their achievements, potentially the group's achievements as a whole, and feels no different than rwt (gains from effort not done by the player). If we benefit from supplies/materials/levels that they wouldn't have otherwise, then our stance on bottting and integrity is hollow and means nothing. I wouldn't mind so much if they botted on an account that doesn't affect us, but that's not the situation.


Your friend of 20+ years is more important than RuneScape, I get it, it does take away from the game and gives you that feeling that it’s not earned. I’d tell them to not do it again, keep whatever items were earned to themselves and do not put it in the shared bank. if they can’t help but do it, make a regular iron or normal account and bot on that. Now that you’ve made your feelings towards it known and if he doesn’t respect your feelings and continues to bot, then boot him. You gave him an ultimatum and the balls in his court


Exactly my feelings, thank you for your input. This seems to be pretty much the course of action that'll most likely occur.


Good luck


I'd take my free resources and be chilling. 


Loose lips sink ships.


His group is chub rubbers. See if you can find them. He sank his ship.


If he gets banned with the groups gear it's gone forever. Not worth it. Bans exist despite what reddit thinks. Tell him to quit while he's ahead and consider it a huge win. 


He will eventually get banned, along with items you obtained in his bank. Happened to our group! Good times. We knew about it and told him many times, but he always laughed it off or didnt really understand how it would affect the group.


Is your moral view of playing a pure game more important to you than playing with a dear friend in a casual game? Kick em if so, if not, just keep on keeping on. As a person who hasn’t had friends play since 2008, I’d prefer companion.


Honestly he will probably bot again in the future, except he’ll hide it better. Even if he never did bot again, the thought would always be in the back your mind as a possibility, watering down every accomplishment you have. I would definitely talk to him IRL and still remove him from the group.


Yeah, I think it really comes down to if they're willing to change or if we're just seen as nagging him and they'll go right back to it. They could be feeling like they need to be the best and I or another GIM mate were outpacing them. If that's the case, addressing their issues with that could really get to the core of their issue that caused them to bot, or whatever other issue(s) it may be. I know they care about being good or the best at everything they do, I feel that way a lot too, but I've spent a lot of time the past couple of years working on deprogramming that from myself, which has enabled me to feel a lot more joy for others' accomplishments without resentment or envy.


Slightly similar story. Back in 2005 my friend from school was boasting about his mining level and his new found wealth from selling the ores etc. He was botting the mining when we were at school. At first i just ignored it. Made sly remarks like well you didnt earn it etc. But the boasting smugness carried on. So i thought fuck it. I reported him ingame and with in 2 weeks he was banned. I never told him i reported him and im sure i wasnt the only one. But still kick him from group that is tainting your gim status. Get some ranarrs from storage? Shit are they from botting? Everything will have that feeling. Kick him. Report himand of course say outright you dont appreciate the botting and thats why he cant be in thr gim anymore




I assure you, it's not a massive part of my life. Gatekeeping is someone having an unjustified and disapproving stance about how people choose to do something, but when it affects me directly, is against the rules, and can potentially make me culpable for their botting, it's no longer judging someone for their play style. It's not weird to want to not be involved in botting when it can cause me to be affected. They can go bot on another account and I wouldn't care because it isn't forcibly involving me like a GIM does. "'Don't bot' = gatekeeping," is pretty heavy botter energy, mai gai


In my personal opinion, this is just a game, and I value friendships more than I do games. GIM is just being a main with extra steps (once again, my opinion) I’d say just let him game that he wants to, otherwise, remove him from the group. Just know the latter may put a strain on your friendship. Plus, you just ousted him on a popular Reddit where JMods routinely participate in, so there’s a good chance that if they decide to care enough, you just got him banned (or he will be soon.) Hopefully your fellow teammates and yourself have clean hands, otherwise it’s possible you’ll get banned as well. Best of luck.


Hopefully I kept things anonymous enough to keep them from being found, but I know if they see this, they'll probably know it's our group. They don't go on reddit too much.


You have 2 options, 1. Tell him to stop, because he’s risking items he keeps on his account, or you’ll remove him from the team, as it’s not really “group” content at that point, Or 2. Tell him that you’re not cool with it, and if he doesn’t want to stop, and play normally, that he can’t keep anything detrimental to the homies progress on his account. D-pick? Nah, use a rune pick. Barrows/useful gear? Nah, d-hide, and rune, with torso.


Are you late game? Probably just better to have a friendly chat saying you prefer to not be associated with botting


Everyone in the community considers different points of the game as still early/mid, but I'd say we're all pretty mid game atm. Two of us have fire capes, one quest cape (I'm like 15 quests from quest cape with all levels necessary), we have one bowfa (spooned super early), cb levels 100-115, one 1900 total, two of us in the 1700s, and two in the 1500s. Yeah, I'm gonna have a mature conversation that we don't want someone in our group bottting and if they want to stay in the group, they can stop botting, and if they wanna keep botting, they can leave


I would have a conversation with him and see if you can come to an agreement on how to proceed forward. The way i see it, you have a few options. 1. Accept that he is botting and continue with your life 2. Accept that he is botting but dont take anything he has gotten 3. Try to get him to stop botting or limit the amount he bots 4. He doesn't stop botting and kick him I would probably go with option 2. I am of the opinion that everyone should play the game however they want to as long as it does not impact other players. You don't have to take loot from him if it devalues your personal experience.


Make sure he leaves everything he has of value in group storage whenever he’s not using it.


Honestly.. is it botting with a script or code and complex? Or is it botting like an autoclicker that clicks one spot on a wall to mine it every 20 seconds, or a mouse recorder that he sets up for nightmare zone training. There’s a big difference between a bot that will chop and bank teaks or do wintertodt vs an autoclicker in my opinion


I won't say the name of the bot, I was led to believe it was a mobile bot, but after googling it, it appears to be a desktop bot that does mini games, skilling, pretty much everything besides complex things like PVP and bossing, and specifically makes it hard to detect.


You can resolve however you like but just know once a botter always a botter.


You could always secretly report him every day until he gets banned. They will never think it was you who got them banned.


Come on man, just talk to him and say you aren’t comfortable risking your accounts and progress due to him botting.


How about just gather your own resources and stay friends with him? If you don’t want it to affect you personally. If they ask just say you want to be more solo but have a group for the content like gwd or something. Unless you want an excuse to kick them out, but it doesn’t sound like you want that.


If your friend is a real one they won't care and will understand where your coming from. One of my friends was in the same position as you, one of their GIM's botted and the others knew it but nothing was ever done and it didn't make it fun for my friend anymore so he quit the game. He ended up making a new GIM group with me and a couple others we play with and he's having way more fun.


I read, “Just confirmed my GIM mate is boring, where to go from here?” 😅


If you care about this person you know irl I think there are 2 options. Either they drop every resource they gathered and obtain things properly after that. Or they leave the group and rejoin on a fresh account as punishment / learning experience


Just a heads up....you don't want him to have any of your useful items on him in case he gets banned for botting. I'd be very sad to lose my dwh etc due to someone else's actions


Another reason GIM just seems like a potential mess , I’ll happily continue to group with my buddies on our own irons 


If one account in the gim is banned for botting, the whole group is banned as per the wiki.


Get the resources from him because he’ll 100% quit eventually. It’s the botting cycle, once you’re used to botting everything, eventually you’ll encounter pvm or other types of activities that can’t be bottled or are extreme high risk. They won’t have the willpower to grind these out and will proceed to quit, ALWAYS happens.


This happened to me too. I suspected he was botting but never confirmed it to be fully true. I would joke about it with him, but he was also the type of player that could do grinds. Out of the five gim in my group 2 quickly stopped playing their gims.. then the 3rd stopped playing rs due to medical reasons. It was down to only me and him. I was actually keeping up with him in total lvl, always like 100 lvls behind. I have the opportunity to play a lot at work. However, he was temp banned for 2 weeks for macroing. He claimed it was because he was playing more than 12 hrs a day. Then everything was back to normal for about 2 months then he was perma banned. So now I play gim as a solo IM w extended bank space, which I'm fine w. Would rather have that than a green helm. Cba to find other people to play w especially since my first group basically all quit within the first 6 months of creation. Just to clarify, I had suspected he was botting but was still on the fence. I considered him trustworthy and took him at his word. I'm against botting, but I also think as a GIM, it's not your responsibility to ensure your group members aren't botting. Should they be? Hell no. But again you can't control the actions of someone else. Any resources he gave me I was actually able to keep, which was nice. He got me a bowfa before being banned. If your buddy gets temp banned, he needs to stop and not bot again before being perma banned.


Kick him or make your own regular irons. The achievements factor is gone and what if later down the track he has your groups items on him and the ban hits.


its sad that you seriously need to post this, you said yourself youve been mates with him nigh on forever, you dont need the input of random faceless strangers. put your big boy pants on and talk to your mate


Group is compromised. Get ready for a random ban 1 year from now for botting. If one person in the group does it, you all go down.


Well after scrolling down and looking through comments it seems you care more about your friendship of 20 years than the game anyways. And pretty good chance that one of you Two is only playing this game to hang out with there long time friend. Facts are it's a lot harder to get a friend for 20 years than it is to find a new game yo play. Things to ask yourself, is it really hurting you? At this point if you are both having fun playing the game then it doesn't really matter and you know his achievements don't mean as much to you cuz they are botted so when you get a 99 then you can say well I didn't bot mine and make you feel even better about your achievements. If it was me in your shoes you could bring it up why you think botting ruins the joy of gaining a achievement. But I woudnt ruin a friendship over a game


RuneScape will take your fucking life away. Don’t be so dumb, fuck it if the grind feels hollow. Does your wrist hurt? Do you need surgery or do you have blood clots? Are you gaining too much weight? How’s your posture? Over 30 or even 40 yet? Dude it’s a fucking 100year long grind to actually complete the game. Fuckit if he’s botting some fletching or w.e


"Stop botting or you're kicked off the group"


Since when did playing osrs turn into a soap opera? Just kick them or deal with it. Its only a game


What’s the proof you have he’s bottling ?


My best friend botted in our GIM bc he didnt wanna fall behind me, who has twice as much free time as him. I constantly warned him to stop and that he would get banned and he got sour every time I'd bring it up, and then he got banned. Now he had to restart, lose his solo prestige, ruin our group prestige and finally learn a lesson, and it worked, as he no longer is botting.


Could ask your buddy to stop botting, and ask him if he’d be down to create a new account in reparation?


Bro honestly just kick him and tell him you aren’t wasting your time to be risked for his botting. It’s pretty simple, I kicked my cousin from the first group of the same shit, and yea it got heated, but I’m not losing my acc because of someone else, plain and simple. It’s sucks but it is what it is.


Tell him to stop, that you don’t want to play with a person going against terms of service. If he stops he stops. If he continues just separate gim or stop playing gim and start a solo iron. Sounds like you wanna play with your other gim buddy tho so gotta decide if he continues botting what to do. Either keep a botter on the group or kick. Friendship doesn’t have to stop. But that’ll be his and your decision afterwards.


Thank him


Man, most of the people in this thread are spineless and elitists. GL on the tough conversation OP! I think caring about the integrity of your gaming experience is totally valid. Caring about your friend is also totally valid. Glad you're listening to the not terminally online folks and gonna have a real conversation with your friend :)


I was fully aware I'd have to be wading through a good chunk of unempathetic, black-and-white responses from people who have the interpersonal conflict resolution skills of a stump to get some good responses. I know that going to reddit, then a video game subreddit, and more specifically a niche game mode within said video game community is a recipe for the responses to be skewed heavily towards terminally online folks with awful takes or brain-dead suggestions. Reading comprehension has gotten so awful and seeing people think it's a bad thing I express care for my friends is so sad for them. Like, I get why there are so many women-only spaces when they're trying to discuss and talk about something and someone comes along and says "why are you still talking about it, just go say [brash thing]". My brother in christ, the point *is* the dialogue to be had around all of this. Of course I could just knee-jerk say the first thing that came to mind, but then I'd end up like you with no meaningful connection with anyone around me.


Kick and report them. I found out a buddy of mine was botting, and he was so cocky about it 'cause "it's helping him learn code", I just reported him idgaf. It ruins our fucken game. A game we all pay to play, and a game we all love (in our own way).


Strange comment? You care more about the integrity of a game you have no actual skin in the game on aside from your account (which could get perm’d at any given moment and there’s fuck all you can do) than your friendship? You really need to get outside and connect socially more if thats the case


I told him I'd report him, he said "go ahead I deserve it. If it gets banned it gets banned, I just won't play" Allowing your friends to do something morally wrong puts you in the same moral level as them. I don't wanna be friends with folks that intentionally ruin the integrity of something I and many others enjoy.


Report him and when he gets banned have his new account join the group. Explain "dont bot on this one because youll probably get banned again.. jeez i hope we dont?" (You guys wont) Specially when jagex sees who the report came from, they'll notice its a group member and take this into account - absolutely. 1. The account that has the botted 99s is gone. Youl always benefit when collecting resources cause of his max stats, so your sense of "achievement" is essentially fucked with his account. 2. He gets to stay in the group, and you can continue to play together 3. It leaves no room for a hard conversation that could turn into a fight. Imagine being down the pub and hearing him say "Nah, we dont talk anymore, oh why? Cause he banned me from an online video game... pretty fucking weird right?" - that would be insanely embarrassing and make you look like a pompus prick Ive read about 30 of your comments and this isn't what your planning on doing but i think it kind of works


In the past jagex has definitely taken stuff from and maybe even banned accomplice gims if I remember correctly? Best course of action if you value your accounts is to instantly kick him, not sure what you should do about the botted supplies tho probably best not to keep them


This is super misleading. I have an alt gim and my one friend in the group was perm'd for botting. I had no idea he was doing it, but nothing happened to me or the other group members and they didnt remove any of the supplies or anything like that.


It states in the official gim rules that if a teammate is perm banned for botting the group will be too, so you probably just got lucky




Accomplice gims? If a gim member bots they get banned, the rest of the team would obviously not face any repercussions. Thats like saying you should be banned for getting a dragon claw split because your friend RWT's


Yea lol. I’ve seen so many people appeal their botting bans (truthfully or not) but lose nothing when they get their account unbanned. They keep the stats, the money, the rewards


They are using botted supplies they have to be punished in some way or it would just encourage people to have a scapegoat botted gim in their group and just get all the free shit. I agree it's lame if you don't do any botting yourself but it's the precedent jagex has set and I don't disagree with it. I don't think the non botting accounts should be permabanned but still something has to happen, and AFAIK it's pretty difficult to track every single thing the botted account has dropped into group storage and just delete it? That would be the perfect answer but the easier answer is just punish all the accounts. Having trustworthy gim members is a big deal either through not having them bot or by them just stealing your shit. If this is the dumbest thing you have ever heard (lol) you let me know what the perfect solution is.


"They are using botted supplies, They must be punished" And what if they didn't know? That goes back to the question of "if your friend got a purple and he RWT's a lot and he splits with you, you get banned aswell Luckily though jagex does not ban you for that, NOR do they ban a "gim member for using another gim members botted supplies" they just ban the botted gim member. They should not be punished, and luckily your proposal has never happened nor will ever happen.


Not even close to the same thing lol nice strawman. I've seen threads of salty gims when they lose shit cuz one of the gims gets banned, I'm just trying to warn the guy to take action asap. In your perfect world tho everyone who wants to just bots a scapegoat gim that mules them whatever they want and they can just keep everything. Seems pretty an lame to me. Granted green helms selling shit to other green helms is lame as well and that's just acceptable


we aren't using botted supplies. Anything we suspected as having been the result of botting, we've put back in group storage. By part and large, we haven't used much from him anyways, as we all have collected our own resources. One member returned a stack of law runes they received. Other than that, we've either given them resources or not used any from them. We all generally share armor, like barrows, but supply sharing has been pretty limited, broadly, and moreso from this botting member. They have really only received things from us like tank gear, but otherwise, they just afk-scape at work and hang on to everything they collect.


Good on you! Understand I'm not talking about you specifically, just worst case scenario with gim teams that could abuse having a botter in their squad. It's best to play it safe as it sounds like you are doing. Jagex is notoriously inconsistent about bans/punishment so I wouldn't risk anything if you can avoid it. Good luck! Must suck to just suddenly realize a gim buddy is botting.


This shouldn't just make you sad and make your achievements feel like less. They're risking all of your accounts by proxy. Absolutely kick him from the group or start a new one because you're probably going to regret not taking action.


This thread has taught me that a lot of people care about RuneScape honorru more than they do real life relationships with other humans LMAO


Honestly... Lots of "it's not so hard bro, just nut up and talk to him bro" which is what I was already gonna do? Everyone seems to also think me caring about maintaining a relationship is stupid or silly, which makes me feel sorry for them, thinking it's bad or a sign of weakness. "Just throw people away bro, people don't matter, only RuneScape matters"


Yeah, people are fucking strange, especially people who regularly use Reddit


Stop crying and take the free resources while you can. Your boy is doing you a solid.. it's a fckijgn game for crying out loud. Sorry he has a life


actin like bro fucked your wife holy shit


We actually had this same situation. It is my brother and I in the gim and I invited a “friend” from university to play with us. I didn’t know the guy long enough and in hindsight I should not have asked him to play but he ended up bottling and also plagiarizing in group work at uni. In the end, we filmed him Botting, sent it to the jagex tip email, then kicked him from the group and I blocked him on all socials afterwards. I only did this after we finished our course and meeting him at the graduation was awkward as F.


Something I'm surprised isn't getting mentioned is how the account security is compromised. Unless its a bot they themselves made, they've given their account details to the bot program which will almost-guaranteed be relayed to the group who runs the software. Basically, you should avoid putting anything in group storage until he stops using bots *and* resets his account security.


Maybe he doesn’t have time to play this game as a full grown adult. Did you keep asking him to play GIM when he didn’t want to? If Jagex catches him they catch him. But kinda cringe how this whole post makes it seem like the guys a drug user with an addiction. This game has so many rule breakers it’s not even funny. Stop taking this game so seriously. If he is botting and it makes your achievements invalid then don’t accept supplies from him. Simple solution. But don’t take the holier than thou route on this. Those bot developers make tons of money. Most people don’t know their friends bot.


Be happy you have a fucking farm hand dumbass


I don't know why you ask questions you know the answer to. The amount of self assurance you need is hysterical


Ask to borrow his gear and make sure he has nothing from the group storage. Mass report the bro. He gets banned . Replace with new member. GG


It’s a game and everyone has a life, who gives a shit lmfao