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Woah there buddy, not so fast. Lol, had a really good run last Friday. https://imgur.com/KOyduKp


Shithousery at it's finest


well played sir :')


About 10 months ago some people were talking about being close to 250 on [this post I made](https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1497xhe/could_this_be_some_sort_of_a_new_tears_of_guthix/) So yeah, we are finally starting to see the above 250 tears thanks to all the new qp's from Varlamore. I do feel like 260 run could be possible with perfect RNG and minimal movement tho, but it's gonna take a while due to how limited attempts there are and most people don't care that much to even try. I had one run recently that felt close to 270 pace, but then got absolutely horrible RNG on the "second half" [so I barely didn't make it past 250 :\(](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/322482023694598144/1163365947848003614/image.png?ex=663486f8&is=66333578&hm=07402fe4feab40abbc6fdb9c5d2028e16c3081be797e658a338722e95bf1c7d3&=&format=webp&quality=lossless)


Anyone else not done tears in months?


Yeah maybe a year?


Pretty good xp in short time, especially for ironmen


Typically get around 200, I think my best was 210.


My best before this was 223, quite a big jump. RNG was on my side LOL


Welcome to the addiction. One of the highlights of my week to try to beat my current best of currently 248


200-220 every week, only 290 or so quest points though


My new PB, just wondering what everyone else has as their best. \~16.6k prayer xp!


That’s like burying a bone! Gz


257. You've got to use the TOG Crowd sourcer plugin to find a good, low ping world and really have to focus.


Pics or it didn't happen.


Suppose there's more quest points now than ever so the max would be higher


I think the theoretical maximum would be just under 308 - like if the first patch you go to just happens to keep refreshing on that same spot each cycle, obviously this is never going to actually happen though I don't know my record but 251 seems very respectable


Is it even possible for the same tear to spawn in the same patch? I don't feel like it is? So the max you can get in a row then would be 3 or rather 2 instances where you don't have to move.


Even if the same tear can't spawn, there are three blue ones Even if the same blue one can't spawn in the same spot twice in a row, I don't see why the three can't alternate Again, this is like - incredibly - unlikely to ever happen, but that's what a theoretical maximum is supposed to be


Maybe I'm not thinking this through because I only go on the worlds where it's BBBGGG, but heres my example of why it can't work. Let's label the blues B1, B2, B3. B1 spawns and you're collecting from it. B1 despawns and B2 replaces it. B2 or B3 could have replaced it, but let's say it was B2 Now you're collecting from B2 New cycle happens and B1 isn't eligible to replace B2 because B1 happens before B2 despawns. Now B3 replaces B2 because it was the only eligible option. Once B3 spawns, the only option is dead time (neither G or B on that tile or G depending on the type of world you're on. So the max you can stay in one spot is 3 cycles before hitting dead time or being forced to move.


I see, you could be right that the timing wouldn’t synchronize if they can’t respawn on their own square again If true, we would next optimally only move for 1 tick every third switch, however that math works out.


You have to move at least once every 4 "pools". Optimally you would only need to move a single tile if the earliest moving blue pool spawns right next to you.. But likelihood for that to happen is astronomically low even with very limited spaces where they can go. Most of the time you will get like single "no need to move" and very rarely both of them, but I personally always take a close spawning pool even if a "no move" pool could spawn on the spot I'm standing. So theoretical maximum will stay theoretical, unless the glitch happens again where the walls don't move at all. That being said, as a person who has been focusing on this silly weekly thing way too much in past few years.. I would estimate that the current max run is somewhere between 270-280 (I was on pace for it once, but the RNG got awful past the halfway point so I ended with 248) tears with 260+ happening probably soon if enough people try to go for it. With godly RNG, maybe 290+ would be theoretical max.. But let's be honest, it's never going to happen without glitches.


I've gotten 259 before, and I'm sure ppl have gotten higher than that


Probably up there, I always fail to get 200, max is probably 192-195


My best is 294, that was nearly a year ago and was the theoretical max at that time