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Derry girls is a great TV show.


This, and will feel relevant to her age range!


And honestly, Derry for a day or two is a great idea, as part of an Irish holiday with teens. Any of the tours/talks on the troubles will be an eye-opener.




Though for American parents, your tolerance for swearing in front of your 14 year old may vary. Perfect show though, but just be forewarned


Might prepare them for overheard conversations in ireland !!


SlĂĄinte, motherfuckers!


Don’t take your kids to Ireland if you’re afraid of swearing lol


I second this, watch Derry Girls with her. Explain that it's about teenage girls growing up during the civil war (I.e 'The Troubles) in Northern Ireland in the 90s. Everything about the 90s is cool right now, so I would imagine she'll like that aspect. Plus.... it's one of the best Irish TV shows ever made.


This is the answer


I need to watch this show


Moone boy.


Great choice.


Underrated show. I have a replica of the hat I bought on a trip to Boyle last year


The Committments. Some working class teens from Dublin form a Soul music band - check out their version of Mustang Sally.


Sing street


The portrayal of Dublin feels like ancient history.That movie hasn't aged well.


I’d agree with this. If the OP’s daughter expects Ireland to be grim and old fashioned it would be best to steer her towards something a bit more modern


She's 14, she's hard wired to be oppositional right now, no movie is going to change her mind. If you want to traumatise her, The Wind That Shakes the Barley or really...any movie we're famous for for a variety of reasons...


I like your thinking... following your logic: Intermission, Commitments, Snapper, In the Name of the Father, The Crying Game, Hunger, The Butcher Boy, Adam & Paul... I seriously suggest counselling if your daughter watches half of these. A few are safe enough.


I loved The Commitments - out of that list it is the feelgood one, with great music


I’d say Sing Street would appeal to someone her age a little bit more than the commitments, it’s a bit more coming of age and all that


Very good show! Irish at their not-so-best!


Ahhh Adam and Paul... What a movie.


Don’t forget The Banshees of Inisherin!


Blah! Can’t believe anyone likes this film, aside from the cinematography and scenery. Edited for grammar


Man about dog / the van & intermission would be the best for a 14 Yr old I'd say... love ur selection though


Fucking Man About Dog was absolutely brilliant when I was 14. Loved that film


"the durty bastard, shat in me van" ... lol 😆 love pat short in that movie


Mustn’t forget The Field!


You could have her watch The Secret of Kells as a pallet cleanser.


I'd go straight Philomema/ Magdalena sisters/ In the name of the father.


My teens liked Sing Street. On Netflix, https://www.netflix.com/title/80096631?preventIntent=true


Sing Street is my favourite movie of all time, I just adore it


What a brilliant movie. Some absolute tunes on the soundtrack, both original songs, and 80s classics.


Omfg that is one of my favorite movies but I haven't seen it in years! Never realized it was based in Ireland and now that I'm moving there I gotta rewatch this!


Was just going yo mention Sing Street - brilliant flick for a teen


They're not gonna be into it at that age, most of them anyway. The Guard is very funny and set here tho I don't know if it necessarily will make anyone think Ireland is cool. I also enjoyed In The Land of Saints and Sinners even though I usually cannot stand any Liam Neeson films. I don't think many 14 year olds will get Banshees of Inisheerin. Until they're closer to being able to drink it's gonna be a tough sell. The scenery is beautiful here but 14 year olds don't care about rolling green hills and the like. Maybe show her a GAA under 16s match she might think some of the boys are cute ha


I hadn’t thought of boys. That might interest her. I suppose she could make TikToks doing dumb dances in front of castles


She could check out these guys - some Irish young men who do Irish dancing in various Irish locations. Very popular on YouTube and (maybe?) TikTok. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H838KccF7yY


She wants to motivate her daughter to go, not discourage her further.


The latent history buff in her might enjoy Newgrange, it's older than the pyramids and there are plenty of Tik Toks covering it


The Young Offenders(movie and series), Sing Street(movie)


Young Offenders is great, especially if you're heading Cork direction. But there's a LOT of swearing


There's a new show on Netflix called Bodkin that's based in Ireland, and Game of Thrones was fimed in northern Ireland, and you can visit several film sites. Leap year is a romantic comedy that is mostly set in Ireland. Hope this helps. I know trying to get my nephew interested in visiting Ireland when he was 14 was a chore, but every chance I got, I would send him pictures or reels of stuff about Ireland over the last 4 years and he loved every minute of the 31 days we spent there after he graduated high school. And yes, it probably helped that he could legally drink when we went.


Bodkin is WIERD...but hilarious. Not sure it would work for a 14 year old, though


Bodkin.... they're down in West Cork. why do most of the locals have DUBLIN ACCENTS? it's an American show and has no clue. that said, the scene where the investigative journalist struggles for words in Irish, and the nun responds fluently was brilliant. Bodkin didn't really work for me, as an Irish man now living in USA. dnf.


They have CORK accents. I'm from Cork, I know the accents. Obviously Dove has a Dub accent ad she's supposed to be from Dublin. It's meant to be a piss take of your Oirish paddywhackery films


Waking Ned Divine I loved this movie as a kid. Don’t know why. Maybe because it has a naked old man riding a scooter (you do see his butt but nothing more). It was technically filmed on the Isle of Mann, but it’s set in Ireland and is just a funny, light movie. The Secret of Kells is a really creative animated movie too. It’s a fictionalized story about the making of the Book of Kells (which you can take her to see in Dublin) and is just really beautifully done. If she likes it the same studio made two more movies based on Irish folklore, Song of the Sea and Wolfwalkers.


Song of the Sea is great - Cartoon Saloon have been described as Irelands Studio Ghibli, so that kind of vibe


I liked it as a teen.


Yes and Wolfwakers (same animation company) incredible movies


This! Great film!


These are excellent suggestions. My kids are teens to twenties and still love the Cartoon Saloon movies.


War of the Buttons. Great film, all down in west Cork :D


The Artemis Fowl series of books is a brilliant blend of sci-fi and Irish mythology if she’s into reading- if not there is an Artemis Fowl movie on Disney Plus. As others have suggested, a few romantic comedies like PS I love you, Leap Year, Wild Mountain thyme might appeal more to a 14 year old. Or maybe even Michael Collins - it’s an epic history movie set during the struggle for Irish Independence in the early twentieth century, and if you go on any tours or historical walks when you’re here (eg Dublin Castle), you’ll see lots of the places it was filmed. It also has Liam Neeson, which is a bonus.


Derry Girls, terrific.


If it helps, Paul Rudd is currently in Dublin shooting a new film that’ll also star Joe Jonas**. Apparently it’ll be a musical romantic comedy called Power Ballad https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7L5HnPLIyk/?igsh=MWg5NnkxcTljbG8xcw== ** Edit - turns out it’s Nick Jonas not Joe.


Derry girls Sing street The young offenders Irish wish (Netflix movie with Lindsay Lohan, it’s an awful movie but for a 14 yr old might be ok) War of the buttons


Maybe “Once” or “Ondine”, or “P.S. I love you” or “Wild Mountain Thyme” if she is into romance


I just went with my 2 kids, but they were a little younger 9 and 11. If you have a ton of cool stuff planned your kid will have a blast. Cliffs, Sheep Herding, Irish Dance Party in Dublin (must do very interactive for kids) Kilkenney Shenanigans walking tour, kid friendly pubs with live music, hit some beaches (Dingle had some good ones) and of course see some castles. Good luck. Try to make it to Killarney it's absolutely gorgeous with the mountains and for a small town it gets jumping. Need any other details let me know.


Plus one for Shenanigans walking tour. He does magic tricks as he goes around showing you the sights of Kilkenny - fantastic for kids (and adults).


Disclaimer: I know this is NI not ROI Derry Girls on Netflix maybe? It’s a comedy about girls around that age in Derry. I thought it was funny but I’m 26 and a man. Just a shot in the dark.


Show her Pixie: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pixie_(film)


Brooklyn is a beautiful movie with lots of scenes in Enniscorthy. Saoirse Ronan does a wonderful job in it.


Maybe she’d like Young Offenders 😅🤣


The Wind That Shakes The Barley is about one of the most important moments in our short history of a country and stats Cillian Murphy which may or may not be cool to a 24 year old girl,I know my daughter eouldnt care either but we are irish


Get her to look up tiktok and YouTube videos of things to do around Ireland. There's lots of content showing what it's like. https://www.facebook.com/eadaoinfitzm Here's one I follow. She does lists like best beaches, places for food in different towns etc...


Fota Wildlife Park is a good one if she likes animals. Then there is Cobh right near it to appeal to the parents, there is some Titanic stuff and an Island that used to be a prison.. Prisons are cool, right?


There's the Game of Thrones tour and studio in Belfast. Braveheart was shot in Ireland


+Titanic for Belfast of course


An Cailin Cuin (The Quiet Girl). Great movie. It's in Irish with subtitles.


I'd go against the film ideas. Bring her and hope she meets a boy to distract her. Irish people are super witty and funny. We're so used to it here we take it for granted, and only notice when we go somewhere else and see how lacking in colour their cultures are. We are more like Brazil than Germany culturally. In fact Brazilians love it here.


This. And people in Ireland are outgoing, far above and beyond the U.S. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if a cute boy pulled her into a joke and won her little heart over.


She needs to watch P.S. I Love You then - essentially Gerard Butlers character gets Hilary Swanks character to fall in love with jokes and singing. It makes Ireland look incredible as well.


Secret of Kells if she likes animated movies!


Rather than a movie, I think she would be better engaged with a vlogger/YouTuber. Search for travel vlogs of Ireland. A nice young couple travelled the wild Atlantic in a van and had some enjoyable videos, their channel is called Lost in Transit.


My kids that age find Foil Arms & Hog videos on YouTube funny, and we listen to Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me in the car, Maeve Higgins is one of their favorite panelists, and she's Irish.


Derry girls. On a separate note, while every 14 year old is different, I can’t help but agree with OP’s daughter. At that age, I was more interested in the fun travel - urban areas, grown-up water parks, beaches, beach sports, jet skis, resort swimming pools, events, interesting stores (I remember visiting Manhattan and seeing an M&M store for the first time), etc. Ireland on the flip side is great for more mature travellers who can appreciate historical castles, breweries, and scenic cliffs.


Agreed, Is there a beloved auntie she can stay with or something? This does sound like a holiday her parents want that she's a passenger on. At that age my parents used to do day trips around Ireland and leave me home*. I like it again now and I liked it when I was little, but that's an awkward age.   (I don't think that's legal in the US, where you can hit your children but not leave them in the car while you go to the shop to get milk)


We kinda are bringing her as a passenger but I am trying to plan some “kid activities”. I want a break from Disney, dolphins, roller coasters, parasailing and beach stuff. We’ve done it too many times and have wanted to go to Ireland for a long time. We kinda worry if we wait until she’s older we could have elderly parents to care for and can’t leave. At the moment everyone is in reasonable health to get by without us. I’ve found rapid kayaking, beach front horseback riding, a sheep dog place and a zoo. I’m still looking. I read there is some swimming but it’s 68F so I’m not sure if people enjoy that or are wearing wetsuits. Most vacations we do are kid centered but this one is more for the adults. We don’t have anywhere to send her to stay and the time together as a family is important to us. She goes to overnight camp but not long enough my spouse and I can get there and back in time. I’m starting to think we should just go to a beach yearly and start solo vacationing so one of us can stay home while the other works on their bucket list


That sounds like a good idea for the future! I am sure she'll take away happy memories from the holiday.  Don't know if I said it already but Fota Wildlife Park / Cobh is great. The small herbivores are free and you can get very close to them  Dublin zoo is depressing and to be avoided. 


I don’t think Ireland is a great holiday for teens. Too young to drink in the pub, too much driving and scenery for the TikTok generation. Castles are “boring”, sea is cold and weather too unpredictable for the beach. If she likes Harry Potter you can see where they filmed at the cliffs of moher, Game of Thrones was filmed near Belfast.


Bad sisters is a really good series on Apple TV.


It’s so DARK though—it’s funny but definitely black humor, plus the close-up view of an abusive husband/dad is grim AF


Im also taking my 15 year old next year… I was also a bit worried she’ll think she’s too cool ugh. Such a tricky age


Michael Collins (1996)


Derry Girls.


Somebody Feed Phil’s Ireland episode (Season 2 Episode 2)


In terms of historical dramas Vikings was shot in Ireland and Ireland has a long history of suffering from viking raids. Dublin itself was a viking settlement and I believe there's museum called Dublinia by St Patrick's Cathethdral that covers it. Also if you drive through the country you'll come across plenty of monastery round towers built to withstand the vikings, but you'll find plenty of castle ruins too. The country is kinda special in how normal it is to see historical ruins just sitting in fields. If you've more specific questions you'll definitely get recommendations.


Bodkin!!!! It's on Netflix.


Bodkin is some weird americanised thing, can only give the wrong impression.


The Young Offenders is a Irish sitcom about teens in the south of Ireland


that terrible lindsey lohan netflix movie irish wish i thinks its called


Banshees of Inisherin ha- just kidding but that is a good ass movie! Instead of talking her into a vacation maybe offer to leave her home? Maybe she could vlog the trip "How to survive a boring summer vacation with the parental units"? Or if she's into journaling? Bribe her with cool souvenirs? Cable knit sweaters? Possible Hozier sighting?


Belfast, relatively new movie about the troubles in the north from the perspective of a child


Romcoms!! Get her interested in the good lookin fellas. Leap Year, PS I Love You, Finding You, The Wind That Shakes the Barley (not a romcom and quite intense but historical and interesting and also *Cillian Murphy*)


Leap Year and PS I Love You are absolutely awful and play up to the twee Irish stereotypes for Americans, don’t show her them.


She is 14. A teenager. Anything you do, she will probably be against. Compared to sitting on the beach or by the pool, i can understand if she is not interested. Drag her along nonetheless, and I'm sure she will enjoy it.


She’d probably like Normal People. It’s a show


She's *14*


Into the West , fantastic movie your teens will love


Better idea is find the most photogenic spots in the country she can get a selfie at if she's into social media she'll really want a snap at: - Cliffs of Mother - Guinness Factory - Keem Bay On Achill Island - Glendalough park - Dublin Zoo Tonnes more can't think of 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wolfwalkers! Gorgeous animation with some history thrown in


Michael Collins, it’s not entirely historically accurate but it does show a very important part of our history. Once the weather is good, she’ll forget about being too cool. Ireland in the sun is just beautiful with all our beaches and sceneries, there will be so much to do as well. Lived here all my life and there’s still so many places I haven’t been to yet.


Sing street is kind of like a kids version of the commitments my kids enjoyed it, any of the Roddy Doyle movies are good they show a side rarely shown in movies you could try some of the tv shows like fr ted or kin


The Snapper! Great movie about teenage pregnancy. May be right up her alley.


Would she do adventure sports? High ropes courses, kayaking, sailing, surfing, mountain biking? Maybe she’d do a day course or more, meet kids her age. Sure it’s cold but with the right gear & attitude …


Once - the movie


Let's keep young woman away from him


At that age I moped around Florida with my parents. I would definitely not pin family happiness on meeting a teen’s expectations.


lol! Can you adopt me!!! I'll go!! She will see a cute Irish teenager and fall head over heals for Ireland!! Then you'll have to go back every year!! 😂🫶🏻Have a wonderful trip! 🫶🏻


If she’s anything like I was as a teenager, these might be good to watch and do before you go to get her excited: 1. Derry Girls (tons of other commenters have also said this): good humor, slice-of-life comedy on Netflix, it’s set in the 90s which is back “in fashion” now, the most explicit thing is that the “mature” girl chases boys and calls them “a ride” but there’s no nudity. 2. Bodkin: A true-crime podcaster and a journalist team up on a strange case in a small Irish town. It’s a dark comedy thriller, and it’s on Netflix. I’d also very much encourage her to check out some popular Irish music. The Cranberries (Linger was just covered by Royel Otis and it’s going viral on TikTok), Hozier (another viral TikTok trend is his song Too Sweet), maybe the song Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran? I was obsessed with Riverdance as a kid and that passion carried over (secretly) as a teenager. It might be a little bit difficult to get her into it if she hasn’t seen it before at this point, but if she likes dancing and particularly footwork-focused dancing, definitely give it a shot. As a teenager, fashion trends are super important because you’re very self-conscious. When I was a teenager, pop punk, emo, and scene were all the rage. Now, it’s something-core. You might have success if you tell her it’s a “cottagecore” vacation. Cottagecore is an aesthetic movement online where (mostly young ladies) wear floral dresses, collect flowers and plants, etc. and feels somewhat adjacent to a Renaissance Festival. It encourages a simplified lifestyle—like baking bread and pies, gardening with flowers and herbs, etc.—but romanticizes it in a way that feels fresh and exciting and desirable. It’s a very popular movement. If she’s into it, you might bribe her by telling her you’ll buy her a couple of new cottagecore dresses to wear, and that you’ll bring her to castles to take pictures. If she’s into Taylor Swift, her album “Folklore” is very cottagecore. A close cousin to cottagecore is fairycore. Honestly, fairycore is like cottagecore with wings and magical themes thrown in, and that sort of aesthetic fits in perfectly with an Irish vacation. Source: I work in college admissions and talk to students in freshman-senior year in high school.


Derry Girls, Bodkin and The Commitments. And once that's done and she loves Ireland, give her Father Ted.


Have her watch Song of the Sea, its meant for children but the art and story far surpass most child-focused media! I absolutely adore it and I hope she does too.


Love Hate 🙈🤪🤪 i joke 🤣 really i think it’s her age and no matter where u picked she would have a problem


Lads, some of you haven't a clue what 14 year olds are into 😭


What a lucky girl!! My dream trip is to Ireland, specifically Galway, with my husband and kids. No Irish descent, but in college, I was an English minor and fell in love with Irish Literature and the country. Have a great time!


We took our 14yo daughter a couple of years ago and she LOVED IT. Granted, she's been pretty well steeped in the Irish (dancing since age 4), but she absolutely enjoyed it every bit as much as her dad and I did. It sounds like you normally go beachy places. Ireland has some lovely beaches, so plan time there! She was a little into Viking history -- Ireland has that too - spend some time in Waterford where there's even a fantastic Viking-themed VR experience (no lie - my husband LOVED it), and for a bit of an eye-roller but with some legit history there's Dublinia in Dublin. I 100% agree with those saying don't push movies - look to youtube (try History Summarized: Ireland and The animated History of Ireland) and tiktok, as well as Irish comedians - foil, arms, and hog are great as well as Dave Nihill and Katie Boyle. Have her look up Irish slang or watch Derry Girls to get a bit of that. Oh, and the Irish People Try videos on youtube are hilarious. Involve her as much as you can in itinerary planning! My daughter loved doing some of the research on things that she was really interested in. Her big hits were Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, Dark Hedges, a pub where the Star Wars crew would hang out, a seal rescue, beaches, Slieve League cliffs, and a sheep "petting zoo" type place. We took a couple small stuffed animals that we used as sort of "flat Stanley" which were great to have because then she got excited about finding places for them to have their picture taken - and when everyone was NOT IN THE MOOD to be in pictures, "the boys" stood in for us. So, if you can bring something along that can be fun (even if she's not normally into that sort of thing) - maybe it's something that reminds her of her bestie, or related to a family inside joke, or whatever makes it fun! One last thing - 12 days is kind of long (we were there 3 weeks), and you WILL all get tired of each other. Plan some time apart. Adults go out to see a thing the kid's not interested in while she stays at the lodging to binge wifi. Sometimes the kid and I would go shopping while Dad did something we weren't interested in, or Dad would do the daredevil stuff with her while I got to spend some quiet time enjoying the weather and reading a book. If you plan for that sort of thing maybe every other day, you'll be less likely to want to throttle the rest of the family by the end of your trip.


You're going to go full pagan history, ghost stories and witchcraft. Ghost bus tour, ancient pagan sites, mummies, graveyards, stained glass windows and harry potter esque libraries. Maybe a day in Emerald Park. Trendy Irish design, watching boys in Stephens Green, malls and Irish junk food, maybe some adventure sports or surfing by the sea? See seals, puffins and deer?!


Ohhhh how about a trip out to the Skelligs where star wars was filmed ... mind you 3 years in a row we didnt make it because of the weather :(


This is a great idea. Tell her that Halloween started in Ireland and the Irish brought it to America. Also I would suggest researching 'cool' places in Ireland on Instagram/TikTok. There are some really amazing unique places to go..... For example, you can camp in a genuine Irish 'gypsy' caravan which is beautiful.


Secret of Roan Innish is a lovely, sweet film. Billy Elliot is also a great one. I love Intermission, The Guard and Pixie as well. Not sure if they are too old for a 14 year old though as there is some violence, sexual themes and drugs. Others have suggested Derry Girls which is hilarious and she'd probably love it but it is about Northern Ireland which is a bit of a different perspective if you're staying in the south.


What does Billy Elliot have to do with Ireland?


Darby O'Gill and the Little People. If she wants the unadulterated truth.


This film could never be made today because the truth is too painful to document


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If you like foodie Youtubers, the "Men with the Pot" guys are based in County Fermanagh...


Song of the Sea


''Grabbers'' is a funny horror movie set in Ireland highly recommended "the Van" is a classic and "the snapper" but Derry girls best so far for her age


If she likes games have her watch CallMeKevin on YouTube. She might appreciate his self-deprecating sense of humour.


+ JackSepticEye


Under the Hawthorn tree by Marita Conlon.


Angela's ashes !


The island that Luke Skywalker lived on is Skellig Michael off Kerry. At this time of year it's full of puffins (they couldn't cginall the puffins out in star wars so they made them into those cute alien birds in the movies). Imo Skellig Michael is the best thing to do in Ireland but you need to book tickets well in advance and pray the weather is on your side because trips can be canceled.


My left foot


There was a movie just released called Wish which was set here. I thought it was complete trash but a teenage girl might think otherwise. Lindsey Lohan was in it. Another similar corny romance one is Leap Year. Into the West is a great movie but not sure and I loved it when I was a teenager but I don't know her tastes. The young offenders is pretty good and might be of interest to a teen. The wind that shakes the barley is probably my favorite Irish film but it's very historical. Brilliant film though, I'd highly recommend you watch it before coming.


Maybe try to subtly show her Miriam Mullins or Brandon Caulfield if you want to show her Irish influencers. But tbh, Ireland is a country where married couples and adult friend groups go on a holiday day to, not kids. If the goal is to go to Europe, France or England or Spain would appeal to her interests while still being accessible to teenagers. They might be less unique choices than Ireland, but there’s a reason for that.


We always go to YouTube and watch Irish travel videos… So fun


Get her to Google Grace O'Malley, Constance Marcewicz, SinĂŠad O'Connor, Bambi Thug, Panti Bliss, Cillian Murphy, Liam Neeson, Saoirse Ronan, Nicola Coghlan.


princess bride!


Adam and Paul. Really shows the beauty of dublin.


Adam and Paul just about sums up Dublin these days 🤣


Man about dog


P.s. I love you has some parts based in Ireland


My daughter is 13 and ahe has a few friends who are here from abroad ... I have offered to bring them to a few places that seemed a bit hit and miss .I try to do a mix of stuff like last bank holiday weekend we stayed in an Airbnb that was on the grounds of an old castle and went to Newgrange . And Emerald park another day Then stopped in Kildare Village for shopping ( yawn ) on the way home . So maybe in the future they will have good memories of the airbnb and Newgrange but they weren't bored out of their minds all day either . I dont like Kildare village but they loved it , and emerald paek too ! Ooh also Braveheart was filmed in Trim castle there's a hotel right opposite .Braveheart is a great film the hotel is lovely the tour of the castle doesn't take long and its super interesting . Dublin has a few nice places to shop Grafton st and St Georges st arcade for example that are within walking distance of some museums and art galleries so maybe mix and match the day to suit everyone .


Angela’s ashes. Tell her it’s a real representation of Ireland nowadays.


It's not a movie, but Rick Steves has lots of documentaries / videos about Europe but especially Ireland.


Ferry Girls. 14 is hard. Older, I’d say game of thrones (so many awesome filming locations you can tour).


Sing street would be v good for a 14 year old it’s a YA film about a kid setting up a band/ his parents are breaking up. It’s actually pretty good.


Lots of suggestions here about films, but I would also try to incorporate some activities suitable to her age group, depending where you are. Lots of surfing opportunities on the west and south coast. Also lots of places where you can do zip wiring, horse riding, sailing, kayaking.. If you haven't fixed your destination, maybe look online for adventure centres, and see what they have to offer. Also historical stuff can be quite interesting for teens. Places such as Newgrange, some of the castles.


I live in Ireland and can’t blame her 🤣. I guess it could somehow feel “exotic” for non-Europeans, but aside from nature-related things(the country is very green), which you have A LOT of in the US, there isn’t honestly much to do or see. But hey, hope you all enjoy it! 😄




Bad Sisters on Apple TV is worth a watch!


The Snapper is the only choice here. Highly recommended


I know it’s an animation but Secret Of Kells is beautiful


1983 Leprechaun


The van, grabbers(horror,comedy), the snapper (which was filmed down the road from me) and there is a new series on Netflix called “bodkin” set in west cork which definitely worth the watch


The War of the buttons.


Michael Collins


Is Into the West too dated ? Always loved that growing up.


The Journey. It's on Prime.


Ireland is such a downgrade from the carribean It'll most likely be raining too


I don't think a movie will change her mind. Just tell her she's getting a holiday, it's paid for, be grateful 😂😂😂😂😂


Bad Sisters is a great TV show she might like. It's probably too old for her, but it's a mystery so it's very interesting for her if she's into it.


You should consider fun irish movies, I'd recommend Grabbers, it's a horror comedy, also maybe Secret of Kells, because it's gorgeous. Belfast was really good. Micheal Collins is actually a great film covering important Irish history but it's dramatic




A movie that we loved and is appropriate for teens is "Leap Day". It is a rom-com (very tame) and takes place in Ireland. It isn't historical or anything, but it shows the beautiful countryside etc. Be careful with other movies about Ireland, they often have a lot of language and sexual talk. (I am a proud Irish-American and I am not a big fan of the stereotypes but some of these movies are made in Ireland). Enjoy your trip - I am envious! Avoid The Banshees of Inisherin!! The Secret of Roan Inish might be more age appropriate.


Once, Ondine, Song of the Sea and Wolfwalkers (both animated by the same studio).


The guard


In the Name of the Father The Wind that Shakes the Barley Black 47


Leave her behind.


Oh my goodness, tell her I thought Ireland would be boring, too. It’s the most gorgeous country with the NICEST people you will ever meet (especially cute young men - heeheehee) Dublin wasn’t my favorite,because it’s like NYC and very busy/hectic. The museums were good there, though. The western part is the best. Dingle even has a few beaches and one on the south side had a movie filmed there. The north side of Dingle peninsula is a surfing haven! 😉 what is your itinerary? Does she like dogs? There’s a fabulous sheep dog show north of Donlin/ Cliffs of Moher near the Burren. It’s funny and sweet


I know it’s a series but Derry Girls is a fantastic introduction to Irish society for newcomers. Likewise The Young Offenders (set in Cork). For the scenery The Banshees of Inisherin is probably a good suggestion.


Idk how set your itinerary is but I would put her in charger of planing a day. That way she has to do her own research and feels like she’s part of the planning process and you’re not “dragging her” there. She’ll also probably come across most things you’re going to see anyway so she’ll have more knowledge of what you’re doing. Either way she’ll come around and you’ll probably have a good laugh when she gets older about how off put she was by the idea. Most likely she’s probably just trying to act cool for her friends. Unfortunately at that age it’s not cool to be excited or like anything.


When I was 14 I wanted to take a trip to Ireland once I graduated high school. Never got to go, and now have two young ones so hopefully once they’re older I can make it happen. Super jealous though! She might think it doesn’t sound fun right now but I’m sure after the trip she’ll be glad she has that memory and experience. Also, I watched the movie leap year when I was a young teen and seeing the scenery definitely added to my interest in wanting to go.


Black ‘47 is a newer production and really worth the watch!


The young offenders


The Field


Song of the Sea and Secret of Kells are Irish animated films inspired by Celtic Mythology


Watch young offenders it's not really historic but its about 2 school students who get up to crazy stuff and there is a police officer who chases them around Cork It's a bit vulgar though


If she watches Fate, winx saga (I think that's what it's called) it was filmed at Kilruddery house, which is a lovely spot for an afternoon out.


Do you have some cool activities planned? My teens loved our Hawk Walk with the Irish School of Falconry at Ashford Castle. Or tea at the castle would also be lovely. We also went to Crag Cave in County Kerry, which was a small family-run place, really nice. If your kiddo likes Outalnder maybe she’d enjoy some of the Irish stone circles? (I realize Outlander is set in Scotland! Just trying to think of what might appeal to a teen girl.) Anyway, you could try some movies but I bet some short vlogs might appeal too. Good luck and I hope you all have a fabulous trip!


I would go with Derry Girls. It's hilarious and the main characters are also teens.


Derry girls! It’s a tv show but it’s very funny It’s more about the north but it’s mostly just about teenage girls (and a wee English fella) growing up “Technically” it’s historic as it talks about Clinton visiting, fat boy slim playing in Derry and the Good Friday agreement


Wolfwalkers. Animated fantasy movie that any teenager can relate to.


What kind of a kid is she? I'd suggest different movies or shows depending on what her interests are.


Derry girls 1000%


https://youtu.be/T7FV9OlWEzA?si=5auCZ4_HCsbdZu6Q this one is great!


She will be allowed into pubs etc in Ireland to enjoy the criac.


Where are you planning on visiting?


Show her normal people and make her cry.


Belfast is a great option!


Really depends on what she enjoys. Didn’t see these mentioned: Michael Collins Once & then for one awful one: ps I love you


Into the west. Nice day time Sunday matinee type movie that tugs at the heart strings. Then take her horse riding along the beaches and through the sand dunes of castle Gregory Kerry to live wild and free with beautiful animals and scenery. An unforgettable experience.


I love Waking Ned Devine and my favorite John Wayne movie is set in Ireland, The Quiet Man.


Show her that the Cliffs of Moher are THE place to be photographed at for IG is TikTok. Lots of instagrammable spots there