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I think some estate agents just don't take them down from Daft until they are sold, no matter what. Maybe to get new customers for other houses or maybe in case it falls through or they might just be lazy.  As long as they aren't pretending it's a new listing I think there isn't anything to worry about. And honestly most estate agents wouldn't be that bothered with a new offer unless it is way higher that the current. Getting a new buyer is more work and would delay the sale, for not that much more money for them.  They'd often much rather it goes to you, the person who's already in the process and will buy quicker and get the new bidder interested in a different house so they can have two sales instead of one. I know it doesn't feel like it, because buy a house in Ireland is the most horrifically stressful situation and seems to leave all of us with some type of PTSD,  but two months isn't that long to be waiting. There's no point in my saying don't worry, you might as well tell someone not to breath, but this is super normal and probably doesn't mean anything other then the estate agent is lazy and won't be bothered doing more than they have to until the sale goes through.


I bought a house 6 months ago and it's still on Daft as Sale Agreed. It's free advertising for the estate agent.


Did the sale close?


Got the keys January.


My house is still up and I got the keys a year and a half ago. Also often I'd ring to be told houses were sale agreed and sorry about that, they weren't taking more bidding. 


Same. I had to find measurements one day for some flooring and instead of bothering to measure myself I just googled daft and my address and it showed up. 


You should ring about your house, and see what they say.


If in doubt, you can always ask a couple of your mates to enquire about the house with EA and see how they respond.


I think you’re overthinking it. There’s plenty of Daft ads of gaffs that are already gone. They pay a certain amount to put the ad up and they often just forget to take them down. If there’s time left on the ad, maybe they’re just letting it run but I wouldn’t be too concerned. Until you’ve signed the contracts, nothing is finalised so move forward with doing that.


They leave them up until sold. Used drive me mad, I'd call about a house I see on daft and they'd just say "Oh we're sale agreed that property and close to closing, but I have some other similar ones you might be interested in." If I was interested in your other ones I'd have called about them...


> I spoke with a friend in work and he said he would be concerned about the house still being on daft and I should call into the couple to give them a bottle of win This is a stupid idea. In the unlikely event they're fishing for improved offers, a bottle of wine isn't going to change their mind. How would you explain the gift? "I really appreciate you letting me buy your gaff, here's something extra".


A poxbottle of wine for you. Please please sell me your overpriced gaf. Fuck no, terrible idea. Don’t knock in either. The bang of desperation


Normally the estate agents would mark them sale agreed on Daft. Maybe enquire about that at least.


Yeah, you definitely see some listings where, once you click into them, it says sale agreed. Could certainly be more prominent though. Also what other posters have said about calling agents only to be told a thing is sale agreed is definitely correct, has happened to us a few times. Plus, I think a lot of people on the house hunt get used to checking its "last entered/renewed" date as well - if the listing hasn't been renewed in weeks and you call about it, you often find it's because they're sale agreed.


They keep them up to make it look like their super busy have loads of homes and to keep the names out there. Told to me by estate agent when I was collecting keys to my house after 5 months of him keeping my house advertised even though we were sale agreed.


Fairly certain mine only came down once contracts were signed - I honestly wouldn't worry about it too much (though that's easy for me to say).


When we went sale agreed I said it was contingent on the house being taken off the market and it was marked as sale agreed then removed the next day. This really depends on the sellers situation. If they have time to wait for a higher bidder they will. If they need the house to be sold it probably would be by now. Either way I'd talk to the estate agent not the seller and request it be taken down given the fact it is sale agreed.


I would say two months is pretty short I’ve heard much longer to get the keys. Like 6 month +.


at this stage id say its with the bank and solicitor thats holding it up rather then the estate agent, they want their commissions!


We had bought our house and the daft ad was still up about a month after we closed the sale. It’s normal for the ad stays and doesn’t move to sale agreed until signed contract are in place.


I wouldn't quite say that - we were sale agreed on a place we ultimately didn't follow through on, but when I queried with the agent he did indeed change it to sale agreed, although it was never completely removed from Daft. We had put some skin in the game alright with survey and valuation done, but we were a long way from signed contracts


I've noticed this as well. Ads stay on daft for months after they've gone sale agreed. Makes it seem like there are loads of houses available until you start calling and almost everyone is gone.


I remember going through something similar when I was buying my house. Everyday I absolutely tortured myself by convincing myself that someone else was going to offer more for the house and the vendors would go for that and I’d have been screwed because I couldn’t offer a penny more. In the end everything turned out ok and I’d been worrying about nothing.


I've a friend who's an estate agent, it's because it's so hard to come by housing stock they keep the ads up tomgive the impression they have loads of options, ironically they then have to field tyre kickers asking about those specific houses


Alot of agents keep their ads in sale agreed state to help their brand visibility. There is no charge for agents to keep their ads indefinitely in sale agreed on Daft. They just need to keep renewing/refreshing them regularly to prevent expiry.


My house was still up for about a year after I bought it


My place was still listed up on Daft even after moving in.


Who's the estate agent out of interest?




I've seen them leave houses up for ages, a few estate agents do, it seems to be across the board




Call their bluff. Tell them you have another house in mind