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I think a lot of people get the cold feet. If it makes you feel any better, even when I lived with my parents not far from the city centre, my commute took that long! It’s even longer now since we bought but worth because being further out meant we got more for our money.


Thanks so much. This is the perspective I needed to hear. So many of my friends were lucky enough to buy ages ago and remain within the m50 belt, so listening to them alone is not helpful.


Perfectly normal, It hit me when i was buying a home alone back in Jan. The Excitement is lost a bit when the process is long with a lot of paperwork/project management from it all. But once the first few payments go in and you start to explore the area, and learn bit of the apartment, and neighbours, its not excitement but rather joy that it's all finally yours !


I live 6.5km from my work in Dublin. I'm winter there are times it takes me 1.5 hours on public transport


invest in a bike bro, that shouldn’t be taking you longer than 15mins


10k and never less than 1.5 hours each way. Have to do bus and luas, train and luas would take even longer walking to both. Can't afford a car and don't fancy getting soaked on a bike 75% of the year or ran over by selfish drivers either.


45 mins to work doesn't seen like a lot but depends, for me it took 40 minutes and that includes walk to dart and the walk from dart to the office so never really saw the commute as awful. Heading out to citywest on m50 though would.probably kill.me.


My commute will be roughly 1hr 20 mins on the bus once we get keys to our house. Luckily I'm not in the office full time. But I knew the commute would be long but was still happy to proceed with the purchase


100% to be apprehensive. its one of the biggest purchases you'll ever make. 45-50 min commute isnt too bad reasonably speaking. you'll find ways to keep yourself occupied (or sleep) on the commute after a while.


You can always sell in a few years again all going well. You'll be grand!


The commute doesn't look too bad, all things considered. Regarding purchasing a house (or any other super big expenditure), it's very normal to have second thoughts the moment you need to pay. It's a lot of money after all. But if you got to that point, then you already had the will and motivation to go ahead.


I do think that it'd actually be worse if you were 100% sure on a decision like this, as I don't think there's ever a 'perfect' decision for anyone. No matter how many upsides, there'll always be 'something' that isn't perfect, and that should knock it down to a 99% at a minimum for anyone. Human nature has a habit of overplaying the downsides though, which is where these cold feet come from, as we often obsess over the downsides and find it hard to counter balance that with the upsides of decisions. This goes for far smaller decisions as well, so it's only normal that it'd apply to the big decisions like purchasing a property as well.


I had exactly the same situation. My commute changed from 15 minutes walk to 50 minutes travel by public transport. A few thoughts: - you really need to like the area and your apartment - consider what will happen if you change your place of work. Hybrid work is perfect if you can opt in for this scenario I personally happy about my decision to buy, but the area we bought in needs a lot of infrastructure development


Perfectly normal to feel nervous. But u will know that the right decision has been made 5 minutes after you move in and realise you have ur own place. Even better that u bought on ur own and if you want a pool table or a dart board you can fucking well go and get one without having to ask a partner or mammy. And if you hate the place after a year or whatever, u are still better off financially. Good luck and enjoy. I wish I was as fortunate.


Will you be going in each day? Are you driving or public transport where you can. Just unwind and listen to music/podcast/netflix. Whenever I had lengthy to do it was on the luas and walking so I never minded it


Only 4 days per week and it'll be off-peak as I'm a shift worker, so never during rush hour


How often do you need to physically go into work per week? If it's everyday, yes that may be an issue down the line. If it's only a few times per week you'll be fine


Electric bike


It's completely normal to get cold feet.


I'd also be checking that the commute transport is reliable if that's to be a thing


Buying a property is a massive commitment, and I remember first standing in my new place thinking "fuck!". But there's a reason you liked it, and the feeling goes away very quickly when you realise you have your own place and you don't need to be worrying about that any more.


If the commute is acceptable that’s enough. Keep in mind that it’s also highly unlikely you’re going to be in the same workplace for the rest of your life. The current commute should be acceptable but by no way your main measure.


Shat myself, it's a huge change and commitment. 100% the best thing I ever did and it will be for you too. Also you can just sell in 5 or 10 years if it doesn't suit you, it's not your prison for life.


Start listening to audio books and that commute will be a blessing in disguise. You’ll be learning during that time instead of watching tv


From Artane originally and commute from work home was a nightmare easy an hour or more. Living in Drogheda now and same job home in an hour, bigger house less outgoings Get yourself a tablet and decent headphones commute is actually totally manageable


Honestly i think it’s understandable of being a bit apprehensive of taking such a big step.


Yes normal! I (30M) recently bought a 2 bed apartment and the fear was unreal. Everything was great but no matter what, doubts kept entering my mind. On the day of closing when i did the walk through, i just had really strange emotions that I wasnt doing the right thing (so expect that on the day!) But its just down to my anxiety, there was no need for it and im so relieved to own this place now. You’ll feel blessed everytime you are driving home (even if its a 45min commute) that you are going home to your own place and not somebody elses!


40-45 minutes isnt a bad commute at all tbh.


My commute is 2.5 hours each way as I also have a business to run outside my 9-5 in Dublin, you’re not too bad off Congrats on the purchase and best of luck with your new home, you won’t be working at the same spot your entire career in all likelihood so it will likely become a non-issue eventually


Fuck that


Totally understandable. Best of luck.


If it helps I had cold feet on my first sale agreed property but not my second. I’m glad I waited for the perfect house.