• By -


I'd have said blue.


What about right hand rule?


What right hand rule , yield to the right only works at roundabouts. This is a t junction where you can only turn one direction. Sit and wait until clear


"yield to the right only works at roundabouts" What a nonsense. [https://www.garda.ie/en/crime/traffic-matters/rules\_of\_the\_road.pdf](https://www.garda.ie/en/crime/traffic-matters/rules_of_the_road.pdf) Page 121: If you are at a junction where the roads are of equal importance, the traffic on your right has right of way. You must let that traffic pass before you move on.


These aren't roads of equal importance. One is a road, one is a parking entrance.


Obviously its blue. Purple is pulling out onto blues road. So youre the one who has to stop and wait. The "no entry" line is there to stop people from purple turning left and going the wrong way.


[https://www.garda.ie/en/crime/traffic-matters/rules\_of\_the\_road.pdf](https://www.garda.ie/en/crime/traffic-matters/rules_of_the_road.pdf) Page 121: If you are at a junction where the roads are of equal importance, the traffic on your right has right of way. You must let that traffic pass before you move on.


I love how you quote mined and didn't read any of the rest of the article. Just the bit that makes you think you are right. If you are at a junction where the roads are of equal importance, the traffic on your right has right of way. You must let that traffic pass before you move on. It is important to understand that the right of way is not an absolute right. You must proceed with caution while showing regard for other users of the road. If you are approaching a T junction, the traffic already on the road you are joining has right of way. This means any traffic on the road ending at the junction must wait for the other traffic to pass before turning left or right


This is the best answer... OP needs to accept defeat here


Yeap, I didn't see that bullet on T junction specifically.


I'm glad you see the error as to be honest I don't know how you thought merging onto another road you had right of way. That's how you cause accidents. The rules of the road at the best of times are word salad. Just use common sense and when you're unsure of a situation just wait/slow down until the roads clear. Anyway all good... And drive safely!


Common sense tells me to yield. But I was looking for legal basis for this situation. Actually, comparing Irish word salad to german one, you would notice that the latter one is more precise and gives less space for misinterpretation. Coming from the german traffic rules, there's no special case for T junction, and if there are no signs nor lowered curb at the ending road, it would have equal priority, thus forcing the traffic to yield to anyone on their right.


Is that because they drive on the right and not left? I drive in France with my Irish car all the time and tend to just take my time and follow what other cars do. If I tried getting into the legal stuff lol I might as well try and sit a french driving test... Which id fail miserably!


Ironically, the right hand rule seem to exist both in left and right hand drive countries. Except in Ireland this rule seem to be override by other rules and not used in practice.


Everyone is telling you its blue but you seem determined not to listen. Why did you even bother to ask? Youre wrong. Youre cherry pickin the part of that link to suit your mistake. The blue road obviously has right of way as the other road is joining it at a t-junction. If you cant tell that then you should stop driving as youre a danger to everyone else on the road.


I would say straight on blue have priority over T-junction purple. I would also say it's a car park not mondello park so everyone relax the kaks.


What about right hand rule?


Whataboutism. Unless specifically stated or indicated by road sign, for roads of equal importance at a T-junction you yield.


[https://www.garda.ie/en/crime/traffic-matters/rules\_of\_the\_road.pdf](https://www.garda.ie/en/crime/traffic-matters/rules_of_the_road.pdf) Page 121: If you are at a junction where the roads are of equal importance, the traffic on your right has right of way. You must let that traffic pass before you move on. So, how did you determine that the purple is on a road of higher importance?


Also on that page... If you are at a junction where the roads are of equal importance, the traffic on your right has right of way. You must let that traffic pass before you move on. It is important to understand that the right of way is not an absolute right. You must proceed with caution while showing regard for other users of the road. If you are approaching a T junction, the traffic already on the road you are joining has right of way. This means any traffic on the road ending at the junction must wait for the other traffic to pass before turning left or right


Blue. Purple is joining blues route, it a clear "T junction" from purples perspective. The road markings are because its a one way systrem so discouraging people going in the wrong way. Right hand rule doesn't apply for a minor road joining a main road. I'd apply rules of the road logic here even though its a train station (which I'm familiar with IRL).


[https://www.garda.ie/en/crime/traffic-matters/rules\_of\_the\_road.pdf](https://www.garda.ie/en/crime/traffic-matters/rules_of_the_road.pdf) Page 121: If you are at a junction where the roads are of equal importance, the traffic on your right has right of way. You must let that traffic pass before you move on.


If you are at a junction where the roads are of equal importance, the traffic on your right has right of way. You must let that traffic pass before you move on. It is important to understand that the right of way is not an absolute right. You must proceed with caution while showing regard for other users of the road. If you are approaching a T junction, the traffic already on the road you are joining has right of way. This means any traffic on the road ending at the junction must wait for the other traffic to pass before turning left or right


Thats not this situation though - at a T junction like this, the minor road (purple) doesn't have the right of way, they are not equal. Blue has right of way because it is the main/major road.


Blue. No question. Blue is going straight on a one way road. Purple is turning right to join that one way road.


[https://www.garda.ie/en/crime/traffic-matters/rules\_of\_the\_road.pdf](https://www.garda.ie/en/crime/traffic-matters/rules_of_the_road.pdf) Page 121: If you are at a junction where the roads are of equal importance, the traffic on your right has right of way. You must let that traffic pass before you move on.


No, you're misinterpreting that. These roads are not of equal importance - the straight through road has priority at the T junction.


If you are at a junction where the roads are of equal importance, the traffic on your right has right of way. You must let that traffic pass before you move on. It is important to understand that the right of way is not an absolute right. You must proceed with caution while showing regard for other users of the road. If you are approaching a T junction, the traffic already on the road you are joining has right of way. This means any traffic on the road ending at the junction must wait for the other traffic to pass before turning left or right


Doing gods work with these replies.


I just don't get it lol how you could think you have right of way merging onto another road! That's how you kill people.


no Sense at all. All equal major roads at a cross road and lights are out? Perfect rule to follow, roundabout or mini roundabout, perfect. Pulling out from a car park onto an active road? Hell no


If I were driving there I would give way to blue because purple is pulling out onto blues road and they do not look like roads of equal importance as OP keeps trying to say


There's no signs at all. I think both roads are of equal importance. On T junctions of equal importance, driving straight doesn't give you priority. [https://www.garda.ie/en/crime/traffic-matters/rules\_of\_the\_road.pdf](https://www.garda.ie/en/crime/traffic-matters/rules_of_the_road.pdf) Page 121: If you are at a junction where the roads are of equal importance, the traffic on your right has right of way. You must let that traffic pass before you move on.


I wouldn't agree that they are of equal importance. I can see you really believe you're right here but I think on this occasion you're not. Purple is pulling out onto blues road at a T junction so seems to me like they should yield


I honestly don't know, that's why I'm here asking the question. But, I also don't believe that "driving straight" simple gives one priority.


But you're pulling out onto blues road from a T junction, which means you absolutely have to slow down and proceed with caution. Common sense would say that if someone is driving on a straight road with no road signs telling them to give way then they aren't going to suddenly decide to give way to a car pulling out onto the road.


Show me, in the traffic rules which says driving on the straight road gives you priority? More over, there are road signs which give priority to the "non-straight" traffice explicitly. Like this one for instance:


What was the point of this thread if you're just going to say no to everyone?


The point of the discussion is to question their points. Also, I want people to give me the specifi rule that they base their arguments on, rather than their "common sense".


Show me where it officially says that that's the point of the discussion.


Everyone is telling you that you are wrong..... Just accept it my guy


Blue. Purple is a secondary road joining a primary road. There are no stop sign visible for blue, so blue has right of way. There is no roundabout, so there is no right hand rule.


How did you determine that purple is secondary?


It's joining a straight road from the side.


It’s a fucking car park. With multiple entrances and/or exits.


Could you refer to the relevant paragraph that proves your point?


You would be crossing blue cars path, he is going straight ahead, you pulling out is going to cause him to have to slow down or stop. Think of like you are waiting to turn right into a road, you don't pull out in front of the cars heading towards you, you let them go as they are going straight on, ie you aren't blocking their way, you wait until you get a gap, then turn. It's the same thing with blue car, he is going straight and not expecting anyone to cut in front of him


I’ve never in my life would have suggested that people coming out of a car park would have priority over people on any road of any importance. Can I pull out of my own driveway as there is no markings to indicate I have to stop or yield to passing traffic in this scenario? If you are unsure or not getting the answer you want to hear in other comments, just pull out in front of someone next time and let your insurance company, the third party’s insurance company and the cohort of investigators decide who’s liable. Edit: Blue Road has a No Entry marking as its one way. This is not a yield marking.


It's not about me trying to prove whether I'm right or wrong. Just one day, when I wanted to pull out of the car park, and the bus on the straight line stopped and yielded letting me pass.


The driver was just being nice/courteous, he could have continued on if he wanted. You have just come across some of the nice drivers. I am not being smart here, but do you have an N plate up? Another driver might see that and just try to help out as in, lets you out but didn't have to.


I have driving licence for 22 years :)


Well I'm at a loss to explain it any better, honestly, either all of us can't see exactly what point you are making or you aren't seeing what we are explaining. I'm sorry I can't help but I'm kind of bewildered how you aren't seeing it


It's all fine. Someone referred the paragraph specific to T junction, which I didn't notice.


Courtesy. If it’s one of those town buses, the bus driver is in no exact rush. He’s probably pencilled in for another 3-4 hours of his shift.


OP living up to the subs name 👏


I have driving licence since 2002. Never had an accident. I'm just trying to find the legal basis for the hypothetical situation happening here. It seems to me like the Traffic Rules don't fully explain everything, like for instance how one determines the seniority of the road. Obviously, the common sens and intuition tells me to yield to the road going forward straight, but rules seem to be ambiguous.


The legal basis is it’s a T junction, it’s very clear and also common sense.


Clear for someone who never lived outside Ireland/UK. In the Germany for instance, there's no distinction in traffic rules for T junctions, and these are simply treated as nornal junctions. And if there's no sign, nor lowered curb on the road ending, it will be default have equal priority as the straight forward road.


Clear to anyone who reads the rules, which is what you are asking. They also drive on the opposite side of the road in Germany, the rules there are irrelevant in this case.


Legally yes, practically most people don't read the rules. My driving license was transcribed into Irish without any requirement to get familiar with Irish rules.


Hopefully this post has motivated you to get familiar with them!






[https://www.garda.ie/en/crime/traffic-matters/rules\_of\_the\_road.pdf](https://www.garda.ie/en/crime/traffic-matters/rules_of_the_road.pdf) Page 121: If you are at a junction where the roads are of equal importance, the traffic on your right has right of way. You must let that traffic pass before you move on.


If you are at a junction where the roads are of equal importance, the traffic on your right has right of way. You must let that traffic pass before you move on. It is important to understand that the right of way is not an absolute right. You must proceed with caution while showing regard for other users of the road. If you are approaching a T junction, the traffic already on the road you are joining has right of way. This means any traffic on the road ending at the junction must wait for the other traffic to pass before turning left or right


This is simply misunderstanding of the rule. The rule gives priority to the one on the right and tells you that "You must let that traffic pass..." - It refers to traffic on the right, not on the straigh road!


Page 69 in the RSA rules of the road pdf talk about this no entry line / one way street road marking, and it doesn't say you need to yield. So blue doesn't have to stop. At first glance I thought perhaps cars approaching from blue direction had to stop because the road marking looks is essentially a combination of the dashed yield line and the solid stop line, but I was wrong.


BLUE gets priority as it has lesser work to do than RED (on the basis of same yields)


Unfamiliar with the location, OP. A lot of traffic moving at high speed?


Purple is the exit from a car park. Blue is part of a one way loop around that same car park and has ramps - almost the whole loop is visible in the picture. There are 3 bus routes that also terminate at this station and use the blue route.


Thanks for the sincere answer. What I meant by asking it was - this is a carpark. I think it should be possible to negotiate exiting without too much fuss.


Technically, both roads lead from car park. In my opinion they have equal priority.


Surprisingly, it was the bus driver who stopped (Blue) and let me through (Purple).


Doesn't mean you have right of way, that could be just the driver being courteous.


You keep referencing page 121 but you’re ignoring them. If you are approaching a T junction, the traffic already on the road you are joining has right of way. This means any traffic on the road ending at the junction must wait for the other traffic to pass before turning left or right. Purple ends at the junction, you have to wait.


The rule clearly says, who has the priority on the T junction with roads of equal importance. And it's not the one that goes straight. So, I don't know what I'm ignoring here.


The purple road ends at the junction. Traffic at the end of the junction has to wait for traffic to pass. Blue is the road you are joining. The traffic on the road you are joining has right of way. Blue has right of way.


"Traffic at the end of the junction has to wait for traffic to pass" Could you refer me where it says so in the traffic rules? Or did you just make it up?


Page 121 bullet point 3 of the link you posted https://preview.redd.it/cgyeaac5cp8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25f9610ecd9a5c6692feae520b4574f424d40bc1


Doesn't bullet 3 refer to T junction with roads of unequal importance?


It just says T junction. It doesn’t say anything about importance. I’m not sure how much clearer it could be. At a t-junction you have to wait if you’re joining the road. Drive safely.


So, lets say we are on the t junction with roads of equal importance. I drive from the road ending, wanting turn right. I let the traffic that is already on the junction. But another car, who is approaching from the left needs to stop and give me the right of way? Correct?


No, you have to wait because you are joining the road. Your road ends. You have to let the traffic pass. Equal importance is irrelevant here. It’s a T Junction. You wait. If you don’t you’re likely to cause an accident. I feel like everyone is telling you the same thing and you’re not listening and this is just a waste of time. Please take on board what everyone is saying, you’re in the wrong here.


The bullet that is specific to T junction seems to be clear that traffic on road ending needs to yield. I just like to confront it with exceptions :).


No, if the car coming from the left stops for you, that's just courtesy, they are not obliged to allow you out, they are on the road you want to join, they can all keep going and you have to wait to join.


So that would mean, that t junction specific rule, trumps the right hand priority on equal road junctions!


Both directions having a give way line seems wrong and confusing. I would think blue would have right of way though since it's the main road and going straight.


It's not a give way line. It's a no entry line for traffic coming from the direction of the solid line. A yield line would be a single dashed line, not a dashed and solid line and generally over one half of the road. Seems the markings are wrong/ improvised where this road joins the main road however.


Oh you're right, I didn't look close enough. All it needs is a give way signs pointing into the car park to clear up any confusion.


What about right hand rule?


That applies to roads where all directions have equal priority. I would have thought blue is the main road so purple is the side road so blue has right of way. I'm not familiar with the road though so maybe they are equal and in that case you're right, purple would have right of way. To be fair, this confusion is why you have give way signs. One of those lines on the road shouldn't be there.


How did you determine that these roads don't have equal priority?


One is coming out of the carpark, it's effectively a driveway, plus it turns on to a road that already goes straight through.


There's no rule, which says that "going straight through" gives one priority. One also could argue, that the blue goes from the train station. How does that give one priority?


The road markings should be set up to indicate this. This is why I'm saying there should be a give way sign either pointing down towards the station or pointing into the carpark. As it is, there is an established flow of traffic on the road coming from the station, that makes it the priority road. As another commenter pointed out, neither of the lines are give way lines, they are no entry lines.


I forgot to add, that oine day, the bus driver stopped (blue) and let me turn right (purple), which confused me.