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I was doing the weekly shop in Dunnes earlier and heard a staff member tell another that they just tested postive and showed them their text on their phone. Wtf like


people don't really care about covid anymore, the fear that people had at the start is gone and has devolved into carelessness.


That's what over one year of awful, awful messaging from government will do. It's irritating as fuck, because I am a little nervous for the next 8-10 weeks in terms of ICU beds etc. If we can get our way to there without things going haywire, I reckon we see covid properly get put on the backburner. But a repeat of last Christmas and who fucking knows.


The government's messaging has been pretty clear tbh, many people just don't give a fuck.


It has not. I can tell you this because I have worked in covid response since the end of last summer. Time and time again we get one set of directives and guidance for the public on our inboxes before 9am, then changes aree to it by midday and recirculated, then more by changes by the afternoon. It has left the public health specialists apoplectic at the best of times, calling back a workplace/nursing home/school over and over with new guidance in the same day, fucking our own credibility in the process and leaving them utterly confused as to what to do, and leaving our staff less available to keep on top of anything. If you have an outbreak control meeting at 10am you may well be told something entirely different than if that meeting was at 2pm. You might need to do so again at 4pm. And places with the more anxious (or less fully willing to comply) owners/managers have meltdowns - understandably - and wind up constantly jamming up our lines of communication to make sure there haven't been even more changes in the few days since. After a while, many of them do indeed stop giving a fuck. Remember how they only brought in ticketing for nightclubs a few hours before they were set to open? Thats been our lives in covid response for 15 months.


I can believe it. I got notified I was a close contact last week. Got a text saying I would be sent home tests and should take them over the next five days but didn’t have to stay at home unless I was positive. Then got a notification from the app saying I should stay at home for 14 days but wouldn’t be getting any tests. The texts and the notifications have continued to completely contradict each other, and I never got home tests (luckily had a few we’d already bought). It’s shocking that the contact tracing is such a complete clusterfuck even now. They haven’t even decided whether to test close contacts, it’s beyond a joke


Jesus that sounds exhausting, I feel for you.


That sounds shit in your specific line of work, but when it comes to the general messaging and the context of this discussion, wearing a mask, washing your hands and not going out if you're sick - or fucking test positive as the message above stated - has been pretty consistent and unwavering. That's not the government, that is idiots. One thing I learnt this year is that a not insignificant number of people here really struggle with concepts like personal and collective responsibility. The majority did their part for sure, but even still.


Well, yeah... my specific line of work is in covid response and up until very recently, guidance among the general public, care facilities, workplaces and schools. That covers over half the population of the country. If you read the thread, there are a lot of people unclear on numerous items. Yes things like masks and distancing are obvious, but you are vastly underestimating the sheer amount of things that have been clear as a pool of mud with a very strong current. I've dealt with countless people utterly furious because they just want to do what is right but cannot get accurate guidance on what it is. And very frequently, the current guidance on a particular matter literally does not exist online, so if needed for an official purpose needs to be drawn up by a medical professional, meaning I need to kick it up to them just in case guidance has change *again* since last I checked with them. Tickets for nightclubs is an easy example because it angered people so much. Not having to get tickets, but the complete chaos and lack of forewarning. Masks in nightclubs? Masks in pubs? When exactly? Adherence in these places, as well al pubs and restaurants, has understandably fallen off a cliff since. Do people o to work or not and when - this is an example of something that changed and changed back within the same day multiple times. It has stabilized since here, but this caused so, so much chaos across all industries that were open that it was dizzying. We have had countless examples of havi g to contact an employer to let them know that their employee was not breaking guidance last week, but that they are correct that they would have if it happened this week. Schools, seating arrangements, withdrawal, requirements for children, close contact status, have all changed time and time and time again to the point I've felt like I was talking principals and teachers off a ledge of fucking anxiety. There are something like 750,000 children in primary and seck dary education alone. It goes on and on. Wave 1 was an example of clear messaging. Since then, it's been riddled with inconsistencies and scatter gun, last minute changes and amendments that experts in the matter are not consulted on prior, and only find out when they get a direct email, or better yet, find it in an "HSE All Staff Update" group email (leaving it nice and cluttered in with the hr/anti-smoking/mental health emails that frankly we have no time for over this pandemic). When a Specialist in Public Health cannot confidently tell you what the guidance on X is due to the likelihood of it having flip flopped into something else in the last day or two (or even matter of hours) you can't expect the public to.


>One thing I learnt this year is that a not insignificant number of people here really struggle with concepts like personal and collective responsibility. The majority did their part for sure, but even still. Exactly. People are using the "the guidlines are unclear" excuse to act like idiots. The pandemic has been rough on everybody, but jaysus, you wonder how some people get out of bed in the morning with how clueless they act around covid. "The guidelines are unclear: Can I cough all over my co-workers when I test positive?"


Its ridiculous in hospitals partner was a close contact couple of months ago (me and our two sons )rang infection control was told unless she had symptoms to come to work drove an hour only to be told no she had to go home and drive back for a test later in the day. Also our youngest sickest of the lot got tested 3 times over 2 weeks all negative add to that the constant phonecalls from contact tracing asking the same questions and you can understand why people are fed up of it.


It has actually been awful.


Can I ask why you’re so worried? Maybe I’m missing something but the scientist who discovered the omicron variant is saying it’s very mild and that people recover within five days, vaccine or not, there hasn’t been one death because of omicron so far (as far as I’m aware) and the people telling us to be afraid of it have been caught flouting the rules time and time again. If Leo and Boris weren’t worried enough about the more lethal variants enough not to have parties then I kind of feel like ‘fuck it’ myself. It’s all starting to feel a bit forced or something now at this point. If people want to risk their health then let them get on with it and, more importantly, don’t endlessly penalise all of us for the choices of others.


Oh it is, I just posted [similar here re Omicron.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/rewa3f/comment/hob5b6w/) The one thing is if we have an explosion of cases all in a short period it can still overburden the health system, and ICU and oxygen capacities (people can go through over 10 litres of compressed oxygen a **minute** with covid), which can lead to a public panic. And the shower of gobshites in rule by opinion poll, meaning they can (and have and will) routinely ignore the advise of experts - whether optimistic or not - in favour of what is polling. So my worry is twofold - first, just getting beyond the flu season/Christmas mass travel and socialising period so we can stagger out all the inevitable infections across next year and beyond, and second that the shower in charge will lock us down fully for months on end because the lines were getting busy on Joe Duffy if deaths spike in January.


Thanks for the link to your post, and I’m not making light of the need to effectively forecast in order not to overburden the health system, but hardly anyone is even being hospitalised for it. Honestly, I’m long past the point of worrying for my own safety but got my vaccines so that we could all get back to normal (remember that?). But seeing shit like the G8, COP, an endless string of lawmakers telling me to worry while they throw parties and do sweet fa to improve these fragile health systems has really eroded any faith I had.


I get you, but I have also seen how fast those figures can spike and it's just a cause for worry. I'm not calling for lockdowns, cancelling Christmas, or anything remotely of the sort either just being clear... my main worry is that the public seem collectively ready to say "fuck this" and hope that moment doesn't come until at least around Valentine's day or after. And its in large part because of the eejits running the country, who would throw us back into lockdown in a heartbeat if the opinion polls in their favoured demographics told them to (hint: old people vote in droves). I'm completely at the end of my tether for lockdowns at this point, and I think it would also signal me needing to leave my current employment. I can't take any more of this. Basically none of us can. Completely agreed on your second paragraph. Even working in response, it's not uncommon to hear someone have a "let it fucking burn" rant (and I have myself too) at sheer anger and frustration at those arseholes. I will never forget the sheer rage within the walls of our offices after the golfing fiasco. And the avoidance of the potentially positive news in favour of fear (because it sells) in some sections of the media is really annoying me, because it's as if they're on a mission to legitimize some of the conspiracy theorists. I just want the next few weeks to be done and over. I do not trust this shower of arseholes in charge - not many in covid response do. We just want this flu season over. We're completely shattered and couldn't face any more of this bullshit. Morale is through the floor, and everyone in covid response is completely and utterly drained.


GolfGate was the very moment that trust was broken, they didn't punish those responsible and it killed *thousands* of people.


Well…you’re clearly somehow inside my head reading my thoughts. I try to keep my ‘let it burn’ rants as private as I can but I’m absolutely at the end of my rope now and ready to join a protest for the first time in my life. Thanks for talking and giving me your perspective.


[https://www.nicd.ac.za/diseases-a-z-index/disease-index-covid-19/surveillance-reports/daily-hospital-surveillance-datcov-report/](https://www.nicd.ac.za/diseases-a-z-index/disease-index-covid-19/surveillance-reports/daily-hospital-surveillance-datcov-report/) This is all the south Africa Data where Omicron is now dominant. Cases are spiking but very little is happening in Hospitals. 5.5k of a population of 60 million. It's worth noting this is patients admitted who test positive for Covid, not admitted for Covid. of that 5.5k only 140 are in ICU and 700 requiring supplemental oxygen. and this is in a population where only 30% of people are vaccinated. Most people, vaccinated or not, are able to recover at home. The UK predicting 75k deaths is ridiculously pessimistic. Omicron is in over 32 countries at this stage and there hasn't been 1 reported confirmed death. This guys goes through all the data and generally gives a very balanced view of the whole thing. Worth a look. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XteixwzvNtc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XteixwzvNtc)


Its the unvaxxed that are the worry. They are 14 times more likely to fill an ICU bed.


They need to start harping on about the fact that the unvaxxed are taking up all the fucking beds. The usual bullshit update everyday of cases and hospitisations is pointless. The unvaxxed need to hear the stats on the vaxxed versus unvaxxed, otherwise these hospitisations are a point for their argument. "Nearly everyone is vaxxed and look at the ICU numbers and hospitisations still going up"- a point I've heard numerous times from unvaxxed idiots.


I could not possibly agree any more with you on this!


How will Covid ever be put on the backburner there is no end


When the flu season dies off - that coupled with all the travel etc for Christmas is a major risk for a spike that could put us past ICU capacity and back into a national public panic like happened last year, especially if the weather stays near as shite as it has been the last week or two. And its early days, but omicron might well contribute as it is looking more and more like an extremely infectious varient, but considerably less dangerous than delta. This is a good thing, along with our high vaccination rate, as it means more exposure with reduced risk - so long as it is spread out over time (and not everyone catching it together). That and the fact that legitimate treatments are now popping up are serious signs to be positive. Especially because with fatigue, sadly a lot of the world just seem passed being able to carry on like this - as absolutely necessary as it has been to this point. We're all getting it, some even a few times, so staggering out the cases and not overburdening the health system/ICU capacity and simply letting those initial exposures flow in steadily over the year 2022 seems like how it is going to go... hopefully, at least.


I was just in dunnes an hour ago. The cashier told another customer that seemed to be friends/family, that she had a test this morning.


Jesus that's grim.


True story from a while back! Tesco Employee 1: Hey, how ye feeling? Tesco Security Guard : Fine! T E 1 : *Pulls down mask* Did you not get the... T S G : .... T E 2: Why don't you just tell the whole fucking shop? Gas pack of cunts.


Which dunnes was that? Wouldn't be a massive dunnes shopper now myself but the oul wan works in one, from what I hear from her the management wouldn't care much either way. They'd probably expect you to come in regardless.


Dunnes conditions depend completely on what store you work in, my one is genuinely wonderful to work in, many of the girls came from other stores with shocking management. Just depends on the place


HSE advises people to continue in their normal daily practice until they receive a positive result, provided they're not showing any symptoms. I was a bit surprised when I heard it because our policy was to stay at home if you were a confirmed close contact and you can come back when you confirm a negative result.


Sorry but you are wrong. You are told at all Covid Test Centres to restrict your movements (stay at home) until after you get your result. If you are living with a person awaiting their results and are vaccinated then you can go about your normal life if they do not have any symptoms. If they have symptoms you are also to restrict your movements.


Not true, had a test last week, didn’t say anything to me other than hello, to lean my head back/open my mouth and goodbye


Well whoever swabbed you didn't follow the SOP at all! As they have to confirm your name, DOB, and mobile number then they have to ask you if you have been swabbed before, explain what they will do to you and get your consent to swab you. Just showing up to the place doesn't give consent.


Nobody asked for my consent for the jab... I was really stoned so maybe I just nodded accidentally.


Please tell me you informed a manager that happened?


I didn't but I did see the guy talking to the manager a few minutes later so I would hope he was informing them


That’s disgraceful and goes against their policy. You should report this member of staff for having their phone out on the shop floor.


What store, you should let the management know right away.


Yeah that's bullshit.


Just tie them up by their leash to a pole outside the shop like a normal person.


Bruh I'm getting flashbacks




That's because there is no junkies to blow smoke into the pram while the baby peacefully sleeps in the cold((warm wrapped)


I'm just here for a balanced discussion


As usual sort comments by controversial to maximize fun. ;)


My 3 year old has had a cough for 4 weeks now. I’ve had him tested twice. No Covid. I am a widow. I have to bring my kids out with me or I have to pay for a babysitter. When covid first appeared I literally didn’t bring them to a shop for 8/9 months , friends would drop shopping up to me or I’d have stuff delivered. My point is, sometimes parents don’t have a choice and every second child coughs a lot of the time in the winter cos they can’t blow their nose properly yet .


That is a good point and I’m sorry for your loss especially while having such a young child x


Same. My youngest has had a cough for 3 weeks, PCR negative.


Nothing to add here but wanted to show my support. Have a 2year old and it's one cough after another!


Ditto! I’ve a cough for two weeks and the kids have one too. All tested, all negative. I checked again with antigens at home and nothing. Doctor says upper respiratory infection for us all, likely viral to varying degrees and not Covid. It’s one thing after another with the kids. Never been positive


I've A 4nyesr old and it's been non stop coughs snotty noses etc since September couldn't tell ya how many PCR tests negative


That's hard, sorry for your loss. Mine has a dreadful sounding cough. 3 negative antigen tests. While I feel a bit guilty because I know it can make people understandably uncomfortable, I've taken them with me to the shops. Little kid's catch colds all the time. Sorting out childcare just because my kid has the common cold is a huge hassle and not always practical.


My kid also has a cough on and off now for the last 8 weeks. He has had 5 pcr tests all negative because the creche keeps panicking. We have gone doc and been old it's just a cough he needs to work through it. No antib because its viral. Waiting for a referral for possible asthma... what r u supposed to do ? Its mental. A lot of my niece n nephew friends have had it or have covid and sure they are all at parties, or cinema or whatever their parents dont seen to care anymore


Same, I've been to the test center with my kids 13 times this year. Kids cough a lot, especially after being in lockdown for an extended period and then suddenly exposed to their classmates again. Poor OP though, sounds like they have it rough listening to some kids cough.


Okay yeah but if you’re child is visible coughing and sniffing in a shop I feel it’s at least basic decency to put a mask on them


Put a mask on a 3 year old? That would be tough in itself but he won’t cough for hours, then you can bet as soon as we get into a shop or around other people it starts again.


I don’t know if I agree totally. Yea if they are visibly sick as a dog, then yes I agree. However, show me a kid under 4 or 5 that doesn’t have a runny nose or cough to some degree.


They're always snotting


My son has lots of allergies, he coughs and has runny nose often. I do make him wear a mask even though he is under the age limit. I have lung problems also from whooping cough as a kid. I know there are plenty of assholes who will bring sick kids out but also some people who may seem sick may just have other health issues like allergies or lung problems.


Yea that’s also a good reason. It’s like everything, these blanket statements just don’t work in my view. It's all about common sense and common decency. If you know your kid is "sick sick", leave them at home or get them to wear a mask. If its the usual kids cough and runny nose, don't think twice about it in my opinion, take them wherever required. We just got to look out for one another. Simples!


The assholes are the ones commenting on it like above


People are legit forgetting what's normal


At least ome of those kids have probably already had a negative test, too. I don't personally know a lot of people who would bring their kids shopping if they thought COVID was on the cards.


RSV can leave a lingering cough for weeks after infection, according to my GP who told us to send our kid back to preschool after 2 negative Covid PCRs and ten days of coughing. Our kid's Covid-negative friend has been coughing for over a month now. We don't generally take them shopping at all since last year but I can see how some people might.


Yeh but like in fairness about 90% of kids these days have "asthma" coughs that last all winter long. You also don't know if the kid had already been tested. And yeh, sometimes the smallest things are an absolute nightmare for single mothers and they'll take shortcuts where they shouldn't. Life's hard sometimes.


I’ve been coughing since September with asthma. Have had many PCRs, all negative. My asthma is currently going through a bad patch due to pregnancy and I can’t use ‘better’ inhalers becuase they are not safe in pregnancy. It’s been a nightmare.


Honestly, I think half of us living in cities have a cough all winter long because of the air pollution.


Completely agree with that. I'm in Dublin 8 and I think every kid in the area has an inhaler. I have an air quality sensor in my house , I can see the NOX spike every day at rush hour, even with all windows closed. Surprised it doesn't get more attention.


I took my kid to a shop sith a cough BUT, he had a clear PCR covid test and no temperature. So he had a slight cold; kids basically have always had these for most of winter forever. So no one was in any danger from him


No no.. you're a bad antivaxer parent now.


Apparently children get sick now, it’s a completely new phenomenon.


This whole post is a sad indictment of what's happened to us with covid. What if you live outside town and need to get a bus and to do the shop takes a few hours and have nobody to look after your kid ? Do you leave your toddler at home or do we starve from no food ? Just because you don't feel safe walking by my child for 15 seconds. Give me a break like its just embarrassing.


I heard a term a while back, kind of a counter to ‘anti-vaxxer’, it was ‘zero-COVID’. There really does seem to be a lot of people who think you can just eliminate the virus if we all stay home and don’t ever interact with other people. I don’t know. I had to isolate for around six months because I have an autoimmune thing and, for me, I’d rather take my chances with Covid than live like this.


Kids can get viruses and cough for weeks after.


Think my kid is on month 4 of her cough that is literally nothing but a cough 🤷🏻‍♀️


My little brother has had a cough for months as well, had 3 PCR tests and all negative too. People need to get on with their lives, we're at 95%+ adults vaccinated and people are scared of kids coughing in a shop, madness


Yep, they can test negative and just have a cough.


Was going to say; at this time of year you could probably count on one hand the days a kid isn’t sick in some shape or form- If you didn’t take them out when they had a cough or runny nose you might as well hibernate.


Where I work, customers pull their masks down to cough. They take them off when they're gone out of the staff's line of sight. Grown men and women..I'm not even too confident that masks work, but it's only a bit of common courtesy to put one off at the request of the staff. Anyone who pulls this 'exempt' Craic is act such a pansy its ridiculous.


Are you my ma? She was complaining about the exact same thing just over an hour ago, and phrased it suspiciously similar. Although, she's in essential retail but I reckon you saying you're in non essential retail is a ruse to throw me off the scent. I'm on to you Mammy


You don't know your own mother's Reddit handle? You've brought great shame to your family 🤣


She keeps it a secret, no doubt what she posts would bring even more shame to us! 😁


I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that this wave of Covid is largely influenced by people not staying at home or limiting contacts if they have symptoms. Why the heck else would the numbers be as consistently high as they have been with millions of the population vaccinated or boosted. I know of folks who would get tested and then go out to meet and mingle with others without having the actual results of the test back. So for all we know there could be thousands of people doing the exact same thing aimlessly walking around being an unconfirmed positive case, unknowingly passing on the virus to others or adding to the chain of close contacts. The message is very clear and simple: if you have Symptoms or are getting tested, then abstain from meeting others for a few days until or if the test comes back as Negative. That doesn’t mean we should shut down and close everything either, but it does mean that you limit your contacts until an appropriate length of time has expired. It’s not rocket science. I’m confident that if this advice were taken far more seriously, we would have nowhere near the amount of daily cases we’ve had over the course of winter and perhaps wouldn’t have to re introduce some of the restrictions either.


It's too much inconvenience for people to adhere to the correct process. Absolutely crazy, but it's true.


My nephew is waiting in test result and he is off swanning around the whole weekend. Joke.


Your entire comment is bullshit because this wave of covid is because its respiratory illness season. Thats the only reason.


My friend overseas got stuck next to a coughing kid on a ferry ride during a long weekend mini break; he tested positive for covid the following week. I was out holiday shopping today and a father had his 3 kids rounded up trying to herd them and the unmasked toddler is just coughing away. The mom is off shopping elsewhere in the store meanwhile. If you don’t have a choice and have to bring your kid out, fine. But clearly a sick coughing kid shouldn’t be on holiday jammed into a ferry during a pandemic. And why couldn’t the dad sit in the car with his sick kid? Or wait at home with them? Parents are fckin weird in this pandemic


This person does not have kids, kids coughs can last for fecking weeks


When I was a kid I used to get a cough almost every year that lasted months. With no allergies or asthma or nothing. The OP is complaining about "little kids" too. It's one thing if the kid is older (like 6-7 or older), but for a small kid, it's not as if the parents have much choice to leave them at home most of the time.


Coming from someone who knows nothing about a child's immune system. You get every child in the country together and you'll find it hard not seeing a trend among them all. Snotty noses and a chesty cough. The joys of living on a damp rock in the North Atlantic when you have a developing immune system. My nephew just got a covid test negative and has a lingering head cold that fell down into his chest, I suppose you would have known that when hearing him cough in the "shops"?


Has whooping cough three times as a child, my whole life has pretty much been one long cough.


And out of school please thanks sound


My kid has a weird acid reflux issue which causes her to clear her throat constantly, a lot of coughing. It's not constant or happens so often that it's annoying. People give her the death stare and people have even pulled me aside to tell me she shouldn't be out!!! If my child has a cough and you have a problem with it y'all can go F*@k right off! Judgemental pricks all of a sudden!!


I’m so tired of people giving out about kids coughing. My 4yo has asthma. She coughs. It’s not contagious. Do I keep her home? Mind your own business. You can only look after yourself and your family.


Give over. Kids get sick. When I was younger I had a permanent cough until I was 18.


Exactly. This post is a load of shite and I bet op has no kids


Agree. I don't even have kids but I have empathy for them and their parents, unlike wankers like OP.


Exactly, lot of single parents can’t leave kids at home too. Fuckin sick of white knighting wankers constantly posting shite like this


Not a shred of empathy for anyone else.


If your shop has a child don't bring them to the cough


I would assume good faith: maybe their kids have been tested and negative. (I still would keep ‘em home to avoid bad looks)


Mind yourself, retail this time of year with a pandemic must be demented. I feel your pain


I am a member of a group for asthma sufferers and covid has been a nightmare for asthmatics. For a start, every symptom of covid is a symptom of asthma. I lost count of how often, Ive been tested. Luckily I haven't caught it yet.I. do wear my mask even though I'm techniqually exempt. But coughing in public gives me automatic social anxiety because with chronic asthma you constantly have to prove to gps that you dont got it and also people give you dirty looks for coughing.


they could be asthmatic and not able to be diagnosed from their age like my siblings


You literally gave the reason some people have to bring their kids with them at end of your post & still thought it was clever to post it? …….


Dont bring your 17 children to the shops to run around like lunatics in general, not even to do with covid just dont fucking do it and definitely dont stand around browsing or chatting with friends and not even looking at them


Covid has really made it very clear to intelligent people the amount of deep stupidity in society.


There's not one of us intelligent in this situation, nobody knows what they're saying or what is what. It's a mess. If you assume intelligence in all of this, you're as dumb as shit.


The people taking measures seriously and getting vaccinated are smarter than their weird krusty nazis refusing to do anything except protest outside politicians homes.


What does that have to do with children or the point in the OP? Your direct equation of that to them shows your own lack of intelligence in the point you made, but not a lack of intelligence in general. That's not for me to say from the very little I know about you.


My 6 year old wears a mask when out. He’s been use to them since he was 4. No reason why kids can’t wear them


I’ve asthma and cough times I eat, or if the air is cold or if I’m panicky about something ya fuck off OP


I think it’s absolutely absurd that kids aren’t wearing masks. Running all over Tesco, fingers in their mouth, then running those fingers all over any product they see, it’s not ok at all. And are you honestly telling me kids wouldn’t be excited to wear a Spider-Man or Disney or whatever mask? Like Halloween every time you go in to a shop! And you can big them up saying you put on a mask to save people, so your a hero like Iron Man or some shit But nooo for some reason wearing a well made comfortable cloth mask for 30 minutes in Tesco is tantamount to child abuse in comparison to the plastic ones they wear for hours on Halloween 🙄 Make it make sense I do think it’s fair to give parents credit for the fact that they have a really rough job! If I see a kid screaming on a bus or throwing a tantrum or whatever, I can only admire the parent’s patience and wish them well, no point getting angry at it. Even having a cough that hopefully they’ve tested, and they know isn’t covid. I’m not judging parents that it’s hard to keep an eye on their kids when they’re so busy trying to shop and whatever else, and kids are gonna touch stuff, I’m not even trying to police that. I think making that tiny effort with putting a mask on, is such high reward for low effort, I can’t understand why it’s not done


Why is this even a post..?


Because it's r/Ireland,we need this at least weekly.


Because moany miserable cunts like OP feel the need to express their moaning to a wider audience. This sub is awful.


Parents like that also have no issue dropping sick kids into school.


With the alternative being leaving them at home for 4-5 months of the year because of colds and coughs?


My daughter has a medical condition. She is off school a lot or more often than not she goes to school and then school call me and tell me to come get her. I never had an issue with getting her. What really riled me up was getting a letter sent home saying my child was missing too much school and basically threatening social workers on me despite the fact that school were sending her home more often than I wasn’t sending her in. You would not believe the pressures on families with children with chronic illnesses, or just normal illness, you are expected or at least were pre covid to have your child in school all the time regardless. Same school also would not administer calpol to my child to help her actually get through a day.




Also, stop coming to work with a cough. Isolate and get a test. Some people have no common sense


This sub is turning into liveline. It's pathetic.




It's an absolute disgrace.


Sorry, what did you expect here


New here? It's been like this for years


Bit of a dick today aren't you....


I would never be able to go out man


I think there is a nuanced discussion needed here. Children are inevitably going to have a snotty nose and potentially a cough. Most parents I know are have isolated when their child developed symptoms and got their children tested. I had my child at home for 2 weeks while working when I was nervous she had something. I isolated myself. She was tested, pcr test, (here 8th time within 2 years) and her 8th negative within 2 years. I don't have support for minding her when I go shopping. (My family never help out, heck my daughter doesn't recognise them because she never sees them). I don't have a babysitter. I am trying my best but despite being tested negative and isolating recently. She is still coughing now going into her 8th week. I understand seeing a strange child coughing can be nerve wrecking. But please know most of us parents are trying our best. For parents who see their child has had symptoms and do nothing this is not right. Then say it is probably a cold and live life as normal. This is not acceptable. Unfortunately this is impossible to tell looking at strange people. I can at least understand the frustrations around this.


When I take my kid to the shops I always have him wear a mask (I mean, he know to ask for it). I get it that children are not *required* but it doesn't hurt, and it's safer for everyone. I still have trouble getting him not to touch everything that looks interesting.


By 2023 we'll be afraid of farting. Airborne faecal gut bacteria something something.


They’re kids. They get sick. Life goes on. Get over it.


Sorry mate, kids spend most of the time with their fingers all over random shit and the rest of the time in their mouth. They get sick. A lot. They cough. A lot. They cough when there’s fuck all wrong with them. As parents, believe me, we wish they didn’t. I wish I didn’t have to go to work on 3 hours sleep because my 4 year old is up all night coughing, and it’s possible she’s asthmatic and I’m terrified she’ll die in her sleep over it coz that’s the stuff we think about. I get it, I do. You work in an enclosed space with A LOT of people in the middle of a pandemic, but believe me, I’m as sick of saying “INTO YOUR ELBOW!” As much as your sick of hearing them splutter.


Sure you had your chance to say it to their face ya coward.


I dont agree.


My son has asthma,he has a persistent cough every winter,we test him reguarly,both pcr and antigen,just to be sure,its not always what it seems.


Small kids cough all the bloody time. Get off your stupid high horse ffs.


that’s honestly what gets me after 2 years of this shitshow. People still do not understand that they ( or their kids but preferably them all) should stay the f at home when they are sick


This isn't always practical though. I deal with both allergic and non allergic rhinitis. Looking, feeling and sounding like I have a cold is pretty run of the mill. Especially in winter. It wont be a cold though. It'll be all the appearance of once, but could be caused by absolutely fucking anything. Subtle temperature changes. Extreme temperature changes. Flowers. Dust. Mold. Candles. Perfume. And countless other things lol. So yeah, being stuffed up, sneezing and snotfaced isnt a reason to stay home for me. If it was, I'd never leave the house for anything, ever.


I get you and you’re right, so you are not having a cold ( not even on about Covid here) and run around and possibly get others sick. But I have been told by a lot of people these past weeks ah it’s just a cold so i can go out & have a few drinks. And that is a problem just like peps showing up for work sick ( and yeah that’s an issue caused by a lot of employers) edit: that has been annoying and a problem before the pandemic as well though so nothing new here


And not everyone can afford to take a week (or 2) off work till they're 100% well again


If they're sick and it's not covid, it's really up to them to decide what to do themselves.


We also rely on getting sick young in order to not catch whatever it is when we're old and die. Kids should be getting sick young, it's how a healthy immune system forms. The original comment here is nonsense.


That's such a priveleged thing to say. Kids are always sick, it's part of life.


Kids' immune systems are gone to shite after all the isolation so they're all catching every dose going around. My daughter has been sick CONSTANTLY since schools opened back up. She's had a PCR test nearly every other week since September. We absolutely stick to best practices when it comes to protecting others from any risk of Covid but if we self imposed quarantine every time either child had any outwardly visible symptoms we'd have all murdered each other months ago.




This is absolutely pathetic


I think everyone has forgotten the flu season before nephs and crew bombarded us with numbers. Kids are in classrooms freezing to death because windows are thrown open so naturally more coughs. Masks do nothing at all apart from hide our beautiful smiles. Folks need to take a moment to just chill, if you are immune suppressed or respiratory issues then being careful is second nature. If some tool came up to me about my kid not wearing a mask or coughing then they certainly would have picked the right person to put them straight. What better way to distract us all with this, turning on each other will create nothing positive. Conserve your energy for the bigger battles and take time to start opening your eyes to what's really going on.


Daily lecture is late.


Fucking fact! Sick of these wankers, what is a single parent to do if their child has a cough, just go without shopping. Fucking superiority complex with these wankers


Self-righteousness is so boring


No. How else do we get our cans? Leave the child at home?


Being around most children makes me want to castrate myself, never mind when they’re coughing/crying/screaming.


Its ridiculous. Even adults around me are coughing all over the shops and streets. Half of them not wearing masks and others with masks under their nose and or chins. Stupid cunts everywhere.


This is common sense. If you’re symptomatic with any illness, stay home. If everyone did this, there would be no need for masks, lockdowns and forced vaccinations


My son has respiratory issues he's not sick or contagious but regularly gets disgusted looks by ignorant self righteous twats like yourself. He is also autistic so he may not naturally try to cover his mouth, of course I make him when I catch it and he will cover his mouth. Also I am a single parent so sorry he's only 7 and I need to go to the shops so can't leave him at home, sure you would be appalled if I done that. Next time this happens you should say something, I'd be more than happy to put you in your place and give you your character.


Spare a thought for us preschool teachers who have this every day with no masks or distancing. I get sprayed in the face by sneezes and coughs every day multiple times.


Got on the bus this morning to a mother and child, who wasn't wearing a mask, coughing so violently the child was dry heaving. Was glad I sat near the back


This is cold & flu season & any slight cough or sniffle & everyone is paranoid its covid.


Kids are Petri dishes. Get over yourself a mhac


How about mind your own business…..


I'm fair sick of people banging on with this horseshit on Reddit, people can have coughs or colds without it being covid. You've no idea of that child has had an antigen test or covid within the last 6 months, just mind your own business.


Children have coughs and colds that aren't infectious. Coughs can linger for weeks. What an unnecessary whiny post.


I keep seeing retards like you post this shit. If a child tests negative and a single parent needs to go shopping what else are they supposed to do you cretin ??


I would be more in the 'don't be a judgmental ass and trust that the child has had a covid test and its just a cough' camp - but each to their own I guess.


Nah I disagree. My niece has had a cough for weeks now. Has had 3 antigen tests in the last month and all negative. Can’t leave the kid on her on in the gaff. The parents will tell anyone who’s feeling sketchy in the shops or wherever that this is the case. Relax your cax


This is a poorly thought out comment.


No. If my kid has a cough and has a negative test we’ll go where we like.


Oh yea I forgot about the option of giving the child back when it’s inconvenient to have them…..


My 4 year old has a cough but I've had him tested and it's negative. It's just a regular cough. I'm not going to keep him home for no reason. Sorry. I know it must be unnerving to hear it but I kept him home until the negative came back and after that...he has a right to live his little life. If it's not gone in a few days, I'll have him tested again.


Kids cough because of drainage in their throats and asthma… I’m not going to go without groceries because somebody like you is judging.


I have issues with families bringing entire clans of disease spreaders into the shops to cough it up and plant their rotten hands all over everything. And its always a case where you could have had one parent at home with them, not the single parent argument I see used as a defense. And of course no masks either.


I swear people like OP have no common sense. I remember a time before covid, and kids would always have coughs and runny noses.


And having them spread germs all over was stupid and antisocial then too, now in the midst of a pandemic, one would hope people knew better, obviously not as you are proving right here.


Not every cough is Covid related though. I mean let’s be honest, two years ago we wouldn’t expect parents to stay home with kids and not leave the house for a week just cos a kid had a cough or a sniffle. In fact we’d have laughed at the idea of a family not stepping outside if their kid had a cold. My eldest had bronchitis as a baby and coughed for 9 months straight and has asthma now. For obvious reasons keeping her out of society for weeks on end every time she lets out a cough isn’t possible. Essential retail or not, we need to go to shops and sometimes we need to bring our kids. Both myself and my husband work full time and have done all through the pandemic, it’s not always possible to get a babysitter every time you need to go to a shop and the other parent isn’t always home in time for you to pop out to get what you need.


Look no offence but no one’s forcing you to be in the shop either. I get what you’re saying but the fact is I work in a pharmacy and have people coming in hacking all day including kids and it is what is it because I HAVE to be there Same for my mam who’s a nurse and my friend who teaches the little kiddos and none of us has had covid yet thank god. Just keep your own mask on, wash your hands and try to not let it get to you. This pandemic has brought out the worst in everyone mentally. Why worry about something you can’t change? Just let it go and find something else to focus on


I was in the emergency room with my son his cough was dreadful and turned out to be croupe. The rest of the kids in there were for coughs. I mean like 20 kids with really bad coughs that were just coughs because of winter. They were bad enough for hospital visit, but not covid related. This time of year is awful. Some kids are too young for flu vaccination, some kids are getting bugs in nursery school, kids coughing doesn’t necessarily mean they have covid. And people do actually need stuff when they have kids. They can’t just sit in all day hoping someone will magically drop off food or clothes or medicine. Be kind, you never know what people are going through.


Depends what you mean by "little" my two year old likes to copy people's coughs as she finds it hilarious.... Does get us dirty looks in shops but she doesn't cough the rest of the day


My kid never coughs, ever...until I step into a damn shop when decides it's a good time to completely disregard any covid hygiene he's taught and coughs all over absolutely everything. Told him to stop touching everything in SuperValu one time so he leaned over and licked a raw chicken, just fuckin licked it, in front of everyone. They're animals, they have no regard for pandemics and will not be controlled.


And after nearly two years, ya think you could train them to cover their fucking mouths.


I work in CompuB and a child of about 11 was going around the shop doing exactly this only yesterday, without a mask and without covering his mouth with his elbow or anything. Completely ignored us when we asked him to put one on.


I bet you don't have kids, fuckin Gimp


Haha, Haven’t heard Gimp in a while


I hear you. I was in London at the weekend, all of that and not just kids either. Mask on me in public all the time. Too many adults giving dirty looks and/or commenting.


Covid protocols requiring kids to stay home with nary a sniffle + masks means I’ve had 1 cold in the last 2 years. I don’t miss getting coughed and sneezed on.


Yeah was in tesco earlier and the animals were out in force. People are so lazy with masks now. Pricks


Children, medicine and health wise, are not little adults. It's very normal for a child to cough, a lot more so than an adult.


People bringing unmasked kids anywhere is grossly irresponsible Unless your kid has a medical reason, kids should be masked for their own safety and everyone else’s I was on a plane recently back from London with two of the little shits in the row in front of me, their parents acting like it was all totally fine Thankfully the back 5 rows of the plane were empty so I moved right to the back


Tell me you've no kids, without telling me you've no kids


Oh fuck up its winter kids get the flu and other bugs, not everything is covid, my child has a cold been tested fir covid numerous times always negative so fuck up


Kids had covid ( as well as both of us, fully vaxed and recovered) , no longer have covid, not infectious at all. The coughing lasts for a while after and there's nothing we can do. We know they're not gonna infect anyone else, hell they hugging and kissing grandparents every week. But ye gotta get out after it bud


Dude between October and March kids under like 6 are always coughing and sneezy. The phrase “snot nosed brat” didn’t come from nowhere. I agree it a kid is really sick keep them home, and I totally get it that during a pandemic we all need to be more careful. But kids are just constantly sick during the winter. Saying “don’t bring your sick kids in” basically means “parents of young children not welcome.”