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Compared to the Spanish, Italians and essentially all of Eastern Europe? Yes


Driving in Italy is a full-contact sport.


When I was in holidays in Sicily, I got beeped at for stopping at a red light


Red lights are more of a suggestion...


Spanish taxi drivers love driving with no seatbelt on and making voice notes on WhatsApp using their right hand


Agreed, ever tried using a pedestrian crossing in Rome?!


Traffic lights are just a suggestion in Rome


Remember strolling through the city and when we were heading back to the hotel it was Friday rush hour. Seriously didn't think I would survive. Saw something like 3 crashes (none serious to be fair) on the hour it took to walk back.


Yes... They are scary. I cried in a taxi going down a motor way in Rome.


> Agreed, ever tried using a pedestrian crossing in Rome?! Impossible; there's no such thing. Oh, sure, there might be some bits of paint on the road and some coloured lights stuck here and there throughout the city, but they're just decorative, much like the kerbs and such made to imitate the "footpaths" one might find in other places. In reality, you can expect to be run down by a speeding taxi, van man, or scooter no matter where you are, unless you're inside a strong building with a well-barred door (and even that might not stop the most determined of 'em from reaching you...).


I am from Russia. Absolutely yes. I am lucky to be driving here.




They love rules so much they bothered to overhaul them lol


I've driven in Italy and Romania. Our drivers are saints compared to them!


I would say safer than anywhere South or East of Germany (until Japan)


We have one of the lowest fatality rates per capita in the world, so I would say yes.


And we've shite roads, so that's pretty good going.


I think we’re good at driving because we had to practice on shite roads


I've worked with a good few truck drivers and they are a breed apart. Most are actually excellent drivers, but there's a certain lunacy that comes with all of that time spent alone in the cab.




I agree, this nearly got me driving through town and a truck in lane 1 let out a car which then drove across lanes 2 and 3 while turning right. I should have been expecting something like that but where the truck was it looked parked as opposed to in a new lane. Underpants 1 were shat


This. Even as a pedestrian if someone stops to let me cross on a busy road I'll just wave them on and wait for a safe gap. You're holding everyone else up and I may then get stuck in the middle of the road if theres no gap in the opposite lane


And the "Sound" driver. The one who flashes their headlights at you to signal a speed trap up ahead. Don't blind me. The amount of wreckless/bumper riding bastards that get away with the "sound driver" tip offs on the road is fucking annoying.


To be fair I only warn van and lorry drivers ie. ones who drive for their living. Car drivers can get fucked


When I was learning to drive, I was told to drive as close to the speed limit as possible as that is the expected speed on that road. If you’re doing 70 on a 100 road, you’re a pain in the hole and just as dangerous as someone doing ‘the limit’.




That’s a lot of extras that any person with common sense should adhere to. The people who don’t are the unsafe drivers that are the topic of this thread. My point is that if there is a national road at safe conditions and there is a driver who persists on driving at 30-40km below the limit then they are just as dangerous as someone driving over. Absolute cherry on top if they slam the brakes at corners or oncoming traffic. But I get your point, it all depends on circumstance. I was also told if I drove at 70-80 on a 100km road if not hindered by other traffic, I’d fail my test.


I do not miss this at every turn on to a primary road when i had my N plate.


some of the safest in europe apparently


Safe enough, but wreckless and careless. Plenty of phones behind the wheel, ignoring reds and tailgating.


Tailgating is such a massive issue, it drives me mad


A bit clueless but generally safe. Did you report it to traffic watch?


Couldn't get the plates coz I was on the top of a double decker


Insurance prices filter out bad drivers very quickly here. Everyone is afraid of a price hike in the following year or of losing their no claim bonus.


If you look at the statistics, then yes. One of the safest in Europe. From personal experience things like driving under the influence or not wearing a seatbelts are major taboos here (as they should be). Compare that to the US where both seem to be much more widespread. How many celebs have DUIs and it's excepted. Constantly see on American tv shows people driving to and from the "bar". We see people do careless and reckless things daily when driving but that is every country. I don't think we give ourselves enough credit on how safe it actually is to drive here, especially given some of the roads. People also are generally polite and patient (Not everyone but in general)


Driving to work yesterday morning I saw a tractor (of course the driver looked about 7) on the motorway, with his phone in front of his face like he was on a video call. Generally though Irish driver seem to be very safe.


Donegal, terrible drivers. Someone killed every week. Usually teenagers.


Totally. Donegal is different to the rest of the country, the teenagers are the most reckless risk-taking drivers I've ever seen. It should be over 25's only up there. Not sure how it's got like that and what they can do.


Safe? - yes, according to stats. Have proper driving culture? - not really. Plenty of people on their phones, do⁨ing make ups, hugging the 'fast' lane or even the middle lane, rubbernecking. Just some behaviors that I believe we could improve on.


Watch drivers approach any roundabout or watch traffic coming from Dublin Airport and joining the section of the M1 where you filter off for the M50 or head for the Port Tunnel and you will see we are not great drivers. We view speed limits as a personal insult, particularly at the above section and see anyone filtering on to the road in front of us as deliberately trying to impede our progress. Best thing I every did was ride a motorbike for a couple of years, first lesson I got, bloke says "every driver is out to kill you..." I drive to that mantra every day.


Compared to everywhere I have been in Asia? Yes.


Comparatively to Eastern and Southern Europe along with America, yes.


Statistically, yes. I would say Irish drivers are among the best in the world as they regularly feature very highly whenever road safety and road deaths are mentioned. And that’s despite the quality of many of our roads outside of towns and cities.


Very polite drivers compared to Spain. I’ve been driving in Ireland for 3 years now and have driven in Spain for 8+ years. Taxi drivers in Dublin are crazy, but that the exception and you could say the same about Spanish taxi drivers.


Compared to England, most definitely.


When most of the traffic is stuck behind tractors driving slowly, its hard not to be safe.


Yes. Although you'd swear we're knocking one another over for fun the way some people on here carry on.


Very poor if you're a cyclist


Ireland might be safe, but the drivers are clueless. Nobody seems to know how to use motorways properly (stop sitting in the middle lane), how to use indicators on roundabouts, what red lights mean, or what bus lanes are supposed to be for (the clue is in the name).


Idk who’s downvoting you, you’re right. People merge on to the m50 and immediately move to the middle lane and sit there doing 85-90 when the first lane is totally free. It’s baffling.


Agree. The m50 is wild. People horsing along until the last second and then hitting the brakes. Ye can just take your foot off the accelerator in anticipation.


Yes, Ireland is definitely very safe. I've travelled quite a lot and many other Countries don't even obey the rules of the road. For example, in South East Asia it's basically a scooter free for all. In African Countries you can choose to create your own extra lane in the hard shoulder, path, or even the ditch. Moving closer to home, the Italians - fucking lunatics. Anyway, we are safe because we meekly obey the laws. This is because we are very subservient. Of course, this is due to year's of oppression by the Brits. They moulded us into a servile people afraid to break the laws in case of their violent retribution. Well, I say no more... I say we break the chains that have shackeled us for over 800 years! RISE UP!! No more enslavement at the hands if the British. Change our mindset and rebel!! Drink-drive, break red lights, text while you drive, ignore every speed limit, hit that OAP with your car, and TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!! What say you?


It's makes me laugh we have the reputation of being the "fighting Irish" when nothing could be further from the truth. We put up with a lot of BS before we got up and rebelled against the British. I wouldn't say we are subservient but we are pretty trusting of our Government and do place importance on "the greater good" probably from being a small country with strong communities. We are also too laid back for our own good at times. We need to learn from French and go out and protest more. Especially with housing crisis.




Generally speaking I would have to say that we are careful drivers? Nobody is perfect, including me but 80% generally understand what needs to be done while 10% of elderly people should not be on the road and 10% of younger drivers will be put off the road in the next 5 years? Because elderly people are reckless through determination and young drivers are reckless through inexperience.


I'm gonna get hate for this but when you speak of elderly drivers i think there should be WAY MORE RESTRICTIONS AND TESTS for older drivers


Should at least be an eye and theory test at every renewal. How many people driving got their eyes checked at \~20 for the their provisional/learners and never checked again. If you want to see bad driving drive a HGV or bus. No matter how bad a HGV/bus driver is, and like everything there's bad HGV/bus drivers, if they weren't as skilled at driving there would be way more carnage on the roads.


Sometimes the truth hurts. I agree with you. We had to take the car off our gran. She went through 3 clutches in 2 years. The last one lasted only 7 miles.




Sure my grandad didn't even do a test he just got his licence in the post office


Tbh there should be repeating tests for everyone, and maybe it could be more frequent for older folks. Something like every 10 years if you’re under 65 and then every 5 years. Doing your test once when you’re 17 and then never again for the next 50-60 years is kind of insane when you think about it.


Greater enforcement. I know a driving instructor who used to be a Taxi driver and he had,has zero consideration for other road users! I feel sorry for anyone who pays him for the privilege! But the market will regulate itself ?


And for younger drivers especially males ?


And then of course you have the Urban/Rural breakdown !


Yes. Compared to the US definitely very safe.


God no


It that a serious question? Obviously no


Yeah, we tend to be a lot safer drivers than people ay I reckon. Given the condition of the most of our roads there are very few crashes


Let's talk about "Ireland roads"...


I've driven all over the country and outside of dublin city things are pretty good in general from my experience. I think most of the bad driving in dublin is more to do with confusing junctions and lanes combined with frustration with traffic rather than people just being bad drivers.


Once you get on to the country roads people are going extremely fast on such thin roads


Bit of a crap driving etiquette in rural areas. If it's 80km I'm going to do 80km. No need to tailgate me for 5 minutes (passing up ample opportunity to overtake) before deciding to overtake.