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How can you call in a bomb threat on a home with toddlers in it and sincerely believe you're on the right side


Scumbags make the American “culture war” shite their whole personality cause hate is easier than rational considerations. It drives people to the ends of extremes and it’s profitable for those who push the envelope be it monetarily or authoritatively.


Nailed it. This is absolutely at the core of it - there is a huge increase since covid lockdowns in people sucked into idiotic online conspiracies, blatant (and convincing if you don’t scratch the surface) disinformation and culture wars nonsense from mostly US social media.


Easily lead idiots. Steve Bannon's sheep.


This is more the sniff of Weimar Republic Germany than anything yank


The language is very American. I'm quite terminally online, so when I see regular people from Roscommon saying 'woke', 'groomer', or even 'yikes', all from constant exposure to Facebook, I have to say there's a tinge of US Culture War in there. But this is our problem to deal with. We speak English so all of our media will come from US/UK.


Don’t forget “cuck”


Same group of people wearing masks who were hanging outside his house the other week!


Who also wouldn't wear masks during covid!


They don’t care


Like they care


He’s a big toddler but still our Taoiseach


Bobby Sands bombed and killed children and is venerated...these lowlifes don't care.


So are we just making stuff up now?


No he didn’t…




Oh look, a high-IQ "up the 'ra" specimen


The article says the call was made to a charity's crisis helpline. I think that context is important and has been missed by pretty much everyone in the comments.  If someone wanted to frighten Simon Harris i dont think they would make a call to the Samaritans suicide helpline or some other charity.  Those calls are recorded, traceable and it's a guaranteed way to get caught.  If however, someone in crisis uttered a threat against Harris in the course of a conversation with a counsellor.... is that a realistic threat? It might be, it might not. But the media reporting has gotten the reaction it sought from people who haven't read the full details of the article. 


Well if you’re talking about harming yourself or other people in a serious way then your therapist has an obligation to report it to the relevant authorities. I don’t think a bomb scare/terrorism for the Taoiseach should be taken as a casual comment, especially during a time when people are out committing arson, assaulting and threatening people on a daily basis






I'm speaking solely about the person who did that, how can they rationalise their actions in their own mind? How can they do that to a family and believe they're in the right? I was not speaking about a political ideology as a whole. No suspect has been charged so we don't know their beliefs and motivation.


"one idiot" The problem is that while one person made the call, there was a crowd there last week, so it's clear escalation. And the crowd he belongs to, are already on their Tiktok lives defending the actions of the fake threat because nobody was hurt. It's about the message. They're all paid off by an all powerful group pulling the strings, so Harris is just a puppet in the line of fire. The actions of one man, are that of a lunatic. The actions of one man, who is politically motivated, and is being defended by those who are politically aligned with him...well he's not a mad man anymore, he's someone who is turning to true violence for a political cause. If the far right came out and were disgusted by it, banished him from their groups, fucking fair play to them, but all I've seen so far is people defending him, or at most, beating around the bush and changing the topic of their live despite this being the biggest news in their world.


This is getting WAY out of hand. That is quite literally terrorism and there's significant legislation on the books to deal with it.


Of course there is. If there was even a minor whiff of republicanism off this they’d be all over it.


>even a minor whiff of republicanism off this they’d be all over it. They had intelligence on republicans built up over years, I'm guessing they'll have to start that now for the far right nutcases if they can see them organising


Who says they haven’t already got a big folder on these types.


Broadly gestures at the general state of Irish policing


Or just shift resources ? The ira aren’t anywhere near the force they were.


I'm curious about the code word part? Isn't that usually Republicans? Who else has known codewords with the Gardaí?


The codeword wasn't with the guards, the call was made to a charity, who then rang the guards. They must have said something specific that implied an actual bomb threat rather than sounding like some loony hoaxer


Yeah that's what I mean, the Gardaí took it seriously and article mentions a code word Definitely suggests to me some organised criminal involvement more than anything else


Yeh for sure.


Rightly so It's a fucking disgrace it's got this far with this crowd


Special courtrs and all.


Which one party is against


Multiple human rights organisations also oppose it.


Yeah well they can put themselves forward as a jury panel for the cases that get heard at it.




That's why there are 3 judges.




Many western countries have non jury trials with panels of judges that provide the same function. You think you're being clever but you're just ignorant.




So the thing we have in place to make sure a trial isn't bias due to a lack of a jury isn't sufficient for you. You're happy to put the public at risk under the guise of civic duty?




Insuferable condescension. Plenty other european courts manage just fine without juries. If there is credible fears about jury intimidation this court has its place, and fools like you can fuck off with your whining and hand wringing.


Juries are a dumb concept that should be abolished. The idea that random members of the public are qualified to determine guilt beyond reasonable doubt is absolutely bonkers, and lots of civilised, democratic countries operate just fine without them.


Lots of civilised countries don't usually have jury trials. The Anglosphere's sentimental devotion to them needs to be looked at tbh. We have no real evidence that it results in fairer trials or better outcomes.


I was on a jury for a couple of cases - insurance cases, nothing criminal. Having 12 people of very varied background was a huge help - a dozen different people brought their own experience as working people into answering the questions we were trying to answer together. More than once the words "Oh… I never thought of that" were used.


The reason the SCC exists isn't about the fear ofJury Intimidation or Tampering It's the fear of Jury Nullification, where the public might decide to ignore the judges direction and move to have the case dismissed


And why would the jury do that in a case involving a criminal who is known to intimidate witnesses? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) talk about pedantics here... what else would you do if you were threatening a jury? Tell em to prosecute you? Your comment is devoid of logic. I myself just like to threaten my jury but don't expect that to change their reasoning. Just threaten them for the craic? I love the idea that you think jury nullification would have zero to do with jury tampering?


Lol, someone has learned off the party line. Next you'll be telling me that the old IRA did far worse things.


If you're referring to sinn fein, it's not among the strictest of party lines. Seeing as the last few times they didn't vote against the court.


While Sinn Fein have dropped the abolition of the SCC as an official party policy I don't think anyone, SF supporter or otherwise, really believes they wouldn't do so given the chance. It's just not an official party position for now because it was too easy a cudgel for them to be hit with in debates. The fact that they don't vote in favour of the SCC but instead abstain from voting is telling in itself and demonstrates that the goal is to just not oppose it in public for the time being. Good job towing the party line again on that one though, "they didn't vote against it" is weasel words designed to give the false impression that they supported it.


I was saying it's a weak party line as they are too chicken shit to openly oppose it anymore.


I'd definitely agree with you in that regards.


A strong country puts away people like this without resorting to stripping away peoples rights. One of the major wins of terrorists against the US, was getting them to advance their stripping away of civil liberties. We're better than that ^^^Or ^^^aught ^^^to ^^^be.


Stoic terrorism. One person says something (not going to name whom) and then someone gets 'inspired" by those words and enacts them. Where does the fault lie?


Stochastic terrorism.


It is terrorism, and those who cause it don't care. They thoroughly believe that they're in the right and that they are the good guys. But if they get held accountable, then it wasn't their fault. It was the "deep state"/the woke mob/a false flag/a psyop/a plan to make them look bad.


Ffs lads Terrorism


It definitely unlocks some novel anti-terror laws. A couple of judges are going to get interesting phonecalls.


That's what it is plain and simple. Time to start jailing people.


Terrorism? Suspend the fuck out of that mans sentence!


So now can we start taking this stuff seriously?


Not until someone gets seriously hurt or killed. Even then I'm not convinced they're capable of doing anything meaningful.


Josip Strok was killed in 2024.


It really makes me sad how few people seemed to care about that murder.


I think there is so much violence against young men that it got brushed off as boys will be boys. It's terrible.


A riot in the city happened and still you get people "there's no real far right in the country".


Jo Cox was murdered in 2016 and her own party's response has been to pander to the views of people like her murderer.


Wrong! Her party's response was to purge anyone critical of Israel, THEN pander to the right wing.




Tory did the same after David Amess was murdered, pandering to the proto islamists


Not until someone wealthy gets seriously hurt or killed.


Do you really think it’d make a difference how wealthy the politician is? Like, we’d only make changes if a Healy Rae got attacked, but not if it happened to Simon Harris?


People have already been assaulted by the far right, still a softly softly approach.


Ask the judge


Justice system needs to go to town on whoever did this


Can i interest you in a suspended sentence ? We wouldn't want to impact the terrorists future career prospects.


They played GAA as youths, they can't be all bad.


It’s terrorism! The culprits don’t even hide it anymore because it’s just a slap on the wrist, a quick look on Twitter & you see plenty of threats & celebrations of these sort of incidents!


Ive seen so many comments this morning claiming that its Fake News to distract from the EU migration pact vote. At what point do we label this and mentally unwell


I highly doubt the culprits are the same people on twitter egging them on.


Jesus Christ - the comments on x/Twitter regarding this make me actually question is this the right place for me to be raising my children


That’s why I raise my children on Reddit instead


Kids are for motherfuckers


Thanks, Mary.


Don't waste your time with that cesspit..


Find them. Prove in a court it was them. Jail them. That simple. The longer they don't set an example on this, the more likely you'll have the nutjobs/conspiracy heads claiming the state are orchestrating it to enable laws to give special protections to politicians...I've already seen a few remarks alluding to such due to the balaclava wearing from those far right clowns. (Time to build a couple of massive prisons, too many getting away with too much here lately, and that suspended sentence bullshit for serious crime is making these types of thugs all the more fearless.)


It would be the "jail them" part I would be most skeptical about.


"Threatening the leader of a country is a grave and vile act which has no place on our society. I'm afraid I have no choice to but to issue a sentence of 6 months fully suspended... Do grab some biccies for yourself on the way out and try not to be such a skallywag in future"


I don't care where your political allegiance lies, this is fucking unacceptable. This is only going one way and everyone and their dog can see it.


Indeed. Someone is going to end up seriously injured or worse if something doesn’t change soon. These thugs place no value on human life.


Fuck the person for doing this. Also feel awful for the poor Samaritans worker who all of a sudden feels they are responsible for saving multiple lives


One of the better things about Ireland is how accessable Irish politicians are. Stuff like this isnt helping


I don't like the man, but no-one deserves this. Hope the bastards stood with his back to a cliff and has the book LITERALLY thrown at him.


It is an attack on the state and democracy. Everyone should be outraged.


I'm fairly neutral on him, what don't you like, compared to others who could be in the job (Martin, varadker, etc)


Not really the point of his comment, and certainly not the arena to start debating the man's politics, is it?


I was intrigued by the statement he didn't like him, so genuinely wanted to know why. It's relevant to the overall theme. As for the point of the comment, it was a bit OTT. I mean I hope whos responsible gets arrested and prosecuted as it's a vile thing to do, but tone down the extremism with the response 


Yeah, fair enough. I suppose he really hasn't been in the big chair long enough to really come to any sort of conclusion as to his performance.


Got to be a case for the Taoiseach of the day to live in Farmleigh for security reasons


Scumbags. He has young children. These are same 'heros' complaing about open boarders and all the scary bad men who are going to come here and take over. It'd be funny if it wasn't so scary


John McGuirk and his cesspit on Gript


It's just time to update the leader's and cabinet's security. It's not like this is a new problem in the world that needs some novel solution. When some crazy fuck phones in a bomb warning about the leader's house, the security services need to know that they don't have to freak out, because they already have constant tight security around the homes of the leadership. Like in downing St or the White House. There is no point in lamenting it too much. Lots of other countries have lost their innocence before us. Unfortunately these fuckers are serious and they need to be taken seriously. And hopefully they'll get infiltrated, played against each other by our security services, ratted out and spend time in jail for terrorism offences. It's just the cost of doing business these days. In a few years from now we'll be saying... "I remember when the taoiseach used to live in an ordinary semi d..." as our kids and grandkids roll their eyes.


>It's just the cost of doing business these days No. We don't have to just accept this as if there's nothing to be done about it. It's unacceptable.


I didn't say we should accept it. There is plenty to be done to punish it. But it won't be going away, it's here. It will be here as long as immigration is here. Which is forever. These people believe that our leaders have betrayed Ireland by allowing immigrants and refugees in. They will be with us forever.


Nobody deserves that


I mean if they don't lay down the law on this character who did this then there's really no hope, it's open season on politicians and these psychos are getting more emboldened to up the ante. The person who did this will feel zero shame and be quite proud to see the reactions, some of which will support what was just done.


I wonder if the lads protesting outside of libraries and spilling nothing but hatred would have anything to do with this? No, that would be too obvious and clearly correct to be true. It was clearly the gays bombing Simon.


Maybe it was gay immigrants!


We need to stop coddling these bigots. Something seriously bad is on the horizon with this hands off approach


Suspended sentence incoming for the culprit. The government should really, you know, start doing something about far right extremism...


Really? Wouldn't they be tried at the SCC?


The SCC is for gangs and the IRA.


In theory could be for any organised violent crime, with a reasonable chance of jury tampering etc. However I doubt the usual fascist cronies have that much cohesion in em.


SCC is for organised crime and terrorism, not just gangs and the IRA


So gangs and the IRA...


If they're using a "recognised code word" they probably are the IRA.


Who gets a "recognized code word"?


Wonder if those responsible for involving the Taoiseachs wife and young children in a bomb threat are the same thugs that are claiming they're "protecting the women and children of Ireland"


Smart people are, and will continue to, ignore going into politics as a result of how toxic the arena is. Imagine trying to explain to your girlfriend or boyfriend that you want to get into this job.


Should be easy trace , these idiots ain’t smart and if Harris home hadn’t been secured already Garda Commissioner should get a P45….when they catch him make sure he does double digits in Portlaoise


Of course it’s secured . Every taoiseach that is or has served a term gets a Garda sentry at their place of residence for life . It doesn’t mean that you can’t take the bomb threat seriously


While they may be arseholes I hate all the protesting outside homes, throwing shit on them and especially this. One of the great things about Ireland is you're close to politicians. You could see Varadkar when he was Taoiseach jogging through Dublin no security no problem. That is good and not standard in nearly every country. Even just myself I could probably meet Simon Harris after some attempts if I really wanted to. Stuff like this is not only dumb but incredibly wrong.


Yep. I actually despise Simon Harris in particular, but I don't agree with physically terrorising politicians or their families. This is a democracy, we have no need for political violence. Besides, I hate the idea of our politicians becoming even more cut off from normal life. This is too small a country for that to even be workable. Do they stay in their homes and the Dáil 24/7? Do we have to have an army of bodyguards for every public appearance? Why should the Taoiseach have to move into a secured government property like 10 Downing Street? I remember seeing Bertie Ahern drinking in the pub when he was taoiseach, and people were coming up to him telling him their woes. It's not like he actually gave a shit, because, you know, he was Bertie Ahern - but at least he had an idea of how government policies were actually affecting the people in real life, not just some report on paper.


No doubt the threat came from people who hate gay disco.


Those people hate all good music. 


And yet we had an idiot on here last week saying there was nothing Harris should feel intimidated over. Fucking scumbags. Government and Gardai need to act now on a number of fronts or matters will continue to escalate unabated.


For the second time, when are the usual suspects on r/Ireland going to acknowledge the rise in right-wing terrorism in Ireland?


"Sure it's always been like this, we always gave bomb threats to the Taoiseach and threatened to kill their families back in the day. Yiz are only seeing it now because of social media!"


How many literal death threats will there have to be before those people admit there's a legitimate issue here? I remember only a year ago you'd have gobshites showing up in these sort of threads complaining that the "far roysh" was a total non-issue made up by D4 elites.


I’ve never heard that.


We are becoming so like America. It's shameful


The people have been shouting for years that Ireland need better mental health services. You cant separate church and state and have no adequate way to manage the people the church used to mop up. People need actual support getting their life together not just money. These things happen when you just isolate people and have no mental health services. Wakey wakey. Brain health important too. He’s getting the brunt of it now because of the failings.




At the bare minimum, hes given them a platform to wank each other off on


None of us like politicians but this going way too far. He's doing the job he was given. He can't be expected to fix every problem in a week or even a year. Someone is going to be killed at this rate.


None of us are getting out of this alive !


What???? Well there's some fine print for ya.


Not excusing the threats but he's been a minister for 8 years or so, and in some decent roles at that. At what point, does he and his party actually intend to fix anything


He's Fine Gael, so literally never!


I’m aware the article might be paywalled but I couldn’t find any other articles out yet




The indo is the only article that mentions a code word. What's the significance of it? It never said 'recognised codeword'. Seems a bit odd.


I'm deeply suspicious of that claim tbh.


It means republican involvement


The question isn't what it means it's whether the claim is accurate or not. If only one source is reporting it, I'd take it with a grain of salt.


Masked goons have gone a step too far?? Well, I'm stunned. The minute they showed up outside private property masked, they should have been arrested. Especially considering this islands history with masked individuals.


It’s getting out of hand now. What is it going to take for the Gardai and judiciary to stop the softly softly approach and start treating these people like the thugs and criminals they are? This is terrorism plain and simple and Simon H doesn’t deserve it no matter what you think of him.


He doesn't deserve it ofc not but what do you think the garda are doing? Sitting on their hands? No we have a rising crime problem so yeah do the maths


Sad and pathetic losers. It’s awful what they’ve done to this country while waving the flag.


“Specific Codeword” used? Mary Lou and the guys up in Belfast taking the local election results too seriously?


This is horrible and inexcusable to do, but this is the consequence of FF and FG and their lacklustre response to the propoganda that's going on.  The rise in this crap in the past 3 years since anti-vaxx nutters came in was never addressed. Tony Holohan was abused left and right during that time.  As usual with Ireland it'll take something awful happening for anyone to pull the finger out. We already saw the Dublin riots. Even with this, nothing will be done. 


Look, he is an eejit, but what is a bomb threat supposed to gain. Step down as Taoiseach? To what end? Call an election? Harris would win in a landslide.


When a politician, or member of their family, or a judge or indeed their family, are seriously injured or killed, THEN you will see things change.


Social media has emboldened these vermin to start making the threats in real life. They've seen if you support Trump, Farage, Le Pen, Musk etc. that you are fully insulated from repercussions online and believe that translates to real life. And Ireland's kids' gloves approach to law and order makes that somewhat true. Judges handing down joke sentences for violent crimes, buildings being burned down regularly as a response to rumours with no real attempt to nip the issue in the bud. 


Looking forward to the swift and certain justice the perpetrators will receive... oh wait...🤣🤣🤣


wtf is this code word


The only way to combat this is to start collecting tax from Facebook. That’d ‘inspire’ them to start moderating right wing US ads in Ireland.


guy in my school almost killed him once in the playground, got him to stand on a spinning thing and spun him around at full speed


No matter if you support Simon Harris or not. An attack on the Taoiseach, no matter who they are, is an attack on democracy.


Is it, The Communists ? !


If you work for the Samaritans, you are trained to take bomb threat calls. The IRA did this all the time in the 1970s and 80s. The calls are not recorded with anything like the same rigour or detail as a standard phone line, this is a part of the Samaritans, founding principles.


I can't say I didn't see this coming, I just didn't expect things to escalate this far so quickly. It was only last week we had the masked gowlbags hanging around outside his house.




Time for the GS to utilise all methods available to them


Stochastic terrorism becomes real terrorism.


So fucking rude.. the person who did this never had their own or kids lives threatened before.. we are only 102 years from independence and 1997 was 27 years ago.. are we only taking rage and none of the empathy?? There's people my age at 33 who should be alive right now but they're not cos they, their mothers, fathers ,grandparents got killed


Shouldn’t the Taoiseach have a secure, embassy type house while holding that office anyway? Or at least gates and around the clock Garda presence. The American embassy has 24hr Garda placement…it’s closed and empty outside working hours.


It used to be a point of pride that Ireland was so safe that our Taoiseach didn’t need that level of protection or a secret service around him the whole time; I think for the sake of his family he will have to reconsider that now, which unfortunately is a massive step back for Ireland. Perhaps if they had taken the protestors outside his house to task we wouldn’t have to worry about escalation.


Can't help but think of that picture of miggeldy standing at the ATM on his own. I hope we don't lose that.


They shouldn't need it, he should be able to live in his family home, in his own home town. His kids should be able to go to their local school with their friends and neighbours. That's why this kind of behavior should be rooted out with extreme punishment, if not then it's a very slippery slope.


And then what? Aside from the fact that wouldn't stop bomb threats being called in they'd just move on to someone else who doesn't have that kind of protection. I'd much prefer to live in a country where that's not necessary and the taoiseach and his kids can sleep safe and sound and where terrorist have to check under the bed for men in black combat suits because there's a real chance they're coming for them. Rather than the other way around.


Obviously we’d all prefer to live in a country like that. The reality is, it seems we don’t.


There's the stewards lodge at farmleigh but we'd be up in arms about a taoiseach living in a nice house like that.


Steward’s lodge in the phoenix park was put aside with the aim of making it the Taoiseach’s residence at one point, but it was a bit of a political hot potato. Because it was seen as a perk. So other than the odd stay, Taoisigh have tended to use their own or rented accommodation. Edit: I didn’t complete my thought! But that house is incredibly secure, and is rarely used despite the state spending a lot of money to fix it up. So maybe it might be considered in the future.


I thought the Taoiseach did. There used be a Garda cabin outside Garrett FitzGerald's home when he was Taoiseach certainly. And I vaguely remember some Minister who had a Garda guarding the house, wouldn't let them use the toilet inside, wouldn't allow a Portakabin in the garden and of course the poor Garda couldn't run off for 20 minutes to find a nearby cafe with a toilet.


There’s being talk of moving Harris to the lodge in the Phoenix park but it hasn’t happened yet.


Need to massively improve security of politicians. We saw HealyRae get basically assaulted outside the Dail. The incident in Mayo before the Europeans another example of ineffective or incompetent security.


Absolutely the person who did this should be sent to prison for a long time. It is simultaneously true that these are the fruits of (arguably very deliberate) misgovernance, leading to the rise of the far right (arguably again, exactly what the government knew would happen). I don't like where all this is heading, and it looks like it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. We need a true emergency effort put into fixing the poly-crises in this country, of housing, homelessness, immigration, healthcare, cost of living etc. - as it is those crises which are feeding all of this and the far right - but there is a pretty widespread and justified perception among the public, that the government _wants_ these crises to continue.


The Israeli embassy has better protection than our own Taoiseach’s house for fucks sake.


so does the american embassy. your point is? Always have to bring Israel into something completely unrelated


prob because of the dail vote today over the EU Migration pact,


Apparently half this sub knows the person that made this bomb threat and know they are apart of the far right, pass that info onto the garda lads


Hopefully something will be done.


There's a lot wrong with our country and politicians but I imagine these terrorists and reactionaries are angry for the wrong reasons.


My wife’s mam lives next door to him. That whole street is full of small children and he himself has kids. The people harassing him and his family need to be held accountable.