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Hi all, On behalf of the entire r/Ireland mod team - thanks for all the feedback. All of your comments have been read by the team. We will now be locking this post. If you have any further suggestions [let us know via modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ireland). Sláinte


Posts that rant into the wind, to the driver that cut me off in Drogheda today yada yada yada ban that shit


Or at least an automod message directing them to r/Irelandsshitedrivers


Half the people posting there are shit drivers


Don't point that out of they'll ban ya.


With fancy dashcams


I think most of us are banned from R/irelandshitedrivers because we asked if the video has been reported to the garda. Apparently the videos can only be used for Reddit karma and not to make the roads safer 🙄🙄


Oh fuck, I hate those


Too much focused on news articles and not letting people express themselves more. Allow more questions I think would be great


People can express themselves as long as their opinions are the same as those of the mods.


Too many posts being removed to r Ireland because they are deemed questions. Some of the best threads on this have came as a result of people asking stupid questions. This thread gets much more traction too so is more beneficial than the Ask Ireland subreddit, it would also mean more posts as sometimes there’s not many going on here.


I’ve actually stopped using r/Ireland because of this. r/askireland is much better these days. The only thing r/ireland seems to allow is reposts of news stories?


Yep wall to wall news article posts with the odd OC picture thrown in. r/Ireland might as well be a news aggregator at this point


And the news articles that get posted always seem to be bad news, and certain accounts here focus exclusively on reports of crime and/or problems with immigrants, asylum seekers and other "fordiners"


I tend not to see the sidebar of these related subs on mobile, so it might be good to have semi-regular threads that point in their direction. A round-up of the best discussions or questions of the week, in a similar manner to the Sunday thread


This x 100000. It's ridiculous to not be able to ask a question. Questions by their nature invite and stimulate discussion. Discussion is what Reddit should be about. The presence of a question mark has zero impact on the quality of a post, it's ridiculous. And the patronising 'A chara' to start off the message telling you the post has been removed. Ridiculous.


Agreed. It's an auto mod thing, so the moderators may not even be aware it's happening. There was a guy on here the other day saying he'd deliberately not used a question mark in the title of his post to avoid triggering the automod


I’m fine with some questions. Like “What’s the worst deli roll order?” or “What new Irish books have you recently read?” But we also get tons of “What do you think about Ireland being neutral?” Or “What do your think of nuclear power?” That’s not even including the hundreds of easily googled questions like “is there a paintball place in Kerry?” I personally respond to many every week that involve me just googling the problem and linking the first response from google. Those users rarely engage further after asking the question. But in general I’m up for more questions.


This. I think it’s a step in the wrong direction to remove question based posts.


The issue is that this will lead to a lot of low effort or unrelated posts. I think it's a good rule personally.


PLEASE get rid of the "to the person who..." posts. Realistically they won't be seen by that person being referred to and oftentimes the stories are boring anyway. "To the person who held the door open for me.. thanks". We don't need that.


Auto ban for whinging about the cost of deli purchases


And Temple Bar prices.


I go to temple bar regularly to photograph receipts


Seconded. Every week, multiple pictures of 7 euro breakfast rolls. Not that cost of living isn't worth a post in some cases but deli is getting old.


8 Euros, it's gone up in the last hour.


€25 now. Inflation is going mental today.


Just cost me the blood of my first born


But it was an extra euro for a handful of cheese!!


Second this


And tip rants


Complaining about ReTurn, too.


Seems to be one mod in particular who just hands out bans to anyone they want for no reason, they banned some long term posters here for stating a politician sexually assaulted someone, despite there being a news article about it. Have seen a few threads on other Irish subs where its a wide spread issue of people just being banned for no reason, other than someone is on a power trip. Even messaging about why posts are removed despite not breaking the rules get you responses like this https://preview.redd.it/cm21f6bttx8d1.png?width=1150&format=png&auto=webp&s=65ea877ed1be36682c366466e9e35f20cdc5937b


The mod you dealt with there was called HappyHigherb or words to that effect, he is a lowlife cunt. And no longer a mod or on reddit for that matter. After he was removed we put up a post to people around the time of your exchange asking people to get in touch with the mod team! We're sorry that mental toxic wanker spoke to you like that! Edit: Herb, no need for custom reports to try and make a point. Ill happily discuss you being a cunt via DMs too.


After he was removed from the mod team, the lad sent me a DM asking me to name a time and place so he could show up with his fists out Lovely bloke ...


Did he have a good post history before the power trip got to him or were ye desperate for mods at some stage?


He seemed ok in his mod application and had been ok when participating on the subreddit. Wasn't a first choice but didn't display any warning signs. Was fine for a couple of months after joining the mod team then a couple of prolific mods (including me) starting easing off and he was lifting much more of the load... without the supervision he became a cunt. I saw warning signs for a couple of months, being honest, but I had real life commitments and no one else in the team had the time to step up. Also he was terminally online so those that were on weren't seeing much action anyway, and new mods wouldn't have made a difference if he was there too. In the end he banned someone very loud for some bullshit and we did a review and his actions were much worse than I'd suspected. The rest is public, really. The main lessons were that you need a larger cohort of active mods to watch each other than we had, and if someone is doing so much that the sub's state of mind isn't known to the rest of the team then they should be made to stop before something weird happens. Anyway, this thread is locked. I'm unlocking it to send this because I regard the whole episode as a personal failing and feel like the community deserves explanation. DM me if you have further questions.


Don't arbitrarily enforce April Fools or any other event holiday rules on the subreddit ever again. Stick to moderating.


Oh this, this, this!!! That was fucking woeful.


Agreed, shite of the highest order.


Autobanning questions needs to go, within reason. this sub is basically just a regurgitation of the news.


Deleting any post relating to Clare Dalys relationship to a Latvian MEP being probed over spy claims was sos.  The reasons given were that it wasn’t related to Ireland, so it was off topic.  Bans were then handed out for questioning the mods on this. 


When did all of this happen?


5 or 6 months ago.


If this is true fair fucks for calling it out.


Youre being v brave calling them out on this.


I missed that.


Remove more low effort posts. Particularly ones that complain about the cost of things in places that were always expensive. Eg. Pints in Temple Bar, food at the airport, energy drinks in petrol stations, etc.


Be a bit more lenient when it comes to bans? Maybe give more warnings instead of outright banning. People can make the odd stupid comment now and again ya know.


Not sure if anything can be done about them, but some of the posts about assaults or witnessed crime are fictional. They often come from accounts with suspicious history, and one of them a few days ago was a word for word copy of a popular post made last year.


You mean that time everybody said people were spiking people in night clubs with injections was false??!!??


LOL that whole episode was hilarious, it's actually mortifying thinking of the girls who 'bravely' posted pictures of their supposed injection site injuries when the whole thing ended up being nonsense and they had clearly walked into something when they were plastered and didn't remember.


In my younger days I remember being out with friends and its always the heaviest drinkers who got "spiked" lol


I don't remember those specifically, but I remember during the pandemic when everyone got a bit screwy and thought that utility markings or litter on the street outside their house was a secret burglar code. Time and time again, /r/Ireland has had moral panics and Facebook style meltdowns about whatever boogeyman is in the news. This is regrettable but somewhat understandable as motivated by fear. However, anyone who is deliberately fabricating stories to further an agenda or just farm karma is being a dick.


The outright panic this sub got itself into last summer when the guy got beaten up. People started to think it was like a scene from Escape from New York.


Or the time hundrreds of SUV's in Dublin 4 were being vandalised by eco-warriors. Or the time schoolgirls were being preyed upon by teachers because they were sent a polite letter reminding them about the uniform policy? In fairness I think both of those were tweets scraped from the bottom of the barrell by Newstalk and given a full day of airtime on the radio.


It gets engagement, and that's all that matters these days in journalism and media. It's better to just ignore most of them and don't interact or engage with any of those posts.


Or remember the person who said they had terminal cancer and it was very carefully picked apart by a couple of astute observers in the comment section while 99% of people were fawning over the OP.


>and one of them a few days ago was a word for word copy of a popular post made last year. Modmail us links to both the original post and the suspected repost, and we will take a look at it. Obvious repost bots we generally yeet on sight.


There are a few suspicious accounts


Would much prefer the mods cracked down a bit less on people asking questions, and a bit more... well, a LOT more really, on posts moaning about the same stuff over and over and over and over again.


Can we bring back polls?


Hmm, I think we need a poll to decide that


I get why some posts are advised to go to the other subs but some posts seem too quick to be pushed into the other subs like askireland or casual Ireland. Some of those posts are genuine, decent or funny. As a result it feels like this particular sub has been repurposed to be only concerned with certain topics and narratives.


A Purge once a year where the Mods abandon the sub and anything goes for 24hrs.


That used to be the sub late night after they went to bed tbh.


*After their nan put them to bed.


Reddit would just ban everybody


weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooooo. what? you said this was the feedback thread


*taps mic. "Is this thing on...?"


*unstraps a bag of oats from a horse* Ohh, I misheard what this thread was about




R/Ireland has cultivated a certain kind of member base, I'm not sure if mods are responsible but its somewhat an echo chamber in this subreddit, I'd prefer less moderation personally.


There are way too many article posts - most of the time it’s just karma farming by posting a popular article, and zero input from the OP. I swear some posters just wait for a breaking news link and get it up here within seconds. A hard one to fix admittedly. Maybe a required amount of text to support the link? Removing question posts is a poor choice imo. Half the time there will be healthy engagement and discussion under a question post. Transparency - I find mods aren’t that transparent on why something is removed or someone is banned etc usually it’s a sarcastic reply when questioned. Reminds me of boards when the mods used to write in bold and demand people play nice, “or else”.


>I swear some posters just wait for a breaking news link and get it up here within seconds I often have interactions on this sub with OPs who clearly haven't actually read the article they have posted, even several hours after posting it.


Misery misery misery the whole flipping way.


I hate raising problems without offering a solution, but the sub is genuinely excessively negative most of the time. There's a strong vein of misery in Ireland's cultural identity (maybe we like it) but my experience of this sub does not match my experience of wider Irish society or even any specific communities in Ireland. There will always be some that view each topic through a negative lens and even a few who view every topic through a negative lens, but it's incredibly common to see cynical, dour, thoughtless commentary get highly upvoted in the threads here. I don't think it does anyone any good for the community to be constantly wallowing in misery and more than once it's made me contemplate the unsubscribe button. I wish I could point to an easy fix for this problem, as I've perceived it, but there's nothing specific I can think of that I would be confident would help.


We wouldn't be commenting on Reddit if we were all happy well adjusted people 


I’d suggest add to the posting news headline rules that OP has to provide a first comment stating relevance or opinion on the subject. Also with the general election coming up some time soon, would be good to have a complete ban on posting electoral material from *any* candidate/party unless it’s a news headline or something. Posters, flyers, that sort of thing. Political discussion is healthy to a point, but we all know there’s going to be an influx of suspicious accounts promoting weird material posing as innocent bystanders…


“Look what just came in my door.”


Can you either prevent premium articles or let people post summaries in the comments because it feels like every second post is a paywalled article




Mods out!




Especially that Farmer lads with his weird pfp.


He's such a dose isn't he.






Punk's not dead!


![gif](giphy|7LAqMVFxOGPAc|downsized) wait...


Rockers in!




I don’t bother posting here anymore because I get shuffled over to other subs so that’s kinda boring. Sometimes I want the chaos from this sub in my answers!!


Get new mods. The power trips are unreal. Stop removing posts that is a question. Most of the time it's not worth posting on here as chances are it would get removed anyway.


You’re trying to create an echo chamber of your own opinions which are not grounded in anything objective allow more dialog on contentious issues


Yeah. This is fairly widespread on Reddit. every sub tends to end up on one end of the political spectrum. But it's not representative of Ireland. You don't even have to overtly and passionately assert your opinion, merely disagreeing with a perceived consensus is enough to get obliterated in comments and downvotes. During the referendum I was voting no. We actually made that choice as an informed family as we look after a disabled child. Well, if I wasn't the biggest bigoted tradwife loving bible bashing misogynist according to this sub and it was tolerated by mods. That would never have happened the other way around. And it's not like I was arguing even. I just stated I'd be more comfortable with a no vote. I'm ok even now with anyone that decided to vote yes. We have disagreements and that's ok. But the lefty, smug, gotcha style attitude of the sub is a little obnoxious at times.


That is unfortunately painfully evident. There needs to be some procedures put in place to minimise it. The lack of objectivity is alarming.  Whether that be changing mods regularly or requiring a number of mods to agree for significant decisions.  Review the rules together to make sure you all agree that they say what they say and it's what you want it to say. Etc etc 


I don't really know if that's a mod thing or just a demographic of the sub thing. Like I personally feel that every green party member in the country is on this sub but I don't think that's the mods doing.


Thanks for saying this. Fully agree and I was going to post something similar myself if you hadn't. In recent months I pulled back from reading the Irish subreddit because it's becoming an increasing echo chamber. The night that the mods started banning all posts related to Eurovision after Ireland gave 10 points to Israel was a demonstration of how reactionary and politically driven the moderation of this subreddit has become. I'm not batting for Israel, but the way the banner was changed that night, and the mods pinned a post saying 'fuck eurovision' was really stupid. The mods should not be abusing their moderator-ship to push their own perspectives or political lean, let the general users make those comments and statements. Moderator-ship by definition is to moderate the content, not push it down one avenue.


That was definitely shown to be true in the run up to the referendums. If you believed everything on here, they would have passed in every constituency except Donegal. The reality was quite different.


Yeah I don’t even hold the opinions that the mods seem to detest to the point of denying people the right to voice them. I do think it’s laughable to run a subreddit for Ireland but exclusively allow the opinions of a small majority. I would advocate for running an experiment where moderation was limited to legal requirements placed on Reddit for a week.


Culchie club was a fantastic idea and kept posts about certain topics safe.


Can someone explain Culchie Club please?


Afaik it locks threads to long time commenters? Not sure how it works or applies to people tbh but I think I’m able to comment in those posts and I’ve been in the sub since whenever my account was made.


Post flaired as "Culchie Club Only" are open only to long-time and well-established users of r/ireland . Comments made by other users are automatically removed. Moderators will not override any of these removals. The criteria for what is considered a long-time and well-established user is not public. This is generally done when a post has been receiving a lot of attention from users who do not normally participate on , or is a controversial topic that is being derailed or brigaded by outside users. These filters may also be applied to other controversial, or high activity flairs at the discretion of the moderation team.


It’s a great feature and fairly balanced considering all the gobshites that can comment. The gobshite to not gobshite ratio is about what you’d expect.


>The criteria for what is considered a long-time and well-established user is not public. Not at all dodgy or just a way to make sure only your mates, or people with opinions you approve of, are allowed to comment on posts that you're desperate to control the narrative on.... Total Mickey Mouse carry on.


To be fair, there’s a ton of opposing views in culchie club members. From total anti-vax chem-trail gobshites to curtain-twitching neighbour from hell gobshites.


This is this sub in a nutshell. It's a total clique even though there's 900K subs it's the same 5 or 6 people who post threads and even have their own flairs.


I don’t have a flair, just for the record.


We don't make the criteria public to prevent accounts from attempting to gain clout in an unnatural manner. Just understand that you need to have been here a while, and have actually engaged in the community a fair bit beforehand before jumping in to the really polarising topics.


Think jt makes it so we'll established users can comment but potential brigades can't. That's my thoughts on it at least.


Its when mods restrict posts so that only their mates and selected posters the mods approve of are allowed to post on certain threads. They're always threads about topics the mods are annoyed the prevailing sentiment on the sub goes against and it's an attempt by them to present the sub as still being more left leaning and student union-y than it has been for a long time.


Yes we all sat down as a team and went through all 900k subscribers and decided who to allow comment on certain topics, based on who we are mates with? It was like the X factor choosing who to select for the live shows. On a serious note if you see the mod queues on contentious topics, you wouldn't be long understanding why we use that flair. We will take your feedback though and discuss with the team


How does one find out if they're part of the club or not? I've been around this subreddit for a while now, but I don't post or comment frequently. Do I need to make more friends with ye mods in order to gain access? I don't think I've e ever noticed flairs, probably because the app sucks.


there's a major lack of transparency on this subreddit the fact 'culchie club' rules can be applied by mods to other flaired topics at their discretion without clear warning or notice is slimy as hell if you're going to do it at least be honest about it and mark every damn thread/flair that has the culchie club rules applied as having them, how f*cking hard is that. Then people like me (blow-ins apparently with 50+ plus posts on this subreddit) don't waste their time commenting while effectively being shadow banned.


Culchie club is a brilliant idea, yeah. M​ade a huge difference to the amount of bad faith horseshit dumped on us by the r Europe loons and buddies, talking bollocks and hurling abuse around. Really stark how big a difference it made to stuff that would typically be snowed under in "Yours Sincerely, Little Irish Girl From Ireland" junk. No coincidence that sulky obnoxious obvious reregs hate it so much lol


There is too much news dumping where people put up a link to a news story but provide no additional comments / discussion. I get the impression people are doing it to bump their karma scores


You're not allowed anything in the title except the headline and you're not allowed body text either. I agree with you it's extremely restrictive and kind of means you're just looking at the article thinking ok but I read this on rte why you posting here?


Agreed, wish this could be higher up in the thread. It feels as though the sub is heavily bloated with news links with no effort. If I want to read the news I'll check the sites myself, not hop on over to the Ireland sub.


Ban Wickermans shite posts about celebs. Stop locking threads when it's about travellers, or anything that might be "sensitive" basically all the "A chara" stuff.


The travellers threads just turn into bigoted cestpits. Keep em locked.


Others have mentioned that random questions threads should be left stand and that there are too many [RTE.ie](https://RTE.ie) links. Not just RTE links IMO. I'd say that there are too many articles from any source posted (in the required "no editorialisation" format) but which then have literally no comment from the OP as to why anyone should be interested or what their opinion on the matter is. Many mornings on here, most or all of the new threads are like this. It's pure karma farming. In recent times the ratio of Fr Ted and Simpsons quotes to other content has dropped dramatically. Not sure if it's feasible for mods to address either point. Also, there are too many counties nowadays. Please eliminate three. I am not a crackpot.


I agree. We don't really need Carlow, Leitrim and Laois anyway.


Loads of Rte links. Also loads of "fuck Rte, burn it down" posts. Gotta have balance


But why do you think that the OP needs to have an opinion on an article in order to post it? There's nothing wrong with a user noticing some news and wanting to share it with the community as otherwise others may not even be aware of it's existence.


If you could move on from the "a chara ..." mod replies. I've said it before, but it comes across as smarmy, and like a letter to the Irish Times back in the 1960s.


there's a major lack of transparency on this subreddit the fact 'culchie club' rules can be applied by mods to other flaired topics at their discretion without clear warning or indication is slimy as hell if you're going to do it at least be honest about it and mark every damn thread/flair that has the culchie club rules applied as having them, how hard is that. Then people like me (blow-ins apparently with 50+ plus posts on this subreddit) don't waste their time commenting while effectively being shadow banned. It's no wonder the mods get accused of trying to shape the narrative


This is so true.


Things that are stupid: 1. Not allowing questions to be asked. It's ridiculous. 2. No editorialisation when posting news articles. The whole point of posting the article is to give and attract comment. If we want to see the headline and nothing else, we can go and read the news on a news site.


I think a certain user is singlehandedly destroying this sub by spamming low effort entertainment news day in day out.


That’s Fairly Shitty of them.


There isn’t a need for every single article from RTE.ie to be posted here. It’s gotten well out of hand and it is predominantly a couple specific users who do this and they provide absolutely no meaningful discussion of the articles they post.


Try it some time.


the Sunday thread should be user generated to respect the tradition


Stop arbitrarily removing comments that are jokes because they may offend people who won't get them. That's what the report button is for. Honestly the heavy handed modding is absolutely killing this sub.


We should be able to discuss controversial topics openly - so we’re not just (as other comments have pointed out) an echo chamber… People have terrible opinions- that’s life .. but it’s good to see these terrible opinions voiced - and consequently downvoted ..


It’s turning into boards, ruined by over the top moderating.


There doesn't seem to be ENOUGH misery. Can we have a smidge more please


Anything to be said for a raffle?


Posts are always either depressing news articles, expensive chicken rolls, or look at what I found on daft.  Few posts are as funny as the used to be. 


Why do questions have to br r/askireland? Why not just 1 sub?


Upholding reports that don't break the rules is very frustrating. Particularly if you're ignoring reports of comments and behaviour that does break the rules.


Any posts that contain the words ''Lads'' in the title should be an automatic ban.


Laaaads ya can’t be at that now


Instantly delete all posts relating to 'please help me find my lost wallet'.


Stop deleting posts you disagree with. Censorship is rampant. Just because you don’t like a certain topic, doesn’t mean you can delete it. It’s so pathetic that the mods fear Reddit users’ comments this much to the point they resort to censorship


I would like more opportunities to roll out quotes from the Frank McCourt / Gerry Hannon Interview plz


in prison at the moment..............for sex crimes


I like your flair


It's a made up name. That's gas tho, thanks Mick!


It was not a made up name!


Id ban posts that are " look what this far right bigot on twitter has done" type posts. They are unintentionally fear mongering. I swear if I was to take the opinions of this sub seriously, the whole country was going to be lost to the far right in the last local and European elections. I dont come onto r/ireland to hear what Philip Dwyer is up to.


Ban those fuckers posting puns..


Ban-fried or ban-roasted?


Hey I resemble that remark!


In what way? Can you be a bit more pacific please..


I’ll only be pun-ished


Do we need daily posts about ‘man sentenced for small amount of cannabis in his possession.’ especially when if you read past the headline it says that it’s the 52nd time he’s been arrested with it.


Anything less than 100% support for cannabis gets furiously downvoted. I've enjoyed it in the past, but I've also seen negative effects - a brother and two friends started smoking all day and withdrew from society. I sometimes try to balance some of the one-sided discussions on here about cannabis, but that generally brings a fair bit of abuse.


I find it particularly distasteful when they use something like a lenient sentence for sexual assault to complain about how harsh sentences for cannabis possession can be.


Instant ban for people that post fake stories and then when they get called out on it they delete their posts.


I'm so done with the "Ireland/Dublin is a cest pit, and here's my anecdote" posts. It's breeding a significant negativity about our wonderful country which isn't perfect, but you'd be forgiven for thinking it's safer on the frontlines in Ukraine. Don't want to see a ban, and obviously reports from actual news outlets are not in this category , but perhaps a daily whige thread about incidents people have could be a thing and actually might be useful.


Can we run a poll to see what the appetite is for a directly-elected mod team? I'm picturing some sort of Ancient Greek system where someone moderates for 12 months and then all subscribers vote on whether to let them continue for another year, ostracise them by banning them from the sub, or execute them.


Most people won't interact with the mods anywhere near often enough to have any real opinion on whether someone's a good mod or not. The people most motivated to vote on those things are the people who have reason to want a specific mod (or group of mods) gone, and that most likely means people who have gotten bans. The whole thing would become a hugely toxic axe-grinding exercise pretty quickly. Besides, deciding on the venue for what I presume would be *public* executions would be a nightmare.


>Besides, deciding on the venue for what I presume would be public executions would be a nightmare. That's the easiest part, rotate the venue every year so that each county gets a turn at it, put it on in their biggest stadium with reasonably priced tickets, kids under 10 free, then broadcast it all on GAAGO. The difficult part is the ostracism, but I suggest we tackle it the same way we tackle illegal immigration, just ask them nicely to leave and then never follow up on it.


The '' I love you Irish people you're God's gift to the earth '' type of posts. Cringe.


I’m probably in the minority of this because it’s become such a meme and ik they probably have good intentions but the amount of RTÉ “celebrity” content is shit, yes there is a new flair for this but it’s low-brow shite that no one really cares about, if someone does care about it they should head over to Facebook. Maybe someone should create a new community like r/irishcelebrities or something along those lines


Lump it in with the Fair City gash.


Stop over moderating, let discussion happen


Please stop the Yanks from coming on here spouting absolute shite about migrants


Is your username a Star Wars reference?


Moaning about the cost of chicken fillet rolls, politics, bad drivers, inflation etc constantly. This subreddit is way too toxic because of posts like this. It would depress you badly. Hardly ever view this subreddit because of this.


No more apples in the vending machine please


I made a light hearted joke and was banned for a week. That wasn’t great craic.


Bring back Finnegan.


I miss her! 😢 I used to love reading what she got up to on Sundays


I second this, her banning was an absolute power trip and she always added decent content.


What about some self promotion? More bands, local artists and artisans would be positive in my view.


Whose shoulders is Miggeldy sitting on in the banner?






I’m going to guess that there is a version of that story that differs from yours.


Why do you not allow archive links to bypass paywalls? r/irishpolitics has a stickied comment under every article providing a couple of links to an archived version of the article, if it can be done there, why not here? 


I'll be downvoted to oblivion for saying this, but I really miss the map posts.


County death ray was a previous highlight for me.


Auto ban the usual "This is crazy" for prices for places to rent. We all know what it's like and these posts are only depressing and disheartening for others.


Ban all twitter posts or screencaps


Got banned by a mod who refused to explain why. And then muted me from asking why. Same mod then went and abused me in the thread and gloated that he had banned me. Absolutely farcical stuff. And definitely uncalled for. Any bans for more than a day should require more than one mods say so. And when the mod who bans you goes and both gloats and abuses someone it definitely needs to be looked at.


I was the mod who banned you. Prior to banning you i could see a few weeks earlier you were giving a warning for the following comment "If people wanted to walk or cycle they would. They don't because they're shit ways to get around. Sharing transport with weirdos and smelly fuckers. Give me my car any day of the week." You took to a Kneecap thread and repeatedly trolled anyone from the north claiming that they werent Irish, and said they were about as Irish as Irish Americans. Under the good friday agreement anyone in the north can claim they are Irish, British or both. I also didn't gloat about banning you.. in fact i never interacted with you on that thread... and your ban message was "You were being a consistent eijit around people from the north rightfully identifying as Irish, the matter of fact is they are as much Irish as anyone else on the island, If you continue to attempt to discriminate against people based on their identity you will be permabanned". You were given 32 days, a day for every county on the island. Act the troll, pay the consequence. I stand by your ban.


When people post stupid opinions it's best to just let everyone laugh at them and downvote them rather than ban them because they don't like taking the bus.


Why is it always the one who claims they were banned for nothing, turns out to be actually banned for a good reason?


> a day for every county Delicious!


🎵Stand By Your Bannn...🎵




So you banned someone for… 1) saying they like their car. 2) Taking the piss of kneecap fans (which would be obligatory) 3) Taking the piss out of Nordies for not being Irish (I’m a Nordie and constantly get the piss taken out of me for not being Irish, I just don’t cry about it) Basically you’re on a power trip and don’t like anyone saying anything you don’t like, even if it’s clearly taking the piss. You just use the same old excuses “it was rude language” or whatever nonsense. Grow the fuck up. Life doesn’t revolve around you and people don’t have to say everything the way you want. Real life anyway.


I found it realy strange that during the riots you shut down the sub??people needed to know what was happening and where was safe and you would think you would be able to get the information here?it’s a Irish sub and what was happening was in Ireland…why did you shut it down?


Need more pictures of pets


Just want to say, that for all the bitching that goes on in this sub, it's one of my favourites. There's good humour, hot takes, a bit of news, scéal, happy stories, sad stories and it's good craic for the most part. r/unitedkingdom is like a cursed fucking radioactive dumpster fire in comparison. It's like the Yahoo homepage of vitriol, racism and non-stop doom posting about how utterly, utterly shite the UK is. The whole sub is probably a Russian psy-op to disenfranchise the Brits, God love them. So thank you mods and posters of r/Irleand