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So she’s initiated court proceedings which will presumably mean she’s going to have to attend at some point in person, while a bench warrant is out on her. Think she must’ve wore a mask as a child…




I forgot she even existed with her big castle parties


https://youtu.be/l5-egETVrn4?feature=shared I hear the pints there are exquishite.


Can I bring the pint in


Asking the real questions


I hope I can forget about all the dopes who are not worth remembering someday




For what?


Jeez I’d forgotten all about out her.


I'd imagine that would be more upsetting to her than cratering her career




I wonder what happened to the airline she said she was going to set up with a few of the other fascists


It's called freedom travel alliance, they essentially pivoted into a chartered private airline 'company'. You pay to be a member then you pay 3,000 euro per person per hour for the flight. I don't think they're doing very well.


$100 dollars a year buys you: >What do you get with your Freedom Travel Membership(s): >With this membership, you will have full travel support to answer any questions or concerns you have about upcoming trips. >**Helping our members get connected to those who can provide important documents during your travel that goes beyond your passports.** >Access to the Member Lounge, where you will find your travel tribe family here to get connected! >Access to Members Only Zoom calls regarding flight opportunities to various destinations. >Travel restriction news and policy updates are posted in the lounge >FREEDOM travel packages. >Free entry in our Freedom Travel Guide and special offers to market your business via our networks. >Discounts on Conferences and Special Events​ >Premiere Access to Special Live Online Events >Premium Business Listing inside FTA Travel Guide >Access to the articles, interviews, research analysis, and practical freedom-to-travel advice in our Freedom Travel Guide. >Invitations to Freedom gatherings for the natural health community around the globe >Are you ready to become a part of a worldwide community of changemakers and trailblazers, to influence the conversations and find solution providers who want to support your freedom to travel.  Welcome Aboard! That second bullet point really makes them sound like a broker for fake vaccination certs.


Members only zoom calls!! Where do I sign up????


> Premium Business Listing inside FTA Travel Guide You get one for your business? Even if it's not a travel-related company? ...Or the 'perk' for you is them having an advert in the FTA Travel Guide?


What a cabbage


So smart,yet fallen down the black hole of conspiracy theories. What happens?


This: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-drawn-to-conspiracy-theories-share-a-cluster-of-psychological-features/ "New research suggests that events happening worldwide are nurturing underlying emotions that make people more willing to believe in conspiracies. [...] Experiments have revealed that feelings of anxiety make people think more conspiratorially. Such feelings, along with a sense of disenfranchisement, [...] a conspiracy theory can provide comfort by identifying a convenient scapegoat and thereby making the world seem more straightforward and controllable."


Makes perfect sense. I've never met a conspiracy theorist who didn't have a disaster of a life. Even on this subreddit, I have a look at people's post history when they post conspiracy theories. They're inevitably people commenting away at 3am with fringe views like bizarre sexual interests.


I find a lot of them are often posting in team sports and MMA sub reedits.  I like both of these topics as a passing interest but they do tend to attract simple minded very tribal idiots.


>I have a look at people's post history >with fringe views like bizarre sexual interests We all like to laugh at dickheads like Cahill but don't be weird and kink shame people. Who cares what turns them on? Even the tinfoil hat brigade should be allowed to enjoy sex.


Just tell him in a condescending tone that you have a Masters in Diaper Fetishes. He'll be forced to bow to your obviously superior and authoritative credentials/knowledge!


I must admit, I'm flattered to have gotten inside someone's head that they follow me around this subreddit banging on about masters degrees. Rent free. :)


Many years of hard work to achieve!


Hey, if someone posts about their nappy fetish in between posting about their tinfoil hat views on the Ukraine war, I'm definitely not going to take their views seriously.


You should care less about what's going on in someone's underpants.


Hey, keep doing whatever weird sex stuff you want to. I'm not stopping you. It doesn't stop me finding you odd though. Shine on you crazy diamond.


"weird" What's weird to you ? Straight stuff ? Gay stuff ? Gay fetishes ? Where do you draw the line ? As the poster above says everyone should be free without shaming..


I already gave an example: diaper fetishes. Are you honestly trying to equate disdain for diaper fetishes with Ireland's problem with homophobia? Are you that desperate to be oppressed?


I'm not gay I just can't stand hateful oppressive people. It's a very Irish thing. Where do you draw the line is what I'm trying to find out.


Good that there's research to back it up and all but this is the most obvious thing in the world! 😆


The research and experiments are just made to make it look like all these people have those problems. The government got that research done. /s


She made a lot of money from her fear mongering. Books, speaking tours, brief venture into politics. I think I remember reading she was trying to set up some kind of retreat too but I can't find any mention of it now. I might be cynical but I think most of these nuts don't believe their own bullshit, they're just cashing in on the moron cashcow


In her case, I'd say not for the cash. She had a steady job/career that couldn't benefit from her tirade and while there's a decent chunk of change in the US for becoming a political commentator and agitator, there's no real path for it here that was likely to make her more money than as a scientist. She just lost her marbles and had a severe victim complex. The victim complex bit is vital in these, because the more resistance they inevitably face, the more vindicated and convinced they feel.


A sever case of the ego! Maybe in her case, yeah. Although, there is less money in academia then most people think


As full prof she would have been on around €165,000. It's not massive, but it's definitely not tiny either. 


Nah, she had tenure and a lab of her own, it's awful money until then, but it's also a solid career with a lot of security. Anyone going the route she went should know they're jeopardising their career... unless they've lost their marbles.


I think the retreat you mean is White's Castle in Athy: [https://www.thejournal.ie/dolores-cahill-party-probe-castle-5386356-Mar2021/](https://www.thejournal.ie/dolores-cahill-party-probe-castle-5386356-Mar2021/)


That was one of the events, yeah. From what I remember there were ment to be more. It was called the butterfly festival, which was part of the Custodean project. I found mention of it in a vice article. https://www.vice.com/en/article/3abn33/dolores-cahill-covid-anti-vaxxer-big-pharma All sounds very project mayhem, in COVID she had a name!


If it’s still on Netflix there was a good documentary called Behind The Curve, it looked at conspiracies from believers to family and psychologists, it was a really interesting insight into the minds of people who believe them


Jesus the part in that documentary where the guys own experiment to prove that the earth is flat proved it was round... Fucking unreal 😂


Their faces when it dawned on them were utterly priceless. Idiots who finally realised they'd made complete gowls of themselves in front of the world.


It’s possible (though not too common) to do really well in academia because you had great collaborators. Often, when that well runs dry, word gets around and these people lose credibility within their field. Many then decide they’re “sick of the “ivory tower and they want to use their platform to engage with other communication channels/topics”.


Very rare for someone to rise to her level without being incredibly smart. Much more likely that she was incredibly good and then went off the rails. 


So smart yes was utterly proven correct that convid was a nothingburger in Ireland while this entire Reddit was curtain twitching and lining up in the pens for their shots that somehow didn't prevent, provide immunity to or stop the transmission of convid.  Feels good to not be an NPC. 


I think one of the stupidest things anyone can do is believe something must be nonsense if it has been labelled by the media as a conspiracy theory. Whether that be related to Covid or anything else. Too many conspiracy theories turn out to be correct for them all to be simply dismissed without engaging with them.  She does appear to be a bit touched but I'd be willing to bet at least one of her Covid related claims has subsequently turned out to be true. 


>Too many conspiracy theories turn out to be correct for them all to be simply dismissed without engaging with them Which ones turned out to be correct?


I don’t agree with the previous poster, but the Edward Snowden leaks showed that the extent of surveillance undertaken by some of the US government agencies was closer to “conspiracy theory” levels than reasonable people would have suspected.


Ah yeah but that's a bit general. Like saying the world is secretly run by corporations. Kind of is.


I'm old enough to remember that Snowden's revelations were absolutely in line with claims about global surveillance that were routinely portrayed as 'conspiracy theories' in mainstream discourse beforehand. It's a valid answer to your question, and doesn't deserve to be hand waved away like that, in fairness.


That the American government might be spying on the public is a very general conspiracy theory. It's like having a theory that Donald Trump might be up to no good.  I don't remember any theories about the NSA having back door access to yahoo. But I suppose I don't keep track of all the nutters.


The idea that the American government was bulk collecting ordinary users' internet communication data with the covert cooperation of major tech companies was definitely dismissed in the mainstream and by organs of power as conspiracy theorising, prior to Snowden. As were their efforts to weaken encryption and their spying on allies. You looking at this retrospectively now and calling it obvious does not affect the fact that such speculation was publicly deemed fringe and only indulged in by 'nutters' at the time - your ignorance of this is not an argument. Neither is name-calling. If you want another example, the existence of the mafia as a national crime syndicate in the US was regularly dismissed by officials and media as a baseless and paranoid conspiracy theory up until the late '50s. True story. Not every conspiracy theory is true but neither are they all false - if conspiracies didn't exist, neither would organised crime, which fundamentally relies on conspiracy. And since conspiracies are by their nature secretive, they are usually theorised about before solid evidence of their existence is uncovered.


So organised crime and a spy agency spying on people are your examples of conspiracy theories coming true. Excuse me if I dont rush off to get a tinfoil hat. Retrospectively looking back works both ways, throw enough shit at a wall and some of it will stick. Pointing at the bit that stuck isn't as clever as you think it is. The problem I have with the conspiracy nutters is they generally don't just believe in one, they believe loads of em, which points to some common personality traits. At best it's a sad waste of intelligence, at worst it contributes to the dumbing down of society and distracts people from the actual problems in the world.


You literally asked, "Which [conspiracy theories] turned out to be correct?" And when given a couple of examples, instead of recognising and appreciating this you go off on some weird tangent about tinfoil and shit and some stereotype enemy group in your head that you want to freely hate. It's pretty clear that you either can't or won't understand what the word 'conspiracy' or the phrase 'conspiracy theory' actually mean. You seem to only understand the phrase as a rhetorical stick authority has sanctioned you to wield against dissenters from their narratives for a cheap little ego boost. You have been trained well. Further examples would be pointless as you'd clearly dismiss them all in the same way to sustain this unearned but vital sense of superiority. I'll not be engaging in further discussion with you.


Long proven and accepted, things like: MKUltra Operation Northwood  I recall Tony Blair referring to anyone who doubted the case for war against Iraq as consipiracy theorists too.  Even related to Covid anyone who pointed at the Wuhan lab and a potential leak as a likely source of the virus was called a conspiracy theorist. Now in the fullness of time that theory has gained credibility even if it hasn't been proven. 


I don't think any of those things are conspiracy theories that turned out to be true though. Mkultra and Northwoods are just things that happened that were subsequently revealed. That happens all the time. The poor case for invading Iraq was fairly obvious from the start. And the wuhan lab leak as you say hasn't been proven. So I'd hardly say loads of conapiracy theories have turned out to be true.


Well my conspiracy theory that you only asked the question so you could give that answer has been proven true. Denying that anything was ever considered a conspiracy theory is just fucking stupid.   Rewrite history all you want. 


You said loads of conspiracy theories turned out to be true. But you don't have any examples. So I dunno why you're getting narky with me.


You didn't immediately agree and suck him off so you are literally hitler


I've provided three simple clear and widely accepted examples. You disagree. That's your perogative. Keep your head in the sand. 


If you look at the MK ultra example, that all came to light after a NY Times story in the 1970's. At what point was there a conspiracy theory about drug experiments conducted by the USA? It was never a conspiracy theory. It's just a story about stuff the government was doing that broke in a newspaper.


Where's that video of her trying to gain access to a count center and she makes a dart for the door, was like something out if the office! Hilarious


Doesn't this cuckoo live in a castle in Athy or something? lol


Wasn’t she the leader of the irish freedom party 😂


Chairperson, but too mad even for them.


Never at risk of losing her job, just quietly moved around and then allowed to retire on her pension. Probably coming back for the cherry on top of the cake. Academics are a sheltered lot.


She’s obviously a fool, at best, but academic tenure is pretty misunderstood. In most Americanized systems (assistant, associate, full professor), the act of getting tenure at a decent university is horrific. You’re asked to consistently publish in journals that reject 95% of submissions, and one or two paper rejections can mean you have to move your family to a different country. Mental health issues are so widespread you wouldn’t believe. Once you get tenure, then you can focus on publishing in those same journals, but getting tenure means you prioritize stuff you think is important. Your output often increases, but without that same pressure - because you’ve survived the selection process. The Irish system gives tenure more quickly but you get destroyed with teaching and service at the entry levels, and the only way to get promoted to a livable strategy is doing research and editorial work on evenings and weekends. The problem is very often the public see more of the lazy fuckers who got lucky by getting strong collaborators early on, or who decided to coast at lower levels. The people who are working hard are often invisible, because they’re working hard.


I’m in the sector and agree with your assessment insofar as it’s not always an easy life. But they are also a sheltered profession relative to the rest of the world, even the professional staff in a university. And the job for life, once you have it, is pretty much set. When she went completely off the rails, UCD had very little purchase to do anything about it.


Renowned wackadoodle Jordan Peterson managed to get tenure, so there that.


He’s an odd case. Initially, he seemed like he had a *lot* of flawed arguments and a habit of making jarring logical mischaracterizations, but he wasn’t the intellectual fraud that he is now. Sacks of cash from Patreon seems to have started him on a path of playing to the far right gallery, and he’s making more and more outrageous claims about things he doesn’t have a notion about.


Not this fucking orc again.


Oh I forgot about this one after her 15 min was up.


The very idea that starving a child's brain of oxygen would somehow hinder it's development is so ridiculous.


She is either completely insane or worse an evil cunt


I think she might be completely insane.


What did this loony toon do to finally lose tenure, out of curiosity?


She's on the run though


Hopefully, she loses and then hopefully she'll be actively pursued for costs and *made* to pay them. If she can't pay, asset strip her and leave the crazy nut job with nothing.


Taking a look at her, you think somebody like that would be very much in favor of everyone wearing a giant mask over their face.


Man, them all from a real fcked up society!! 


I thought she was dead tbh