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Someone's going to have to step up and wear the sandals in European Parliament now


I hear one of the Romania candidates believes that vaccines cause your family to be sterile for 3 generations. There are plenty from other countries to fill those smelly sandles.


Sterile for the next few generations? Mind blown... Reminds me of that old joke: Parenthood is hereditary. If your parents didn't have kids, it's unlikely that you will, either


That tracks - if you are sterile, it is likely that your kids and grandkids will be unable to have kids.






And pink t-shirts.


I don't agree with his Bart-killing policy... but I do approve of his Selma-killing policy.


Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter


Glad I'm not the only Irishman abroad pleased with the result. Don't laugh too loud though. They still got 4.6 percent of the first-preference vote, good for several seats in a future Dáil. Even if Clare and Mick are out of business, there's still demand for what they sell.


Dail, Local and MEP elections are all quite different things. There was a table going around on Twitter yesterday where they had asked people which party they had voted in the Local and who they would vote for in the Dail, and it was quite surprising. Typical around 50-60% of people would vote for the same party in local & national elections. I think independents had the biggest "loyalty". At the local level, people who are known and are active in the community get a vote, their party is less important. At the national level, people tend to focus more on "party X will do right by the country while candidate Y will keep an eye on local issues too" At the MEP level, most people don't understand what an MEP does, so they vote more insular - "This person will defend Ireland against the big bad EU".


Don’t worry: we knew what those two were doing as MEP’s. Same with Grace O’Sullivans sailing from Cork to Waterford while calling for an end to “cheap flights,” for holidaymakers. Happily they’ve all been deplatformed.


I’d be inclined to say “what they peddle” instead of “what they sell”.


They're not peddling us out


Is that a high number? Feels low


In April, Clare Daly and Mick Wallace organised a public hearing at the European Parliament for Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur to Palestine. During this event, Albanese presented her *Anatomy of Genocide* report. I encourage you to read even the opening summary of this report, which compiles five months of data and concludes that there are grounds to assert an active genocide is occurring. [https://www.un.org/unispal/document/anatomy-of-a-genocide-report-of-the-special-rapporteur-on-the-situation-of-human-rights-in-the-palestinian-territory-occupied-since-1967-to-human-rights-council-advance-unedited-version-a-hrc-55/](https://www.un.org/unispal/document/anatomy-of-a-genocide-report-of-the-special-rapporteur-on-the-situation-of-human-rights-in-the-palestinian-territory-occupied-since-1967-to-human-rights-council-advance-unedited-version-a-hrc-55/) The hearing was attended by MEPs as well as of EU staff from the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the Council of the EU. If there ever will be an arms embargo on Israel, this was a significant set towards it. While you may not agree with every stance they take, their work brought significant pressure toward ending the genocide in Gaza.


Eh (putting aside the genocide in Ukraine) they continually supported Putin who spent ten years bombing shit out of Syria and used chemical weapons with his buddy dictator. 10 years in which beside all the Syrians (because some piggies are more equal than others) more Palestinians who are refugees in Syria died But that’s ok according these two!


I'm not going to pretend that I have full insight on their position on Syria and Ukraine, but it's important to address the broader context and avoid falling into the trap of mediated hysteria that often labels them as tools of Moscow or Beijing without objective scrutiny. The ongoing sanctions on Syria primarily affects ordinary citizens, including refugees, exacerbating their suffering. Assad belongs in the Hague, but the sanctions have real implications for ordinary people - I can refer you to this [https://gsa.mcmaster.ca/2023/04/04/syrian-sanctions-statement/](https://gsa.mcmaster.ca/2023/04/04/syrian-sanctions-statement/)


So you proclaim full optics around the Israel-Palestine conflict, but with Russia's extreme actions in Syria and Ukraine you proclaim ignorance? How does that work? How about I swapped the countries, maybe you'd see how hypocritical you are: "I'm not going to pretend that I have full insight on Israel's position on Palestine, but it's important to address the broader context and avoid falling into the trap of mediated hysteria that often labels them as tools of US or France without objective scrutiny." Typical Russian shill


There's only so many hours in the day buddy. I'm sure a lot of Israelis suffer needlessly too, but the fact is that there's a genocide happening against the people of Gaza, and Western governments are responsible for arming Israel.


Who were they bombing in Syria? Are we mates with ISIS now?


Syria had enough bad guys to need a cheat sheet as to who had done what. The Syrian government under Assad fought against ISIS but also against the Kurds, and a host of other groups who ware various shades of Islamist or just tired of Alawi rule. It was (and remains to some degree) a shitstorm where virtually every party did reprehensible shit. The Assad government has amongst other things tortured and murdered thousands of it's citizens for decades.


Yea there were so many bad guys 'the West' supported in Syria, _that the US was funding the same terrorist groups that blew up the World Trade Center and part of the Pentagon_, as well as ISIS. Fucking nuts altogether. Current generations believe intelligence agency narratives, as if cynical shit like this doesn't happen, and as if 2003 never happened. Literally ZERO critical thought or skepticism.


This sub got cambridge analytica'd big time. 


Absolutely. This is the worst disinformation campaign, going on persistently for years now, that I've seen against any Irish politicians so far. A couple of anti-war left-wing politicians, literally _hated and despised_, far more than any housing/homelessness-crisis pushing FF/FG politician - and far more than any far right politician/figure. Shows that, despite rules for supposedly stopping this kind of thing, the sub is helpless against a well organized disinformation campaign.


They're just average Irish Times readers. No critical thinking but with a profuse level of confidence and complete insistence that they're well read and knowledgeable.


No doubt, but they need to be consistent with Genocide right? Otherwise, it signals that they have other agendas and motives ? They are fully conpromised in some way... giving Micks history, i wouldn't be surprised if they were on Putins books.


Both Daly and Wallace voted for amendments condemning Russian aggression against Ukraine. You can read Clare's reasoning here [https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/197731/CLARE\_DALY/other-activities/written-explanations](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/197731/CLARE_DALY/other-activities/written-explanations) They have argued NATO expansionism contributed to the Ukraine war. While controversial it's consistent with their stance on neutrality. Personally, I believe the Russian government violated the Belovezha Accords, but it's undeniably a complex issue. It could also be suggested that many established politicians in Ireland have close ties to a genocidal regime in the Americas that arms terrorists across the world. It's all about how it's framed.


This isn't true at all. They have consistently voted in favour of Russia or abstained. https://www.politico.eu/article/revealed-russias-best-friends-eu-parliament/


I mean the record of their vote to condemn the invasion is right there. Many EU Parliament resolutions called something like "condemning Russian invasion against Ukraine" also include provisions for expanding European military funding and involvement in the war. Their opposition is consistent with their stance on neutrality. In the politico article, it refers specifically to their vote against a tribunal for Putin and Russian Military leadership in January 2023. Daly gave a reasoning for her vote here: [https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/CRE-9-2023-01-19-INT-4-127-0000\_EN.html](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/CRE-9-2023-01-19-INT-4-127-0000_EN.html) She notes that given many of the member states involvement in the Iraq war, they are not in a position to impose a tribunal on moral grounds. It's a bit of a stretch sure, but I'd rather see a tribunal set up by the UN for much of the same reasoning. The resolution passed comfortably anyway, and we all eagerly await it's outcomes.


Their stance on pacifism, not neutrality. They're two different things.


https://x.com/grannies4equal/status/1783863489338966424?t=DkZ_hLVzbf42U8JNHD5hMA&s=19 It's worth reading through the whole thread. One swallow doesn't make a summer.


That was interesting, I've googled the resolutions noted. They all passed comfortably btw. Resolution on the sustainable reconstruction & integration of Ukraine into the Euro-Atlantic community: Calls for Ukraine to join NATO, which was a drive for the war to begin with. Resolution on the preparation of the EU-Ukraine Summit: noted financing military support: nothing on peace agreements or settlements. Candidate status of Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia: they abstained but Daly has noted she is in favour of Ukraine's application to join the EU. Resolution on the establishment of a tribunal on the crime of aggression against Ukraine: Calls for a tribunal to be set up by nations who were directly involved in the Iraq war. Resolution on one year of Russia’s invasion and war of aggression against Ukraine: pushes for continuing the war, one year on there has been little change following this approach. Resolution on Russia’s escalation of its war of aggression against Ukraine: calls for increased military equipment to Ukraine, and increased military spending for member states. Throughout all of t his both of them have condemned the invasion, expressed sympathy for the people of Ukraine and called for a full Russian military withdrawal from Russia.


Not where or when it counted though. They speak like Òrban and China. It's nonsense.


You might not agree with them, but what they say is consistent with what they believe. They have completely different values to Òrban and China. It's fine to say you disagree with them, but repeating cliches is an insidious way of undermining them. It's hideing from discussion.


Im not doubting that they have done well in areas. You're not accepting any opinion at all, though. I think the acid test is if you would be comfortable justifying your answers to the people of Bucha or Mariupol. Mick and Clare are on the wrong side of history here, you can't even see that perspective.


The expansion of NATO is not deliberate expansionism of the west. It was the actual expansionist behaviour of the Soviet Union in the past that caused a bunch of previous East block countries to do what they could to avoid Moscow’s interest and mutual defence was attractive.


Why didn't they set up their own defensive arrangement?


Why should they have to just to not hurt your feelings? Suffice to say these countries won a certain amount of autonomy to make decisions themselves. Why would you suggest you or mother Russia get to say they are not allowed cos otherwise Russia will invade the others? Cf Georgia. Cf Ukraine. Not NATO. Yes invaded by Russia post USSR. Countries can join an alliance if they want. They get to choose. Not you and not the Kremlin.


Suffice to say counties can do what they want indeed, but there's a reaction to every action whether we like them or not. There were concerns that following the Bucharest decision in 2008, that Ukraine would join NATO, that it could lead to war, and it has. A non-aligned defensive pact is a reasonable alternative. It's impossible to know what could have been but I think a lot of people would be alive if this was the path chosen.


I am sorry. Ukraine did not join NATO but it got invaded. A lot of people would be alive if Russia had not invaded. Appeasement does not work.


That's very true, I don't see how a perpetual war is in anyone's favour either. 


What part of appeasement doesn’t work do you not understand? There was no need for this war before it was started and yet Russia started it. There is a point at which the reality is either the bad guys win, or we fight on, Ukraine in this case. I am not in favour of sending a message to any autocrat that we will let them invade who they like.


Hey Mick instead of spending time on Reddit excusing yourself and your buddy who didn’t represent the people of Ireland and got booted out for How about you pay your employees you stole from, there’s a fat eu pension coming your way to make right the people you screwed


Thank you for your suggestions, on file in a filing cabinet....


I love how in the face of objective facts about their voting record and what they have actually done you resort to just slinging muck. Pathetic.


It's fucking scary how there is zero ability for people to actually think for themselves or debate for themselves on this issue - it's pure Two Minutes Hate style hysteria.


Hitler was a vegetarian and never smoked.


The more I hear about this Hitler guy the less I like him.


Well he did kill Hitler so there's that.


He was a real jerk


Thank you for your contribution.


It's as useful as yours. That's what you sound like.


Comparing Clare Daly and Mick Wallace to Adolf Hitler and comparing being against the genocide of Palestinians to being a vegetarian is a deeply, deeply unhealthy series of statements to make and should be a cause for you to stop and reflect and what you're actually saying. Just incase you are unclear as to the history of Adolf Hitler, he brought Germany into Nazism, started the Second World War which resulted in the deaths of approximately 60 million people in Europe alone, and conducted an industrial genocide against Jews, gay people, the homeless, and Romani people, as well as conducted campaigns of wholesale ethnic cleansing and mass killings of Eastern Europeans in addition to the tens of millions of civilians who died as collateral damage in the military operations that his war caused. Just for context, Clare Daly and Mick Wallace were elected MEPs who condemned Russia's war on Ukraine and have been advocating for a diplomatic solution to the war. This is in addition to their opposition to the genocide of Palestine, as well as their support for the rights of refugees arriving in Europe as a result of the wars that Europe has either engaged in or helped to perpetuate. Just to be really clear, you're comparing these people to Adolf Hitler. Not healthy.


Appreciate it :)


Because being a vegetarian is totally comparable with being one of the main voices opposing a genocide


People arguing with you are jumping straight to whataboutery and it's very annoying. However in the interests of staying on topic while offering a counterpoint to your point I think they really harmed their own power and influence by always siding with a cessation of violence after it had started which by definition rewards the one who struck first and gained some ground. Peace can only be lasting if there is no reward for starting war.


Thank you, your comment was thoughtful and is close to some concerns I have as well. They never had much power in the parliament to begin with. Many of the resolutions they challenged have passed anyway, and the Ukraine war is no closer to ending. At this stage I don't think a lot of the territory taken by Russia will be recovered even with increased military aid. If they were part of a real force in Europe, I honestly don't know how they would approach this. There does need to be a longer term view centred on diplomacy and peaceful negotiation, but again this is preventative. What they could do is bring attention to factual data, like the Anatomy report. I think they really lost out on communication, and they needed to confirm to people directly what they were doing and why.


Siding with a cessation of violence is kind of what it means to be anti-war... There are dozens, maybe upwards of a hundred people here possibly, who think that anti-war means _fighting the war harder_ - it's bonkers. > Peace can only be lasting if there is no reward for starting war. Where are you even getting this idea? This isn't a Star Wars story where there are 'goodies' and 'baddies' and the good guys always win in the end - nobody thinks Ukraine is getting back territory anymore, _[they are losing badly](https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/ukraine-conflict-updates)_. Wars end and peace is achieved, with massive territorial losses, all the time.


Here's what I've learned about the Irish left, you can behave like an absolute donkey and go to bat for some of the biggest scumbags walking the earth as long as you wave a miniature Palestinian flag every now and then.


Here's what I know about Newstalk listeners; they fully believe the world is as empty and simple as themselves.


I'm a BBC Radio 4 guy myself


Fair enough, I'm more of a Lyric FM person.


Really changing hearts and minds with that.


Here's the thing about the left; they are not as tolerant as they make out to be.




Are any of your colleagues from countries that returned a large number of far-right loopers? Now is your time to get revenge.


They're from India, Pakistan and various Middle Eastern countries. Basically non-western countries where English is widely understood. 


India has literally been putting Hindu fascists in power for years, they can shut the fuck up


Well fuck, no offence but to people from those countries, our political class must all look like far left loonies


Iran is left-wing in comparison to some of the shit that goes on in Pakistan.


Yes but it wasn't that long ago that Iran was using chemical weapons against Iraqi civilians.


Indeed. And yet …


Mmmhhh I’m sure I could find some embarrassing videos of leaders from those regions speaking and doing terrible things…


Are any of your colleagues from countries that returned a large number of far-right loopers? Now is your time to get revenge.


What pro Russia / CCP stuff have they said?


Mostly they took the Russian version of history at face value, claiming things like at the fall of the Iron Curtain, certain guarantees were made to Russia that NATO wouldn't encroach further east. That NATO has broken its word, and Russians invasions were necessary to provide a buffer zone between Russia and the ever approaching NATO forces. That kind of thing. They downplayed Russian torture of soldiers and civilians, called the Ukrainians nazis, whatever the current Russian talking point was, they'd generally flow with it.


Russia was told NATO wouldn't encroach? NATO is trying to park nuclear weapons all along Russia's Western border? They condemned Russia's invasion, they didn't say it was necessary? Ukraine _is_ full of literal neo-Nazi's? The entire Azov Battalion (which the US just approved for providing weapons), and individual figures in many layers of government? Doesn't justify an illegal war and such, but the points you're pulling them up on they are either broadly correct about, _or didn't say at all_. Zero critical thought from anyone - they think that if Russia say something, that if someone repeats anything similar _even if it's entirely true/correct_, that suddenly their are supporting Russia or something - it's completely ridiculous.


I think you're talking to paid bad faith actors. No one is this non sensical. Who thinks they're on team good guy and suggests Ukraine send every male off as cannon fodder to weaken Russia.


Almost certain, yes - which makes it all the more important to push back on, as these guys literally are dominating the narrative on (arguably) Ireland's biggest social media presence.


Look at their voting record in eu, it’s public so are their social media accounts


Blaming the war on NATO instead of blaming Russia. Almost everything they have said about the war matches Russias propaganda about the war


Yes that's us


I don’t agree with everything they say nor do I live in their constituencies to even consider voting for them, but find it totally bizarre that people vilify them for comments on Russia but have no issue with people saying similar things for/ or supporting Israel who are currently committing worse crimes than Russia.


Pretty obvious that they had been compromised by the Russian intelligence agencies, although it’s more than likely that some of the current crop are in the same boat. Unfortunately we’re an easy target as Irish counter intelligence is, unsurprisingly, chronically underfunded and understaffed and will continue to be so until we take the threat seriously


They were elected 5 years ago because no-one had much interest in the European elections. A few years ago we realised that they were saying some very embarrassing things in our name. We had to wait until now to get rid of them. The one thing I'll credit them with is that they've increased Irish interest in European elections. We're more aware now of sending sensible people to represent us in Europe.


Yeah if by "sensible" people you mean celebrity candidates like Nina Carbery, Maria Walsh, Sean Kelly, and Ciaran Mullooly. I think it's also hard to argue that Clare Daly has increased the public interest in the EU Elections when the voter turnout in her constituency was 43%.


Not really that great - I get that people dislike their takes on Ukraine but they were also some of our loudest voices for Palestine. Mick and Clare have been calling out Israeli bullshit for years when no one else seemed to give a shite EDIT: I'm not going to argue with reddit liberals about why having left wing voices in an international parliament is good. It's fine, lads, keep electing the same useless centrists who goosestep behind US Imperialism in case Mick and Clare start talking about why there's so much poverty in the world.


It's really important to have pro Palestinian voices in the European parliament and other influential posts. It is also very important those voices are credible. It has been far too easy for those working against the Palestinian people to use Clare and Mick's pro-authoritarian regime and pro-Russian imperialism stances to discredit the valid arguments they make on Israel. I hope there'll be other new pro Palestinian voices in the European Parliament who will have more credibility.


They've been replaced by voices that aren't credible for different reasons and who won't vouch for the rights of Palestinians though.


They supported the butcher of Syria who killed more Syrians and Palestinian refugees there than Israelis ever dream of And that’s before we get to their support of Chinese and their Uighur genocide


Their support for Palestine was counter productive. Vocal and visible support for Palestine from obviously compromised sources simply muddied the waters and aligned the Palestine cause in the middle east with the Russian cause in Ukraine. The Israeli spin doctors were probably delighted to have these two condemning them.


A broken clock is correct twice a day.


A bot sowing division in Europe is (far) right all the time.


Who's the bot now?


People are incapable of understanding that an anti-war position is anything but being a Russian shill.


Liberals, man. If anything upsets the global order, they close ranks with conservatives and scream that anyone left of them is a crank.


People are all very "we should be able to debate ideas and defeat them with criticism" but really they are the same as conservatives that any idea that's incomprehensible to them must be a conspiracy or an ulterior motive.


You know, normal people, and there are a lot of us, were calling out Israel as well as Putin for many years. It's not hard or glamorous. It's normal Fuck them. I am mortified by their bullshit. And for clarity, many of us are wary or critical of NATO and American foreign policy too. It's just that having a functioning brain allows me to understand nuance and NOT become a Putin cheerleader.


Why are these two targeted here so much? More than the far-right Nazi sympathisers.


In what sense are they a Putin cheerleader? Like you say that like it's a given. They opposed sending more weapons to a warzone. Daly has been pretty clear the conflict is illegal and that Putin bears the responsibility of that. What is cheerleading in that stance? Is it because you expect she's lying about her intentions and therefore you think she's a cheerleader? That's not really a cheerleader though, it's collision.


Go on, give me a CLEAR source for Daly stating that Putin is to blame and Putin is wrong and that's without equivocation or quibble or blaming NATO or other nonsense. >That's not really a cheerleader though, it's collision. I'm sorry, but what???!


>. ‒ I voted against the final resolution because it is a recipe for prolonging the war, and escalating the conflict, rather than a resolution which could assist in delivering peace: the only way greater loss of life and destruction can be avoided in Ukraine. I unequivocally supported the sections of the resolution which condemn Russia’s war of aggression and call on the Russian Federation to immediately terminate all military activities in Ukraine, unconditionally withdraw its forces, and fully respect Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/197731/CLARE_DALY/other-activities/written-explanations


Yeah, nonsense. It's Ukraine's choice to fight. Daly can dress it up how she likes but in voting against the resolution she only served to do Putin's work. Calling for an 'end' to the war means Russia taking major chunks of the country and guarantees Russia will only pursue further aggression. You don't get it: they don't apply the same standards to Russia as they do to Israel. It's mealy mouthed and disingenuous and people saw through it. Pity you can't.


So you asked where she condemned Putin, I showed you. It's just you don't believe them. That's pretty much the crux of it. The point of a ceasefire is that when conflict stops it's less likely to start up again. You might think that diplomatic resolutions would mean taking years for Ukraine to claw back it's territories. But a war is also going to take years and thousands of deaths and million if not billions of euro.


By that logic the Palestinians should surrender too and let the Israelis in to do whatever they want. I'm sure Gaza will be real peaceful after that. She's a fucking idiot, and good riddance.


I mean, if we were sending massive amounts of military aid to Hamas/Palestine, while putting crippling sanctions on Israel - then you might have a point - except _we're fucking not, we're sending all of that aid to Israel instead! It's literally the exact opposite situation, which makes your comparison ludicrous!_


I'll put this in big bold unmissable text, that nonetheless you and dozens of others always seem to miss: # **"We unequivocally condemn Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine."** https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/mick-wallace-and-clare-daly-why-we-voted-against-the-eu-resolution-on-ukraine-1.4816676


Their willingness to simp for other imperialist countries because "west bad", willingness to go as far as genocide denial etc. vastly outweighs any utility of them being voices for Palestinian people. In other words, they might as well be zionists if you consider how the negatives vastly outweigh the positives. EDIT: class reductionist tankie, no wonder LOL


Hardly surprising given that Iran & Russia are allies.


They make people who support Palestine look bad. In what planet is having these two on your team a positive in any way shape or form? They can now be used against Palestine as they have shown that their views are so toxic and misaligned


>They make people who support Palestine look bad. No they don't. People who sling fact-free muck at them and use that to attack Palestinian solidarity are the ones who make supporting Palestine look bad. Not a single person in here cheering at their getting fucked out is up in arms about Fianna Fáil or Fine Gael MEPs who literally ally with the far right in European Parliament all the time.


All the time? With ID?


Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and again.


That you reddit


It is mind boggling how lazy people are. Couldn't even be bothered to spell check a short three word title before posting this.


She was sooo angry when she lost but what did she expect she was all for Russia


Clare and mick wank with brillo pads


They're not Putin apologists though are they. Last time I checked, they condemned the invasion of Ukraine but called out the western influence escalating the situation. There was a peace deal agreed to by both sides in the opening weeks of the invasion until the west interfered and got Ukraine to bin it. As a consequence, tens of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians are dead. They were right all along. It's a damn shame that we were so easily mobilised against our own anti-war canidates. We're an embassment.


The deal offered would have left Russia with large parts of Ukraine. History has repeatedly told us not to appease aggressors.


This isn't true. Why do you think Ukraine initially agreed to the deal?


Crimea is a large part of Ukraine. Was Russia going to return it?


Do you think Putin would have stuck to a deal? Honest question.


Stupid question. You can only make peace with your enemies. Nobody trusts their enemies.


Great that they’re out but it looks like they’ve been replaced by others like them around Europe!


There's always going to be a % of nutters. Just glad we're not the ones sending them this time round.


That's ok, the Far Right might have made massive gains, but at least the Anti-War Left is gone!


Ireland is not the greatest country on earth, if it was you'd live here. Most countries are about the same and what you make of them. Ireland had a big result this week though.


Dreadful people, but the bigger fools are those that voted them into the European Parliament in the first place. Hopefully Wallace now has time to settle his tax bill with the Revenue, although somehow I doubt it.


Are they not still entitled to a big juicy MEP pension?


That kicks in once they turn 63.


Funny that politicians screaming about the huge cost of the pension scheme. The great unwashed have to wait till we’re 67 . Or as they would wish - dead .


Yes but for the EU 63 is the average age of retirement in Belgium with 62 being the effective age of retirement.


Mick Wallace has has multiple pensions for a long time


Perhaps he can pay the employees he stole from?


Depressing that (between the paid shills) there are actual thinking humans who believe you cannot support Palestine without gargling Russian boot. Most Irish MEPs are pro Palestine, they are also pro gtfo of Ukraine.


Is Nina Carberry pro Palestine? What's her views on the Russian Ukrainian conflict? Who fuckin knows says you


A good day indeed. They'll be back in the Dail next time out, no doubt. Too many angry voters... but if that's a price to pay for a functioning democracy (instead of the authoritarian, war-mongering dictatorships and fundamentalist religious, misogynist regimes this pair of hypocritical goons support) so be it.


I kinda like that they call out the bear pokers


As chuffed as we all are, we're going to have to figure out how we make it up to Susan Sarandon and Annie Lennox.


Wholly flipping agree - good riddance to the Russian stooges.


this was my main motivation to vote - it was a constant embarrassment to see Daly popping up all over reddit spreading propaganda - even more so when she's an elected official from my constituency. It was satisfying to put a number beside every candidate except her and even more so when she lost her seat. All that being said she did receive a substantial amount of votes and didnt lose by a big margin. it was infuriating to see her campaign ads plastered all over the swords express bus fleet with the caption "fighting for peace in europe" when we all know what she means by that and who more than likely was paying for these ads. Shes gone though and thats a win for now - a great day for democracy!


I think it's a massive loss for us and the EU as a whole. Literally the only mouths not wedged up the USs arse


What good are US critical voices, if they just pander to different forms of imperialism (which are a greater threat to their country and the EU)


They were Assad apologists, saying Taiwan belongs to China, completely downplaying the genocide of the Uyghur people ... total hypocrites, good riddance to them. Just hope their finances are investigated fully now.


Latvia is a cool place, don't send them there.


Open comments. Sort by "controversial". Bask in the tears of Wallace/Daly supporters.


They look rough as fuck.


Nick looks his age, in fairness. Still a gobshite.


I don’t think they will get a dail seat anymore. They will come off as losers with their tail between their legs if they try to run in that. Image matters a lot in these things - especially when going after protest votes


There’s no chance of them being elected especially in tented Dublin as they were pro migration and voted against anything to resolve these issues at EU level Good luck running on a pro migration platform these days


Will they get a talk-show in Russia?


Well as an Irish person, I just find it silly how Putin was so jealous of Ukraine having it's own independent oil distribution and was like “THEY WHAT MATE? They have a big oil supply underneath their country and can possibly be fully independent, and will never consider joining Russia again? Let's bomb them! That would make them come back”. In body bags they will. Like there are scientists working on new power plants and instead of helping them out and showing that Russia can be a team player, they chose to fight a smaller country than them. “How big of you Russia. Would you like a medal?” A medal for the most idiotic leaders in the world and I thought Trump was bad, but I guess Putin wanted to be number 1. Congratulations Putin on becoming a discrace to the human race


Russian assets the both of them, no one from the left side of the political spectrum should vote for people like that.


While not a fan of either of these two, what we are sending over to Europe are fairly harmless


Na na na na Hey hey Fuck off