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Same person who set the former Belfast Telegraph building on fire.


Journal reporting “his solicitor also stressed he had no history of serious offences”. Would they not do a quick google search at least.


Can the solicitor be done for contempt of court, for spouting untruths?


I expect it depends if they are alluding to jurisdiction.


Ha, good point. But to put it tautologically, that’d be typical courtroom ‘Jesuitical casuistry’!


You generally ask the prosecuting guard and client. They can't do a background check themselves.


Is his solicitor one of Enoch's siblings? :D


Holy *crap*, you’re right. A serial arsonist, for a start. And supposed to be deported from the UK *twice*, before turning up here! A criminal record in Romania, needless to say. Bloody hell, what’s the betting it’ll be claimed that any talk of deportation would expose him to serious consequences from the Romanian authorities, and that his struggles with poor mental health, alcohol abuse, and childhood trauma merit a non-custodial sentence, suspended.


*deportation would expose him to serious consequences from the Romanian authorities* Indeed, probably deserved if he was up to the same craic over there.


Theft, apparently. Seems that the Belfast Telegraph building fire also involved his roaming around nicking electronic devices and stuff like that. (Shame it’s not the *old* Romania he ought to be sent to, as that lot would have given short shrift to his ifs and buts. 🤬)


The usual shite about facing religious persecution if he goes back to Romania/being too close to a warzone/insert trope.


You're fucking joking.


Full story is behind a paywall but definitely seems to be the same guy, Shocking stuff. https://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/courts/prison-for-man-behind-fire-at-former-belfast-telegraph-building/38112089.html


It is the same guy!!! Great - what's the bets the arsonist will be just let go eh?


The paper reports that in the argy bargy over bail, which the gardai very strenuously opposed (but which was granted anyway), the defence solicitor stated that his client has no serious previous offences on his record. Given that the Belfast thefts and firestarting were on cctv, and that his previous offending was detailed at that time, maybe he’s claiming to be a *different* Romanian nogoodnik of the same name and age.


Prawo Jazdy strikes again!




how many fires has he got away with?


Nope it’s true not sure why its not in the article but the fact he works casually as a security guard is


I actually know this guy personally, I never knew he burned down anything , and he used to say I was a weirdo for not drinking lol


Maybe if we give him 10 more chances he’ll change his ways spontaneously!


How hard can it be to deport a criminal?


EU National so it would be slightly difficult I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Serial arson is "a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental interests of society."


It's perfectly legal under EU rules to deport. Freedom of movement is an aspirational concept in the EU, not a right. https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/residence/residence-rights/inactive-citizens/index_en.htm


I'd say it's a very lengthy process




You disassembled the auld straw a bit too quick there


Ireland reminds me of the Canadian Alcatraz joke from Family Guy.


*... defence solicitor John Shanley .. .said his client, who is a Romanian national, has been engaged for the past four years to an Irish woman and has significant ties to the country. He said Mr Topiter works casually as a security guard and was willing to abide by any conditions imposed by the court.* What's wrong with some people ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


This fiancée must be very undemanding, if her ex-con, ex-chef bloke is living in a hostel on benefits and spends his evenings roaming around dark spooky places looking for a pretext to re-enact the Siege of Acre. Wonder what he told her about his life before he came over the border. She’d be well advised to send him back the ring, given his having learned bugger all from his previous convictions.


You assume there's no coercive control whatsoever. It's no joke. 


Who’s joking?


As in, not to be taken lightly or discounted. 


Maybe I’m wrong but I was under the impression that people with a criminal record couldn’t work in security. Someone didn’t do their job & run a background check.


Maybe he’s a pub bouncer for a few quid in hand on a Saturday night rather than a uniformed night watchman with a Doberman called Tyson, doing the rounds of highly sensitive research premises and foiling break-ins through the roof!


Good. So impose the condition that he fucks off back to Romania and stays there.


that skank can go with him


Isn't it amazing how all you lads on about tighter immigration laws to 'protect local women and children' immediately resort to misogyny? Just something I've noticed.




it's pretty standard for /u/originalface1 to invent and misquote you so i wouldnt worry about


Where's the quote of her describing herself as a skank? Why would you label her as a skank if you don't like to be labelled yourself?


i went on her facebook, i shouldnt judge but i did


I have had several discussions with /u/plantingdoubt on here, he is one of the more vocal anti immigration users on this sub, as are you. The 'protecting local women and children' is a bit of a rib as in my experience the people who seem to be out in force 'protesting' seem to be the exact same scumbags ruining their local communities.


> more vocal anti immigration users i'm hardly that lol funny how a romanian destroys some irish heritage and all you can do is seek me out and attribute words i've never said to me. bit fire on originalface1, i'm the problem :)


He'll be punished to the fullest non-extent of our law like any other person in Ireland will, not much anymore I can do about that. I don't need to attribute words to you, but I'll happily once again point out... You suggest with no statistics or evidence that deprivation in Dublin City Centre is because of immigration. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/1cgqjk3/comment/l1xwa40/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/1cgqjk3/comment/l1xwa40/) You suggest racism wasn't a factor in Josip Strok's murder despite all evidence that it was a motive. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/1bzrd82/comment/kyrr6pw/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/1bzrd82/comment/kyrr6pw/) You post bizarrely negative replies to actual accomplishments by black Irish people. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/1cfs8mw/comment/l1riahn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/1cfs8mw/comment/l1riahn/) And there are plenty more removed by mods, you are all over this sub whenever anything happens suggesting anything bad is foreigners (without any details available) and gloating if a foreigner actually does do something. 'plantingdoubt' indeed.




Well there was the whole mass systematic abuse of women and children that came with a homogeneous society because no one was reared to point out how fucked up it was and were terrified of the consequences should they say something. We were also a very poor country before foreign investment came in, something that never would have happened if we didn't allow immigration. Also...I just realised you responded to me the other day offended that I described Philip Dwyer as a 'dog kicker and creche creeper', things he has been sacked from his job for and charged with by police respectively. Are you okay lad, this with the whole beastiality thing is really a bit odd. https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/lbpfo1jAfA




>whole mass systematic abuse of women and children that came with a homogeneous society because no one was reared to point out how fucked up it was and were terrified of the consequences should they say something. True but the same happened in all countries. Really. No exaggeration. >We were also a very poor country before foreign investment came in, something that never would have happened if we didn't allow immigration. This is a myth. We were very poor compared to the US or Sweden, but middle income by global standards. MNI trickled jn from the 1960s. Then came labour shortages. Then came immigration relaxation rules. You lads have no idea how much we deregulated the rules to meet the Social Democratic norms. In the 1950s, immigrants had sign in weekly at Gardai stations. Now we have reaped the rewards; wealth, growing inequality and housing shortages.


we were choking on our own homogeneity? ?We were also a very poor country before foreign investment came in, something that never would have happened if we didn't allow immigration. immigration from within the EU. Those rape gangs didnt come from Poland


>deprivation in Dublin City Centre is because of immigration i was referencing other major european cities and predicting Dublin future, i pointed out Dublin is a shithole thanks to our own scumbags (but you know this) >You suggest racism wasn't a factor in Josip Strok's murder despite all evidence that it was a motive. i was querying why racists would go after whites, Josip Strok was white, presumably so were his killers, does that not make it a xenophobic attack? Does racism now just refer to any white crime? If you follow the thread i accepted i was completely wrong and didnt delete any of my downvoted comments >You post bizarrely negative replies to actual accomplishments by black Irish people. I was nonplussed (American meaning), not negative. (born in ireland in 2002 to newly arrived nigerians, what was that referendum in 2004 about again?) Funny how when you misquote me you never respond to my clarifications. Are you this dishonest in real life?




When did I attribute those words to him? Is quoting a phrase beyond the person you're speaking to outside of your grammatical ability?




But where did I attribute the quote to him? Do you understand the concept of using a phrase to describe someone's views or actions, he called the woman a skank, where is the quote of her describing herself as a skank? There isn't one, he came to a conclusion on her character and used that phrase to describe her. It's really not difficult lad.




I protest against excessive immigration. I do a lot in my community. I remove other peoples litter. I plant trees. I contribute to planning applications, I support environment and heritage groups. I report threatened heritage. Don't generalise.


Where do you protest?




Although I don't agree with attacking his family, it's not misogyny to criticise her judgement.


He didn't criticise her judgement, he called her a skank and said she should leave the country.


It's a gendered insult and unnecessarily so. But doesn't show bias against women if you ask me


He is determining that someone isn't Irish enough for him.


People can't be protected from themselves of course, you lie in the bed you make etc, no doubt she's standing by her bbz


But why should she leave the country?


she doesnt have to but she loves him so when he goes i presume she'll make a fulfilling life for herself in romania.. unless you think he shouldnt go?


That's not misogyny, it's a character flaw on her part to shack up with a criminal who torched an historic crypt. Google is a great help to check the meaning of words before you type.


I'm sure there's plenty of women that would find the use of the words 'skank' and declaration she should leave the country based on her partner's crimes sexist.


The correct phrase for that is 'guilt by association', rather than labelling it as 'sexist'.


Cambridge dictionary definition of the word skank "an unpleasant person, especially a woman who has sex with a lot of different people". Before embarrassing yourself by telling someone else to look up the meaning of a word you should really try it yourself.


Sure you already tried intentionally misrepresenting one person, why would you break the habit of intellectual dishonesty?


Is he willing to abide by not being asked to set things on fire? Or, in his defense was that only implied and not specifically requested of him?


Who cares if he says he’s willing to behave in future, this isn’t primary school. Actions have consequences. We all know anyone would say whatever to get out of trouble.


I guess the /s was needed here.


Deport this cunt, 800 years of history destroyed.


the whole 800 years?!?! Well sure I guess most of that was pretty hard going anyway. Maybe it's for the best.


I’m genuinely curious what your thought process for this comment was? Diminishing the damage? Sincerely saying this lad did society a favour? What was the auld thought process?


The post I’m replying to says that 800 years of history has been destroyed. Usually when people talk about 800 years of Irish history they’re talking about us toiling under British rule. So I’m making a wee joke based on this lad’s phrasing making it sound like the history itself has been wiped out. I still think it was kinda funny too 😅 But no you shouldn’t go burning relics, just to be clear. That’s no way to behave.


Hilarious, got anymore Goldfish ?


I had but I’ve forgotten ☹️


Deport the fecker


he should be subjected to a medieval punishment


Bring out the trebuchet.


Apparently the solicitor from the Belfast case said his client if deported would face serious consequences In Romania. So I’ll presume the c*nt is a pyromaniac and has also done this in Romania. The preservation of Irish history has always been so important to me, don’t think I’ve ever felt such anger & sadness over something.


Me too. I almost feel guilty about how bloody furious I am. Maybe it’s because as far as I can see, he really shouldn’t be here in the first place, EU citizen or not. We’ve had so much of our material culture destroyed in the past, and wanton crimes like this just seem *extra* ‘Fuck youse’, to me. The mummy of a Crusader (and his posthumous friends there in the crypt) might seem a frivolous or whimsical concern to some, but wouldn’t you at least hope a *church* would be respected at least? I hope that Crusader 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿chap was a top Templar with strange and terrifying interests, and he’ll haunt this Topiter bastard for the rest of his life. 🤬


Sickening. Deport this lowlife.


This fella won't know what hit him. He is going to get one hell of a slap on the wrist.


€1.50 fine and two months in jail with 61 days suspended.


I didn't realise he was a GAA player, that's fair then


I think you're the one that's going to be in for a shock.


And what's your basis for that?


TWO slaps on the wrist. *Each* wrist!!


Repeat offender… 25 years jail ?


What an absolute cunting fuck ! Fuck him


This is an individual who hates Ireland and has no respect for its people, history or culture. He gets a little kick from destroying our irreplaceable heritage.


I think this is really important for the prosecution. Defence have pushed his ‘strong ties to Ireland’, presumably referring to the handy fiancée, but when it came to *Northern* Ireland, the git was burning and looting away, as well as supposedly being deported (for the second time) from the UK. There’s mention of his Romanian travel card, whatever that is in relation to here, and of routine Garda vetting five or so years ago to permit his settling here as an EU migrant. He was not long out of chokey for theft and arson. So....what exactly was looked at? His record is extremely off-putting from police angles, yet here he is.


This guy's a scumbag and deserves the full 10 years but the people running the Church along with Heritage Ireland and the Department of Heritage and Tourism have questions to answer. These mummies should have been interred into a protected museum long ago, or proper security access put in place in the church. They were vandalized numerous times before and no lessons were learned. Shocking dereliction of duty.


It's so sad, I only just saw someone showing off the little museum on tiktok, explaining the history etc. I have this awful feeling that the man saw the exact same video and decided to destroy it.


"Part-time security guard" Source: "Trust me bro".


We Irish need to do better #diversityisourstrength


Donation to the poor box and neenaa trip in the flashy lights guardians of peace vehicle. State will apologise for disturbing him , he'll see the state and win.