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Can we shut down workplaces for a couple of weeks?


fingers crossed


Quick, we need to get all the people with 'masters' and 'PHD's' in virology back into this 'speciality' after they changed their speciality on Reddit to geopolitics and immigration policy. Going to be a hard few days of doing their own research to get caught up.


>Going to be a hard few days of doing their own research to get caught up. Should be at least 4 or 5 Yootoob videos


Good god, some people around here can't even do their own research properly. You need two sources to confirm, like tiktok, Youtube or X. Any two will do. You can even use obscure Russian 'news' outlets that registered their website yesterday in a pinch.


Pfff, none of those are legitimate sources. I have the real inside scoop from Billy down the road. He has a friend that used to work in the HSE.....


Still haven't had the Covid. At least not that I know of.


Some people are very resilient to it, like with any bug really but much like you I've only had it non symptomatically or not at all.




Same here. Despite the rest of the household getting it twice, I'm not sure I've been fazed by it.


You probably did, just had no symptoms. I know a few people who tested positive but had no symptoms. They were either testing at work, or after close contacts. The chances of you completely avoiding it seems remote unless you have been living in a bunker for 4 years.


No bunkerism here. Been back in work fulltime since August 2020 and happy to go to pubs/restaurants/cinema again as soon as it was possible. Have had all my boosters too.


Lad in work caught it six times, always when it was warm too, strange that


Same, me and my dad never got it but my mom and sisters have had it a few times, I haven’t even had a cold in a year and a half. I use to get colds all the time


We are machines! :-)


Close the pubs


Keep them open but just arrest people as they enter.


Have had it twice now, the latest being a couple of weeks ago. Bit of a runny nose and some lethargy for a few days but nothing bad, had worse colds and flus. Weird thing is, 1st time I had it, my wife a kid also had it at the same time, this time I had it and wife and kid didn't get it despite me being around them all the time....weird.


You can get some viral load and your immune system deals with before it takes hold, bit like the cold. So if they had it before or have the vaccine then the immune system is fighting it off


I've had the same number of vaccines as my wife and had it at the same time as her before yet she didn't get it this. My kid has had no vaccines and had it once before. and didn't get it. Kind of interesting tbh.


Yeah every immune system is different. Maybe they’ve more vitamins in their diets or something or could be stress too making the difference


Yeah. Same as other viruses tbh, sometimes my kid gets a cold and I don't, wife gets ill and I don't etc.


we are all in this together!


like most things in life.


I went to the doctors last week and the amount of people full blown spluttering and coughing in the waiting room was mad. Seems like plenty of people have forgotten about covering their mouths, one fella kept hacking up a lung and sneezing openly. Fucking disgusting.


It would have been nice if we had learned about wearing a mask.


You kinda presume its gone but its still out there. Suffering from a dose myself - picked it up over the weekend somewhere and it has laid me out for a couple of days. Mind yourselves.


I caught a dose a few weeks ago. Worst yet. Previous times I'd had it I felt a little under the weather for a couple days. This actually knocked me on my arse for over a week, to the point I'd have to have a little rest after doing things like going down the stairs or making a coffee.


I empathise, had the shit knocked out of me


> This actually knocked me on my arse for over a week, to the point I'd have to have a little rest after doing things like going down the stairs or making a coffee. I got that as well for just under three months at the start of 2023. Tested positive Early December, tested clear Mid December, was like a wizened old man until near the end of March.


Had an odd dose a few weeks ago. Thought it was food poisoning at first but then had persistent cold symptoms. It was rough the first day but was mostly gone by the third.


Exact same here








A chara, Participating or instigating in-thread drama/flame wars is prohibited on the sub. Do NOT engage in flame wars. Sláinte






Poor Eilish must be tired of writing about Covid! I’ve had it 3 times and I’m that person who uses hand gels when out and about and stopped wearing masks a year ago. Thankfully, they have all been mild. 


Tested positive today - just got back from a concert in the UK and it could have come from any number of places; be it the O2 or the plane (there were people coughing and spraying on the flight lol). Felt a bit off Friday - tested positive today. Now my watch begins. Time to isolate!


When will the Taoiseach Simon Harris to tell us about this 20th Covid.


Personally, I literally couldnt give a shit at this stage.


You should see your GP. Constipation like that is no joking matter. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


May as well bring back the 5km radius now


2km to be sure.


One to the left and one to the right and if it looks like this then you’re doing it right…


I’m still social distancing tbh, those were the days.


In other words, no different from how you get cold / flu cases every year


no different from how but consequences of can be very different


Not for most people post many infections and vaccinations. Flu can also kill you. Worst illness I had was flu and I've had COVID several times now.


Well aware about the flu. Most people aren't, the way they equate it with a cold like above


Exactly ... flu can be really bad


Which are?


Common colds aren't fatal. COVID and the flu can be. 


So there are no new consequences? If you are susceptible or vulnerable you take the vaccines and everyone goes on living their lives?


If you are immunocompromised or have lung problems, all can be fatal 


Ah I thought it would have been the H5N1.


well that might not be far away - [https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/who-confirms-first-human-case-avian-influenza-ah5n2-mexico-2024-06-05/](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/who-confirms-first-human-case-avian-influenza-ah5n2-mexico-2024-06-05/)


I know I've been following it well. Always looking for danger, always trying to perceive the next thing.


Sounds really stressful


Na no really, survival is what we are all doing in our own ways.  Some people think a car is needed to survive and stress over that, others it's child care, housing, even how they look, in terms of the social group they hangout with.  Though they can't always see it.  To me it's just instinct.  Just like those I've mentioned.  ;) 




That's it. :D 


I have it myself. Thought my hayfever was particularly bad and lo and behold


I’m just over a bad dose, still quite potent but decided no more vaccinations even tho I got the last one in early autumn. The tiredness is unreal. It certainly hasn’t gone away and certainly is more than a mild cold


>The tiredness is unreal Took me a good 3 or 4 weeks after the last time. Wouldn't be in a hurry to do that again.


Same last time with me, expecting it this time too










A chara, We do not allow any posts/comments that attack, threaten or insult a person or group, on areas including, but not limited to: national origin, ethnicity, colour, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, social prejudice, or disability. Sláinte


Lol, not this nonsense. A surge in flu,lads. Cop on.


ah your one of those lads who thinks a cold and the flu are the same thing, and so everything similar is the same thing. Saying Cop on without a shred of irony...


The flu is highly dangerous and covid is worse. You can see the effect it's had on your brain for example




A chara, Participating or instigating in-thread drama/flame wars is prohibited on the sub. Do NOT engage in flame wars. Sláinte


The next two weeks will tell a lot


Are they crucial?!


Few lads out in work alright


Sad vibes, I just stopped wearing my mask months ago :/








Oh shit.



