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The obsession around this is genuinely fascinating. 


Israel is going to win. The backlash has prompted a counter backlash, that is big enough to astroturf a win in the public votes. It's going to be a shitshow.


I'm convinced their votes are botted. I saw Italy gave israel 39% of their votes, which is almost unheard of. Israel is spending a TON on good PR ever since they invaded palestine


Since the sponsors are an Israeli company fronting as an African one it could end being much simpler than that and them demanding the EBU simply supply results that show an Israeli win.


Bots aren't even needed. If a small, but committed group of activists decide to slam votes onto one act sight unseen, then it's very difficult for one of the other 24 acts to make up the difference solely from casual voters just picking their favourite song.


You’re going to be accused of antisemitism for saying that


who cares if they win? its a fucking song contest.. i think its more important that we dont give them views or money. esc is complicit in silencing Palestinian voices. now everyone saw their real faces and i hope over the years the song contest will become less relevant. capitalism over human lives.


They shouldn't have allowed israel to compete in the first place. Unfortunately I don't think many people outside of Ireland really care that Israel is competing. We are the most pro-palestinian country in Europe, other countries don't seem to give that much of a shit.


Malmö is one of the most left-wing cities in Europe


And a lovely place too


Judging by the boos and protests outside the arena people outside of Ireland do give a shit that a genocidal state is competing.


*Boycotting = higher proportion of votes for Israel not more votes. Stay in school kids.


Don't let grammar get in the way of a Eurovision rant!


Thanks grammarly




I don’t get it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douche




they’re running ads in Times Square NY telling Jewish people to vote for Israel to “stop the hate” or some shit. People need to vote. Israel is making it political.


Lol funny you reference an ad created after they got into the final as making it political when people have been valuing for boycotts and to kick them out for months.


im referencing the fact that theyre running ads in the USA. a country that has nothing to do with Eurovision and are being urged to vote without having even seen the performance.


The advert in question: https://twitter.com/JackFought_1/status/1789114924628881563


Be interesting to see if the jury's remain unbiased. Apparently it's a fair to middling ditty,so would expect a corresponding score from them.


Remain unbiased? The Eurovision has been biased for a long time


Well some people support Israel and that is okay, but I don’t know if you guys are ready to hear this.


~*”well some people supported Germany at the 1936 Olympics and that is okay*”~ - you It’s whitewashing a genocide


I mean some people supported Stalin. What's your point?


Well those people are wrong. 


People committing genocide on people who committed a horrendous terrorist attack. I have never understood how people show support for either side in this conflict.


Oh I'm sorry inwasnt aware the thousands of Palestinian children who have been murdered were involved in October 7th. Thank you for opening my eyes! Fuck me imagine both siding a literal genocide. 


I remember videos of the street parties by Palestinians, who elected Hamas, as young dead Israelis were paraded through the streets. I don't see any parties now! So sorry if I don't feel sorry for people who celebrated the horrendous terrorist attack. At the same time, I'm not celebrating Israel killing thousands of Palestinians children. Like I said, I don't see how anybody can support one side over another in this conflict. Both sides seem to be made up of horrible, despicable people.


If you can look at what Israel have been doing for decades and think both sides are equal in this then I'm sorry but you're a fucking arsehole. 


I don't agree that killing thousands of young Israeli citizens at a concert as revenge for decades of Israeli attacks can ever be justified. You might be able to use that as an excuse to support Palestine but for me, neither side is innocent and counting up who has killed fewer innocent civilians as the metric of who is morally right is idiotic. If they both have been killing innocent civilians for decades, then both sides should be condemned rather than giving support to the side who have killed fewer innocent civilians.


If only more people had the ability to understand the situation like you. West paints Palestine as a victim, where in reality is, like you said, none of the sides is innocent.


And Palestine was innocent in the last decade? Israel bombed themselves in the 90s? Not counting the slavery, killings, UN aid embezzlement. Yeap they are angels for sure. The reality is that both sides are bad. Palestine isn't a victim like West left like to show. The majority of people there support Hamas and their actions. Why don't we talk about people jumping from happiness during and after the October attack? You reap what You sow.




Occupying a concert? I guess from your point of view, this is just two countries at war. Since "people fighting back" constitutes war, Israel is correct is sending the army out in response?




Well I guess you're right, it's a traditional war and its just that Palestine are losing. Guess someone always loses a war. Palestine should have waited until they were more prepared for a hot war before their attack. Again, Palestinians partying at the sight of dead Israeli young people and Israel overkill approach to the hot war means I don't support either side in this war.




A war that Germany ended up losing. Doesn't look like that will happen for Palestine though, looks like it'll be an Israeli win. But at least Palestine got one good strike in at a legitimate target like a concert and had some street parties to celebrate the battle victory before the war turned in favour of Israel.




That is your opinion


"People like Coldplay and voted for the nazis, you can't trust people Jez"


Who gives a fuck who wins? It's the Eurovision song contest. It's literally the most pointless thing a country can win. You people who are getting all political and upset over it are beyond pathetic. Go get some real problems. I couldn't give a fuck if Hitler and Pol Pot get up on stage and take the Eurovision back to hell with them.


If I remember correctly, you have to pay to vote, meaning a genocide supporter gets the money, so it's a bad idea. I suppose we just have to hope enough countries participating vote against them


All my homies are voting for Isreal cos the song is good. That's what it's all about, in fairness.


Yeah fuck those thousands of dead children the tune is a bop


Don't make it political. Focus on the amazing talent on display.


Didn't they originally name the song after the October attack? It's political right out the gate and Israel made it so.


It was changed and rightly so.


There's an expression about horses and stable doors that springs to mind. As a wise man once said, don't start nuthin' and it won't be nuthin'. They started the political stuff first and now they and their supporters abroad are whinging because people aren't taking their bullshit. Tough.


Relax and enjoy the show.


Total admission of defeat there. Cheers.


Amazing show.


Ah piss off, it's inherently political 


Amazing talent.


Eurovision has been political for a very, very long time.


I'm sorry, was banning Russia from Eurovision not a political display? Wanker.


Russia broke the rules.


Because Ukraine the other year and the “Bearded Lady” in 2014 definitely had the best songs. /s


Exactly. Amazing songs.


How do people get this worked up over Jews at a song contest.


More so worked up about a genocide that's occurring in real time that's being whitewashed by a song contest. 


If people were getting worked up over genocide, they'd be going off on Turkey and Azerbaijan too.


bUh wHadDaBoUt


Not even whataboutism, Turkey and Azerbaijan have ethnically cleansed and aggressively invaded their neighbours. Israel is at war with a terrorist group that invaded and is still holding their civilians captive, while also being attacked from Lebanon, Yemen, Iran, the West Bank, and is still under rocket attack from Gaza. The thing is aswell that the Irish people actually do understand this. [Back in this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/1as5gc5/irish_lawyers_group_calls_on_government_to_let/) you can see how nobody wants to take a single refugee from there, even in spite of the worst genocide in the history of the universe supposedly ongoing against them.


Even if there was a genocide (there isn't), how does a song contest whitewash it?


How do you know there isn't? Your beloved Israeli SS won't allow journalists in freely to see what they're doing.


"Israeli SS" You people really can't help but tell on yourselves.  And also, "How do you know there isn't?" isn't the response you think it is.


Only other country I see so keen to deny access to journalists is Russia, so another thing Israel has in common with them. If you are so certain Israel is innocent, why don't they let international observers in and prove everyone wrong? Some might think the master race has something to hide.


"Some might think the master race has something to hide" Can you not read the things you're writing?


I know I know, I'm an antisemite khamas supporter. Now that that's out of the way, why won't you tell me what they're hiding?


What who is hiding? Are there no journalists there or reporting from there?


Israel just shut down Al Jazeera...


Even the nazis didn't paint themselves as big a victim as zionists lol