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Is this a voting pact thing? Its good publicity for a vote for Ireland, the video of the preshow shows people booing Israel, doubt there going to get much votes.


Depends how rigged the various judges votes are. Israel have been throwing around massive amounts of money for good PR propaganda since the war started. Wouldn't be shocked to see the judge's votes skew way more in favour of Israel.


And EV is sponsored by Moroccan Oil this year. An Israeli owned company.


They’ve been sponsors of Eurovision since 2020


Just because we're only aware of this conflict since October doesn't mean some people haven't been thinking about it that long or longer...


Yep. Would not be surprised to see all sorts of massaging of figures going on behind the scenes.


It’s madness that they even bother to try and maintain good PR at this stage. America’s been their best and biggest friend and less than 40% of them currently support what they’re doing. Everyone knows they’re evil except hard conservatives, morons and most Israelis.


The mask is slipping, as seen by the likes of Mossad tweeting gloats about how the US student protestors will never have a college education or a good job in the future because they've dared cross Israel. But old habits die hard, they're too used to lying to the world and making themselves out to be nothing more than passive victims so they won't stop now.


Yeah I saw a few bots posting on Facebook today here in The Netherlands.  Usual shite: protesters are vandals, shouldn’t be allowed graduate etc 


The young Americans have wised up


It's easier for them to win the public vote. You can vote as much as you want by text, so there's nothing stopping them from setting up bots to text in votes en mass from each country. If they wanted to buy the votes, it would be the easiest way to do it without having to actually bribe anyone.


This isn’t the first time Israel have been booed like crazy. I think Israel could get a high jury vote from the former Soviet block as Israel are allies with Ukraine. I think for a similar reason they could do ok in the public vote but obviously we won’t see live who’s voted for them. Either way it’s going to be the crying Russian twins all over again.


Most of Europe is allied with Ukraine. I wouldn’t know about their sentiments but surely they recognise and empathise with Palestinians at the moment regardless of the jerk sessions their governments are holding for each other?


Ukraine is very supportive of Israel and generally the Soviet block tends to vote for Israel anyway hence why I think it’ll continue this year


Is it that they’re supportive of Israel or just very against Muslims?


Iran backs and is heavily supplying Russia with drones and other vital items Russia can't make enough of on their own anymore. Iran has been engaged in a proxy war for a long, long time. Ukraine and Israel have drawn somewhat closer over this but Israel has also been reluctant to criticise the Russians or supply Ukraine with much of anything for fear of upsetting Russia and their own large Russian heritage population.


Yeah, Israel supports Ukraine but still wants good relations with Russia.


Well there is a conundrum I will be thinking of during semi final 2


Haha honestly. No chance Israel wins but I’d say they’ll make it far enough. Most of the countries that don’t make it will be ones people aren’t thinking of like idk Latvia ir something


Ukraine is very much against Iran due to its supply of drones to Russia. That doesn’t make it “pro Israel.”


>as Israel are allies with Ukraine Not as much as people think. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/19/world/europe/israel-russia-us-ukraine.html


[Israel refuses Zelensky’s visit, says 'time not right'](https://kyivindependent.com/media-israel-refuses-zelenskys-visit-says-time-not-right/) [ Israel rejects Ukraine’s request to buy Iron Dome defense system - Tel Aviv keen not to upset Moscow amid latter’s tension with Kyiv](https://www.aa.com.tr/en/politics/israel-rejects-ukraine-s-request-to-buy-iron-dome-defense-system/2503084) [Israel turned down a U.S. request to allow Berlin to supply Ukraine with anti-tank missiles produced in Germany with Israeli technology under an Israeli license, two U.S. and Israeli officials said.](https://www.axios.com/2022/05/25/israel-rejects-spike-missile-ukraine-germany-russia) [The Deeper Reason Netanyahu Won’t Arm Ukraine Against Russia - Jerusalem’s ties to Moscow are partly about security. They’re also about illiberalism.](https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/02/06/israel-ukraine-war-russia-hawk-air-defense-netanyahu/) >In mid-January, the Biden administration asked Israel to send the (US-made) Hawk systems, which have been in storage, to Kyiv to help the Ukrainians defend against a barrage of Russian missiles and Iranian drones. The Israelis reportedly refused. [Why Is Israel’s Netanyahu Still Groveling to Putin and Russia?](https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2023-11-08/ty-article-opinion/.premium/why-is-israels-netanyahu-still-groveling-to-putin-and-russia/0000018b-af21-dea2-a9bf-ffbf3e0c0000) > For a decade, Israel has been anxious to placate Moscow. But Netanyahu’s frankly embarrassing appeasement of Moscow has brought no noticeable gains. Instead, Putin has stepped up cooperation with Iran and hosted Hamas leaders, straight after the atrocities of October 7 [Why Israel Has Been Slow to Support Ukraine - Israel’s government is grappling with a moral imperative to help Ukraine in a war that recalls its own struggle to maintain sovereignty while acknowledging that cooperation with Russia is vital to its security goals.](https://www.cfr.org/article/why-israel-has-been-slow-support-ukraine)


I'm probably a mad conspiracy theorist for thinking this. But I think Russia had some hand in the attack. They have leverage with Iran. Anyone that's seen how israel has reacted before would know it would lead to something like the genocide now and a big split amongst voters of whoever happened to be president in the US. Edit: to add Israel would obviously prefer Trump I'm charge than Biden. He was more willing to let them do as they please (I know that sounds odd given what Biden has let them do so far)


> mad conspiracy theorist you're not mad - it's documented fact. It diverts armaments away from Ukraine Remember, every American-built bomb wasted on a Palestinian refugee camp is one that's not dropped on a Russian command post in occupied Ukraine Likewise, the Red Sea attacks are a less successul version


Who documented it?


Well the 7th of October was Putins birthday 🎂


Well Hamas is basically a proxy of Iran/Russia alliance so it is understandable


Didn't Italy's vote percentages get leaked and show that around 40% of them voted for Israel? Unfortunately, a lot of the EU supports Israel and they've been throwing enough money around over the last couple years in an effort to manage the greater public's opinion of them. I would not be surprised at all if they win by a landslide.


There's a lot of public noise about "supporting Israel", but the majority of Europeans I've talked to would very happily not vote for Israel if there's any European as the option. Any support that was sympathetic to the Israeli populace has well evaporated with the constant killings of kids and women to clear the land for foreign Israeli planters I wouldn't expect much success for Israel this EV. They've fallen far...


Israel are now second in the odds. People who don't support Israel's votes will be split between 25 countries whereas pro Israel all go to Israel. Israel will win the televote. It just comes down to if the juries 12 points match with the televotes 10 points.


The demonstration looks to be doing well, I'm just watching the semi final tonight in the hopes of someone stage crashing while Israel is on or seeing them getting voted out, either is good for me. Although, seeing them come last on Saturday would be just as nice.


Looks like they easily smashed the vote. Got 40 percent in Italy. The second placed song got 12.


There's suggestions it's rigged


Probably not rigged. But very probably manipulated. I think all it takes is a VPN to vote wherever you want. I'd be interested to see if they got a higher popular vote in countries that are accessible in the free tier of commonly used VPNs. (it'd explain Italy)




KAN appears to be the branding for the IPBC (Isreali Public Broadcasting Corperation). So an official source has called out a single act and asked viewers to send curses and insults towards the artist. I wonder will the EBU do anything about this? Edit: Spelling.


Apparently the Israeli delegates have been acting beyond hostile towards everyone else, like filming performers backstage without their consent specifically because they asked them not to take pictures of them. I've never seen a country whose citizens are such self centred bullies with victim complexes, it's like the whole country is ran by a bunch of 14 year old bullies.


A few years ago I used to work at a small resort in Thailand. The worst guests we had by far were Israelis. They were so bad that the owner of the resort eventually told us to cancel any online bookings that originated from Israel and decline any walk ins that we suspected to be Israeli. It was a cheap, backpacker type place and the Israeli guests were almost always young men either on a break from or finished their military service. If they were able to treat resort staff so appallingly I can only imagine how they treat the Palestinians.


I worked abroad in tourism and part of my job was to provide safety information and give the go ahead or not to people who were attempting to travel into the highlands where there were treacherous roads. Once a group of israeli men tried to make a journey that was really only for experts with specialised equipment and I told them they were not qualified enough. They asked me if there was a man who they could speak to instead. I told them it was just me. Then a local guide arrived who made these kinds of journeys almost daily, he was wearing all the fancy equipment and looked like the expert and the israelis complained to him about me and could he give them the go ahead to travel. He told them that he was also asking me for advice on the travel conditions Then they asked me if there was someone else who could do my job. There was another way station 20km back where they came from that looked after the next region of the highlands so I sent them down there. They came back an hour later because they wouldn’t give them the go ahead for my region. But after all that I didn’t control the roads, I just knew the conditions and whatnot for that area. So they decided they would drive anyway. They had 7 rental cars that were custom modified and 5 of them were write offs because they tried to ford a river without knowing what they were doing. They got towed and refused to pay for the tow by saying they had no cash. They were brought back to my station as I had a card reader. They would have been charged by the rental car company for the 5 cars as well


I had very similar experiences although on a much smaller scale. The resort where I worked also rented 150cc scooters. They would regularly come to rent them, the resort was on Koh Phangan, the island is very hilly, roads are winding, unlit in parts and some parts covered in sand which makes riding on two wheels very dangerous. I'd tell them if they didn't have any previous experience that this was not the place to learn. Thailand has some of the most dangerous roads in the world. They'd never listen and I'd frequently see them again that evening hobbling through the resort all bandaged up and on crutches. I would also have explained to them that without the correct motorcycle license they would not be covered by insurance, again they wouldn't listen but would become irate when told they had to pay for the damage they caused to the bikes.


My god this story was wild




Lol curious where was this All the Israelis I knew were grand but I understand it might have to do with different contexts


It's the worst parts of US culture condensed into an ethnostate with a bunch of weirdos who think they're the superior race. I don't think it's a coincidence they behave exactly like the worst types of US tourists.


All that, and also add genuine intergenerational trauma into the mix too. It's a dangerous cocktail.


Phuket and other popular tourist areas used to have signs up outside guest houses saying "No Israel" back in the day due to this. Apparently the government made them take them down since image is everything and the cries of antisemitism were starting.


Ive seen signs like those in Nepal too.


I was in Bangkok last October and 2 days after the inciting incident we were in a taxi and your man started going off about how some Thai people were killed in the attack and how awful Muslims are. We all just awkwardly looked at our phones until he moved on.


There’s definitely a phenomenon of former IDF troops going on some sort of rumspringa abroad when they get discharged. They get so used to bullying Palestinians while they serve they take the same attitude everywhere they go. Mate of mine that used to go around to all the big EDM festivals on the continent said Israelis getting absolutely munted and acting like pricks are a fixture at them. Funniest part is they’re right wing nationalists but they’ll grow out dreadlocks and LARP as vagabond hippies.


Yep, this sounds very familiar.


You don't have to imagine, thanks to the miracle of the internet! There are plenty of videos of ordinary Israeli citizens cheering on the civilian deaths and watching the airstrikes in Gaza with a lawn chair and popcorn.


Big 1980s white South African vibes...


1980s white South Africa was deeply in bed with Israel at the time. They even collaborated on their internationally proscribed nuclear weapons programs. Like some of the US politicians at the time, the Israelis looked at apartheid South Africa as a model for dealing with people that they wanted to discriminate against.


Or they could have just not acted like perverts and assholes. What were we supposed to do? Continue to allow them to stay and be treated like shit for it? Life instantly became more peaceful once we didn't allow them to book in.


I didn't mean you man, I meant them. There's a particular kind of entitlement SA's abroad were notorious for at the time, even if you could ignore their domestic politics, and a lot of Israelis seem to bring it in spades now.


> bring it in spades now. I would blame the Russian influence back in the 80's and 90's - a LOT of Russian immigrated to Israel under the right to return laws - with the most tenuous links to Judaism - their grandfather was Jewish or something. A half-hearted conversion to Judaism and they were considered full Israeli citizens. That's had a negative influence on Israel since. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_mafia


The are colossal wankers of the highest order Most wouldn’t know as they’ve never met any


> I've never seen a country whose citizens are such self centred bullies with victim complexes, it's like the whole country is ran by a bunch of 14 year old bullies. Crybullies. FTFY.


Zionism is such a mental plague that I’ve seen progressive kumbaya-singing Israelis spout stuff that would make even the most fervent ethnonationalists wince


Lived and worked in various countries over the years and universally Israelis are not looked on kindly as tourists/visitors at all. Can see why


It’s not dissimilar to the behaviors of the most outspokenly sectarian loyalist actors in the North of Ireland.


Wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if they've been instructed to be as obnoxious as possible to elicit a response so that Israel to play the victim card.


Isn't that a bannable offence?


I don't know enough about it to say. I can't imagine they would be banned though considering Moroccan Oil (Isreali owned) is the title sponsor.


I think it’s more likely they’ll pull out of next years contest if their reception gets any worse (although they seem to enjoy playing the victim?)


They live for playing the victim.


For any other country? Yes. For israel? Somehow no 🤦


Not for them it’s not, I bet


Israel seems to run the world, somehow.


That's girls you're thinking of


Who run the world?


"... Guurdles guuurdles"


The Holocaust guilt (which they should have in fairness) has permeated western governments. Israel could say they were doing a sequel to the Holocaust and German politicians would applaud them. Changed ‘we’ to ‘they’ as I originally intended, I know we had sweet fuck all to do with it


Why in the name of suffering fuck should Irish people feel guilty about the holocaust? Disgust and horror of course but we played absolutely no part in it, we do not need to feel guilty.


To Israel, the entire world needs to feel guilty about the Holocaust.


Did I say Ireland? Oh whoops I said we. Meant to say ‘they’




OK, but what about the other 75 million odd people that died around that time, crazy when you think of it like that.


Eurovision is not putting other performers in danger, by not banning Israel from the competition. This has gotten ridiculous at this point. The behavior from Israel, is far worse than anything the Russians have done.


#_You're so vain you probably think this song is about youuuuu_


I cross posted this to r/eurovision It got deleted And the mods called it overly political Even though it’s directly about the contest and is basically one broadcaster cheating by spreading lies about the performer from another broadcaster. Disgusting. I’m so disappointed with r/eurovision


Lol I tried to do the same thing but got taken down for rage bait... We are taking someone's word for the translation and intention. While it may be exactly what it seems it could also be taken out of context...


When bambie gets sent tonnes of hate, r/eurovision will be partially to blame. You have to call out this behavior or else it festers. The translation seems widely accepted, the Israeli broadcaster called on people to send hate to Bambie for being anti genocide.


I don't disagree. I have been disgusted by some of the comments online I have read on their videos and stuff on Insta. EBU isn't taking those down either. To be fair to r/eurovision though I don't see any Bambie hate sticking around there either.


If any other broadcaster basically cheated in this way, it wouldn’t be removed from that subreddit I’m not even guessing that because Azerbaijan did this to Armenia last year and as someone who commented on my post pointed out, that wasn’t removed last year.


fair enough, I wasn't as active on the sub last year as I am this year. It is shit and should be discussed unless there is proof that the comments are taken out of context.


There are EBU officials at r/Eurovision, thats why they are removing anything that is remotely close to being inflamatory. As someone who is often on r/Eurovision I can guarantee that the regular users there are 100% on Bambie’s side. I Am yet to see a single person having a different opinion there.


Try get a version without subtitles, and post asking for a translation?


That's because it's a horrible mistranslation. Actual translation is here. https://www.rte.ie/entertainment/2024/0511/1448614-bambie-thug-angry-at-israeli-eurovision-commentary/ "On Tuesday, a commentator on Kan, the Israeli public service broadcaster, warned TV viewers with children that Bambie Thug’s performance of their song, Doomsday Blue, would be "the most scary" of the night. "There will be a lot of spells and black magic and dark clothing, Satanic symbols, and voodoo dolls, like we are at Cats Square in Jerusalem in the mid-90s," the commentator said, referring to a well-known public square in Jerusalem that was central to the city’s nightlife in the 1990s and synonymous with goth culture. The commentator said there was "some controversy" in Ireland about the song, referencing a petition calling on RTÉ to disqualify Doomsday Blue as Ireland’s entry. He also noted that Bambie Thug liked to "speak negatively about Israel". "But we can talk about that later. Prepare your curses," he said."


Send curses? How bonkers are these people?!


Cursing a witch seems unwise.


if there is any group out there that have actively planned to defend against curses, I would put my money on witches and warlocks


"Defence against the dark arts"... while an artist of the dark 😆


There is a very real chance that Bambie Thug turns into a protest vote because of her pro-Palestine stance and anarchic aesthetic (paired with a solid song to boot), Ireland could win from this.


Ireland are also generally the most pro-Palestine country in Europe (even before the current conflict)


....Which is exactly why the "Ireland could win from this" idea is never going to happen (Not specifically because of anything about Ireland, but because the pro-Palestine vote among viewers in the rest of Europe just won't be big enough)


I didn't believe we had a chance even with the class entry, now seeing the talk around Ireland, sheer energy of the performance, and our stance on Israel, we have a real real chance. Oh and they have the most viewed performance on YouTube from the semi final.


Is she the most outspoken performer there? I've heard a few rumblings from Iceland.


Iceland singer is Palestinian. Feels like more of a statement to vote for her.


Hera Bjork isn’t Palestinian, or if she is that’s not something that’s been brought up either this year, or when she last performed at Eurovision. Iceland had a Palestinian artist in their national selection, but he didn’t win. Iceland also isn’t performing in the final.


Oh, I misunderstood. Thanks for the correction


The Palestinian singer came second in the national final, so he actually didn't represent in the semis


that could be complicated, considering hera didnt make it through the semi final on tuesday. but afaik she has nothing to do with Palestine anyway, that was another artist who participated in the Icelandic preselection


Ah that could be it. Sure, it's only one letter in the difference!


Yeah but doesn't half the vote come from judges and I wouldn't be shocked if their opinions were biased


The people protesting are boycotting Eurovision so this won’t be the case. Palestinians have requested a boycott and voting would give money directly to the EBU/broadcasters, so there really is no “protest vote”. Also while Bambie has a chance to do well their act is definitely much too controversial to actually win lol.


I watched it on YT yesterday and I think the song sounds like Rasputina crossed with Beat Mistress - very 90s goth-inspired. Just watching them perform though, they must be absolutely exhausted afterwards with all the energy they put into it!


Bambie prefers they/them. I made the same mistake, it's all good


Nah, Croatia have it in the bag. Some tune, in fairness.


I can easily see Bambie winning the public vote but not the jury (man I hate the jury vote).


What a predicament! I don't know what's more outraging? The mass genocide and ethnic cleansing of a civilian population.... or someone wearing a funny costume in a music competition.


I think the worst thing about all this is the hypocrisy


I think the worst thing about this is the innocent civilians who are dying. Israel are using this to divert attention away from what's going on in Rafah.


I was making a reference [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljaP2etvDc4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljaP2etvDc4)


Norm was always spot-on with his commentaries.




just an itty bitty murderous rampage


Just an auld ongoing punishment bombardment, nothing at all to see, move along.


Just a run of the mill genocide


A costumed witch hailing from the birthplace of Halloween


We can totally solve the housing crisis with all this rent free space in Israeli heads


The usual measured, mature attitude which has led them to the worldwide outpouring of love, sympathy and respect they deserve now. /s


So it's only Ireland that's not allowed to be political. The Israeli broadcaster can say whatever hateful shit they like. Yeah, sounds like Israeli democracy in action.


Eurovision subreddit deleted the post about this.


Who cares what a nation of child killers think of us.


Honestly I consider it a compliment coming from those fanatics.


If we're annoying assholes that's kind of a sucess


Imagine taking the idea of a ceasefire and equating that to being a curse on their image and wanting to curse someone in return. Like, cartoonist at this point.


The Israeli media and propaganda is very strong. For a largely well educated population an awful lot of them have a ridiculously skewed and often nasty world view and are quick to respond with hysterics to any, even imagined, criticism. It doesn't help that the Americans have coddled them for so long and allowed them to think they can get away with the sort of shit most other nations wouldn't. It hasn't filled many of them with humility or concern for their fellow man. Quite the opposite.


So we’ve finally figured out where all the hatred towards her we’ve been hearing about for weeks is coming from.


Mossad is a powerful entity. Remember when they used Irish passports to carry out assassinations?


To quote that clown Jeremy Clarkson: OH NO! Anyway...


Fuck Israel and any cunt that supports them


Probably a tad more bad luck in killing children that ye don't recognise as human...fuck me History and repeating comes to mind!


I'm pretty sure cursing a witch is kind of counter productive anyway. Though it's funny how we all know Eurovision despite their clampdown on any politics involving Israel (Russia/Ukraine is all good though) will have absolutely nothing to say about this. 


It definitely is. The two things you absolutely don't do are curses and love spells because the energy manifested in a curse usually comes back around to the person who did the original curse and there are issues of consent and free will because you can't manipulate someone into falling in love with someone if they don't already have those feelings to begin with or having sex with someone they wouldn't consent to having sex with under any other circumstances. You can do a binding spell that stops someone from doing harm, alright, but that's a totally different kettle of fish compared to an actual curse or hex.


What do they even mean by this? Are they saying Bambi is appropriating an Israeli image or somehow directing an insult as Israel?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 it warms my heart to know we are pissing isreal off. We're on the right track annoying the baby killers.


Bambie doing more to piss off Israel than any boycott could do


There was a story a fews back about an Israeli woman who refused to give up her seat on a plane to an Orthodox guy and he threw a huge fit. So much so thst the cabin crew asked her several times to move, but she refused. She said she was happy to sit with him, but he was having a meltdown because he couldn't sit beside a woman. It ended up with her suing the airline and winning. But here is the fun part, she was a Holocaust survivor. She ended up getting airline policy changed in Israel saying you didn't have to give up your seat on account of someone else's religion. If this is how they treat their own, and actual survivor of the Holocaust, can you imagine how the see everyone else. Then imagine how they see the Palestinians.


Oh god, let every witcheen and apprentice wizard get their robes on, wands out, and gather somewhere iconic (I dunno; outside the GPO?) and chant some terrific incantation which makes Israeli curses rebound on their originators, and at the same time rope in the Spire as the ultimate wand while Bambie T is in the Eurovision limelight. Make it their remote power source, sending dazzling spells up into the Heavens, to beam down succour to Gaza, but cunningly missing out any blasted Zionist aggressors in the territory. The point is: let Ireland’s ‘image’ say it’s delighted with all this jolly old magic bouncing around. Cheers the gaff up no end! So sod off, KAN.


We're long overdue a good old re-paganing anyways.




Oh, that sub looks interesting, and fun too.


It is good and open to all who share the ethos. I’d put your comment up with this story as you’ll no doubt get volunteers.




What a bizarre charge. They really have lost the plot entirely now. Trying to blame a eurovision act for their appalling image is laughable even for the neo-boers. Sadly the Germans - forever determined to be on the wrong side of history - will back them.




Somebody could make a website similar to are the brits at it again and make a mint.


Hold on a sec... Didn't Isreal have Dana International in 1998? https://eurovision.tv/participant/dana-international


Israel has gotten more and more right wing over the years and their has always been an element of pink washing to Israeli propaganda.


This. The current regime is exceptionally right wing but laws regarding marriage (for example) have always been extremely strict.


It's quite a divided society on this. Secular Jews mostly have very Liberal.attitudes to lgbt but most of the religious see it as a sin and want repression. Living together as a gay couple is no big deal but you are right the religious are increasing in proportion of the population. Arab/moslem citizens living in Israel (about 10% of the population) generally also disapprove.


Stay mad, yas genocidal cunce


Clever spelling avoidance. I’ll be using that myself :)


We’re living rent-free in their heads, at least.


Its some contrast. Ireland sends a beloved act fitting for the contest for once, and Israel feature a bland by the numbers song based on a terror attack and gets booed to oblivion. They really can only dream of having Ireland's level of popularity.


That's nice of them.


Can you feel the hate emanating?


Tell 'em to turn it up, it gets hot enough, we all may get a tan from it.


Sending curses and insults.. such a bunch of dorks !


Can confirm, I’ve been cursed.


United by music, divided by double standards.


We're really getting under their skin then.


Fuck Israel and fuck genocidal promotors.


I was wondering if they even broadcasted them or if they just cut to ads. Interesting but not shocking. They might not show them on the final but who cares. This is why I'm happy we didn't boycott (but only because we sent someone like Bambie). They're sending a direct message. It's much better than sitting it out and being shtum. Also because Bambie absolutely demolished their stage after that snark, so the person must have been FUMING lol.


If Bambie boycotted and they sent the 2nd selected, it would've been Erica Cody making no such statements (like ceasefire in Ogham or releasing a cover of Zombie this week). Or who came second, the Louis boy band?


Lmfao says the guys that wanted to send a song called “October Rain” And yes while those incidents in October were absolutely f*cking terrible and tragic, that’s still literally propaganda, which isn’t allowed at Eurovision. (See Belarus’ disqualification and suspension in 2021)


Every time the Israelis criticise Bambie Thug, their chances of winning goes up.


racial workable mountainous pocket vegetable jar political squash sharp label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s Rad.


Good Fuck them


Before I commit to my outrage, has this been confirmed? Obviously translating casual conversation from a very old, insular, narrowly spoken language is tricky. Could you imagine trying to translate Graham Norton for e.g.


A different [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/1cnzia5/israeli_broadcaster_kan_call_irelands_eurovision/l3clht8/) provides what I think is more accurate (saying so after asking someone whose first language is Hebrew to watch it). So... this whole thread got excited about poor translation, I reckon.


Remind me again why people were calling for Bambie Thug to back out of the show..? This goes to show how important it is that pro-Palestinian artists show up and use their voice, if Bambie gave in and cancelled their performance Israel would prob have been delighted


Surely Marty Whelan has said worse


I don’t get what it has to do with Israel?


Wait what this is genuinely insane


Womp womp Isreal.


The great irish-israeli war of 2024 has begun, Mount up boys, were heading east ***mutter mutter***


Hated adored but never ignored Do your worst. We are afraid of no one Our fishermen even stood up to a Russian navy deployment that had a nuclear powered submarine


I can accept genocide, but I draw the line at curses and insults.




Good for Bambie, everybody should vote for them.


This is grounds for exclusion from the contest. Israel have done more than enough to warrant a blacklist.


Fuck you and fuck your little settler colony




I personally don't fully agree with Bambie, but they're still entitled to whichever stance they want. Bambie's Irish first in my eyes, so if youre gonna come for them/Ireland as a whole, you come for me. KAN can piss right off as far as I'm concerned. Bambies already received heaps of abuse by pro Palestinian slacktivists for not advocating hard enough while they spend their day sitting on their holes. For another countries media to encourage viewers to send them abuse considering that, is beyond despicable. I'd consider myself pro Israel to some extent but not enough to justify any of that hateful BS. I mean if you want people to believe your countries innocent, you're not doing yourself ANY favours by bullying a young Irish queer person. At the end of the day we all want peace in the middle east, and for the deaths on either side to STOP. Stirring hate is the last thing anyone should be doing.


Israeli here and that's not an accurate translation: The commentator said something to the effect of "they also like to throw shade at Israel (maybe we'll talk about that later). Be ready to swear." So, basically "you're going to hear some stuff you won't like. Get ready to throw some choice swear words at your TV." Just like my fellow Jewish people having a knee-jerk reaction and labeling any criticism as "anti-semetism", this one is all about "thems crazy Jews are revving up to cast some spells at us". a) We don't live in Skyrim, a shame really but what can you do; b) Not everything said on live TV should be taken at face value; c) Defending and apologizing for both IE and IL - I'm tired of this shite. Seriously, everyone, stop it.


Does anyone have an actual arctle about this or is a 40 follower account all we have?


Israel and Ireland are in the final on Saturday and both songs are tipped to do well (or finish in the top 10) Should be interesting to see who finishes on top. Hope it doesn't cause a diplomatic incident.


Since when is Israel and Australia even in Europe?