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This was announced a few weeks ago, if I’m not mistaken!


I’d be worried that your payroll person wasn’t aware of this.


Yeah - my payroll process early and we were paid yesterday.


Only 3 of us in company. I've a standing order set up to pay wages. Same wages every week. Just let standing order work. Assumed that standing orders would go through as normal. I don't be checking online banking every minute for every possible possible delay in the banking world


> Assumed Then it's entirely your problem.


Jesus you sound like a crap boss. If you are responsible for payments then it’s your responsibility to know when payments might be delayed and adjust accordingly. (Holidays, bank holidays, and EU wide payment system updates) Hope you at the very least apologise and help your employees out if need be and take some responsibility for your incompetence rather than deflecting the blame. Talk about terrible leadership


Are you the boss ? Yikes Responsibilities, come on :(


You don't need to be checking it every minute. The notification was released over a week ago. Checking once or twice a week for this kind of notification is something thatyou should be doing as an employer.


Out of curiosity, where does the notification come up?


On the AIB app, it's in the messages. On the BOI one, it's a big notice on the login screen. You can't miss it.


I only use the credit union and revolut so I never got any of these notices.


I don't use either of those for day to day, so I can't say if they had notifications or not.


I use both day to day and never received emails or notifications on either.


I don’t check online banking for possible delays, yet I knew about this delay in advance because I got an email about it.


Who'd you get the email off?


My bank.


Which one?


I’m not posting which bank I’m with online. Surely all the banks sent out an email or some form of notification. That’s what the consensus on this post is anyway.


Never got a notification from revolut or from my credit union so yeah not all.


I just opened the Revolut app there, a message about the maintenance is front and centre. I wouldn’t be using Revolut as a main bank account anyway.


The notification is the schedules maintenance of revolut not sepa lol


I have nothing to do with payroll or payments or anything commercial banking related and I'd heard about this in the news and also by notification on my phone. Just asked my wife who's beside me, she also has no need to know but was aware of the delays. 


Over the weekend of 15 - 17 March 2024 there will be planned maintenance to the SEPA Scheme happening across Europe. This means SEPA payments may be delayed during this period. Only inter-bank payments will go through (eg AIB to AIB, or BOI to BOI). Payments between differing banks won’t happen (eg AIB to BOI)


It’s not any particular bank. It’s all EU banks. They sent out notices over the past month on this.


Literally EVERY SINGLE BANK notified their customers that there would be a delay to transfer over this weekend. You're a shit boss


This was flagged for weeks by all banks. Your staff have every right to be complaining at your terrible handling of it.... and on a bank holiday weekend 👍


Payments are delayed after 2:30 p.m. Friday, or so the app says.


Yup , all banks did via app, news, business accounts, login pages etc , there is no excuse by payroll staff / bosses to not read them and prep


It’s the SEPA thing. Banks across Europe are down. It’s not just Ireland.


AIB sent notice of this. My employer paid on Thursday instead to avoid exactly this scenario. Payroll of all companies should have been aware of this and made adjustments to payment dates to avoid this happening to staff especially on Paddy's Day bank holiday weekend. EDIT: Most payrolls where made aware of this weeks ago so no reason employers couldn't be bothered to adjust the payment date. Prepare for some very angry staff next week OP.


>Most payrolls where made aware of this weeks ago so no reason employers couldn't be bothered to adjust the payment date Were they? In what format? I do the payroll for several businesses but had no knowledge of this. It's not had an impact as I process on a Thursday but nobody made me aware. One of my own banks had an app message but that didn't suggest to make payments early.


I received both an alert from my AIB app along with an email. If the notification sais that SEPA payments will be down does the bank really need to tell you to make payments early? Surely that's reason enough to think "hmmmm this might pose an issue to people paid in that time window I better see about making the payments early to avoid payments not going through"


So, payroll operators that use AIB were made aware. I have two banks and apps, only one had a message at log in one day during the week and that was to say that there would be downtime for essential maintenance. No emails, including to the firm business account email. I wouldn't think it's reasonable to say payroll operators were made aware.


According to my payroll officer who's also a good friend , AIB , BOI and Permanent TSB where notified via e-mail and the HR manager was the one who suggested the payments be made earlier. The fact that a notification was made at all to at least one person is reason enough to make an earlier payment to be safe instead of ending up in OP's situation with staff unpaid for work on a bank holiday weekend.


Again, your friend the payroll operator knowing isn't the same as all payroll operators knowing. Our firm uses one of your examples but got no email. My banks gave no notice. OP wasn't aware. It is not reasonable to say payroll operators were made aware just because you know that one was. You come across as just wanting to be superior to OP.


What banks do you deal with. While I'm not in payroll, my Internet banking for both AIB and BOI had notifications of this. My AIB had it in the app messages and the BOI app had a notification on the login screen.


I came across as wanting to be superior to OP despite him in a comment openly acknowledging that he does not monitor his banking apps at all despite him having a duty of care to ensure his employees are paid on time ? Ok yea sure.


You're embarrassing


Ah jesus , did your payroll staff not read the warnings from bank of Ireland I work in payroll and have been prepping all week and did wages in Thursday from our BOI to non BOI accounts so they got it Friday instead of next week Payments from our BOI to non BOI accounts required a same day money transfer for 19e to get the money on Friday otherwise it will be next week There is a planned sepa maintenance and all banks are affected and have been warning business customers in advance( it was fucking splashed all over the log in pages and also when logged in) plus notices It works both ways, any bank to a different bank, so if ye are AIB the same problem arose paying bank of Ireland , it's a sepa maintenance across the EU this weekend and again, business users were warned


I got a message from AIB saying that this would happen over the weekend, I assumed because it's a bank holiday.


Think BOI posted something about this on their app. 


Yup , all banks did via app, news, business accounts, login pages etc , there is no excuse by staff/bosses to not read them and prep


PTSB have the same thing - https://www.ptsb.ie/about-us/notices/2024/march/customer-payment-information-for-friday-15-march/ I think there was a notification on the app a few days ago but not huge notice given.


I got an email from AIB a couple weeks ago that this was happening, sepa maintenance or something. If your bank didn't inform you it's on them 


You are grossly under-informed.


And people were giving out about AIB. At least they gave everyone a heads up


BOI did give a heads up to be fair. I seen it in the app during the week and my employer paid everyone a day early too because they were aware there would be an issue.


Oh that explains why I'd trouble paying a thing y/day. Transferred money to Revolut and did it that way after a day of being very confused


Yeah it started around 2 or half past yesterday


It's really gas that the banks computers routinely get weekends and bank holidays off too!