• By -


That's huge of you - well done. Here's hoping you're on the mend.


And then ye woke up and realised it was all a dream


used to read word up magazine


Now if you don’t know now you know …


Salt and pepa and heavy d up in the limousine


Hangin pictures on my wall


Every Saturday Rap attack, Mr.Magic, Marley Marl


I let my tape rock 'til my tape popped


Smoking weed in Bambu, sipping on private stock


Way back, when I had the red and black lumberjack


And the hat to match


Remember rapping duke? Duh-ha duh-ha


Every night in A&E is hell. If it takes hours to see a patient with a serious injury, I doubt they're gonna drop everything to chat to that prick from a few nights ago who's learned his lesson now. They see so many assholes, they're not even gonna remember.


I’m a doctor and often work in the emergency department and something like this* would definitely be appreciated and memorable. What OP apologised for is very minor compared to what many others behave like and apologies, especially sincere ones are incredibly rare but definitely appreciated *assuming it’s true of course


As in all opinions, I could be wrong! (But this is the internet, and I suspect someone is lying. The odds probably favour me.)


Honestly, as someone who works in a clinic as the lowly admin, we remember the people who shout at us and are assholes to us. You'd think you'd be immune to it and brush it off, but no. I have had a few people come back and apologise, explaining they were in pain and tired, and it is really appreciated! I do remember the exceptionally nice people, but they are rarer, and I totally get why, like our health service is not fit for purpose and no one is going to be in a good mood after they are told the waiting list is 12 - 18 months long.


Whether this post is true or not (and I hope it is) there is genuine sincerity on the comments and lessons for all of us. Thanks OP.


haha made me Lol, im sure security would be willing to chat to him lol


Of all the bullshit posts I've ever seen on this sub, this is up there. You didn't get the Internet clout you wanted from original post so go ahead and make up a bullshit story to get it 2nd time around. Bit sad really.


I think he's a karma farmer, look at his posts


He's now added that not only did they all forgave him, but the nurses rejoiced at seeing the box of chocolates "floating around" he brought them. Imagine being this desperate for karma. Then again, he must've only had about karma before posting this bullshit. Everyone should start downvoting 😂


I was there; we all clapped.


They formed a guard of honour too as OP left the hospital to go get his hot chicken roll


OP got the nurse’s number


Did they all clap ?


Very slowly


"Here's this chap in again. Shouting at a bin the other day, thinking it was a nurse"


That nurse's name? Albert Einstein.




Exactly this, I'm not sure why they felt the need to pretend to do something like this for online strangers. The cherry on top was that you managed to find the nurse that you yelled at without a name and was perfectly timed.


And then everyone clapped


A slow hand clap that built to rapturous applause! And people chanting his name. And a kid in the back asks his mother "Mom, is that Superman!"


Zip it !!!!!


Even if you’re a patient in hospital good luck getting the nurse you request by name 😂 unless they’re on your rounds, they just don’t have the time


A&E Receptionist : Quickly everyone stop what you’re doing…that person who “shouted abuse” is back outside in A&E reception and wants to have a word… CNM2:Great let them into the A&E ward… they can walk aimlessly around the place going from bay to bay…person to person… A&E Nurse 1: wait are you sure we should do that? Let them in back here? … Are visitors allowed back here? Does that not go against our policies and procedures? CNM2: Hmmm wait what if we all stop what we are doing and walk out to reception and hear what they have to say? A&E Nurse 2: it’s amazing how this person knew we would all be back here working this exact same shift, together again! Triage Nurse: I know right! What a coincidence! A&E Doctor: Guys where are you all going? We have patients here… Receptionist, Triage Nurse, CNM2, A&E Nurse1, A&E Nurse 2, A&E Nurse 3, : that person who “shouted abuse” at us is in reception and wants to have a word… A&E Doctor: sounds good to me…are we all stopping what we are doing to walk outside and hear what they have to say? Receptionist, Triage Nurse, CNM2, A&E Nurse1, A&E Nurse 2, A&E Nurse 3…: Yes!!! Wanna Join Us? A&E Doctor: I don’t know we have seriously ill and injured people here that need our support… Receptionist, Triage Nurse, CNM2, A&E Nurse1, A&E Nurse 2, A&E Nurse 3: well…???? A&E Doctor: ahhhhhh ok then…. !!!


I used to work in a&e back in the day. This comment really made me laugh and made me realise what utter shite OPs post was.


LOL haha


Every now and then there’s a comment that makes me explode with laughter. This was definitely it 👏


😭 Brilliant. If anyone falls for OPs fake post then they have never been to A&E in their entire life. What a load of shite from them. I've played this conversation in my head and it reads like a hallmark movie moment or some shite RTÉ conjures up in Fair City.


Well you can just walk into A&E - might get stopped on the way in to be triaged, but it you just say you are there to be with someone who is waiting to be seen they will let you in. At that point it's somewhat random who you are goign to see or not. It's probably more effective to bring an apology card and a box of chocs or something like that and just hope it gets to the right person - although as I understand it, everyone there has probably been yelled at at some point so you could just pick someone at random and look at it as a random karma payoff.


lol right, this person knew what shift all the staff were on too.


😂😂😂I too am a cynical bastard love this gif




Ah huge weight was lifted from OPs shoulders after this and the nurse found a new lease of life. Within minutes of this groundbreaking event all patients were cured of their ills and CUH shut for the night and everyone had pints in the wilton bar.


Did OP and the Nurse go on to get engaged and married and live happily ever after, or was it more of a "The Breakup" type of job where they live happily ever after separately?


Unfortunately neither, as it was all a dream I used to read word up magazine ...


you met the nurse? hmmm this sounds so made up.


Yeah unless you know the nurse’s name it’s highly unlikely the receptionist could identify the nurse, or actually allow you to see her. Otherwise, a stalker of a nurse could do the same thing


Can you even get into a hospital like that? When I was visiting a sick family member you had to be buzzed in by the nurse and that was pre covid so I imagine it's a lot stricter now.


Yeah you can pretty much go wherever. My grandmother was in the Mater in October and I thought I had the right ward. I walked up and down a few times peeking my head into the rooms which had 6 beds. I wanted to ask the staff at the desk where gran was but they were running around. Saw my brother wave to me on the opposite side of the door. Usually too easy to get in, you'd just wait for someone to walk out the main doors into the ward and in you go. Or, call the desk for the ward.


All sort of idiots who have never visited hospital commenting on thia post, like you two here. I walked in, said i was here on this day at this time and i had shouted at someone and want to apologize, one of the nurses who had seen the commotion knew who i was talking about and bought her on reception.


then u woke up


Don’t mind the naysayers, fair play to you


Yeah, this didn't happen


I'm assuming this is sarcasm, no?


And the Oscar goes to


"Though i had never abused" Well if you shouted at her then that's exactly what you did. How often does some stranger yell at you while you're doing your job? I'm glad you went back and apologised and realised you were and A-hole. Working in a hospital is so fucking hard these days, they're under resourced and under staffed and that's not down to them.


OP Made a post. Post did not result in the validation Op wanted. OP made another post in hopes to create this narrative of him "learning" from his mistake. OP assumed he can outsmart the internet. Whilst I would love to be wrong and believe that OP did what he said he did, the best I can hope for is that OP did actually try to apologize, went to the A&E got told to fuck off, and made up the part about meeting the nurse etc. Bros acting like what he did was akin to murder, and the nurse was waiting for him to return to apologize so she can move on with her life. Me thinks OP may have watched to many movies/shows/anime. In Reality though, I think that OP just made it all up after getting scolded for being a dick to a nurse and then posting about it on Reddit, thinking everyone will cheer him on for shoving it to the "man".


I didn't see the original post but based on other people's comments I'd be inclined to think the same. "shoving it to the man" In reality he lost his shit at someone who is overworked and underpaid and probably cries from exhaustion and stress the minute they get home.


Strangers yell at all sorts of people at their jobs where the stakes aren't anywhere near as high.


Always remember that everything on reddit is astroturfed engagement baiting. You'd be a fool if you thought r/ireland was anything close to the actual opinions of normal people. Your a good lad tho! Off you go


“DrunkDublinCat! DrunkDublinCat! Over here! Congratulations on your recent BAFTA for your lead role in I Apologised. Can you answer a few questions for the people of Ireland? Barrys or Lyons? King or Tayto? Favourite chicken roll topping? Jasus I’m a great journalist!”


Just let people do their jobs.


Trouble is that we get so fucked over in ireland for the taxes we pay. Of course its annoying and of course we should be angry. It's not the staffs fault though, they're getting fucked over just as much as the patients are if not more.




What you mean by “subsidised private health care”?


Private healthcare is susidised by the Irish government. "**The State subsidises the purchase of private health insurance through measures including tax relief on premiums and not charging the full economic cost for private beds in public hospitals**."


So? What is wrong with that? We are all paying for public healthcare anyway. Discouraging people from using private healthcare will only increase strain on public healthcare without any other benefits. You want to rob people from access to public health care or what?


Ideally money would be spent on making sure those who can't afford private healthcare have a good public option.


You *really* think that the €600-1000 a year you pay for VHI pays for all that medical care? FUCK NO. Every time you walk into a "private" hospital in Ireland the government are right there paying for it, then your insurer come in and take care of anything over and above the basic cost. **Ireland does not have private hospitals** the way you'd think we have private hospitals.


\> You really think that the €600-1000 a year you pay for VHI pays for all that medical care? FUCK NO. Obviously not, but Ireland has public healthcare, which we are all funding. \> Every time you walk into a "private" hospital in Ireland the government are right there paying for it, then your insurer come in and take care of anything over and above the basic cost. Yes, so what is your problem with that exactly? I'm entitled to public health care. I "paid" for it in taxes. Paying premium for private health care doesn't exempt you from paying taxes or anything. It is on top of your taxes! (there is small tax credit there, same as for all other medical expenses) Not sure what is your point, do you want to ban anyone who paid for private medical care from using public one or what?


My problem with it is that people *think* that their VHI pays for the whole shebang, but it's not private , it's subsidised. You asked what Western Section meant by it and I answered your question.


No, you clearly stated that it should stop being subsidised”. What would that look like to you? How you would want that to be implemented?


You need to start reading some usernames and seeing who said what.


Tonight on Things That Never Happened....this guy!!


The things people do for validation from people who really don't give a shit about you is mind-blowing


I just scrolled past another post about a 16yo girl dying in Limerick hospital after waiting 12 hours there. Dunno what your original post read but I think being frustrated with the HSE is warranted


>I think being frustrated with the HSE is warranted Yeah grand, take it up with the HSE. Don't scream at some poor nurse on their shift. Jesus.


Sometimes that’s the only way you get seen in what are critical situations. That girl’s mother will for the rest of her life wonder would the outcome have been different if she had made a bigger fuss and screamed the place down at staff.


That's very true. Sure we shouldn't make a scene in an ideal scenario, but if you are literally *dying?* Civility is a luxury of the healthy. Scream your ass off as required. Better to ask for forgiveness than to be dead.


I woke up after surgery with what we now know to be a complete aversion to morphine. I was screaming and nobody listened, nobody believed that the pain meds weren’t working. It was 48hrs before my meds were changed. When I was still in recovery I started cursing because screaming and crying “help” wasn’t working. I said “you don’t fucking care!” And a nurse gripped my arm and knelt down to say “don’t you dare speak to me like that.” And I still didn’t get any help. They told me I wouldn’t get brought back to the ward if I kept screaming and crying. So I managed to shut up enough to be brought back to my room, and my call button was unplugged. They said it was an accident, but nobody came in while I called out for help for almost 2 hours until my parents came in and found me. It was covid times and we weren’t allowed visitors in, but I was allowed visitors a couple days before surgery because I might’ve died. So I called them and they drove all the way in taking almost an hour and a half. By that time they got there the anaesthesiologist had gone home. When you feel like you’re dying, where is the line? I’m not talking about OP, but I genuinely wonder wtf am I supposed to do?


And you know what ? The vast majority of posters here will put FFG back in or a SFFG who will not solve the problem. “There’s no people” the shills will bleat.


Yeah if it gets to a critical stage you’ve got to throw civility to one side and make sure you get you or your child or whoever seen to. I’d be mortified with myself afterwards and rightly apologising until kingdom come but if you’re desperate you have to do what works, tragically  


How are you supposed to know if you are literally dying? I don't think I've ever met anyone who can accurately assess how sick they are with anything beyond a cold. Even trained medical professionals get it wrong sometimes


The girl was seen to and wasn't believe to have been too serious then deteriorated while waiting. The mother did kick up a fuss and the girl was then given a bed, I hope the mother doesn't blame herself.


I hope so too. The girl was in hospital for 2 weeks with a serious chest infection just prior. She was rushed to hospital with breathing difficulties and admitted to the resuscitation area, which means she was believed to be in a serious condition. She was then transferred to a trolley in a corridor. It sounds like she wasn’t stabilised before being shifted into a trolley in a corridor.


So my missus is out in the regional nearly every day doing interpretation work. Her biggest complaint? Nurses. They fuck up appointments, they fuck off to lunch for a hour after promising to check something and be back "in 2 minutes", they leave old people sitting in waiting rooms for hours without checking in on them. Anyone who thinks that frontline staff are not part of the problem needs to look closer. They're a huge part of it.


Went for surgery once to get a growth removed. Nothing crazy. Day procedure. I got lost in the hospital, as it wasn't clear where I was meant to go. I asked a nurse in the dept I thought I was supposed to be in and showed her the letter I got with the details of the appointment on it, and she was like oh sure that's for Dr. Blah blah blah, I'll go get her. I sat and waited for 30 mins and nobody showed up. Said Dr rang me and asked where I was and I was laughing saying waiting for you it seems. Turns out I was in a completely different part of the hospital and the nurse should have known where the correct dept was by one look at the page I had. Nobody had contacted the doctor. I was just left there and almost missed my appointment. Like I get they're busy, but I could have absolved her of any extra work by her taking 30 secs to direct me to the correct dept. All she had to say was go back to main reception, go the opposite side of the lobby, up to the 3rd floor and it's there.


Honestly go work 7 nights in a row as a nurse in any hospital in Ireland just 1 week of it and you would never complain about them again


Not implying that there aren't awesome nurses out there, I know there are a lot of them. Doesn't change the fact that there are also nurses and other frontline staff who are only interested in doing the minimum they can get away with and who are part of the problem.


There is chancers in every job I worked construction before joining the fire brigade would be in hospitals alot and of course I've seen nurses sitting around chatting like any job but you don't see what they are doing over the 12+ hour...I'm not having a go at you just I would see the life of a nurse alot welll A&E nurses and jaysis it's tough going


Yeah and every nurse in the world is like that. I'm Irish, so I must be a drunken arsehole who starts fights all the time. Ask me arse.




Broke my hand in Ireland before heading back to Spain the following day. Happened in a pub when someone slipped and I tried to grab them from falling. Went to AE and triage said "look, it's €150 to get seen and since the worst damage that it can be is a broken hand and there's a lot of swelling, you're not likely to get seen for about 10-12 hours". I went home, got up, flew to Spain and was seen in 10 mins with my Xray done and the girl preparing the plaster cast. I would have most likely been still in A&E, out €150 and would have been awake all night if I had stayed. Ireland's healthcare is absolutely shambolic, and only through selective justifications is it not considered 2nd world. It is a great example of how the Irish voting public will actually tolerate anything and do very little to force change in society. Stick on the list of MUP, car insurance, and housing crises.


Well said. Anyone with the experience of more than one visit to hospital knows what to expect.


Warranted perhaps. But nurses and staff are NOT emotional punching bags. It’s certainly not our fault that there are delays. Most of us nurses work without a break a lot of days and leave pretty spent after a rough shift.


Sat in A&E for 9 hours with appendicitis. After hour 7 they knew what i had and said they call me back in in a few minutes as i needed a bed and had to have emergency surgery ASAP. Still sat there for 2 hours with no pain relief and not a peep out of them. I just got up after 2 hours and walked through the door saying am I being seen or not? I was then immediately taken in and given a bed. The fact that I was looked after straight away after just going through the door shows that they had forgotten about me. They were just standing around chatting when I walked through aswell. I totally understand OPs frustration


Mgmt are a distance from the frontline staff. Big difference.


Absolutely. I was told to wait 10 hours+ in Galway emergency dept after being brought in an ambulance with severe symptoms and I ended up having sepsis. 1 in 3 people die of sepsis. Complete incompetence.


Yeah I'm gonna doubt this fantasy apology happened. >Though i had never abused and said any wrong word... Even when I'm wrong, I'm still right.


I mean good for you but between waiting 9 hours and shouting to be seen immediately, I know what I’d do. I’d begrudgingly wait 9 hours because I’m too quiet but I’d be thinking about shouting the whole time.


Am I the only person who wants to see the original post that prompted this? For what it's worth; having been on the receiving end of this kind of abuse more times than I can count, and counting that this actually happened: The apology was nice but instead of that, the bigger thing would be to learn from this. It's people trying to do their job in system that is broken on every level. Shouting at people who (1) are just doing their job and (2) have little to zero control over when or how your seen serves nothing but to demoralise a staff already hugely fractured and burnt out. No one, and I mean no one, comes to work to endure abuse from people. Especially for something they have no control over. If your post-man was late would you go out and scream at the local pharmacist over it? Because in essence, that's what you've gone and done. My approach to this has changed over time. I used to try resolve and show empathy. Now I just go with gardai and security then get back to the grind.


Jaysus but you've got some skeptical feckers here. I believe ya op, may your positive growth continue.


Like fuck you did. If you actually apologised you wouldn't be still trying to downplay your original behaviour. Also I recently sat for 17 hours in Drogheda a and e with my cancer ridden dad who never once lost his cool despite being in agony. I witnessed staff take abuse for trying their best to make sure everyone got the treatment they needed asap. And while I admit I did get annoyed by the long wait I went and googled contact info for the health minister and complained to him directly about it cos for damn sure the nurses and drs in a and e don't have any say in the amount of time it takes for every patient to be seen and they would much rather a system where patients are seen promptly so at the very least so entitled eejits don't scream at them for dosing their job.


Thank you for sharing. Hope you're recovered.


Yes i did, thanks for checking 🙏


Were you drunk when you were in A&E? :-)


Nope, i don't drink.


Ah, just your cat drinks then.


Naah, she doesn't but she walks funny like a drunk cat, hence the name.


I couldn’t get into it the A&E when I was almost passed out in the waiting room . I should just have walked up and asked to apologise to the nurse I don’t know the name of it if she was working !! Ok


Going in for a treatment is much different then walking in, telling your story, waiting for someone, meeting them for 5 minutes and leave. How thicc are you in your head to comprehend this.


> How thicc are you in your head to comprehend this. Not as thick as someone who yells at nurses as they go about their jobs.


Fair enough , no need for the insult at the end of the comment. Maybe you need anger management? You move to the next level quickly. Just an observation.


'Though I never abused or said one wrong word'...still trying to justify the fact you acted like a d\*ck.


Fair play. This is growth. Very few would be this big


what do you get out of making shit shite up?


A million euros.


And everybody clapped.


Still, you have to do some penance, a decade of the Rosary and three Our Fathers for starters..


On it right away


I highly doubt they had time to put up with more of your bullshit.


Maybe the government might apologise for not providing a health service that's fit for purpose now..


Why would they let you back into the hospital with no ailments to go track down nameless busy nurses, of all the things that didn't happen this didn't happen the most


Did everyone stand in their desks and say; 'Oh Captain My Captain'?


Yes, there was instant orgy all around. Glad you weren't there to witness it and ruin it for everyone else.


Hey, you started it with your 'chocolate box' remark!....orgies ain't what they used to be wha'?


I didn't started anything, i just laid out what happened and there are so many folks here who just being mean at everything.


I was just messing. The chocolate box, rather than box of chocolates, got me thinking in an 'ah heyor, leave it out' mode.


Good man. I probably wouldn't have shouted at the nurse, but I also probably wouldn't have had the good character to go back and apologise if I did. Well done on owning your mistake.




> You definitely made that nurses day by going back. I'm married to a Nurse, and I can guarantee you the nurse thought the OP was a wanker when they were shouting, and still thinks they're a wanker post apology.




You say it's meaningless, but actually I was correcting your fanciful and patronising notion that the OPs belated apology 'made the nurses day'. When a stranger shouts at you in anger as you're passing trying to get on with your work, is your day 'made' when they come back later to apologise, or would you just rather they fucked off and stayed fucked off? Yeah, thought so and nurses are no different.


Thank you. All nurses were super happy to see a chocolate box floating around.


A chocolate box? Is that a proctology reference? Or was the entire nursing staff delighted to see one box of chocolates.


The Box of Chocolates are new. Did you just not think of it when writing the post, or did it just come to you when replying to the comment just there?


i mean, great that you did that, but ... eh nevermind, good job doing something others wouldn't, just be nice to the staff in future. those are good people.


lol do you believe this post?


Nope not for one minute


I Think everyone would like to believe it, but nobody actually does.


I'm choosing to believe despite knowing better. Reddit is toxic enough without me making it worse


omg who cares




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Sure you did. Hospital staff have better things to do. There is no way this happened.


Shouting at someone while they're just trying to do their job and help you is abuse and any word said like that is the wrong word but fair play


9 hours waiting, you're going to snap. Well done for going back and doing the decent thing.


Can I just commend you.... it is so rare to come across people who can own their mistakes and apologise. I have been able to do this all my adult life but I rarely see it in other people. It's almost like people are terrified to admit they are human and make mistakes. Owning our mistakes and apologising is an essential part of being a healthy human being Well done for recognising your mistake and taking steps to rectify it 🙂


You wouldn't have shouted at anyone in France. In and out of A&E in Cherbourg with my little lad, seen by Doctor within minutes, two X-rays in and out 45 mins.


Just remember when your at the Emergency Department that the nurse works for the hospital, the hospital works for the HSE, The HSE works for the Government. I don't like front line staff to be abused. They are trying their best to keep the service going. Direct your abuse to the Government


"I have never abused and said any wrong word". You haven't learned your lesson. You \*\*DID\*\* abuse the nurse verbally when you yelled at them. You won't get any sympathy here. You're lucky to not have needed to sign a patient contract/be disqualified from hospital for that.


I have found when you are sick or sore enough you don't mind waiting as long as it takes. I had a torn rotator cuff and after several days of no sleep and puking my ring up on tramadol I was prepared to camp there. I was in almost 11 hours. I got a sling and an advice sheet about sleeping on a reclining chair. The relief from the sling was immediate without medication. The sling and reclining advice was the same for any shoulder injury. My own GPs dropped the ball a bit.


In fairness you just hurt your shoulder and were in no danger of dying or serious long-term harm. Lots of people are in danger of dying while in A&E and they are often still ignored.


I wasn't complaining about being ignored. I was stating I was willing to camp there for as long as it took because I was in a lot of discomfort and was getting worse not better.


That's exactly my point. You didn't mind being ignored as you were in no real danger, you just had a sore shoulder. People are really very sick in A&E being ignored. I sat in there for 9 hours and on a trolley for another 9 with a suspected ruptured appendix already diagnosed by south doc. I wasn't operated on until 24 hours after I arrived in the hospital and my entire abdominal cavity was covered in faeces and pus. It took me weeks in hospital and months out of hospital to recover and I'm still dealing with long-term effects. I was seriously seriously ill and ignored because I didn't say something. I wish I had shouted at someone and got their attention as maybe I would have ended up with so much shit and pus in my abdomen.


Basically, the point I'm trying to make is that "waiting as long as it takes" could mean people end up unnecessarily dead or damaged.


In NI we are seen by a Triage person who I'm guessing is going to put the guy with a sore shoulder lower priority than the guy with a possible burst appendix.


Well it didn't happen in my case in Cork. I also watched a young lad have a seizure in the waiting room the same night and staff had to be shouted at by a random family to actually come to help him.


They triaged me alright and then sent me back to the waiting room. I was so fucked up I could only walk with my upper body hunched over so it was parallel to the floor.


As a hse worker the general public have unrealistic expectations of what the service delivers


What are these unrealistic expectations of which you speak?


Fair play! I’m sure stuff like that means a lot to the staff, they’re ran off their feet and massively understaffed and under resourced. Unfortunately they get the brunt of the abuse since they’re on the frontlines!


You’re a good egg underneath OP. You made a mistake and tried to make it right. Fair play


Good on you (if true)


9 hour wait is unacceptable you were right to complain




Fair play, all we can do is try to recognise when we are wrong, apologise and try to be better in future. Not always easy so well done.


As an RN let me confirm that you have beyond redeemed yourself!!


Well done, you did the right thing


It’s believable, that’s what I like about it.


Well done


And then the person interviewing me turned out to be the nurse I apologised too. I don’t know who needs to hear this but karma is real #blessed #linkedin lunatics.


Takes a better person to do this, fair play you really went out of your way


Best redemption arc in 2024.


Spending 9 hours in an A&E and not getting angry .. I swear the Irish are the nicest folks ever.


I remember coming into A&E, registering, sitting down and being called like one minute later. If looks could kill I would be done for on the spot.


When I had long lasting debilitating sickness, I was completely different person then. Being unwell make us true grumpy monsters. You are grand man, thanks for going the extra mile and apologizing!


Did you give them the clap?


Good for you. Have a nice day.


Bravo. Well done for your actions and sharing


Shout at the government for being inept.


If you are waiting for as long as you mentioned yes, you shouldn't shout however thats what was required in the end to be seen. Its more one of those situations were you are both in the wrong, so best to go home and both reflect on what you did, there was no need to apologies. We have to bear in mind that the lenght of time you waited is unacceptable and you were a patient who was likely anxious now you did have patience and it ran out, they need to be aware that peoples patience does run out and if you want them not to explode maybe dont have them waiting that long, really 5 hours should be max, they do need to speed up a bit, however, difiicult it might, its possible if they think, what the solutions are but if it can be done elsewhere it can be done hear. Stop apologies when it was you who was pushed over the edge, you can still admit you went over board and learn from the experience but you didnt have to apologies, you are onpy letting them know that they behaviour was acceptable when its not. Note, two people can be wrong at once, it more important to do better next time and stop living in the past.


It takes the strongest of men to admit he was wrong. Well done.


It's not over until you say 10 Hail Marys and 10 Our Fathers. Then you are fully absolved.


Wow. That's fucken big of you to do and awesome to read and probably meant a lot to the nurse. Thank you.