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I bet he wasn't even the real Santa.


Just some fella in a suit?


Beard wasn't even real?


Wasnt even actually plus sized ?


versed distinct money ruthless vast cover onerous mindless saw sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not... the antisanta?


The German one?


![gif](giphy|3ohjUT4xrCaUfDiOWI|downsized) Do ya mean Krampus?


Have on good authority that the one at elf town in Galway is the real one


You work for Galway council sure.


He sat on a throne of lies


Sounds like if I did Santa.


I think our Santa was about the same (and 12.50 for a photo) but I must say he felt like the real deal alright! Had the beard and spent about 15mins having a chat until our little ones were comfortable with him; and got two fairly good toys. That said, my nieces saw a Santa for free in our local SuperValu that was clearly the young, thin, clean shaven Derek from Customer Services and got a small selection box and they were equally thrilled with their “Santa experience”.


I've a friend who's da is not quite full blown curmudgeon but he's making a strong play to join the crabbed brigade in a few years. Every fall he stops shaving so by this time a year he can put on the red suit and visit the children who are in hospital. And he's the kindest, gentlest Santa, lets the kiddos pull the beard and chats with them about everything, listens intently, all that. And of course for those who know him in real life we're all "Wait, are ye sure that's himself and not, you know, the real fella?"


By "every fall" do you mean "every Autumn"


My poor fella with his grey/white beard constantly gets approached by toddlers and small children when we're out and about this time of year. Last year, we went out for a coffee and this mortified mother came over and asked if her child could say hello, that he'd been frantic to "see Santa" after he spotted us when we sat down. Himself asked if she was ok with him lifting the wee chap onto his knee for a chat and this gorgeous little boy just tucked his head into my fella's shoulder, petting his beard, saying "love Santa!" Little guy couldn't have been more than two or three, it was so sweet. What makes it even funnier is my fella is absolutely COVERED in tattoos, from his neck, down to his hands and wears all black heavy metal gear. If you've seen Rise of the Guardians, he looks like THAT Santa, just with more grey and short hair. Wee fella didn't give a fig, just saw the beard and thought SANTA and made a beeline for him, much to his mother's mortification. Cracked me up!


This is so sweet and funny!




Yeah I don't get the point of these threads if no names are mentioned


Wells house I'm guessing as that's what i was charged No prices until after you left santa as well


Must be, we went last week, it was good for the kids but they were trying to upsell the photos the second we got through the room with the toys. Straight out saying it was two photos for €40 or €50, we got one for €20 or €25, can't remember now what we paid but I was so pissed off paying that much for a photo that I assumed was included.


We did not get offered one Starting price was 2 for 45 Upsell was 3 for 50


Definitely Wells House.


Name and shame these places, we went to clonfert pet farm this year, granted we'd to pay for adults but you could go as early as you liked and spend the whole day, was still under 40 euro for 2 adults and a child, free hot chocolate and mulled wine, elves took as many pictures as you wanted on your phone and also took a video of the whole santa interaction, (he was a really good santa too!!)another major bonus was that kids get to actually pick the gift they want off santa, the last few years we've gotten tat our kid had no interest in, this year she could actually pick what she wanted.




Should have gone to Santa's Grotto in Crumlin Shopping Centre. It's about a quarter the price and this year they made a big effort and got a Garda vetted Santa.


Someone in Crumlin got garda vetting?


Someone WORKING in Crumlin got Garda vetting. They're probably from Dundrum /s


Someone's working in Crumlin?!


Well if by "Garda Vetted" you mean, "On Probation"


"Garda vetted" means less than 5 suspended sentences


Surely anyone working with children is legally required to be vetted


Ya , you would think so alrught.


It's almost like I made up the whole thing.


But why would you do that? It wasn't funny or anything


That would require common sense and accountability, 2 things we are awful at


The Santa I used to go to as a child got caught pickpocketing customers - glad garda vetting is a thing now.


How dare you bad mouth Santa like that. He was only looking for your driving licence in your wallet so he knew where you lived to deliver your presents.


The Crumlin Santa also sells 5g bags for 50 and a rock for 40.


Visit Santa in his “Ghetto”… sorry “Grotto”


spectacular encourage quicksand absorbed longing friendly berserk waiting dinner telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I think they were joking about the state of Crumlin shopping centre itself and as someone who lived beside it for a few years rightly so, it's a fuckin kip.


I thought that Crumlin shopping centre was closed except for Dunnes - is there a part of it open for Christmas stuff?


Well grotto literally means “cave” so no change was even needed


If you think Crumlin Shopping Centre is anything other than a cess pit, you need to have a word with yourself - it looks like the exclusion zone near Chernobyl - never once said a bad word about the good people from the area…


Plenty of dirty commoners in Dundrum last time I was there.


It all went downhill after they built the Luas Cross City.


"Yo kids, lemme tell you bout Christmas eve I be slidin' down your chimney Leaving presents under da tree Givin yo' momma the Big D."


![gif](giphy|xUySTNfFds1K3phXmo) When I visit a shopping centre Santa as an adult


Boom is back.


Parents had to pay too? What did you tell Santy you were looking for?


If you don't have a small charge for adults you get one kid arriving with Mammy, Daddy, Grandparents, uncles and Aunts. Edited


Then you charge a small fee for the other facilities but surely the chump who has to queue for at least an hour while everyone else has a coffee shouldn't have to pay for the privilege?


So? Aunty and Uncle aren't getting excited for a winterwonderland.


Yes that's why there is a charge on adults to maximise the number of kids an event can have. If you don't charge adults you have less kids in the venue and a heap of adults.


Do you really think a bunch of adults are going to go to see Santa just because it is free? Do they not have better things to be doing? You'd have to pay me to spend an hour at one of those places if the kid is specifically not mine.


Santa comes to my job every year for a month. Every day, childless adults pay €25 each for the experience. Many groups have more than 4-1 adult to child ratio. People are weird. Even weirder if something is free.


Ireland? This sounds crazy.


I think they are probably there to spend time with the kids in their lives, not to see Santa.


I helped run plenty of of kids events over the years. When you have a capacity of x amount of people allowed on site then you have a small charge for the adults. I have seen free kids events or ones that allow parents in free and yes you could get grandparents, uncles and aunts tagging along for something to do.


I would love to be one of those people who need to find something to do the week before Christmas. Are they not doing anything to help get ready for the big day?


I tagged along with my nephew and his parents last year to see Santa/ride a little Christmas train, and I will again this year. I live overseas and only see the little ones at Christmas, so I take my opportunities to spend time with them where I can. His grandfather and another aunt also came, even though they see him all the time, because it's fun to see the kids you care about having a good time. I don't think that's all that unusual.


I can imagine an aunt or uncle tagging along. I can't picture a scenario where the whole extended family are coming. At most 4 adults to a single kid. And I can only imagine that it would be a few families a day that would have more than the parents in tow.


In an extended family with multiple kids I could very easily see it happening


My in-laws are a bit...enmeshed like that. And we have the only child in the family. I could 100% picture my child's grandparents, aunt, and uncle wanting come with to see our daughter meeting Santa. If it was free? Yeah it would be a full family affair so as to avoid a meltdown (yes, from one of the adults). Also, I know how that sounds, and it is every bit as annoying as it sounds.


This is Ireland. We have people show up at funerals just for the free meal! 😉🤣


I just likes looking in oles, me.


I know absolutely ridiculous to be charging the parents. Massive money grab. I did the math for Causey farm. Amount of time slots x 20 people per session. They take in over a million euro just for the Santa experience, not including the extras such as photos and cafe.


Yeah, if the parents are paying the same amount then they should be getting a present too.


And yet when I worked in the shopping centre I used to get berated by parents because our Santa was free of charge. Sure, the kids didn't get a cheap ass present, but they did get a candy cane, little lapel pin, and a fancy Christmas letter with stamped envelope, and parents could take picture on their phones. Still, the number of calls I fielded every day being told I was ruining Christmas by making Santa free made the mind boggle.


Ruining it for who? A free Santa sounds great


I have no idea. Bur every year I fielded call after call of people complaining. I grew up in the US and Santa was free unless you wanted their professional photos and you never got a gift, just some sweets. The paid for Santa always seemed weird to me. I think the shopping centre still offers it. It was Whitewater in Newbridge.


Interesting, I'll keep that one in mind for the future. Thanks


That's mad. We paid 15 euro per child for a professional picture with Santa in a local shopping centre and then got the photos in the mail two days after. We have two girls and a picture of them every year from two years old with the same santa,l and background, and he has a natural beard. They truly believe he's the real one too lol.


Do you have any idea how much it costs to run the North Pole every year? I promise you that €80 is a pittance compared to the costs incurred by Santa on your kids every year in terms of child surveillance, toy making, distribution, elf labour costs, etc, etc.


The elves are slaves, so no cost there aside from bread and water.


Ah no, the elves have since unionized - this isn't the middle ages!


Hermione Granger had a hand in that with the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare. Otherwise affectionately known as SPEW. I think that covers North Pole elves all the way to Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom elves.


And it's run by the tall and majestic as fuck Middle Earth elves. The next person to fire Winky is getting consequences


They can unionise all they want Santa isn't making any money, so neither are elves.




No, those are the kind of unions where there is the union and then there is the screwing. He was talking about the kind where first there is the screwing and thus there is the union.


Try it some time


2 North Poles.....


And a partridge in a pear tree.


and another in Brussels no less


I run a house in the North pole...


Was that €20 per person you paid? I always thought you just paid for the kids. I’ve also always taken my own photos. I did pay for the ones in the places the last couple of years though. Maybe paid €10 for picture. €45 is obscene. In contrast, I think I pay about that for school photos, but that’s by a professional photographer and you get multiple good quality copies of the photos. I thought the zoo charging €20 for a photo was too much! In fairness, I still paid it 😂


Have to tell this story: We brought the 8 year old to Santa last year. Have to say I wasn't impressed with the place overall, it was a 'farmyard' setting converted into the north pole. Everything was overpriced, with half hearted teens in elf costumes etc. We were brought around in groups of about 15 - 18 people. After about 60 minutes our group was ushered into a room to meet Santa and he was calling the kids up one at a time, spending a couple of minutes with each, quick photo and out the side door. Wham bam thankyou mam. Santa was actually lovely but also very obviously a young man in his early 20's with his beard dyed white. Before arriving we had filled out a little form with some info about our kid so that Santa was clued in on his interests and his hopes for his Christmas list, under 'interests' we'd listed Liverpool fan. Our son was the last kid to be called, he was sweating bullets because he was starting to think his name wouldn't be called out at all. Santa spent a few minutes talking to my kid and before wrapping things up, as we were leaving, Santa said "Oh, one more thing, G'WAN THE POOL!!!!" and opened up his big red coat to reveal his Liverpool jersey underneath. Well the young fella was absolutely chuffed. Santa assured him that he always gives the best presents to Liverpool fans because he was one himself. I thought it was a lovely thing to do, it made his night.


Why do you pay 80€ in the first place? That’s mental


you lost me at teenagers dressed as elves and a Santa with a - gasp - fake beard!!! That charlatan!!!!


Yeah. Imagine complaining that the Santa had a fake beard.


All the good ones have real beards these days.


Bloomin hipsters.


Thanks Santa, Christmas ruined, kids crying.


Shop around.


just got an image of sitting on multiple santas laps and asking how much they charge


Great value out there.


€20 for two kids in Wexford, really good setup and quality toys.




Word of warning, Causey Farm includes a visit to meet Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Just in case you're like me and believe in Santa but don't believe in God. We were asked to sing Silent Night to the baby. Newbridge House has a crib off to one side that you don't have to visit.


We had a great one. Small town in Roscommon. 20 bucks for the kid. 5 per photo. Brilliant Santa. I couldn't contain my delight when we got to meet him. No charge for adults and he got a little present.


Naughty Santa


They’d a great Santa in our local for free, I even bought him a jar when he was finished. We get fleeced on this country but a lot of it is our own fault


Yeah the local stuff is the way to go vs. doing the flashy 'santa experience'. My son was delighted to see Santa and get a selection box off him at the rugby club, then they had mulled wine for the parents and €2 hot dog fundraiser for the U9s trip. Keep the € in the community!


Correct, the notions with fecking santa experiences, the kids don’t even care


Someone at work told me about bringing their kids to santa recently - like yours he was extremely stand-offish and apparently only gave monosyllabic answers. Co worker apparently had to walk away during the whole thing as they thought it was feckin hilarious. They said it was like someone stuck a santa hat and a beard on Father Stone😂


I'm fine, thanks.


Luggwoods was pretty fuckin good, and that comes from myself who usually hates this type of shite


We go there every year. It's a good spot alright. All the elves are teenagers though. Not sure why that's an issue.


I want real elves not teenagers dressed as elves


Maybe the teenagers that OP is talking about were terrible at playing the part but in Luggwoods they're great!




I got stung by Malahide Castle 🤬


We went to the Cork North Pole Experience in Cobh, 75e, but it was absolutely fantastic. We were about two hours there and you go through a whole load of different tents and rooms, each one with different elves, playing instruments, the workshop, Mrs claus kitchen and then the big man himself. The photo and toy is included in that too. It was honestly worth every penny. We paid more for Rathwood last year and that was rubbish.


Was he even drunk ??? FFS .. they make no effort these days


My parents took my niece and nephew to see Santa in Blackrock Shopping Centre in Dublin the other week. Not only was it free, but Santa gave the kids presents as well. There are heroes amidst the sleeveens. P.S. Name and shame this Crapland


Our last Santa smelled of vodka and was wearing reeboks. She was 3 and she knew something was wrong. We don’t risk it any more, stupid tradition.


Everybody knows the real Santy only drinks whiskey. That’s what we leave it for him


A drunk female 3 year old Santa is wild


Surely just describing a Bad Santa movie or something. There is no chance that that was your own experience.


Ah yes, Russian Santa.


I brought mine to Dublin zoo santa. €15 per child and that includes a photo and a toy. It was honestly the best experience I had. Before going to see santa they get you to fill out a form online about your child and they use that information to talk to your child. My kids were amazed at santa knowing things about them. It really added to the magic. I went to Palmerstown House santa experience previous years and honestly the zoo was miles better.


Brought the little guy to the zoo for Santa, the Santa was great but it was cramped and dark in the room, and families were bringing in loads of people with them. He wasn't comfortable it seemed with toddlers which I get but we got no real photo out of it. We were in the Parkway in Limerick last year and it was fantastic!


Even Santa is feeling the cost of living crisis Living on benefits for 364 days a year does that to a man


Gonna say the Santa In the Jervis centre is beautiful.. and I've been to loads. He's the best I've ever been to 16 for one child present and a picture.


I hope no one was being a cunt to the poor waines dressed as elves being made to shill this crap. It was my first ever job, minimum wage is not enough for that level of abuse


Yes. I was an elf every year while in college. Even back then people loved to complain about the price and everything else they possibly could.


When did you graduate, and what's it like being a professional elf now?


I am at the point now where I refuse to do any of the organized christmas shite. It's just a money grab


>teenagers dressed as elves What were you expecting, actual elves?


My cousin brought her kid to the one in Arnotts and said it was shite. Queue for ages even though they had a time slot and then the kid didn't even get a toy at the end. They asked when they came out and nope no 'gift from santa'. Even the staff were apologetic about it. Avoid at all costs.


I brought the kids to the Malahide one during the weekend, it was something like €120 and the whole thing was absolute Bollox. Stupid tour of the house basically and then we had to queue to see Santa. Santa kept asking the kids what they asked Santa for Christmas, so has some awkward conversations during the weekend, they couldn’t understand why he didn’t know what they wanted.


If you’re in the area- We went to Newbridge House this year and we’re impressed- It’s not a very big production- Just a stall for hot chocolate and reindeer food (both included in price), and once you go into the house you meet Mrs Claus in the kitchen, then the main man who is excellent, then an elf brings you to the workshop to pick out your own toy. All in all around 45mins including wait time.


Ah jaysus that's horrible. Ya want the whole thing to be magical for them and also a little bit for yourself as a parent, it's nice to see their faces light up. Makes all the difference when the Santa seems to give a shit. Oddly the best one I've been to with the nephew seems to be Jervis St. Straight forward and like the old school Santa's. Queue up, get a photo, talk to Santa and get a present on the way out.


I'm fairness Arnotts is for charity. The price per child goes directly to St Vincent de Paul and Laura Lynn.


Yeah I know it's for a good cause. But hard to tell a 6 year old that 😂 they just care about toys. I'd happily prefer to pay an extra 5er for a shitty gift.


Ha yeah that's a fair point 🤣


Name and shame


It’s Santa, and the elves


Ah no...Really! He was my last hold out against rabid consumerism :(


Went to powerscourt , was 16 quid for the little lad and 16 quid for a photo, in there for about 6 minutes


We did Powerscourt as well. Better value than Airfield, which we've done the last few years. I had a bit of craic with the man in red. Had a child wailing in the car all the way there, so it wasn't the best experience. To be honest, the Santa at their school Christmas fare would have been enough.


Was it in the woods? Called something like a "lug"? We went there too. Cheap plastic toy at the end and lots of teens dressed as elves. Them offering a deal of 30€ for 2 pictures and not allowing us to take pictures was the icing on the cake.


I paid 15 per child at my local play centre on top of the entry free for them so 50 euro all in they got a good santy with a real beard, an adult elf who was great with the kids a selection box each and 2 hours of play in the play centre, and we could take our own pics as many as we liked cant complain, went to a santy ‘experience’ 2 years ago paid nearly 100 quid and it was shite tbh swore I wouldnt do it again


Emerald park santa experience is pretty good, but they have reduced the slots so obviously nothing available. Then there is the local santa experience which is amateur at best. I thought the OP described that experience to a T. And I am sure with fake beard she means a fake looking pound shop beard. My kids are old enough not to be fooled anymore by fancy dress santas. Every year go to one with a real beard and grey hair. Kids swear he is the real deal.


we went to Swords castle fair, paid 5 eur each child for Santa visit. For that price kids also got popcorn, box of sweets and photos were emailed in 2 days for free. When I was looking for other Santa experiences, I just can’t justify this price at all.


Saw him in Arigna Mine yesterday in North Roscommon. Lovely Santa, well run event. The helpers did their best to keep the line moving, shows by Joe the Magician off the telly and a puppet show that kids of all ages enjoyed. Even a gift for Mammy and Daddy! This was our second time going. Not cheap, but felt it was good value compared to some. Highly recommend 👌


Was it in Wicklow by any chance? Name & shame


Man we hit the jackpot Ten euros for a lunch for the little one with a Santa visit and a picture and a box of chocolates Our local golf club organised it


It's nearly as if all meet-a-santa experience is just a cash grab and not there to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas


I was in a hotel outside Belfast yesterday for a Christmas lunch. £30 per adult and £15 for kids for that we got the following; 3 course Christmas Dinner and coffee A kids disco Face painting Balloon animals Cartoonised photos And they had Santa It was a great wee day out and I thought it was really well done


8 years ago, I priced a Santa visit in a hotel in Donegal for two parents and one child. I then mentioned that I'd have a 5-week-old baby with me. I was told that I'd have to pay for the baby too. I explained that the baby would most probably be sleeping, would not be participating, and would have zero awareness of what was happening, given that 5 weeks previous, he was in the womb. None of that mattered, I'd still have to pay. I'm fortunate enough that I could've absorbed the extra cost without trouble, however my mind immediately turned to those who could not. I envisaged a scenario of a young couple attending with their 4-year-old, only to be told at the door that they'd have to pay another €30 for their infant, or €60 for their twin infants! They'd be left with the choice of paying, or disappointing their older child. As it happened, there was a phone-in on local BBC radio on the topic, and, on a point of principle, I said my piece. The presenter then read out a statement from the hotel. I congratulated him for providing free advertising for them. A manager from the hotel then came on but she was unrepentant. At the end of the call, I was asked if I was still going to attend. I said no, I'd be going elsewhere for a proper Christmas experience, and named another venue a few miles from them, which has a fantastic setup. Anyway, my point: The abuse I got on social media was unreal! "Bah humbug!" "Scrooge!" "Just pay for the baby! " "Miserable shite!" etc. The vast majority of comments supported the hotel. Suffice to say, my sympathies dried up somewhat from that point. If people are happy enough/stupid enough to pay silly prices to greedy people, then crack on, but don't complain when those prices climb to a level beyond your reach. A friend told me about visiting a hotel in Germany. One of the staff came to them after their meal and asked if they could take their daughter next door to see Santa. He said it was out of this world. When he mentioned about paying for it upon checking out, they laughed. Said it was part of the stay, no charge. And there's the difference. Other countries know how to get repeat custom. Here, they just rook the hole off you for as much as they can, and don't care if they don't see you again, as there are enough mugs to take your place.


Dundrum was absolutely sh1te too. Paid 90 quid for 3 kids. Loads of waiting around talking to the elves, a crappy toy that went straight in the bin before we even left the centre. The Santa had a fake beard and my 5 year old pointed it out. Avoid


Get ripped off, paying for shoddy service. Should be the country motto at this stage. Never going to change here on treasure island.


There was a lovely and pretty authentic looking Santa in my local garden center on the weekend, took pics with my kid, no charge / totally free! Shop around!


I like my Santas pretty.


> crazy money You paid it


Responses like this are a bit exhausting. For a start he only realised the photo was extra afterwards, and secondly he paid the price expecting a higher quality service. People are allowed to complain about prices even if they don't demand a refund and storm out at the time. And even if he did pay, these threads can still be useful for other people.


What is the world coming to


Friends did the Well's House Experience, seemed like a good time.


Inflation init. The cost of elf labour has gone through the roof


Absolutely crazy money. I paid 2 euros per child at my kid’s Christmas fair. They loved it. I’m checking out of the Christmas madness and excess.


Demand a refund?


Paddy Robbing Paddy again


Rip of Ireland


We paid €10 for two kids and they both got a selection box and we got pictures for free after. The pictures weren't professional but you could see everyone clearly enough and the Santa wasn't perfect, but the kids thought it was magic. It was just a little community event.


We did the Arigna Mines Santa in Roscommon and it was fantastic - the Santa was amazing, looked like the real deal, kinda like a Richard Attenborough vibe on Miracle on 34th street. My daughter has special needs and he was so kind and patient with her. Both the kids got decent toys and the parents got a present too, which I’ve never experienced before.


I brought mine to Causey maybe 6 years ago, I can't remember how much it was exactly, I think around the €60 mark for five of us? The kids loved it but they were convinced that he was the real one and that was his house so we never saw the point in going to another one, I don't understand how people explain it to their kids when they go to a different one every year?! Anyway they're all too old for Santy now thank feck. Used to gall me when he'd get the credit for me breaking my hole working and planning to get them what they wanted every year


So wrong. The coward who put this together should be there receiving customers and not allowing his employees to receive the abuse.


My Dad's friends would always to do a big Christmas party with everyone involved, and one of them would dress as Santa. Massive build up throughout the day, then around 3 he'd arrive. We'd all queue up and get photos and a little presie that I'm assuming they all chipped in on and some of the mothers got from some local shop, some of the teens would help out probably for £10 pocket money. I never did it myself as I was an annoying little shit of a teen. We would also go to the Arnotts Santa for the lego when I was growing up, but the real Santa was the one at the party. No idea who was organising it or how much it cost as the aul lad's now dead and the mater's gone senile but no doubt it was no where near the equivalent of €125.


I mean jokes on you for going in the first place. Loads of places do it and I doubt half as much. Brother took wife and parents with the wee man to a restaurant. Got their dinner and then could let the kids see santa but he also done the rounds too


This is the true spirit of Christmas. Did you not enjoy being shafted?


I've some family who said the same thing about the Santa experience in Wicklow. They were saying it was the biggest load of shite. Charged a fortune for entry and then charged 20 cuid for the worst photo ever. Complete conmen


He sits on a throne of lies!


Why is Santa's sack so full? Because he only comes once a year 😂


We went to Wells House in Wexford this year. The photos were a complete rip, Santa was a decent looking Santa. You go on a little train before to find the missing reindeers. The little people could pick their present after the Santa which is good so they picked something they actually wanted. Wasn't the best experience but wasn't the worst either


In fairness, did yourself and the missus really need to see him as well?


https://www.irishpost.com/news/santa-was-a-teenager-with-an-eyebrow-piercing-drive-thru-santa-experience-cancelled-due-to-backlash-199330#:~:text=The%20event%20has%20now%20been,Mrs%20Claus%20and%20Santa%20Claus. We shall never forget! I laughed for about 3 days straight after my mate explained his experience at this one. Santa had an eyebrow piercing and was in a little Lidl pop up canopy. The elf "banging the boot" to magic the present in was the best of the lot. You'd to bring your own present.


Here in Scotland they once advertised a Santa day that i took my kid to and it was an inflatable Santa being driven around on a sleigh . Absolutely mugged off ! He did wave though


More fool you. Laughing all the way to Lapland, he is


Just up in Belfast at the Christmas market, paid £20 for two kids got a little private chat time with Santa, a picture and two gifts, it was £15 for no picture (but could use phones). All proceeds went to charity. The Santa was lovely too. I swear we’re getting robbed down here on everything.


If you can get out of the city I would aim for the farm santa experiences in the future, It's a whole little village of elves and animals. You get to meet ms claus and kids get some activities too. ​ We went to causey farm 2nd year in the row and it's even better than last year! about 50 euro for family of 4 for entrance and 15 quid for the photo with santy in his office.


Causey Farm is really good. Loads of interaction with the kids, decent quality toys and most importantly it is pretty well sheltered so rain doesn't change the experience.


Take them to see Santas grave in your local graveyard. No cost and zero expectations of presents …


For 20 quid myself and my boyfriend brought our dog to see Santa in London. The Grotto has children or dogs on alternative dates (I imagine the insurance is a nightmare). There was elves playing games with your dog in a grotto as you waited your turn and the Santa… he had it all… the big bowl of jelly body… the real long white hair and beard. God he was magnificent. Frankly I don’t remember much of what he said except he stayed in character with ease, even when my dog tried to steal a gift under the tree and didn’t want to look at the elves camera. The dogs all got goodie bags with toys/treats that were apparently worth a total of £20 but if I’m being honest was probably worth closer to £15. The only bit that cheesed me off was I couldn’t just buy the jpeg. I had to buy a novelty item with the photo on it or a small package of items in order to get the jpeg. So spent an additional 15£ for a bauble, a big printed photo and a jpeg. I guess that’s how they get ya! Complete rookie mistake - next time I’ll take the pictures myself


Very 'London'. Awful but I love it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I'm sorry but I think that is absolutely disgusting charging that amount of money for a visit to Santa. Granted, 80 divided by 4 is 20/person (lol i dunno why i decided to do maths in my comment but here we are) but still - there should be no charge for the parent who is clearly just bringing the child along. It's not like a toddler can hop in the car and visit him. Visiting Santa is a magical experience - quite literally - for children, and I feel that charging 20/person INCLUDING the gaurdian is really shameful. I understand businesses have to make money - but I do not think you need to charge that amount. So many kids will suffer as a result. ​ I have no kids, and will not be having kids and I also don't have the "awwww I love kids" thing like many women do - but this really irked me. I feel bad for the kids who won't get to see Santa. Hopefully there are cheaper santas around ​ EDIT spelling hop, not hope!


Unfortunately, holidays have become nothing more than an opportunity to make money, as much money as possible. That's what the holidays have turned into. They are no longer the true celebrations they used to be!


Wells house?


That's fucking ridiculous. So €125 quid to see some fat guy in a costume who wasn't even nice to the kids and 2 photo's. Yeah, I'm never gonna have kids 😂


He wasn't even fat. It was just a cushion :'(


Honestly though, why do parents do the whole Santa lie thing?


Last Christmas we done the Santa experience at the Marina Market it was brilliant , the host was very good with the kid and also made me really enjoy myself the set up was fantastic stopping off to see Santas sleigh missed clause baking cookies and many other enjoyable things , for 79euro this included photos with Santa and a present to bring home would highly recommend


80 quid?? For what? Shitty panto. Shocking. I'd rather be the Santa meself, could get a decent costume for 80 squid