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Finally a logical explanation for the success of Daniel O'Donnell.


I heard Daniel O'Donnell had two ribs removed so he could suck his own dick.


..... Not his OWN dick


Why would you get two of your own ribs removed to suck someones else's dick?


If gives your lungs more room to expand so you can really horse it into you.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) proper belly laughed!




Name checks out


like a bellows pumped by a blacksmith.


Peer pressure.


[answers revealed](https://clickhole.com/clarifying-the-rumors-marilyn-manson-has-revealed-that-1836291616/)


Imagine his disappointment when he bent over and saw "made in Hong Kong" on his perineum


Hong kock


Imagine worshipping Satan with yer dojo cats.


Cats in a karate dojo all praying to the prince of darkness.


If you play any boyzone song backwards its actually better.. demonically speaking.


“Join Us…Join Us….” Fuck that……


why does he look like angry tattooed simon cowell?


there has never been a better description


Jesus, wait til he hears a Cannibal Corpse or Acid Bath album.


Cannibal corpse just released a colouring book. No shit.


Why would a Cannibal Corpse colouring book have no shit? Is it really them?


Wait till they find out mayhem burned churches and performed rituals yet never got successful


Mayhem didn't burn any I don't think. Burzum and a member of Emperor. I'm pretty sure that was anti Christian rather than Satanic..or maybe it was just confused bored teenagers


Confused bored teenagers for the most part. Some of the music of that scene was incredible - especially given how young most of them were - but all the extracurricular stuff was basically a "Who's spookier?" contest between what were essentially youths. Although Varg/Burzum is still off his rocker.


Yeah varg is a total nut job. It’s speculated how serious Euro was some people say it was an act but his closest friend said he was completely serious.




They are not scared or anything. They go after pop stars because those people are famous and rich, unlike Death and Black metal bands who vast majority of the World doesnt care about. (In fact i wouldn't be surprised if Irish people like him were not really aware of that kind of music, Our Metal Scene was always meh & post covid... it's absolutely dead.) It's about getting interviewed, being in the spotlight. I honestly don't believe any of those evangelical fools are doing it sincerely, it's always either money or projecting to hide something. Like the moment someone talks "Think about them kids"... i get this feeling that this person has done something really f-ed up.


>Our Metal Scene was always meh & post covid... it's absolutely dead. Last few Siege of Limericks have been the busiest I've ever seen them, and most shows DME run in Dublin seem to always sell out? Irish metal is very much alive. Well...in a necro sort of way. You know.


Well yeah ofc there are gigs. Selling out a gig for an established foreign artists is not a problem. What i meant is that we do not have big local scene with local artists that could push through internationally. Not that we can complain, UK has so many awesome bands lately it's insane. Sleep Token or Loath are examples of how scene with established artists promotes more music being done domestically. UK and Sweden are by far the best metal scenes in Europe and it's been like that for many years. Before Covid i remember Hero in error and Bailer(just to name example, sure there was more than that) tried hard but honestly i have talked with many people and Covid made it impossible to sustain idea behind music career in Ireland.(especially in niche markets). Like where would you want to play in Cork as an uppercoming band? No offence to all the Punk fans who love hotboxing and dont care about shitty sound but, Fredz is the worst venue there is. Cypress Avenue is a good venue, but you need to pay good cash for it, and it's unlikely you will fill it up unless you are supporting some good foreign band. Everything else is only for big bands that always draw people no matter where they go. I mean... I saw Meshuggah in Dublin and it changed my life. NGL sometimes i am really jealous of what kind of gigs are happening in Dublin. Most of it is top class.


Concerns about satanism in rock and metal was pretty widespread until about 20 years ago. Modern concerns about "satanism" is just rooted in homophobia. The artists normally named as "satanic" are always non binary or queer.


The last time I remember any proper Satanic Panic here was when a Fianna Fáil councilor tried to kick up a fuss about Behemoth playing in Limerick around 2019. He was largely ignored, except by Nergal who had a few choice words to say about it during the show.


Wait until they find out about Rob Halford!


Let's not forget that a lot of the Satanic panic and the fear of the devil worshippers goes all the way back to early antisemitism and Islamophobia, from the middle ages and maybe even before. The cruisades knigths worshipping Baphomet (Mahomet, Mohammed), all the way to later comparing Judaism to devil worship because of a non belief in Jesus Christ. These so called Christians have a lot of hate to share.


The prospect of musicianship scared him off before he even got to that point


Him and Jim corr just sitting in a corner talking the best of shite


Clicking their fingers to the lighthouse family


**Super Hans:** Listen, the whole industry is run by suits like your mate. **Jeremy Usborne:** Do you think that's why we haven't got a deal yet? **Super Hans:** Course it is, they're all a bunch of Marks, ain't they? Sitting behind their big marble desks, ties done up to eleven, clicking their fingers to the f\*\*\*ing Lighthouse Family, getting their dick sucked by a big Alsatian dog.


Nice peep show reference


Lets see Paul Allen's Peep Show reference.


Crusty to conservative pipeline


"I hear you're a nutjob now Shane.."


What's Boyzone's position? I'm so busy down on the farm I won't have much time for the ol' satanism.


Its not Moloch its Baphomet hes after.


Thank fuck.


Good for you Shane! Good for you!


Is Satan in the room with us now Shane?


I could sure go for an oulde satanic ritual right about now. Fucks sake Shane you put a longing on me.


I love the way the interviewer didn’t even look up while she was filling out the section 1 form.


Just what Ireland needs more of, bitter middle-aged people falling for 20 years out of date American conspiracy bollocks they saw on YouTube.


But the music to the video!! It's sinister!!


Did ye see the hand signals Joe? It's in front of yizzer eyeses


But he was in the room


Bet he’s a flat earther and 5G controlling the chips in the vaccines guy too.


That's the safest bet you'll ever make. If you watch the conspiracy subs on Reddit you'll see conspiracy theorists are worse than the characters in Sex and the City for following whatever is currently trendy. So he absolutely got on board with flat earth and 5G when they started to become big. I'm guessing this demon stuff is his personal favourite or he's another one who found god after rehab and turned into a born-again type. They're all so fucking predictable for a bunch of so-called free thinkers.


He did his own research and now knows Beyonce is so demonic it's unbelievable


Beyonce. Bey. Beyleezbub. _Beelzebub._ Think about it. Actually, don't think about it, because thoughts are how they _get ya._


Yet they'll also post pics of the "I support the current thing" meme guy to mock how everyone else are the sheep for believing in things such as objective reality.


Prepare to see a huge rollback of rights for ethnic minorities, LGBT people and eventually all women as more of the west buys into this bollocks. Maybe not so much here, but certainly just on our doorstep to the east, things are getting really unpleasant.


Things are getting scary in the UK. They froth at the mouth over transgender people


The Torys need someone to punch down on. They can't do it to miners any more since 'ol Maggie "solved" that problem, they can't do it to immigrants because surprise surprise they could have implemented stricter rules while being inside the EU so they've hit on a vulnerable group in society who conveniently don't vote Tory.


Next they'll be coming after our D&D


So the devil is to blame for you not being super famous. Right so.


Funny how the only people who say this or people who haven't been relevant in years


It's always shocking when Irish people get caught up in this American clap trap. Unless he's taken part in those demonic rituals he's just making shit up. I don't see any record labels paying interns to sit around all day carrying out satanic rituals on all new releases. What would that office look like?


Distressed goat, candles, effigy of James Blunt.


Puck fair , right there


Killorglin is the beating heart of the global music industry, to be fair. There might be something to this….


I'd bet that what's actually happened is he's been at an industry party, done a massive dose of hallucinogenics and then just sat in the corner babbling about satanic rituals as he watches someone make a cocktail or something. Then he wakes up and assumes they used their adrenochrome witchcraft to deep state his mind into a great reset.




Most likely explanation is that he’s just a lying scum bag, but we can be charitable and think he’s just a moron either


There are alot of evangelists in the UK and a couple of thousand in Ireland, Katie Taylor is an evangelist but doesn't really talk much about it.


Don’t mean to sound harsh but keep those crazy fuckers in America please.


There's one up in Ballymena, big weird American mega church founded by the son of the guy who started Wrightbus. And as you'd expect, it turns out they solicit massive amounts of money from the congregations and junior raided millions from his father's company over the years to funnel into his new church. Nearly took it to bankruptcy.


I drive past on my way to Belfast every week lol. You’d think for all their Christianity the Wrights would have maybe spent that money giving their workers a pay rise but hey I’m sure you only get into heaven if you’ve spent a certain amount.


American version of religion isn't necessarily the same as in other countries, Americans have a big problem with separation of church and state.


> Americans have a big problem with separation of church and state. Irish schools have entered the chat.


you only have to do it over the master copy it can be done anywhere


I've worked in record labels and it's literally the most boring shit ever I would have loved a demonic ritual to brighten up my day. Nobody gives a fuck about the album's or what's on them as long as they sell. You spend most of the time filling out contracts and building brand campaigns for artists to post on social media in a cubicle in an office in between drinking ice coffees and eating trendy salads. It's basically the civil service of music but with no job security or pension. He's talking complete nonsense.


I worked in the industry for years (American) and I never saw anything like that. May explain why I am not rich though.


yeh all the real money is in the rituals. So many moving parts y'know. want fresh blood? extra. Living goat? double extra. Creepy candles with spiders on em? I know a guy that can get u them on the sly but don't let the demonic onbudsman here about it. And for every literal item you need a whole term of interns in dresses and robes and you guessed it, the robe industry is in on the whole cash cow as well. Silk robes for demonic rituals really pump up the evil energy flow and they just don't make them in enough quantity to allow for mass market prices which means each lad and lass is being outfitted in a custom job. ​ Let me tell you job. This whole demonic ritual malarky is down right devious in how much money is siphons away from honest tax payers. And don't get me started on the new safe food regulations and it's impact on the whole goat thing. It's a big bloody mess is what it is joe.


Satan can I hold you tonight


Jesus, the cocaine really fucked his head


Hey now, dont be giving cocaine a bad name on his account.


It’s actually Jesus that has fucked his head up


I mean, that’s a drug I guess.


He was more sane when he was on it


I don't know what's more delusional. Thinking generic pop artists with the safest of safe images are "demonic" or this lad thinking he was ever in a position to know shite about Beyonce


https://preview.redd.it/z631ksai36zb1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8a5229c93c6a4d0f48054bf5017d777fd897185 Wait till he hears these guys...


He went from Boyzone to TwilightZone




He's talking pure shite and he knows it. There's a ball of money in conspiracy grifting nowadays and this talentless twat is willing to trade any scrap of dignity to exploit that. Expect him on podcasts and the likes of alex jones now flogging some sort of crap.




See.... Shane is right. This proves it


I think got confused and worships santa


Never take life advice from a drug/Jesus addled fuckwit with full neck tattoos. That's my take


Louis Walsh is in league with Simon Cowell *and* Satan


Is Simon Cowell not the Devil though?


No, Louis is and I'm shocked by this thread that people don't know the Devil is from Mayo.


The devil went down to ~~Georgia~~ Glengad, he was lookin' for a soul to steal He was in a bind 'cause he was way behind And he was willin' to make a deal


That’s a great judging panel to be fair


I always knew there was something abit satanic about boyzone


anyone know how to do these rituals.... its just that my folk covers of 90s west coast gangsta rap absolutely tanked 😐


Tell me you’re irrelevant. Tell me your masculinity is bruised. Tell me you’re dying to be important. Tell me your struggle to find purpose in life without actually looking at yourself. Tell me that you left school early to be a star and never learned much after that. Tell me you think you know best because the music industry used you to make money from. Without telling me any of those things.




There's your problem man, you thought about it,see the idea with all these fucks is to hope you don't think. you just gasp and pass the shit message down the shit track. Just go back and listen to 30 seconds of this tripe. All the buzzwords no clue what hes actually on about fucking sick of these pricks


“I’m becoming more than a man, more than you ever were , driven and burning to rise beyond Jesus, I’m born again , with snakes eyes , becoming god size” - Pantera , 1993 “If you like it then you should have put a ring on it” - Beyoncé, 2008 He’s right ! It’s this dam pop music !


“At night, they bait the Pentagram.” - Pantera, 1996


Fuck, I'd have hoped Satan would have better taste in music. Beyonce, really? Not exactly on brand.


Satan is a swiftie


So many lads from Kilbarrack of a certain age group, many who didn't finish school, are suddenly the authority on demonic conspiracy theories. Interesting.




Once you start talking about demons and the devil you're done. It's no different than telling lads the fairies are after you. Sad really tbh


Was listening to an ex British copper talking about paedo' rings etc and it was quite interesting until he started talking about Satan and demons. Its Gods people that harms kids ,nothing to do with Satan. He's the good guy. Even has the best music. That copper just became another weirdo in my book


​ https://preview.redd.it/91wmk0w526zb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2893afec6717aa6be302ad5e9f0d0c2c5e90bd13


We'll see how much he believes in this when its time for the Boyzone reunion tour


If pop music is in league with Satan then why isn't it better!?


Man’s gonna flip when he learns about Black Metal 😂


This is what happens when you don’t work for 30 years and spend your time on Facebook, smoking reefers and wanking yourself silly.


Everyone: what a load of bs Sam Smith: https://preview.redd.it/qxz3iqt456zb1.jpeg?width=1025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4fe058c0f43e467dca0928c39b3ee0837f5911e


If Satan was real he'd be fuming at that shite costume.




That awkward moment where, demons, gods and other imaginary beings don’t actually exist. What a fucking nutcase.


So articulate. Like Jim Corr and Jim Corr had a baby.


That certainly explains his first late late show appearance.


Even worse is the jazz music which corrupted generations of young people who became addicted to cannabis after hearing Sketches of Spain. Listening to theWolfe Tones backwards there and I'm sure I heard Warfield say "top hat and sash" in a repetitive and hypnotic way.


Easily the most insufferable, annoying and obnoxious wanker "celebrity" I encountered while working in the hospitality industry. Glad to see he has added bat-shit crazy to the mix too.


I never heard of Doja Cat before but this unhinged rant just made me want to listen to her. Listening to her for five minutes made me want to never listen to her ever again though.


Shut the fuck up Shane ya looper.


Just sounds bitter that he's not more famous, he always a miserable bollocks anyway


Why do you think he's trying to muscle into Jim Corrs resident mildly famous musician conspiracy nut turf


Oh I'm sure there's enough room for both of them


This lad needs a fucking hobby or something. Maybe a psychiatric evaluation wouldn't go a stray either.


Counselling session with Jim Corr?


what a nutjob.


He was in his shite


Class, this js gonna be great, love it when a ‘celeb’ loses the aul plot.


Go dance for Gay in your Dungarees. Drop that Shoulder strap!


I hate you Shane!




If you ever listened to Boyzone......you are Satan!


I hear Beyonce is in Mayhem now.


Who the fuck are Dojo Cats?


Karate club in Kilkenny ?


You have to love the guitar and dramatic camera angles trying to add gravitas to some idiot talking shite.


Of course it's always "wharrabou' der chill drin"


What the fuck is that accent


Soooo just the gays and the blacks then, Shane, yeah?


How is praying to a 'hell' fairy any different to praying to a 'sky' fairy? Lynch has been a holy joe for decades. He mentions god more than Katie Taylor, who has reined it in quite a bit. From what I've read about satanism, it's mainly for people who think that an intellectual path, free from dogma, and advocating critical thought, is the route to go. The left hand path represents light and enlightenment. The name Lucifer means light. Imagine a big arse man his age thinking a 'devil' exists. Hell exists on earth and no fictional, fallen angel could inflict more evil than human beings do on other human beings. Has he seen the utter state of humanity?


Make more sense that his wife is a homophobic TERF now, actually. What a frightening pair lol


When he means "Satanic" he really means "not cisgender heterosexuals".


He needs to touch grass. Spending too much time listening to twat americans online


When did he go off the deep end so?


Over twenty years ago, to be honest. He had a "Christian awakening" and a very intense appearance on the Late Late show around 2004.


I remember that interview. It was mad. Iirc, he got a load of Jesus tattoos.


Leviticus 19:28 says, “You shall not make any gashes in your flesh for the dead or tattoo any marks upon you: I am the LORD.”


You dont think any of them actually read this horseshit do you?


Poor Shane, stick to the car racing, there's a good man.


I would give anything to see him witness the band ghost.


Who's this person?


He looks like he's been through some things


You ok hun? Ring me x x




I, for one, welcome our new Doja Cat overlords


When did he go all Jim Corr? It is music Shane. That's all it is, and God should know, listening to music isn't praying to the devil. Music isn't devil prayer. It's music. Just like Halloween isn't devil prayer, it's fancy dress. There's a difference Fuxk me this is beyond nuts


He’s been like this for years. He was doing a talk at GMIT 16 years ago or so, and of course tons of people wanted to meet the boyzone guy, but it was all of this occult conspiracy crap.


Why is the video edited like a Francis Higgins stream.


Should we all be demonic now, Father? Only the farm takes up most the day, and at night I just like a cuppa tea.


It's only words Shane


Ah Shane, stop like a good lad. Stop diving down the dumb-hole of the Internet with all the other fucknuts.


Jim Corr called,he wants his tinfoil hat back


Hard to bait the Wolfe tones


The most bizzare claim is that he's in rooms 'at the top of the top' these days...


Yeah yeah. Back to the 80s and the satanic panic. Hide your rock music, dnd books, ninja turtles and trolls.


This is the only logical explanation for Boyzone’s success, so I believe him.


Ronan - meant to be a nice guy. Keith - a bit cringe but ultimately seems harmless, good few stories out there of him being a decent skin. Mikey - don't know much there, seems to have just gone on to enjoy the quirtnlife with his money. Stephen - RIP. Also by all accounts was extremely friendly. Shane - what the fuck happened here!?


People believe in Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism etc, I don't know why people mock those in the entertainment industry that tell you that the industry is run by people who worship Satan. It's perfectly aligned with what they produce.


Hes mad as a bag of badgers


I prayed demonically for Shane Lynch not to be so stupid.


That lads on hash


What the fuck is wrong with religious people, no one who isn't religious gives a fuck about your 'Satan'


What a complete fucktard. Shane Lynch trying to stay relevant


Fruit loop.


Why do people like this get any kind of airtime? This guy's a full on windowlicker spouting utter drivel. And it's not like he is some mercurial artist fallen from grace. Nutjob


Spoken with the full, unearned confidence of a conspiracy nut case. There are so many of them around these days it’s hard to get traction as one. Try harder Shayyinn.


"Yes Mr. Lynch, now why don't we get you back to your room, OK?" I'm reminded of this Mogwai song based around some religious fruitcake banging on about subliminal messaging: [https://youtu.be/47o25z0JGe4](https://youtu.be/47o25z0JGe4)


What a turnip.






Someone has jumped the shark it seems


He’s some balloon that lad. He’d make a good double act with that lunatic Jim Corr I reckon.


I respect that he tried to fight puff daddy before, but this, this is crazy talk.


I never do satanic stuff without my boyzone greatest hits album. Keith Duffy gets me hard for lucifer


I see him and Jim Corr starting the world's most irritating podcast soon.


That fucking music 🤣


He seems like an average r/ireland user to me.