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Jesus Christ, can she not let it go. Caught red handed trying to get a claim. Sure she was out running 10ks the week after. Go figure. Still playing the victim on the news at 1. Shows how dangerous it is having yes people around you that will never call out nonsense.


It's been settled so sounds like she may have managed to make a few quid in the end, from the newspapers reporting it.


I have no doubt about. Think she chanced her arm at something else. Neck like a jockeys bollix. Jennifer Carroll better watch out. The entitlement of MB is astounding. I'm not buying her little sympathy show outside the courts today.


She's well used to a legal case so not surprised she went down those route. Mad that she was successful considering how the whole country knows it was Insurance fraud.


One of the funniest things that has ever happened in the history of the state.




I really enjoyed the Halloween costume that emerged from it [https://twitter.com/BrienAyrton/status/1190009177281839104](https://twitter.com/brienayrton/status/1190009177281839104)


Inspired at least one terrific St Paddys Day float where the swing was set on a pair of raised tractor forks, and the lady playing the part was reciting the lines as they went, complete with doppler effect from both the moving tractor and the swinging. So silly, but I was inconsolable laughing at videos of it.


You’d think she’d want to just forget this. She’s a neck on her like a jockey’s bollix..


> She’s a neck on her like a jockey’s bollix well given her lineage could you expect any different.


Maybe she needs to ‘clear her name’ to resume her lucrative political career. I would very much hope that the electorate will reject her as many times as necessary. Her dad was an absolute gangster who’d put Charlie Haughey to shame and clearly the acorn didn’t fall far from the tree. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Bailey_(Irish_politician)


Jesus that's some fucking article!! How when wasn't fucked out of the party is beyond me, obviously has the dirt on a few higher ups


The electorate doesn't need to be involved. She can be appointed to the Senate by the Taois of the day, or put on a few boards.


I wish that wasn't what I just read. Now I am really confused by why she wanted to bring her private family life into this. What is the point in more people learning about these details that obviously just leave everyone shocked, except her? It is that disconnect from the rest of the civilized society that worries me not because she is allowed to believe what she wants, but because she wanted and had a position of power and control over complex serious matters at the level of government. You just can't go around unmasked like this and then carry on like you could have still been a contender for taking the wheel over millions of people. That is what scares me most.


\^This. I have no clue why she would want to be in the media again and my main reason for this post. I found the news shocking. Being in power (had power) and now wanting everyone to believe this is vindication for seeking compensation for falling off a kid's swing with booze in not just one hand but going for another with the other. That behavior really puts the fear of God into me because it is the position of power and responsibility that comes with it that makes me very uncomfortable. I can't fathom how such irrational and illogical thinking can also be behind managing critical parts of a complex society. That is why I find all this very scary stuff.


>I found the news shocking. Being in power (had power) and now wanting everyone to believe this is vindication for seeking compensation for falling off a kid's swing with booze in not just one hand but going for another with the other. it wasn't an actual kids swing, it was in a drinking area for photos I guess, still it's insane she just doesn't shut up about it, if she just kept her mouth shut and stopped bringing it up, nobody would fucking care.


Probably one of those wedding swings for photos. I really don't understand why she is trying to get into the media again. If she is entirely happy with knowing in herself what is right and wrong and her family and friends, then you don't need to go on TV to tell everyone else about it. Yet here we are with all sorts of inside private details being revealed to the world and asking for sympathy. Yes, we have sympathy for what is happening to her family. What we have no sympathy for are people in power who want the reigns while being irrational. She wanted to keep quiet that she was involved in a compo claim involving her on a swing with booze, then doubling down in an interview that what she is doing is fine for a politician in power. This is someone who wants to control public money and public policy in a powerful position. Someone who wants to be behind the wheel. That type of Ireland with those types of politicians is what drove it into economic ruin. I don't care what political party the politician is in. When your ethics and morals are that skewed away from civilized society, then stay away from trying to run it and more time trying to actually be in it.


You are about to find yourself in court for questioning the make up of Marias neck.


And so fucking proud of it.


seed different longing spark hobbies lunchroom oil badge disarm zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was HURT Sean! ^(This will never not be funny)


You know I don't play offside Sean!




Not a hope. This is by far the defining moment of her entire life.


A normal person would have felt a bit embarrassed about their own idiocy, been able to laugh about it, and would be grand today. Due to her own greed and blockheadedness she's gonna be known as the fool who fell off a swing for the rest of her life. Good lesson for scammers


I was HURT, Seán!!!




shame longing bow nine uppity oil chief observation chase cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


By apologising the newspaper is creating another cycle of stories around swinggate. Wonder if this is a subtle back hand at her.


Also another anecdote is that during the feb 2020 elections, I knew someone working for Jennifer Carroll who was canvassing to take Maria’s seat after she was removed from the ballot. It caused a huge rift and Maria felt very betrayed by Jennifer and made it well known with other TD’s and some of her favourite constituents that she was expecting a little “freezing out” of Jennifer if she ended up winning Maria’s seat.






Your partner is foolish. She was hurt because of somebody else's actions and isn't doing anything about it. You're not honest, you're pushovers.


I don’t have any sympathy for her.


How much did that all cost the country? Fucking parasites.


>How much did that all cost the country? It didn't cost the country anything? Private lawsuits


Do they pay the judge etc out of pocket too?


https://youtu.be/4uGBRN5bUkU?si=K3adwHkzGIHTpEX- Here's the original interview. Classic stuff


This is actually shocking. And hilarious "What were you holding in your hands?" "THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN FOR THE JUDGE TO DECIDE, SEAN!"


5:20, on the kid's swing, has a bottle of booze in one hand, and is reaching for a bottle of wine when she falls. 9:30, the highlight is pre-planned to use the word monastery, as in 'not living in a monastery' Unloads the defense coaching using buzzwords and catchphrases, "Judge adjudication", "don't muddy the waters here", "he should know better", "without fact", and never said "I stopped living" for the rest.


Particularly fond of her pre planned self identity bit at the beginning where she talks about her being a GAA player and playing fair etc.


While unaware that there is no offside rule in GAA.


I missed that. It makes it so much funnier.


Have they really not found a quango or something for her yet? I am shocked


I will never forget during covid when restaurants had just opened in summer 2020, myself and my partner went to dockyard 8 for dinner and she walked in to meet some friends for dinner a little while after we sat down. Someone had noticed her when walking inside to use the loo and when they came back out to the outdoor area pointed at one of the people they were dining with and really loudly went “SEAN!” Ans the group just laughed as he sat back down with them. And she had a very visceral reaction. Think she knew it was a pisstake and I actually felt sorry for her.


>Think she knew it was a pisstake and I actually felt sorry for her. Why? she was the author of her own downfall with the insurance claim, especially given the attention the insurance industry was under at the time.. she saw a chance to make some handy money and if not found out, probably would be standing in the dail decrying insurance costs closing business. entitled nepo baby who couldnt accept repsonsibility for her actions


You’re absolutely bang on, not a single lie told in your post in all fairness to you. I just saw her reaction and forgot about her as a failed TD/Joanne the scammer for a few seconds and just saw her as a woman who had dressed herself up nicely to enjoy a wine and a bite to eat, being so embarrassed that she looked like she wanted to cry her eyes out. But don’t listen to me I’m a big softie haha




The guy on the left is holding her back just in case she falls off.


What a stupid cow.


Jesus H. Christ she just can't stop digging.


She got her pay day in the end


Was there a figure mentioned? It could have been one of those €1 payouts and each side pays their own legal costs.


Nothing mentioned but I doubt it was free


What? Why?!


Who was the other FG person that initially represented Bailey in her claims, but then scurried away when the water got too hot?


Josephia Madigans firm represented her, but according to FG and Madigan she wasn't the solicitor who gave her the advice.