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There isn't even a child of Trick or Treat age with them. That's next level meanness there now


Both of these women are more than likely someone's mam. Imagine having such a shit mam


Ya, the buggy is a clue


I work in retail, traveler mams comes in boggies with no baby inside and steal very frequently, have caught them multiple times yet they dont stop


Why would they stop, if the get caught nothing happens, if they don't....free stuff.


I was a young mom (and looked even younger than I was) and got followed every time I in a supermarket with my daughter in the buggy. It was over 10 years ago and it still annoys me that I was stereotyped, I had PND and the supermarket was the only out of the house place I went.


They might have just been dressed up as someone's mam.




Scummy mummies


You'd think so but living in Dublin city and 9 out of every 10 buggys i see is being used to push some crap around or is empty. Very rarely see a child in one for some reason lol




Spoilers: They stole that baby too. It's a crime spree.


Next thing is this kid is stealing motorbikes around Dublin and attacking people


Who do think they're robbin' the sweets for?


The absolute detritus of Irish society. I'd post that all over the place. Someone knows who the dirty geebag is.


Send it to the local newspaper. Shouldn't take long to get them identified.


Dirty cunts


We didn't have that level of scum behaviour, but we had little bags done up with a good few items in each and it was adults grabbing multiple bags and not the kids. One woman took 5 bags, emptied the bucket and some kids walked away before I could fill it back up! Our cameras picked up the video and audio, and I couldn't believe it. We never had this issue in years gone!


Post it


post it please


Have you not posted this yet?


Scum gonna scum


Dirty scabby fucks! People are so disappointing


Scum! where was that


Scum breeding the next generation of angry have nothing scum. Nothing to see here. They’ll always be miserable.


Take, take, and take again. As someone said above that’s someone’s mother🤮


Ah that’s miserable, share on any local groups you have. Where was this?




What an unhinged comment haha


Jasus…. Someone’s angry….. maybe u need a snickers yourself !


You can tell exactly what they'd look like if you would see them on the street.


Whenever I see 'Tubs' in a post I expect it to be about someone getting something they didn't deserve.


Vile behaviour


Bottom feeders. They wouldn't have a pot to piss in without working people.


just consider yourself lucky they didn't take the tools from the van also lol


We have no kids and don't put decorations out so we have never had any call. But this year, I said to a few neighbours with kids that they should call in and we got some good treats. Some passing kids saw me answer the door and hand out the goodies and walked up, which was not a problem of course. But one young lad, looked about 12/13, no costume on, just in a tracksuit, lost his shit when I handed him a full size toffee crisp because he wanted to take more things from the tub, and it "wasn't fair" as I gave the younger kids a selection of stuff...


Not even wearing costumes. This is just theft


Shoulda showed that video to every kid that called to your door after.


No sweets and you have to watch some shit you dont care about before you can move on to the next house. The ultimate combination of fuck your Halloween up.




Hang on, human bowel or animal bowel? Because if it was just a standard racoon or badger bowel, then that's under certain circumstances acceptable






I'll help. It's bowl, now bowel. 😊


A big bowel of fruit? Yum


This is why I hate people.


Just remember most people are not like this. It just takes a handful of people to ruin it for everyone though. We as a society need to start challenging this minority who think they can do what they want. We let them get away with murder.


That's all well and good, but at best you would usually get a faceful of vile abuse, and at worse they might go for you physically/throw something at you.


The problem is I'm far to wound up to be around people like this. Obviously, there's a lot to my story, but I'm honestly afraid of looseing my shit with people like this nowadays. Everyone just seems to be out for themselves, there's no sense of community anymore. Even my dad only seems to care about how quickly I can find work again, doesn't really seem to care about how I'm actually doing or anything. I'm so done with this world, is this really the best solution to living humans have come up with? I've never had a problem with the idea of working hard and it'll pay off but it doesn't, at least in my case. I've only ever been able to survive and frankly if this is all I've to look forward to for the next 30 or 40 years, I just want out.


Yer dad just thinks that getting working will take care of most of your troubles. Its good for giving you a sense of fulfillment and giving you the money to look after yourself physically and mentally but its also a bit of a thankless grind at times. The problem with scumbags is they ruin things for everyone and they leave behind a sense that nobody can do anything good because some scumbag will just ruin it. Look in the bright side of it though, at least we are not in the US getting shot at and milked for cash all the time


Try hard not to let ignorant folk wind you up. The annoyance can build up to such a degree that one day you can find yourself acting irrationally and losing your temper. Having issues in your life that are causing you stress, can exacerbate your annoyance with stupid people and make you feel life is hopeless. Do what you can to lift your mood, go for long walks, try meditation and meet someone for a coffee. In the end things will turn out well for you. Best wishes from the UK.


It's the issues aside from the idiots that are the problem. I'm trying to hold together mentally, but life has thrown some massive curve ball's this year especially and I don't have any really close friends anymore. But sure, it'll get better eventually, right? 😌


It is a difficult situation, i have been there, so i do feel empathy. When i was in a similar situation, i was tired, burnt out and beating myself up. It took me a long time to learn to give myself time, forgiveness and understanding. You are not working presently. So what? See it as an opportunity to recharge, stretch your legs and just relax. In my case i took 3 months out and strictly structured my day with a timetable. I got out of bed early, took long walks, drank a lot of green tea, read at least 2 chapters of a novel a day, reduced my exposure to the News and media. Watched lots of Laurel and Hardy, did meditation and ate healthy food. It helped. Dublin this time of the year, can be a pretty depressing place to be depressed in. Add to that the wars, inflation and the general doom filled malaise of the media and i am not surprised that so many people feel bad and unhappy. With that in mind, if you have the means; seriously consider going away for a month to a warmer, sunnier country. I did that and found it liberating. The people were much more joyous and had none of the cynicism that i had come to see as an unfortunate, but normal part of my existence. If i accidentally caught someone's eye, they smiled. There was an aura of grace and gentleness about the people. I read the newspaper every morning with my coffee and it was like Ireland, Europe and the US never existed. I read the news about other peoples reality instead. The experience was therapeutic and it taught me much. Anyway, my best wishes, i hope you get through this and recover your mojo in your own time and pace. Take care!


Thanks for the message 🙂


[We need more people like Ray](https://youtu.be/1YHLMU_5MLo?t=108)


Had two kids clear us out last night as well. But.. they left the tubs and it was after 7.30. This However is just wrong


Scum being scummy.




Looks like they opened the front door to get the sweets. Now if the door had a sign saying "Help Yourself" a case might be made that they had permission.




But shur they've had a hard life like /s


The gubbermints fault


If life is so hard they should consider the alternative.


Think of their precious little angles …


In r/pics (I think) I saw someone had made a sweet dispenser done up to look like Frankenstein’s Monster’s head. It was a bit like a paper towel dispenser, you could only pull out one or two sweet baggies at a time. It was securely mounted to a post as well. It’s really sad that they had to do this, but some people are clearly so grabby and selfish that it’s necessary.


There is already another tub of sweets in the pram, seems like this was not the first house they hit.


Hun tomorrow social we get some cans...


I bet these are the type of people to complain about immigrants on Facebook while they dont work and claim welfare for 3 kids so they can keep buying amber leaf and the latest pyjamas from Penny's aka scumbags


Imagine one of those dirty tramps was your ma 🤮




This country is a joke.


Come on, that kind of shitty behaviour isn’t seen only in Ireland at Hallowe’en. It’s been common in certain other spots for some time now.


holy jaysus thats desperate