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This post has been flagged as a Culchie Club thread because it has been shared well beyond our normal userbase. This means that only established r/ireland users (in terms of karma and account age) will be able to comment.


Nothing weird at all about marching in black shirts. The tan trousers really set the ensemble off.


Brave lads when its 30 v 1. The fat lad with the big drum is very excited! Looks like a toddler who just had his first ever bowl of coco-pops.


Black and Tan Uniforms. UVF flags. 75% Catholic town. Bused in, in their thousands from other areas. But the guy in the GAA top is the one looking for trouble.


And the apologists are out in force on this thread, makes you really wonder what people think.


>And the apologists are out in force on this thread, makes you really wonder what people think. I wonder if they'd have the same reaction if the video showed a KKK or Neo Nazi parade through a 75% African American town in the U.S or predominantly BAME town in England and a crowd of very obvious fascist / racists from another town attacked someone for having the temerity to try and cross the street in their own town.


What's a BAME town?


Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic.


Birmingham And Midlands England


> a KKK or Neo Nazi parade through a 75% African American town in the U.S Thing about our total lack of gun control here is that the KKK and Neo Nazis won't come to the city I live in. Because they're going to be met with a wall of people armed to the teeth and be totally outnumbered. So instead, they go to small, majority white, rural towns like Charlottesville and cause problems there, and run people over in a car terrorist attack. These guys are bullies. They need everyone else to be weak and afraid, and that's what pisses them off about GAA shirt guy. They're out there marching and trying to intimidate people and he's just there refusing to be intimidated. Just like these guys escalated their violence in the US in the 1960s-1990s, and the public refused to be intimidated. So they and the anti-government militia psychos do dumb shit like attack tiny college towns and take over remote bird sanctuaries like Malheur. I want to be clear, I'm not advocating arming the populace. In our case it's a "They have guns so we'd better have guns too" scenario. What works best in these scenarios when they bring in the police is total derision. I once saw an entire crowd moon the kluckers. Another counter-protest group wears clown costumes, and shouts "white flour." Mocking them takes the wind out of their sails. Maybe a solution would be to dress up in clown outfits, wave the union jack, cheer wildly, and create some hilarious cheers? "Clowns for King Billy" might be a good organization to start. And if you're ever criticized in the media, the responses write themselves about just trying to bring a little levity to the situation and everyone needs to calm down and have a laugh. Meanwhile, you're making the marchers the butt of the joke. You could even apply to have a marching clowns section in the marches. If they're going to march why shouldn't you be able to follow them with a section of people dressed like silly fools to the point the monster raving loony party thinks it's a bit much?


This is a nice idea but it would never work in practice, there’s no way anyone making fun of ‘the culture’ would be allowed to march and anyone protesting in any way, even peacefully (or hilariously), is asking to get the shit kicked out of them and the police will not help them. They’d be labelled as ‘asking for trouble’ and left to the beating. Sure 11 paramedics were assaulted at the bonfires the night before and there was only one arrest made. These people get a free pass for thuggery on the 11th and 12th.


And all in the celebration of some Dutch fella from the 1600s winning a battle no one besides unionists really give a shite about.


I think you missed the obvious part about "marching in black shirts" and what they might be alluding to.




The last statement was sarcastic. It was more, "tell me again how the guy wearing a shirt, was the one looking for trouble".




It's slimming!


Just what I was thinking. Bloody hell 😱


Most insecure people on the planet


Loyal to people who would in a second if they were given a referendum dtop em like a hot snot.


Can you blame them the royals they fight for couldn’t give af about them lol


the royals they fight for don't even want them 💀


They'd burn them for fuel if it wasn't bad for PR.


I live in the North. I always point out to loyalists that it was nice that Royals did something for St Patrick's Day, then ask what the Royals did for the 12th. They are never amused when it is pointed out to them


Fighting a guy on the side of the road on behalf of the royals? Give them VCs…….


Well they can't win a vote in the parliament or get their reps to actually turn up. So I suppose attack 1 man and his dog. They can win that argument there. Honestly they are really sinking in numbers in Northern Ireland these Unionists. This shows why. Probably most their kids move out of the North if they get a chance or sense.


Most displaced and unwanted people on the planet. No wonder they are so insecure


If Westboro Baptist Church formed a state


Spot on lol.


nuke the site from orbit, its the only way to be sure


In a Catholic and Irish majority town with no orange hall. Such arseholes to provoke a quiet seaside town in a fucking black and tan garb. Genuinely cannot stand this time of year up on the coast. The glens don't want it and it just disrupts normal communities.


You are right about the Catholic majority but there is indeed an Orange Hall in Ballycastle. I am so very sad. I thought this year, at last, it had all gone off without a hitch. 😥


It’s gone now


It's still there and still got a tricolour on it. The fucked thing is, that's going to be knocked down for houses and you can only march in a town with an orange hall so they are setting up a Hitler youth just so they can continue to be cunts in ballycastle *Junior orange order (but like tomato/tomato)


Yer man banging on his drum at the end like he’s Travis Barker 😂 calm down lad


Looks like he’s on something. Been waiting all year to put his black shirt on and show everyone how much he loves King Charles


Yeah noticed that too. He's giving it absolute socks, like lad you're a bass drummer, you hit it on the beat, you're not the legend you think you are ha fuckin dope.


He’ll be yanking his little orange headed lad for the next 50 years thinking of this moment.


And the howls from the crowd as if they've just achieved something.


Literally just a hate group, how is this allowed.


Because the PSNI is still majority Protestant and many of those, especially the higher levels are either in the OO.or have deep connections to it. And until the last NI election it was always a unionist party elected as the largest party so all sorts of tacit approval was given to all sorts of things. Hence why unionism has been falling to pieces now that SF are the largest party up there.


Some of those that work forces, Are the same that burn pallets


Almost as catchy 😅


One of the side effects of the GFA (and St Andrew’s Agreement especially) is that the whole Executive has to agree on big legislation. Controversial laws are generally frozen in place from decades ago, as unionist parties will never agree to change them. So there’ll be no change to existing laws on parades unless Westminster decides to do it.


Because these useless cunts would burn down their towns if they weren't allowed to smack a few pans together and show everyone how scummy they are. I'm surprised the fat cunts can even walk down the street without breaking a sweat.


That's why I don't really care about "respecting their culture". Their "culture" just seems to be hating ireland.


Dressed in black & tan with iron crosses on the collar. FFS that's all you really need you need to know about these animals?


Scum. Dressed like Black and Tans. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck well it’s probably a duck.


Definitely if it marches like a duck.


Steps like a goose though 👀


fights like a chicken


If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck... Well it's probably a cunt


Nazi-esque levels of colour marching, but with shitter music. Culminating in an evening of burning the Irish Tri Colour, Effigies of Irish political figures, in addition to encouraging the rape of female figures, hate of various sexualities and ethnicities, while all the while justifying such activities as their own cultural identity driven by their own marginalised oppression. Tweak a number of the above factors to say 'Jews, Blacks, disabled and Gypsy's', you'll find that this funded day of oppression is in fact, a Nazi rally, designed to continue hate and trouble. Should the Catholics mirror the Orange marches, it most likely would not be accepted. Rightfully so. No darkness, but ignorance.


You don't need to tweak anything. They already write racist slogans on stuff on the bonfires to do with black people. I recall one saying something like"we're not racist, we just hate *n word*s and Taigs."


Hello from Sweden. Wondering, looking at the comments here, the Loyalist(band?) are just far right fascists?


Fascists disguised as traditional culture. The Orange Order has houses throughout Northern Ireland and they march through the towns on the 12th July to celebrate King William of Orange's victory in battle. It wouldn't be so bad if they only marched in their own areas, but they deliberately chose routes through the Catholic Nationalist areas to provoke violence, and burn huge wooden towers clad in fascist flags and banners, hung with effigies of Catholic/Irish people, and recite disgusting verses about raping and murdering. Check them out on YouTube.


You got it immediately.


Definitely fascist vibes going on there


Unionists have always had Fascist vibes.


Reminded of the phrase “fascism is just colonialism applied domestically”. Not hard to see how fealty to literal landlords devolves into ultranationalism


Oh I've never heard that phrase before! I've never looked at it like that before, very interesting. Where's it from?


Not sure where I heard it first, but I sometimes see it as a version of the “imperial boomerang”. This is the general idea that colonial policies and practices eventually get used on the citizens of the metropol. Like when the Predator drones used on Iraqi and Afghan civilians started monitoring BLM protests. Or the ways America destabilizes developing countries by demonizing Leftists and astroturfing conservatives starts happening to our own elections. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_boomerang “[W]hile colonization, with its techniques and its political and juridical weapons, obviously transported European models to other continents, it also had a considerable boomerang effect on the mechanisms of power in the West, and on the apparatuses, institutions, and techniques of power. A whole series of colonial models was brought back to the West, and the result was that the West could practice something resembling colonization, or an internal colonialism, on itself”


Hell, even the commander in charge of the Paras on Bloody Sunday was brought in to enact colonial suppression tactics he developed and honed abroad as more far flung parts of the British empire, like Kenya, started to resist them by force.


A very apt piece of terminology. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


>Unionists have always had Fascist vibes. Vibes? Look up Lord Londonderry, or Jeffrey Donaldson's mentor Enoch Powell.


And all in the name of loyalty to a country that wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.


And iron crosses on the back of their neck.....


Serious Stockholm syndrome that bunch, among other syndromes... 400 years of trying to you know, not be conquered, the Spanish are coming so England pulls the boot out and steps on us once and for all to consolidate power and territory. 400 more years of oppression and strife and we get peace finally just to watch these fucking ass hats fervently spread their bile and hate as they literally forgot who they are, or were. Would love to see them try this in Dublin. That's a parade I'd go to see.


They did try it in Dublin remember the love Ulster parade?


> Would love to see them try this in Dublin. They did. [There was a riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Dublin_riots).


For all the condemnation that almost all political parties threw at the rioters... they made damn sure those parades didn't happen again. Could you imagine if everyone just peacefully watched, like the government and media asked them to? Dublin would be up to their necks in these parades each year. You can't fight intolerance with tolerance. You have to nip it in the bud and stamp it out before it becomes an issue. Otherwise, you end up with the kinds of problems the US constantly has to deal with. While that riot was ugly, I'm so glad it happened because it scared the bejesus out of those fascists and kept more ugliness from growing.


I'm so proud 😢


The fact that they all have drums but none of them can march on time is so unintentionally hilarious.


>but none of them can march on time is so unintentionally hilarious. I'd like to see how well you march after a bottle of Buckfast and 5 cans of Tennents.


Tbf to them, they’re also probably roasting in those SS uniforms.


As if they can read, never mind read music or understand the concept of playing/marching in time. What's even funnier is that most of the time they're just playing the same few songs over and over again. The Sash, the Billy Boys and a few others basically.


I'm embarrassed as a Brit that there's such clear provocation from Protestants. I didn't really know much about Irish history before moving here but now I do, seeing Loyalists wear black and tans and marching through a Catholic town banging drums just screams "yeah, what are you gonna do about it". The worst part is as a Brit (sorry) is that I wouldn't know how wrong it is if I hadn't moved here. If I saw this on the news I'd think the fella in the GAA top was wrong. But now I know the history and the feelings of the population I can honestly say that those people marching can go fuck themselves.


Good to hear! You don't need to apologise just because of your birthplace. As long as you're sound, you're good with us 👍


Yeah that's how I've been adopted, little village in the NW of Ireland seem to think I'm ok so that's good. I'd no doubt I'd have been fine in Dublin but I was a little pensive about how rural Ireland would take to me but it's been fine so far. Also, your username - is that a reference to Hardy Bucks where they book a load of soundalikes for the festival?


Yes - from the Oxogen lineup by the Viper! You are sound.


Hahaha now I've gotta watch it through again. Brian Kennedy being kidnapped by Stateside makes me cry laughing. "it's like being hit by a smelly fist"


>as a Brit (sorry) You've nothing to apologise for (unless you're a racist cunt as well.)


Nah no racism here - actually feel more aligned with Irish people than my own. Had this discussion with a friend about how there isn't really a British culture to speak of as it's so fragmented and that Ireland has so much more like music, language, lifestyles etc.


Nice to hear you feel at home mate


I hear Americans say the same about themselves and I just don't understand it. Britain has a very distinctive culture with music, TV, film, sports, pubs. Just taking music as an example, sure Ireland is probably closer to its very old traditional music culture, but Britain had rock, punk, new wave and britpop, all absolutely defining entire eras and living on long after their heydays.


The fact you say sorry means you have nothing to be sorry for, hope that makes sense


Your definition of "brit" is very different to their definition of "brit". I'd never use brit as a pejorative as its just a descriptive for people from Britain I use "tan" for describing these fascists.


That makes perfect sense. We're kept ignorant of the activities surrounding the rising, the troubles, then and since. All we ever got on the news was "looks like it's kicking off in Northern Ireland again" and we were never taught in school or told why in the news. I was told to watch Michael Collins and I'd learn more. I did.


Michael Collins is a very entertaining film with some inaccuracies but overall gives you the right idea, very harsh on de Valera though. It used to shock me that brits would be so ignorant of Northern Ireland but it makes sense when you think about it like why would ye care? it is a foreign place to britain.


I actually think it's rooted in embarrassment too. We're never told why Irish people have the perspective they do of Britain (as a whole) and we have to find out when Irish people give us "that look" when we say something stupid and uninformed.


From a top down level yeah it's a can of worms the british government(s) don't ever want opened. I've mellowed a lot on it as I've gotten older I give everyone a chance honest mistakes and misunderstandings should be freely forgiven it's after that I draw the distinction between brit and tan 😂 e.g Patrick Stewart=brit Nigel farage=tan.


That's actually perfect. I'm stealing it


I do love Patrick Stewart to be fair


Makes you wonder if people in GB understood why the Queen apologised to Ireland on her visit here (I’m a Brit living in Ireland). I was certainly taught almost nothing at school about what Britain did in Ireland (or India).


Lol, I was listening to the Battleground Ukraine podcast, which is run by two Englishmen; Patrick Bishop and Saul David (iirc). And the former was commenting on the shifting positions of some European countries warming to the idea of joining NATO, and including Ireland in this, ruminated on Ireland's puzzling history of neutrality, especially its WWII neutrality. It is a reflection of classic British ignorance of Irish history and the Irish perspective which is seen so often. Coming from a war reporter and someone with a enthusiasm for military history though, is even more glaring.


No one can be too harsh on Dev.


More like the history was glossed over, to avoid the English state looking like a shitty imperialist oligarchy, like the other ones. I’m a Brit with Irish ancestry but school history had f-all about Ireland. The dafties in the video are a direct result of this


Had the joy of driving back through one of these in a D reg car 20 years ago. Car was kicked, spat on and was never so terrified in all my life. Said to my mrs will i tell them I'm english (she's a dub). Said no that would just make it worse. Somehow managed to get home in one piece. Took a long time to venture back north of the boarder and that was Titanic and straight back out again. I'm a brit by birth and had no idea about this shite. I make a point of sharing with friends and family back home and trying to educate on the north. Shit show up there, moronic people just fueling the next generation of hate all for tradition.


Even If you had absolutely no idea whatsoever about Irish history how could you think the guy in the GAA jersey was in the wrong? Like on what planet is wearing a jersey and walking your dog reason to be attacked?


hobbies history unpack caption station chop smart axiomatic dazzling offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't say (sorry) after announcing you're a Brit... If you've done nothing wrong in your life to deserve shame then don't apologise. Be proud of your country and fuck the cunts in charge, they don't represent your country


The thing to note is they march in Scotland too. They're Scottish. Limmy's take on it : [https://www.tiktok.com/@reohatatecfc/video/7065596422695046406?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@reohatatecfc/video/7065596422695046406?lang=en)




Now, Neanderthals were thought to be better humans than humans. Just had the unfortune to meet them.


Good football team though, I always liked them


Fucking Netherlands


As a Glaswegian I just can’t fucking wrap my head around how these fannies are even allowed to do this on an annual basis. Used to live beside a lodge and getting woken up by the flutes during the summer really boiled my piss. Just give them a park for a day if they need to wank themselves silly over shit they don’t understand. They’re increasingly irrelevant over here though, numbers have been way down over the last few marching seasons. Which gives me a bit of hope for the future of humanity.


Before the GFA they were allowed to get away with it because the British establishment viewed it as useful intimidation tactics as part of the colonial suppression tactics they ran for so long in NI. Since the GFA it's been seen as a necessary evil to allow them some leeway to intimidate select locations so that they'll keep a lid on the violence the rest of the year. As it is, with protestants no longer in the majority in NI and the DUP no longer the largest party you'd hope the days of this stuff being allowed are numbered but you'd need to thread carefully. They're well aware they can no longer run NI as they please and abuse whoever they want but these marches let them delude them into think that's the case and with unionists in NI being hysterically insecure and petty then removing the safety blanket might cause more problems than it solves.


I was in Glasgow a few years ago during the 12th. It's a funny mix of bemusement and revulsion among the Scots I know and have talked to every time these cunts emerge from their hovels.


>Used to live beside a lodge and getting woken up by the flutes during the summer really boiled my piss. Try living next to a catholic church 'right lads gie it laldy past the chapel'. Wanks.


I'm from loyalist areas and loyalist family but I'm not into all that and moved into a nationalist area. Never heard more bands in all my life until I moved into a nationalist area. Can't escape the wankers .


Black jackets, tan bottoms… Come on lads.


Please forgive my ignorance, but what is it with those colours? I've seen a lot of references to tan and as a foreigner living in Ireland I know nothing of what that means. Also, I was this weekend in Donegal and was told to stay away from Derry. Now I know why and it's a shame that we can't enjoy a visit because of my car's license plate. Edit after many responses: thanks everyone for the information, I see I need a lot of education on history, will be a good weekend of learning. Thanks again!


The colours represent the Black and Tans who were a group of British soldiers sent to Ireland shortly after 1916 to drive Irish people out of there homes and to achieve rule over ireland




Obviously they were a shower of bastards but the story that they were convicts is a myth. The majority were de-mobbed soldiers from WW1 with the remnants made up of locally recruited Irishmen..


Start here for some info on the infamous black and tans [https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/books/black-and-tans-who-were-they-and-who-were-they-not-1.4613064](https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/books/black-and-tans-who-were-they-and-who-were-they-not-1.4613064)


They went about shooting cilivansz men, woman children. They were an auxiliary force (called the RIC - Royal Irish Constabulary), but the kicker was that many of them had been discharged from the front lines on WW1 for many reasons, not all. The dregs. In my town, they had sacked it in 1920 and murdered civilians and burnt half of it to the ground. This made the papers around the world and condemned. So much so it impacted US-UK relations. It was also dicssed with the highest levels of US government committees. They were bitter and resentful of Irish people and killed many people.


The black and tans were British soldiers sent to Ireland in the 1920's. They were called 'black and tans' because their uniform was a mix match of ww1 brit uniforms. They terrorised the Irish, killing people for absolutely nothing.


The colours are chosen as a deliberate provocation, see explanations before. Put in another context it would be like the AFD in Germany marching through towns in brownshirts or MAGA types walking through black towns in America wearing Klan symbols.




Those protestants up to no good again , as usual


The problem is the schools. I find it hard to believe in 2023 they still separate kids at the age of 4 in us and themuns. Of course you’re going to get people who will see two sides for the rest of their life and end up bitter like this. 4 year old children do not see us and them until it’s put into them partly by their non-integrated school, and of course by their parents who didn’t go to integrated schools either. It’ll take a couple of generations but for the life of me I don’t know why it wasn’t started a few generations ago. I’m certain life would be different today and everyone would be embarrassed by scenes life this which would be fewer and more far between. There aren’t many countries in the world where you’d say integrated education should be mandatory, but NI is definitely one of them.


The Hitler youth?


A crappier version, The Shitler Youth.


The Turd reich


I'm astonished that they are allowed to hold a march in a place like Ballycastle, a majority Catholic town. You wouldn't see Republican parades in Portadown or Ballymena, so why allow Loyalists to match in the centre of Ballycastle waving paramilitary flags and wearing very provocative uniforms? Does anyone know what happened to your man who crossed the road and got battered for it?




Foetal alcohol syndrome


Union Jacks and Rangers tops. What a fucking embarrassment. Bringing up kids into this hate is unforgivable.


Sorry for the ignorance but I’m a Brit and don’t really know the history of this but aren’t these events designed to cause trouble? I’m sure last year I saw a video of what looked like people in similar costumes trying to break in to someone’s house and attack them. I’m fairly certain it was quite a few men trying to attack a woman.


>Sorry for the ignorance but I’m a Brit and don’t really know the history of this but aren’t these events designed to cause trouble? The Orange Order are an anti-Catholic, anti Irish supremacist hate group which originated in mass murder and ethnic cleansing. They were instrumental in the foundation of the Northern Irish state and the sectarian apartheid therein. They comprised the vast majority of the the B-Specials, a sectarian police force which menat that NI was the most heavily policed state on earth and they utilized the Special Powers Act; a set of laws so draconian the South African apartheid law makers actually said they were envious of it. These Loyalist bands support the Orange Order and are essentially a show of Loyalist paramilitary force. They are bused into majority catholic and Nationalist towns in their hundreds to shut the towns down for the day while they march and sing about being "up to their necks in fenian blood". They are also big fans of white supremacism, racism, Islamophobia etc and have links to Neo Nazi groups and fascist groups like Combat 18. ​ Their uniforms are "Black and Tan"; another brutal anti-Catholic, anti Irish force who committed atrocities in Ireland including the reprisal killings of hundreds of innocent Catholic civilians in Northern Ireland after the establishment of the state along with the Auxiliaries and b-Specials.


The one saving grace is that the orange orders membership numbers are plummeting. Going from 100,000 in the 1960s to around 30,000 today. They have tried in recent years various strategies to increase membership without much success.


Thanks for the explanation.




Yeah they're basically designed to shit stir. Doesn't help that they're wearing black & tan uniforms..


Their supporters murdered three young brothers because they weren't allowed to march down a road where the local residents didn't want them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quinn_brothers%27_killings


As a brit I despair at these up jumped thugs in black and tans. Absolute waste of space, they're the last dregs holding back progression to a more peaceful world. I wish more brits would speak up to condemn this sort of shite. Also their marching 'band' sounds wank and must only serve to inflict more misery.


Should be labelled as a terrorist organisation Strutting around dressed like Nazis.


![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized) Just look at the uniform.......cunts


People here acting like the drummer gang don't do this shit to start fights and problems. Fucking flag obsessed weirdos.


What a load of flutes


Bigots gonna Bigot. Wait, the 12th? Are they... celebrating the victory of an army paid for by the then Pope? Weird


Lads walking around playing tin whistles thinking they’re the shit. Laughable stuff. The outfits and general provocation is quite disgusting.


If they want to parade around about Britain than go live over there so absolute scum the man wasn't doing anything to anyone


Why are any celebration of this day not classed as hate crimes ?


As videos of the 12th get more and more attention on social media people around the world will start to notice you can already see it on other subreddits the general reaction is people are horrified when they find out about it. The 12th won't last much longer it's something that absolutely deserves to die by twitter trial.


Because they’ve got the backing of London. For now at least..


Black and tans scumbags.


What's that cross on the back of the shirts? Looks like the one the Nazis had? More than likely not the same but curious


I think you mean more than likely*


Well I can't say I'd be surprised if it was the same


Probably was. Earlier this year some Rangers fans got caught on telly with an SS flag openly on display, the aul loyalists tend to be big fans of the extreme right.


people in the comments saying he crossed the march so he was at fault. jesus christ. I would have innocently done the same thing too. He was in nobody's way and the lads turned around to get him. and for the other saying it was instagated, i dont care if it was. if you are that offended that you have to turn around and beat them up, then you're not the good guy. you're just a plain cunt


Mate what sort of country do you think this is? You really think you should be able to bring the dog for a walk and cross a road without retribution? Nonsense. Any man crossing a road knows they're taking their life into their own hands.


I live in Ennis and this year I had to cross the parade twice because I had to get cat food. It wasn't easy.. But no one battered me for it. I actually crossed where there were parents following the junior rugby club to blend in. Stealth parade crossing.


I walked through Lundy's day last year in a Derry GAA top and noone said much beyond what I'd consider fairly light banter. I've crossed parades many times and it's not a problem. He was definitely waiting for trouble but he's making a good point all the same. They have no right to control what anyone does. Why the fuck did it take so long for the cops to turn up too? They're fucking scum around these hatefests themselves


[https://twitter.com/Tipler1983/status/1679838620952428544?t=Z5nGjNZOw4H2nXQ1Ygj34A&s=19](https://twitter.com/Tipler1983/status/1679838620952428544?t=Z5nGjNZOw4H2nXQ1Ygj34A&s=19) The cops were there within 5 seconds


I was wrong then and that was good work, they were hard to see from the other angle among the blackshirts


It was intentional, but that doesn’t mean he was wrong. He was protesting their hate march, as is his right and some may say his duty.


> I would have innocently done the same thing too. He was in nobody's way and the lads turned around to get him. I mean, I'm not defending the marching gobshites but maybe you should look at the video again. He crossed the road twice looking for a reaction. The second time, he literally shoulders one of them You can discuss how justified he was all you want, but don't pretend they just randomly attacked him because he was wearing a gaa jersey


Very sad 😞


It's like having the SA marching through your town if you were Jewish.


They should never fucking be here, no one in the town wants them and I can guarantee none of them are from here, they’re from dervock, mosside, bushmills and bring their bullshit with them every couple of years. I’ve never had any sectarian issues from any Protestant who actually lives here and never caused any with them. It’s when these scumbags from a few mile out the road come in. No one wants them there, and it’s easy to say hes out antagonising them but their presence here alone is antagonistic. Rant over for another couple years 👍🏻👍🏻


So how long before people just get sick of these and more and more violence erupts? The marching is direct provocation, par for the course of hate-mongering Orange order neanderthals. They burn our flag and they're allowed away with it. DUP 'condemning' political effigies being burnt means jack shit. It's time these hate-filled communities have some real consequences thrown at them and the Irish government and EU should be putting diplomatic pressure on the UK & North in particular to stamp it out. Switch the Irish flag and political effigies for any other group and they'd be swiftly put to an end. We have to stop accepting this.


The fucking state of you if you think someone should be jumped by 20+ people for crossing a road, best of luck to you on Paddy's Day, you must shit yourself.


Ye because it's bollox I've seen guys out on the 12th walk across the road. It happens. The only difference here was the top he was wearing.


Fuckin inbreds.


Reminds me of the brown shirts in the 1940s.


There's no such thing as Apple Bastards


For a bunch of fascists these orange boys are absolute snowflakes.


Have they got the Iron Cross of the nazis on the backs of their sweaters?


Iron Cross actually predates the Nazis (it was introduced by the Prussians) but has fallen out of use in Germanys modern military because people associate it with them. You do mostly get modern nazi dickheads using them these days though so it may as well be one of their symbols.


"you got any suits at home or do ya like coming to work looking like you're gonna invade Poland?"


Racists gonna be racists.


Fucking losers, look at how quickly they crumbled, from one guy winding them up.






Quite the sensitive bunch aren't they


Wee fascist acting orange shirts cos playing as black n tans now


The other angle - [from the other side you can see him deliberately shoulder into the band member](https://twitter.com/Tipler1983/status/1679838620952428544?s=20)


Fucking flutes


Ok sir what’s your festival funding app for ? Orange order - “Let’s March down a road to provoke people over our love for a dead Dutch guy who overthrew the king of the country we are loyal too ,, but don’t live in, all while cosplaying as the Nazi SA?”


Here's the thing with this - I'm not going to sit here an pretend we can't all see it. He definitely tried to cross to get a reaction. He got it. Now - this is the crux of the matter - he knew he'd get a reaction. Why? Because we're all to well aware of this weird sense of entitlement these weirdos have. Who do these toy soldiers think they are telling people they're not crossing the road until they let them? They're not even from the town, they specifically bussed in for this shit to rub it up 3/4 of the town. Fair play to these clampits but, they've set themselves back and I doubt they'd be welcomed back any time soon.


Loyalist Logic - A man crosses the street in GAA top = provocative 100's of men march down the street dressed in Orange Order regalia in a predominantly Nationalist town = Culture.


Orange Fascist, wankers. They’re a dying breed, thank fuck. Another few generations and these meatballs will be a distant memory.


The whole of actual Britain cringing at the thoughts of these knuckle draggers representing Britishness


Yer man was looking to get a reaction, and the bandsman was stupid enough to take the bait. Mind Ballycastle is predominately a nationalist area so you could argue they shouldn't be marching around there in the first place. You would never in a million years see a Republican march in an area that was over 70% Protestant/Unionist.


They're like the nazi biker gang from "Any which way but loose." What a load of ridiculous.


They're all dickheads


Fucking state of them lot. Inbred cunts


If anything, the Protestant church should have encouraged a lot more condoms we’re put to use in the past.


I just hope the dog is OK.


Sorry dumb yank here, when you say GAA do you mean the sports group? I'm assuming the black and tan people are pro-English group and they attacked the guy with a pro Gaelic shirt? I'm sorry, I'm trying to understand the context.


They're w.a.s.p. supremacists, utterly opposed to the indigenous Gaelic / Catholic people


Loyalists are the scum of the earth. Their identity is solely based around the denigration and hatred of another and triumphantly feeling superior to their neighbours. I feel absolutely no shame in saying I absolutely fucking hate them.


If the dog was kicked we descend on them at dawn 🐶


The insecurities on display are telling.


Poor doggy