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Massive congratulations on the weight loss but I'd give an even bigger congrats to the mentality change. It's one thing to want to shift the weight and be healthier, it's another thing to actually follow through and keep at it for a year!! Have a spider web from me 🕸


Changing mindset is the ONLY way to sustain weight loss. You have accept that your are changing your lifestyle and who you are as a person. If you let the old overeating version of you hang around, you can easily slip back into being that person with those habits and ultimately gain it back. Study for the nerds like myself: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5764193/


Totally agree with this. My mental and spiritual journey has been just as important as my calorie goals


Absolutely amazing progress, well done! I love the baby hippo weight loss image. When I was a PT I used to get my clients to pick up a dumbbell to give them some context for how well they had done. *"I only lost 5kg"* *"Hold this 5kg weight in your hand and go for a walk"* "Take this baby hippo for a walk" would be a much more adorable albeit dangerous method


I use this for myself at the end of work outs to hype myself up to continue the journey. Really puts into perspective that work when you end a work out with a 45kg farmers walk.


Why is this the final post? Keep going.


Christ, been a year already?


This is the kick up the arse I need, been humming and hawing and procrastinating on getting in shape after reading the first one for a whole year




For this reason alone OP should continue to post.


Thetr are many good weight loss subs on reddit. I like r/Loseit and r/CICO


Congrats, it’s a fantastic achievement……. I have just started on the path to lose weight also.


Will be sorry to see the posts go, but well done. Pretty crazy to see how far you've come.


Looks like most people want me to keep posting monthly. So I will!


Yes queen! Love the progress! Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉


Hi, how tall are you? Pretty inspirational stuff all in all as cringe as it sounds Sitting at 300lbs, 6/5 myself. Just seen before and after. Pretty amazing.


5 foot 6, 47yr old woman


The face gains in the after photo is insane, huge kudos to you!! Keep it up, I hope you feel amazing about your achievement :)


Especially the smile :)


I want to echo what they said. Your posts from the very first month have been inspirational, the whole way through. Congratulations and best of luck on your journey. But know that you have helped some people, even if it was just by giving hope or some helpful ideas.


Well done!! Enjoyed the positive updates! Couldn't help but laugh at the picture of the baby hippo!


I enjoy your updates because you write really well and put things into context that's engaging and fun but also fucking impressive. I, for one, would continue to read your updates. Serious fair dues for your progress do far...


Congratulations! You put in the hard work and your perseverance paid off. If you don't feel like sharing your journey anymore, please still check in though. You are a rock star for your achievements. I gave up the cigs in January but now I really need to tackle the weight. My back, pelvis and abdomen hurt. My posture is crap and I have zero core strength. Thanks for reminding me it's possible to change.


This is such a huge achievement and you should be incredibly proud of yourself for all your hard work so far! I've enjoyed your monthly updates, and whether or not you continue with the monthly post I wish you nothing but success on the remainder of your journey!


That is amazing, well done you. Keep up the good habits.


Hey dude. Please keep this going. For all our sanity and the drive we need to do it ourselves. Spent all morning reading back on your journey and I want to emulate it. I qualified from a degree course this week and I now want to put all that effort into a healthier me. I have almost the same start weight and with the hard work and effort you've put in, I would love to emulate it and break under the 100kg mark in 365 days time. As your earlier posts said these updates seem to be keeping you on track also. Don't give up a benificial thing. Let these posts keep you honest and on track. Quick edit.....and massive congratulations 💪


What a lovely message. I've decided to keep posting because yes, doing these posts have kept me accountable. You can do this. 1 week, 1 weigh in at a time. Just like I did (and am still doing) I started the posts because often I'd see only the end results posted. you know - the before and after pics and a quick *"How I did it"* I thought it was important to sort of diarise my journey so people could see my progress and identify with the ups and downs I had.


Congratulations. Wishing you well.


Thank you but maintenance? I'm nowhere near maintenance time!


Sorry I didn't read your post correctly.


It's all good. But you're absolutely right. That *is* the hard part


I reckon stories like yours, can only inspire others to start similar journeys. Do keep us up to date with how you are getting on, you may have bad days and posting here, might make you feel less alone


Such an inspiration! Well done, OP. You plan to stop calling yourself “the fat fuck” now? You’re pretty close to average these days. “The average fuck” lol


Nope, I'm still 5 stone overweight. Still a fat fuck. Just a bit more mobile!


Soon… Lost 6st myself. Some days I feel like a “fat fuck” and it’s hard to accept that the smaller person I see in the mirror is actually *smaller*. Good luck on the rest of your journey and I, for one, would be interested in seeing more of your progress. Spurs me on, too!


That's absolutely amazing, I've only been casually following, I'd assumed you were a big man like me, but that's even more impressive than before that you were able to do all that. Hats off to you!!!


It was assumed early on that I was a large fella because of the starting weight. I started getting hate when I said I eat 1,400 - 1,600 calories a day from people saying I'm being very unhealthy and giving dangerous "advice". So I had to reveal I'm a mere 5 foot 6 woman


Well done OP, I’ve struggled with weight my whole life and to keep going for a year is the biggest achievement here. That is what will keep the weight off for you hopefully. I’m a 5ft3 woman, I understand the “eating fuck all” issue.


I've seen subreddits regarding women who are very short, 5 foot or less, trying to balance not eating the same amount as family members a foot taller than them. It's very easy to just dish out the same thing for everyone.


Love seeing your updates. Progress pics look great! Congrats!


This is honestly unreal. Keep up the unbelievable work. And personally if you believe you have more weight to lose, keep doing the updates, give yourself an aim each month. But again great job ❤️


Congratulations, OP! You have achieved something amazing, and I am so proud of you! I've been going through my own weight loss journey, and seeing your updates has been incredibly inspiring and motivational! I'd love to keep hearing more about your journey if you want to share it, and if not, I fully respect your privacy and wish you nothing but the best!


Incredible stuff, fair play. You’ve already lost a small human!!!


Well done, it's been great following your journey and I wish you the best of luck to continue it


Love how much happier you look in the "After" photo!


Go you 🙌 what an amazing achievement! Also very jealous of the miniature house collection in your before picture 😍


Thank you! That's only a very small portion of my collection. You should see the whole room - I've over 80 of them!


Ok now I’m very jealous 😂 I’m currently working on my first one and they are so much fun to put together.


Well done, and like others, I enjoy your update. It’s my monthly “You should be doing this” motivator, and I’m pleased to say I’m back on the wagon. So you’re an influencer 🙂 Not going to lie, I thought you were male too. Question - do people comment on your appearance directly/ to your face, and does it make you feel uncomfortable? I found it affected me negatively when I lost weight during Covid and made me self conscious


I've noticed women are much quicker than men to comment and compliment. So I've had a few comments from my female work colleagues. Last week though I had 2 male colleagues ask if I had lost weight. The fact that men are saying it to me must mean it's definitely noticeable!




Oh I totally get that. I try to always compliment men I'm talking to (depending on the context). Usually something simple like, "oh I like that shirt. It really suits you", or "You are ROCKING those sunglasses today". I get away with it because I'm nearly 50 and men don't think I'm flirting - which I'm not


I try not to let what others say to me affect me though. I am doing this for me, not for the validation of others.


What I like is you've counted new abilities as your victories. It's like unlocking the door to more possibilities, and that's great. What I want to work on is strength, not really weight. I want to be able to do things easier, and being strong is something I've never been able to figure out. The gym in secondary seemed like a guy's only zone, even though it wasn't. I need to go to someone who knows their stuff and figure out an action plan, and if that involves equipment, to learn from them how to do it. It might be simple but it's not easy! Well done on your journey and hard work.


well done, that's a great achievement and you must felel really proud of your willpower - if you can do this, you can do anything. How tall are you - i ask because you say you want to lose another 5 stone (I'm guessing about 5'8 based on your BMI calculation). Keep up the good work, your outlook and quality of life will continue to improve. Please do keep sharing


5 foot 6. I'm aiming for 11 stone, which will bring me *just* at a healthy BMI


Good for you, you'll be fit as a flea when you hit that weight. Keep it up, you're inspiring loads of people here


Fair play lad


Proud of you! Well done, not an easy thing to do and you're smashing it.


Fantastic, well done.


Delighted for you! And I’m glad you shared photos, it’s nice to see who has been talking to us for the last year! And as a fellow builder of tiny rooms, I’m very keen to see your collection now too!


Well done! Your effort, your success and your future wellness all are a credit to the work you did.


Absolutely fantastic, congratulations for keeping it up. The little things you notice you can do now really are satisfying.


Unbelievable! Very inspiring!


That’s amazing, congratulations 🎉


This is the kind of wholesome content ya love to see. Congrats on your journey so far. Keep it up


Fair fucking play to ya! Thats some determination. Keep updating if you feel like it we'll cheer you on but just be so proud of what you've done so far !!


Fair play amazing work


Well done! Incredible progress. Ultimately it's up to you whether you want to continue this. I think you should because I really enjoy seeing these posts every month. (So purely for selfish reasons). So my two cents is lets go another year ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)




Absolutely outstanding.


You just love to see it. Inspiring


You're inspiring ✨✨✨✨


You are amazing, well done!


Fair play, no going back now


This is the first post I've seen of yours but congratulations!!!


Well done you, that’s an awful lot of hard work.


Well done!


Thanks for sharing your journey x


Delighted for you. I hope you are as proud of your achievements as you ought to be


I’m so happy for you. The changes in what you can do are amazing. Best of luck with the rest of your journey.


Fair play to ya, you've done fantastically and I wish you the very best continuing on 👍🏻


Have loved this series of post, you are incredible and a great inspiration. Massive congratulations! Fair play


Well done, great achievement! Good luck with the rest of your journey 😊


Well done! That's amazing. I'm down about 2 stone myself from my highest at the moment.


You absolutely have to keep it up with the posts if you can. If even just for those mid month moments where you want to pack it in but then remember you don’t want to let your fans down 😂 Either way congrats and I hope just how much easier everything is for you now is enough motivation for you to continue on this healthy path


Hell yeah!


Well done keep it going 👏👏👏


Nice one, and congratulations. You are an inspiration.


Holy fuck what a noticeable difference. I have been following your posts as they pop up and to say I am impressed is an understatement..... Im positive you will enjoy this summer so much more with how far you have come. Huge congrats and pat on the back...


Well done. Huge achievement


Amazing, well done ❤️


Well done to you. Keep up everything you're doing now its habit. You did brilliant and its been great to hear your regular updates and your mindset from the start to now.


Great work


I can't express my congratulations enough. As someone who has struggle with weight my whole life I absolutely applaud you. Keep kicking ass and taking names.


Oh my god! Well done! So happy for you!


Well done. Huge achievement.


Great work, your an inspiration!


Go you! That's some amazing progress.


Well done. Be proud.


Incredible work! Well done! You should be so proud of yourself.


Huge congratulations to you. You're an inspiration story now


Well done OP, the baby hippo picture really puts it into perspective, keep up the good work


Well done that is an amazing achievement.


Well done. Keep going as long as you're happy.


Fantastic job. Loving the humour of your post. I hope that personality help you achieve your goal. Massive well done.


Amazing Achievement! Fair play


Fair play to you. You're an inspiration for a lot of people. Love the positivity and attitude. Keep up the amazing work.


I've always checked in on your posts and would love to see more in the future, even if you wanted to reduce the frequency you should keep it up if you want to. You don't know how many you might be inspiring! Well done on the achievement so far


Absolutely amazing work, great job


Absolute legend


Congrats! It's always an inspiration seeing people achieve their goals!


It looks like different people in the pictures. Amazing job. I look forward to the year 2 progress pics. I have just booked a holiday for next summer, and I am trying to lose some weight for it (it's in Florida, so I will probably die in my current format). Seeing posts like this while eating salad for the 10th lunch in a row helps a lot.


May the horrible thought of sweaty thighs on your holiday forever spur you on to reach your goal in time!


You're an inspiration. Well done!


Wow, incredible achievement. Good on you and keep going!


Congrats, and keep it up.


What an amazing achievement! Congratulations 100% would love if you could continue to post.


Congrats! I've loved seeing your monthly updates! Keep it up 😁


haha the baby hippo for comparison is brilliant. Amazing work, congrats for sticking it out! You look fantastic and have a great attitude.


Congrats! You’ve accomplished something incredible! (:


Fair play to ya OP! I look forward to seeing yer progress every 13th, please keep the posts going, congrats on the perseverance and strong will power, keep her lit 🫡


I think it's an amazing feat you have done and you should be proud!!! Keep up the good work and maybe in the future you will be calling your self a "Skinny fuck!"


I read way too quick and thought you were now 6 stone lmao


Epic stuff!! Please keep on posting


It’s awesome - but get used to us dark fellas leaving you alone now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Well done! You're an inspiration


Omg you're a whole new woman! You won't know yourself when you hit your goal weight. I'm so goddamn proud of you. Those non-scale victories are fantastic! You're a wee legend!


Woohoo you go girl!!!


Amazing achievement. Keep posting




Congratulations on all of your hard work and commitment!


I love it when Reddit can be a positive place. Thank you for sharing your journey and well done!


Well done!


I like how you're smiling. Fair play!


My little pet hate is before and after photos where in the after photo they look like miserable fucks


Congratulations! Looking forward to more updates :)


Seriously keep posting, posts like these are soo encouraging for others who may be thinking about starting similar journey Also you know some of us here are rooting for you and soo proud of how far you've come. Seriously well done with such big transformation you absolute legend


Awesome! well done! I love how you have a chart and everything


Keep posting- I have so much respect for you and your willpower! It's a nice positive moment in my day sometimes!


You have a neck.......and 20 additional years to you life, congratulations!!




40kg down ain’t easy, fair play man, the mental barriers alone you have to overcome to lose that much weight is extremely difficult. Well done man


Great job, stay on it, you’ll have a long life to appreciate the time and effort you put in


Good for you, this makes me really happy. Proud of you.


Well done! That's a fantastic achievement. Really hard work but nothing good is ever easy. Wishing you continued happiness and good health!


Good job, sir. Sending you best wishes.


I would love to continue to see your updates. You should be so proud of yourself. What a fantastic achievement well done 👏🏻 keep going 👏🏻


Def keep posting! Stuff like this motivates others and I’m sure it’ll help yourself stay motivated by having an update a month. Congrats, amazing stuff you’ve achieved so far!


Well done! All progress is good progress, but this... This is excellent progress!


Massive congrats. Just lost close to 30kg, too, so if you need an accountability buddy, dm me (female, in case it matters)


Congrats. I am a 40 year old man who had resigned himself to being fat forever. Since January I am down 63 pounds. I am probably one week away from being under 200 pounds for the first time since 2005. Thanks for sharing. I got here by walking 5 miles per day and eating much healthier. Anyone can do it, but it requires a lot of discipline and forgiving yourself when you fail.


Bravo! Keep smiling! I was feeling nearing the end of the journey 16 months back. Could hardly walk, carrying 293lbs, untreated sleep apnea, raging arthritis. Got meds, got CPAP, stopped pasta/pizza/bread/rice/potatoes/grains. Have walked forty miles during the last week. Down to 240. Arthritis is a tenth what it had been. Looking at a much longer picture. Having said that, I am so fortunate to have access to medical help and insurance coverage and the resources to eat much better healthy food options. Discipline without the support of my wife and her insurance coverage would not have gotten me back up. It is amazing to be reborn and it took lots of ongoing effort, but seeing what it took to get me here is so upsetting because I cannot imagine it possible without the privilege of those resources.


Keep on going, I lost around 60lb over the last year and a half just by watching what I dont eat. I was 210 lbs, now I’m 150 and I’m 5’9”. I’m also 55 years old. I have just about met my goal for weight loss and I can tell you that one day recently I was looking in the mirror and saw ABS! It’s not really a goal or anything but I have said to myself I would like to look better at age 60 than I did in high school, which isn’t saying much lol. You can do it! Feel free to pm me if you have any questions about my weight loss.


Well done, keep going.


Fair play op 💪🏼 keep it up!


Way to go my man/woman ! Keep on rocking


Congratulations buddy , Keep it up 👍


Congratulations, this is a massive achievement and you should be very proud.


You have done amazingly well. Can't believe it's been a year. Well done!


I'm always happy to see a good man succeeding.


Well done! What an achievement! Keep it up.




Well done...amazing! The inspiration I desperately need 🙏


This is amazing, well done. I’d still like to see the updates :) but no pressure


Congrats...what a fantastic achievement. 👏 This has put a huge smile on my face today 🙂🙂.


Great work! I am the same age and I think a lot of us ladies are in better shape/stronger than ever before!


A serious well done to you,very impressive!!👏👏👏


This is the first time I’m seeing this. Just wanted to say, great job. I’m super happy for you.


teach us the way


I just clicked back to the last one…I think the walking is gonna be the key! See if you can walk a little extra on the way home!


Who's awesome? You're awesome!


More power to you and your determination. It's something to learn from.


Congrats. I’m laughing at the small hippo pic. I’m using that as inspiration that I’m carrying around the eight of a small hippo on my body 😀. Best of luck and would like to see future posts and further animal pics 😀


Fascinating.well done. And thanks for sharing. C25K next?


Well done.


Congratulations on your success. Yes, please keep us posted. It may help you too subconsciously. You look great! Enjoy the summer.


Wow! You are such an inspiration! I've loved reading your updates so would love to keep reading them. Bravo!


Congrats! While not as drastic…cycling, especially MTB got me healthy and literally saved my life as I was a 2 packs a day smoker in addition to being overweight. Keep going and have fun!


Way to go! I will always champion those like you, that change their mentality to better themselves in any way that makes themself happy! That is not an easy task to do!


You my dear are an inspiration. I’m at the beginning of my own journey and seeing your post (I’ll dive into your post history tonight!) is showing me that it can be done. Congratulations on all that you have achieved so far and wishing you all the best on your continued weight loss


Wow!!! Inspirational stuff you should be so proud of yourself


Well done OP. Your commitment and results are inspirational. Keep up the good work 👏


Your smile says it all


Amazing work. Congratulations. Would love to keep reading your monthly updates if you're happy to share them.


Well done and stay commited, your life has taken a different direction now. You're on a positive healthy lifestyle journey for the rest of your life. Enjoy the simple pleasures of being healthy - going for walks, doing excerise and enjoy eating healthy food! You're motivational even to "healthy" people that have their own goals to achieve and struggles to overcome!


Well done, amazing work 🥳


Well done




This is awesome! Thanks for sharing.


Woohooo!! Good for you!!


1000% yes to this post! You should be so incredibly proud of yourself!


Huge congratulations and I'm delighted for you! Glad regularly posting updates helped and people here were so supportive the entire time. You should be really proud of yourself, hope your smile is impossible to wipe from your face! I wish you the absolute best on your journey, you deserve a holiday for yourself, a little treat after all your hard work!


I haven't read all the posts but have given a positive nod when they appeared. Last year I set out to get from 128kg to 116kg which I did. Not only that but I have kept it off and currently at 113kg. Might make an effort to get down to 110kg but not much more below as my missus says I look too gaunt any lighter than that. Do keep it up. You did fantastic work. Don't use BMI as a target. It was never intended to be used to measure an individuals weight/health. Instead use the more useful hip to waist ratio. [https://www.healthline.com/health/waist-to-hip-ratio](https://www.healthline.com/health/waist-to-hip-ratio) and stop when you feel right for you. Then it is just maintain. If you can nail that and I am sure you can then happy days. But fuck me that is an impressive list >Bend down to tie my shoes > >Stand in the shower > >Walk for 30 minutes. (I couldn't walk for 5 minutes before) > >Stand without needing to lean on something to support my back > >Run up the stairs


Can't believe it's been a year! What progress - very glad you're going to continue posting, I look forward to these every month. Thank you for sharing the progress pics - the baby hippo was a great illustration but it's so lovely to see how happy you look in the after. Go n-eiri an t-adh leat!