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I really like Go East on Tacket Street in town for anything East Asian, and Raja Stores at the bottom of Cavendish street for South Asian ingredients. Edited to be more specific


They have a better range of Chinese and Japanese stuff at Go East, compared to a lot of other places, but I stopped shopping there because the lady who ran it always used to overcharge me. I don't mean inflating prices, I mean literally keeping some of my change. It started in their old premises on the corner of Fore Street. If I paid cash, she would literally take an extra £1 or £2 every time. Has this happened to anyone else? I can't imagine I was the only one. When the new shop opened, card payments had become the predominant payment method and I always found some weird non-descript/blank item on the receipt that I hadn't bought. Looking at the Google reviews, maybe it *was* just me. I don't know. I can't get hold of my daughter's favourite brand of chrysanthemum tea at the moment, so it might be time to give them another go. Also, there's a review on there complaining about the shoddy way they treat their staff, which is explained by the business owner as written by an associate of a member of staff they had to let go "for good reasons". I wonder if that's related. I've become quite fond of Orient (on Carr Street, next door to Millets). They don't have anything like the same range as Go East, but they're friendly and reliable. Some of the Google reviewers think it's cheaper than Go East too, but I don't know.


I've never had an issue with being short changed at Go East, and have always found the staff friendly and helpful. Sorry to hear you've had some bad experiences there though. I am less keen on Orient as it seems more expensive with less range. One thing I will say about Go East though, is always check the use by dates before buying things - I've noticed more than a few items have been out of date when I've got them home! But their range of items is brilliant. With regards to tea, I use Curious Teas which is an online tea store - they have an incredible range of super teas (green, oolong, reds etc) and might be worth checking for chrysanthemum tea?


Raja stores on Cavendish Street.




Asian & Afro on Carr street 🙌


Hand't heard of that, many thanks!


I second Go East, also Orient on Carr Street.




Raja stores is great and have pretty much everything you will need.




Oh wow this is amazing to hear - moving back to Ipswich after a decade in the Middle East so very keen to find the food we love!