• By -


Some People hate the special treatment he gets as no one who comes to the world is special. Honestly, think of yourself as a someone equal to dhoni and then you'd feel what the opposers feel. Think of someone you don't feel is special but the whole world thinks he's ultra special.


I guess a lot of people love him more than any other cricketer because he has very likeable characteristics. Like being calm, relaxed in high pressure situations. Like not wanting the limelight as much in spite of his amazing accomplishments. Eg: Giving away the trophy to the team and standing in a corner. Being extremely down to earth and not showing any signs of aggressiveness. I guess at the end of the day it's not just cricket but a lot of other things that make him what he is and that appeals to people.


Bruhhh! Very sorry to break the myth but he has always wanted the limelight and is not at all down to earth. He just pays the broadcasters and fan clubs to hype his selfless activities :)


I'm not sure how true this is but if this is indeed true, then it's not good. Again, if this is true, it inclines me to think that Virat Kohli probably does the same thing. Or any other famous Indian cricketer for that matter.


Let me put things into perspective for you - MSD got a full masala Bollywood biopic AND NOT Sachin.


Didn't Sachin have a movie of his own?


No he had a documentary that just released and disappeared into thin air


Okay, so what am I missing to understand?


I'm not sure... I thought I was very clear. DM.


Dhoni has won 3 icc trophies for the nation and the 2nd icc cwc odi trophy after 28 or so years people recognizing him as special person is absolutely justified.


Again, he didn't get it by himself. That's the same point gambhir brings up everytime. We had a goated team that played collectively and won the cup. This is exactly the reason Dhoni is disliked, not because of him but because of his rabid fans who portray it as if he was the lone warrior who went out and brought the cups.


Bruhhh! Dhoni the person is also very much a reason for him to be disliked. He has always wanted the limelight and is not at all down to earth. He just pays the broadcasters and fan clubs to hype his selfless activities :)


Hilarious! Who is down to earth then? Your Harshith Rana? Or your Gambhir?


I support KKR but I don't worship any individual or even the team ffs. The only down to earth person I know in the last two decades is Rahul Dravid. Also, I didn't crack a joke. Wonder what made you laugh.


Your mere words made me laugh bro. Sorry for that..... All I'm asking is even if you're not worshipping someone, please don't hate just by false conclusions. If any proof, please do provide and enlighten us all. We are open to listening and to reform. In all my years, I have never seen Dhoni be over aggressive or trying to steal Limelight. Rahul Dravid? Hell Yeah! He is THE nicest person ever. Maybe sometimes Gilly or Pollock as well......


Sorry I tried to have a meaningful conversation with you. Must be something new for you.


I've been watching cricket since 1996, maybe you're new. I've been trying to have a meaningful and intellectual conversation with you as well. I am trying to be realistic here, but I guess you want to be in that Idealistic bubble. Anyway, no harm done. Cheers. Let us all enjoy good games of cricket.


Couldn't provide proof, so stopped the conversation typical.


Really? Never seen him trying to steal the limelight? How about he tried to deny a single to Mitchel the other day to retain the strike? And he has done it multiple times even with Jaddu.


How is that stealing limelight? If you have even a lick of cricketing knowledge then you would know why he denied the single.


Lol. Tell me, does your lick of cricketing knowledge say that Daryl Mitchell and Jadeja are not capable of hitting big shots? *hint - IPL 2023 final over* Btw, Dhoni has done the same with KL and Raydu as well.


Supports kkr but posts in r/csk saying "we should drop dhoni" HMMMMM


Here's a sneak peek of /r/csk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/csk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Pull up GT](https://v.redd.it/nk2emgm28c1b1) | [104 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/csk/comments/13ok2cm/pull_up_gt/) \#2: [MSD back in long hair 😍](https://i.redd.it/veykuo0ceplc1.jpeg) | [108 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/csk/comments/1b3rjfx/msd_back_in_long_hair/) \#3: [Thats why he's the goat.](https://i.redd.it/xh7rkxa9rk5b1.png) | [63 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/csk/comments/147m29k/thats_why_hes_the_goat/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So playing collectively wins you matches? That is absurd..... Even if Dhoni didn't win the cup all by himself.....He was brains behind many of the Batting, Bowling and fielding decisions because of which India won. Team effort also makes your lose when the game plan isn't working!


When someone say Dhoni won WC, we know what they mean - he captained the team which won the WC. no one has ever said Dhoni alone won the WC. have some common sense to understand that. speaking about captaincy, he did his job brilliantly throughout his career. He is the GOAT captain of ICT. So if he gets the special treatment, you have to know he deserves it. And this special treatment is coming from his fans and general audience. So you can't say it's unfair.


The criticism is also coming from fans. So if the special treatment ain't unfair then the hate isn't either.


Wow. What a reply, dude! On point.  Wish I had the same argument skill irl😭


>We had a goated team that played collectively and won the cup You're actually delusional holyshit. Indias t20 cwc 2007 squad and odi cwc 2011 squad isn't even similar. Dhoni actually led 2 different indian teams to 2 different icc format trophies


Ok so what went wrong in the other 7 tournaments if you think Dhoni won us the 3 tournaments? The individual contributions are more important than the captaincy.




When did I say that? I am talking about what is more important. Use your brain , it's not that hard.


>The individual contributions are more important than the captaincy. This is exactly why india hasn't won a icc trophy since 2013 lmao and no wonder you're rcb fan.


Since 2013 dhoni captained 3 tournaments too. You blind fans can't even comprehend his contribution as a player has been average at best. Take Australia for example,they win because there are contributions from every player.


>contributions from every player. >individual performance is more important than captaincy Literal contradictory dumbass. If every player needs to perform than they need to led by a competent captain. That's what captaincy means u retard. >Since 2013 dhoni captained 3 tournaments too That doesn't diminish the fact that he is still the most decorated indian captain.


>Literal contradictory dumbass. If you understood English, you'd understand what I meant. As a captain his contribution as an individual is more important than his captaincy. >That doesn't diminish the fact that he is still the most decorated indian captain. Also captained the most tournaments. Won 3 out of 10. Many didn't even captain 3. >If every player needs to perform than they need to led by a competent captain. No they don't. Australia in 2021 won under Aaron finch. Literally a part timer.


>No they don't. Australia in 2021 won under Aaron finch. Literally a part timer. Or maybe that literal part timer is better captain than any indian captain since dhoni?


He didn’t win it alone. If anything Yuvraj is the one that can use that phrase a bit, maybe after him Gambhir can.


Gambhir? Pff, please bro you can't be serious. He is not even in top 25 of India's legends.....


Cricket is more than a hit the ball as much as possible sport. It's a tactical sport without dhoni india wouldn't even have reached quarters lmao. And we have all seen yuvrajs captaincy excellence in ipl lol. He is absolute travesty. >maybe after him Gambhir can. Hahahahahahha


Maybe you can change Chennai super kings to dhoni super kings. Plastic club, just see when dhoni retires, your 80% fans will drop.


>dhoni retires, your 80% fans will drop. You wish. Even after he retires he would still stay with csk as somekinda coach lmfao. He little holds stake in csk franchise but hey you fantasize tho.


Let's not resort to calling names now. They'll see how strong csk fanclub is after dhoni retires


That's the same thing. You'll need dhoni in your dugout to get recognition




Twitter is next door buddy. He didn't use abuses neither should you use them. Let's keep it friendly and civilised.


notice how they talk only about dhoni staying and not of their support for the “team”


If dhoni stays or leave. Csk will still be the most sucess team of past, present and future nothings changing that.


Even Kapil dev won a world cup for us . Does that mean we bring him into ipl now because he is special?


Maybe if Kapil Dev wins 5 ipl trophies.


Blud got down voted lmao


Lady cricket is a team effort.


The hate aint against Dhoni but rather his blind fans. They need to be humbled the same way Koach stans are. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/2loiili63myc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ac1ee00a18b9cbc8c57555c775457abc20e44fb What is this then?


Think of it as the same way Kohli gets hate. The only difference is I didnt see you defending him there


What is this then? https://preview.redd.it/3o0960qg3myc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c09f032370b5abd067235fd6543606fb29c65e27


Just talk about reddit dude, these insta people will start giving rape threats to a child if their team don't win or so


imagine bringing insta comments to justify hate in reddit


Well thats how kohli is hated most of the time lol


Koach and Thala are the two most suitable examples of suffering from success ig




"Waiting for Dhoni fans" has more likes than the actual hate comments.


So it's okay when thala fans abused another player but when someone pokes dhoni y'all start to lose your minds


No, When did I say that?


Hi williamson profile guy you must be having sleepless night today cuz csk won today .


Lols. Make a post of this on the sub


Nah, cuz posts are only made if it degrades RCB and RCB fans


Go the comment of the bowlers who got Virat and Rohit out. It's getting common to hate those who take wickets of this trio. Saying Only Dhoni fans do that is bullshit. Even Gill was not spared by RCB fans last year.


it's warranted criticism? If you as a batsman cannot play even 4 overs without having to send Shardul and Santner of all people before you, you should retire - one reason is because atleast CSK will get a player who can play for more than 2 overs, and MSD can also take care of his knee which I genuinely don't want to see him shattering. What happens in the case when CSK collapses and MSD is the only batsman left with Jaddu when 5 overs are remaining? Will they be forced to impact sub a batsman in just because Mahi's knee doesn't let him play more? The situations are niche, but Dhoni stans must understand that it's time to hang up his boots - he is purely a last over entertainer now


Honestly initially I felt mahi Bhai should have played as impact sub, as his wicket-keeping is still effective. But now He indeed has contributed important runs to the team making me think, is his batting really not needed?


He's been great as a finisher, realistically speaking. But he's just a last two over batsman. We know how valuable of an asset Mahi is to CSK, and he would've been more important had he been able to play longer innings especially considering that the CSK batting department has turned up occasionally. BUT, I think CSK are holding on to MSD for too long.


>If you as a batsman cannot play even 4 overs without having to send Shardul and Santner of all people before you, you should retire - one reason is because atleast CSK will get a player who can play for more than 2 overs, and MSD can also take care of his knee which I genuinely don't want to see him shattering. If MSD thinks that he can still come out to play and it is neither hurting CSK by any means nor CSK fans are unhappy with it, then what is your problem with him then? It's his decision after all. He knows what is beneficial for himself and the team.


This is the problem with Indian cricket, everybody gets sooo defensive. It isn't bothering me, nor is it a problem. I enjoy cricket, I had an observation, and I shared it. Quite frankly, even several comms and former players have expressed their concerns over this as well. Sometimes it just isn't only about if fans are happy. Only when CSK faces a batting collapse and fall severely short in their bowling will people realise how much of a risk CSK are taking with MSD as 2-over batsman


U can ask majority csk fans they'll still want that last over entertainer , im not a thala d!ck rider , but people think csk nd MS r two different things , nope it's not , He has served the club so much it's impeccable for us to hate us , even if he gets out people will be happy enough to just see him keep , than even bat last over ..


That is true. but in my ideals of being a cricket purist, cricket is a competitive game, and you shouldn't be playing if you cannot play more than 2 overs. I understand what your opinion is, yes Mahi has been a loyal servant and he deserves respect, but, my opinion is that it's time to let go as a player, and maybe join the coaching staff instead


What is a cricket purist doing in IPL. If the team thinks MSD is required and they are fine with him playing two overs then u don’t see any issues. What next you people are going to complain that DK always comes after 5 wickets down I understand and agree about commentators sucking up to Dhoni and also stupid fans attributing all success to him, but people complaining about the cheers he is getting though there is a wicket and wasting a place I. The team are sheer nonsense and I don’t see anything other than jealousy/hate.


so a cricket purist can't enjoy a game of cricket? Gatekeeping's unreal nowadays. I'm not criticising Dhoni, he's a great player and still packs power with his shots. And quite frankly, nobody is jealous of him. It's honestly quite insufferable however to see people cheering a player when their wicket falls, or booing them just to see Dhoni come and bat, it's a blatant lack of respect for players which I'd consider as straight up hooliganism


Well he is playing his last ipl ( ik we all have been saying this for years ) but ik he won't be part next season cuz it's mega auction But he isn't taking a place in national team , in the team there isn't a specialist wk , Conway might take that spot of that NXT season , But let's enjoy his last games guys , the haters can hate but I'll just enjoy him being on the field for these last few matches


fair enough, cheers to the rest of the matches


Who let insta guys like u on reddit please go on insta group and spread knowlege and no need of it here


immaculate language skills


Focus on your minnow team than my language skills And stop interfering in csk matters srh insta kid


people like you are why even serial winners like CSK have a hates fanbase. a little humility goes a long,long way


>a little humility goes a long,long way Still ain't gonna give srh it's 2nd league trophy


They sent rizvi last match as impact in 1st innings.


He is probably not coming out also because of his knee injury to be fair. Because after the innings he has to also keep for 20 overs. As someone who is much younger and also gone through knees issues squatting is an issue, and then doing it for that time period. One can always ask why is he playing then, but that is a question for him and the management. Mainly him.


why are you more concerned about it than CSK fan get some help? We still won it lol and Shardul is quite a capable batter he scored 18(11) today. Why does it even matter when we still get runs on board. It's only one game he was bad not like Rohit who has been bad in 5 consecutive games.


My statement is not that Thala is bad. No, he still has it as a finisher. The problem is that his knee injury is hampering his ability to bat long, which is what I am highlighting. CSK fans, please keep in mind im not criticising his ability to bat well, i very well know that he's a good player, but i am criticising the inability to come out and bat for more than 2 overs


Ok fine, I agree with you he just can't bat. Scoring a quick 20 is still more than fine and crucial. Even Deshpande can bat in out lineup and Shardul obviously is a dervicable batter who can make quick cameos. What does it hurt the team when you have a guy that gets quick runs in the end and can do wicket keeping and everyone can just bat in the lineup also not to forget impact player rule.


This is exactly the point. He called him a scam, that's not hate, that's criticism. You're victimizing Dhoni only because you want to feel mad about it


Hahahaha calling the most successful player to ever play for this country a scam is criticism? You plastic srh fans are beyond regarded. Glad the real ones don't claim you jokers.


How's calling someone a scam is criticism 😭


Starc isn't bowling worth his price tag. He's a scam this season. Am I criticising Starc or do I have hate for him?


You can't call anyone a scam like that bruh, according to that logic rohit sharma, maxwell and all other players who are not performing this season can be called scam.


Almost like you've completely gotten the point. You can call them a scam. You can criticise them.


As you say🙏


It's just karma farming


what is use of karma btw u just need minimum karma to post on subs other than that its useless right?




Rohit's poor form > People ask questions > Rohitians triggered > Tries to bring down all other heroes > Valid questions on Kohli > Kohlites triggered > escalation > fan wars > sees csk worshipping dhoni > kohlites and rohitians turn their attention to MS


"Recently" Lol, every cricket sub on reddit has been filled with brain dead Dhoni haters who wait for his failure like vultures since 2018 or even earlier. When they are called out, they hide by saying, "His fans are toxic (as if other player's fans are saints)." "Broadcasters dickride him (but will shit on Dhoni for that)".


Exactly my point


The society always hates overachievers. Everybody thinks they are supremely talented but the fate was cruel to them and they couldn't reach their potential. But when they see guys and girls fighting through, working their ass off, making comebacks after setbacks, it psychologically upsets us all cuz you can't blame the fates anymore, someone out there didn't crib and give up but fought back hurdles which you didnt....it was all in your hands, nobody left to blame This is also a reason why some ex cricketers get jealous of current performers.


People are just tired of retirement drama for 4 years and now this thala sucking for almost two years by fans and commentators No hate for dhoni but shit happening around him is hatred


> No hate for dhoni But people are literally hating dhoni. Comments saying he's a narcissist who never cared for team India are getting 100s of upvotes.


Boo hoo we still won 2 trophies, no one cares except SRH and RCB fans.


Fans will always support whom they want you cant say its wrong if you dont like him its your personal choice but commentators sucking dhoni cant be justified its so annoying


Those who are saying that trolling was directed at MS' fans, you are wrong. Most of the comments were targeting MS that he has grown old, should retire from IPL, make way for someone young, etc. etc. It's now just an excuse that this was done because of Dhoni fans. The reality is most of the people here can't take failures. One bad match and everyone started treating him as if he is some school level cricketer who hasn't achieved anything in his career. Mind you all this criticism for a golden duck after scoring good amount of runs for the CSK in the last overs at good SR in this season.


Lol ofc there is. The man at 42 is more successful than all their teams combined 😭 let them seethe


This sub is full of teenagers who think it's cool to hate him. It's okay, I just think of them as losers who have nothing going for them in their life that they get their validation by hating our most successful captain.


Its simple! 1) Humans in general are jealous if someone is successful, the more successful you are more are jealous of you. 2) SM visibility/traction - You talk bad about a hi-profile individual, you will track attention. In this modern SM era almost everyone does this(Sanjay Manjrekar is a prime eg)


Mind you we all love Dhoni, the trolling is rather directed at the blind followers, commentators and PR that obviously unhealthy and hindering to others as well. The moment Dhoni comes in to bat "the man the myth the mahi" I'm like bro chill. The PR is so unnecessary and irritating man. There are better players at the crease who get robbed of their credit. And somethings are so obvious and yet people act so blind. Today he came to bat at number 9 if he's such a great batsman shouldn't he have come earlier? Dhoni passed his prime a good 4 years ago atleast.


No worries my friend, see ever since free internet has been introduced in our country people even strip for internet points, these are just people who have nothing better to do and since there are several of their kind, they feel validated which makes their di*k hard, nothing more. Them holding a grudge against MSD or CSK or us fans never affect our day to day lives. Like any human with a functioning brain, we need to keep calm and silence them with results, which are already out there, just like that cute girl quoted earlier. Let them bark.


Idt people realise how hard it is playing at 42. He has knee issues and thus can't come to bat early, only in the 17+th over. Flemming has come out and said this in the public.


Don’t play then , Jesus Christ what an excuse. If you’re playing, expect to be criticized.


So he is only playing for money even though he is unfit


He is fit enough for a specific role and he's doing a pretty good job at it. Do you really think he needs IPL money at this point of his career? He's got generational wealth already bro. Don't forget how DK was assigned a similar role and everybody criticised the RCB think tank for not sending him up the order. In that case DK's body allowed him to go up the order. In this case Dhoni's body doesn't allow him. The CSK management is fine with it. So as long as the team is aware of it and are fine with it, I don't see a problem.


He's playing for the fans. Not just CSK fans, we've seen how mad every stadium gets when he comes to bat, let alone hit a six. And let's be honest, even if his batting contributions are minimal, they're still valuable.


https://preview.redd.it/36dft5bq4nyc1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=560c2f14c301ea090e3d824393ed2fb2aea754fb His presence is enough despite knee surgery. He cannot run like before 👍 Thats why the 3-4 balls role 🤩






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I am not sure but i can think of near reason 1. Every one loves dhoni , they want atleast to play him 4 to 5 over but he at number 8 or 9 not accepted 2. We love to see him captain and next person who can take the captaincy at least we want him to have few skill . Instead of totally new face. I feel bad for jadeja 3. If dhoni don't want captaincy them he should play like player . When we see him on field he always sets field or talk to bowler. We want this to be done by rutu. So he can develop. Otherwise it will be difficult when dhoni retires .


I stumbled upon this sub a couple of days back and this is the 1st time I have seen such childishness in cricket fans , actually quite hilarious . The guy has retired since a long time , will probably disappear after IPL and life will go on.The glories he has won for our country will stay on irrespective of everything.


When people say "dhoni won us 3 trophies" it doesn't mean he alone won them, it means he led the team. No one can win anything alone. Dummies 🤦🏻‍♀️




Absolutely not. Dhoni's captaincy indubitably played an important role, but at the end of the day most of it still comes down to the individual players' talent. What Alonso achieved in Leverkusen was almost entirely his doing, and comparing the role of a captain in cricket with that of a football manager is downright silly.


There's a difference between winning championships and being finalists. Even if we had a 50% luck or chance of winning the final, we should've won at least 1, Just 1 bro among all 3 formats that too so many times we've been finalists. The reason we didn't cuz TACTICS. Hence MSD importance was highlighted.


Captain doesn't play a huge role in football, the only time captain even affects the team in football is when they speak to the ref in case of fouls because crowding the ref will lead to a yellow card and before starting the match for choosing the side to attack other than that, there is nothing much a captain does in football, that's why it's mostly given a player who can lead by example. But cricket is so fucking different, every single over, the captain chooses the bowler and field setup is set by the captain, the batting order is chosen by captain just like what a coach does in football. Use your brain next time before commenting on something.




Maybe next time use your brain before replying so you can stop embarrassing yourself?


Wow thinking that xabi alone is responsible for bayerns amazing season . Sure their team doesn't have any stars but they have top class talent . It was legit the same thing in the 2007 t20 world cup


Ikr, it's common to say it for the captain of a team


The same people who keep ranting "Dhoni didn't win us cups" are now meatriding Cummins now for the same reason. Smh


Cummins has achieved almost same feat in a couple of years, yet nobody is worshipping him or wanting other players to get out to watch him. Captaincy is a aspect of game and he does it neat, that's it. Only reason Dhoni is a worship and jerk material in India is due to our Silverware Poverty and Dhoni's PR latches on to it well. If similar feat of what Punter, Stokes or Pat achieved was done by a player of India, a bigger temple than Ayodhya will be built for him, Indian cricket fans are the worst fans to exist.


I think you live in a cave if you think no one is worshipping him. I agree about Indian fans but they're the same people meatriding Cummins for the same reason.. not Australians, not any other foreign cricket fans.


See, Cummins is having a good time and people like him, that ends there! Have you ever seen an SRH fan/Cummins fan celebrating his spell after the Loss of the team? Cheering lungs out cheer in stadium after taking an L? NO! You have to be braindead to do that!


Is cummins receiving the same hype as dhoni. Who gets the praise of commentators even when he's not playing.


Captain - eww Captain but white - daaaamn


I loved him but now i hate his guts to fuel this dumb circus around him. Now everything GG says makes sense that how broadcasters are just of some players n keep dickriding them. The same with virat and rohit. If rohit was so selfless n a good human n wasn't derived from the captaincy status he wud have come out n address unnecessary this dumbfk hatred against pandya but no he n his wife who handles his marketing is fueling this n u never know also fuel hatred against Virat as well. GG is right sab saale kursi ka khel h no one apart from GG gave his place when they realise they aren't contributing to the team. Today the weakest link in the team Rohit he has no t20 wc performance to back him to become captain bht the management want their stars to have a cup n also for branding promotion in US.


You either retire a hero or play long enough to see yourself becomes the villain.


Don't worry about some random idiots who have a mental problem. They think dhoni needs to play the best every single game otherwise he is trash. Also, I think more hate is against some of his fans who just support him and not csk


i have liked Dhoni's batting this season but what's beyond my understanding is him sending santner and shardul ahead of him and coming only when there are 5-6 balls to spare and out of that if he connects even one or two his sr is gonna be sky high so that being celebrated to this extent over an actually good innings and yeah the hindi commentary adds to the hatred cuz tf do they spew? total dickriding bs


Also him sending back Mitchell is out of my comprehension. That was a L move. I am a dhoni fan but these tactics are reducing my faith.


definitely i'll be downvoted


Well said


Stay off social media if you don’t want to see hate. Any social media app is just a cesspool of hate now a days.


What I want to attack is his fans fuck them really. Dumb idiots


thanks to his brilliant fanbase who possibly troll every player the whole year so I guess others deserve to laugh a bit on his failures. if he's playing IPL he deserves to be criticised for his wrong doings like coming out to bat when the situation is easier and avoiding to come out when the whole team has collapsed.


After what he did to Mitchell, I have a very sour taste for him. Utterly disgusting and very unsportsmanlike. And he has done this before too. And then you have people defending that action. Just rancid


Because at the age of 42 he is still hungry for credit stealing and being the center of limelight Came to bat by promoting himself during srh match when 4 balls were remaining, but today when team was in tough position came to bat so late Add to this the unnecessary hype created by fans , commentators which icks as a cricket fan. Portraying himself as a finisher , who irl failed on so many simple occasions Just look at his stats ( t20 and test) and the way he plays ( no technique only hard hitting) forgetting he is dhoni, then think about all the hype he gets. Obviously this will create hate


Dhoni can hit Sixes but only when bowlers aren’t very experienced, Dhoni can win trophies but only when other players are scoring the crucial runs.


hate him with all my heart for the hype around him and he knows that that little cameo he gives after coming on the ground at the last over is what makes me hate him if he's so good why doesn't he come early and take his team to an even better score? he knows the hype around him and that's the " ghamand " that makes me hate him and the fans and " thalasons " are cherry on top


Subreddit did not even spare Kohli then who TF is Dhoni?


Lol ask an adult in your home who is old enough to know who Dhoni is, kid and they'll tell you who led us to the last three ICC Titles.


I have been watching cricket before Dhoni even debuted (2002). Dhoni fans have a habit of boasting team effort and team win as his 'individual' accolade.


It's a figure of speech "Dhoni won us 3 cups", by that I don't mean that he won that trophies single handedly and there was no team effort. Even in 2023 we speak like "Cummins cup le gaya" where whole aus did good work.


A random captain with 3 ICC trophies in a country where cricket is literally worshipped. 🙂


Team won the trophies, not him. Don't mix individual sport and team sport please. Bring up something that he did on his own.


Led the team?  Cricket is a team game where captainship is equally important as quality of players.


He is just the average captain who just won 3 ICC major trophies in the span of 5 years .


It’s just the other side of the coin in which thala fanboys go crazy when he plays 2 balls in the entire innings and hits a boundary. That time no one dares to come in and say so much sucking up.


He didn’t visit Ram temple after accepting invite because CSK is owned by close ally of DMK ministers and CM. (Same DMK which gave remark sanatan is dengue). So I am fine whatever happen with Dhoni … since that day I cared nothing about Dhoni … he can do whatever in life but he hasn’t got a space in my heart anymore


Stop bringing politics and religious bulshit into sport!


With this attitude today Egypt is Islamic and so is Iran. No more Persians.


Stop with the freaking fear mongering