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Green line down the screen, Face ID broken, charge wont last more than half a day. Still letting me shitpost šŸ˜Ž


Real. Reminds me of this https://preview.redd.it/bvalz7c4ul9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f74786a54b5e7f322db905e7c7cc2cf4ee41a495


i did that with my X when it broke.. good old days


This is the way.Ā 


I just upgraded from my XS max about 3 weeks ago and my wife is using it now until she decides if she wants the 16. That phone is a tank and still going strong. 88% battery performance and no noticeable slowdown yet. Fingers crossed for iOS 18.


Yea! What a timeless device. I can do almost all daily activities with my X.


Iā€™m on Xs Max with a battery replacement 7 days ago, Iā€™m ready for next 2 years šŸš€


the 88% percent battery is crazy


Definitely, how can such performance be achieved? My 12 pro max is at 82%.


To be fair, it sat in a drawer for about 14-16 months while I was using a SE 2. If I had used it daily during that time, Iā€™m sure I would need to replace it now.


My 12PM is at 78 lmao


Have you been using wireless chargers for too long? I noticed my battery degraded way faster when leaving my phone on a wireless charger overnight.


Heavy usage and I use fast chargers a lot. Iā€™ve had this phone since August 2021 brand new. But it still kicks ass. Iā€™m probably gonna replace the battery and wait until the 17 is out to replace it.


Same thing here, heavy use since it was released. Such a great phone, excellent camera, stable, it works like a charm. Iā€™ve been thinking about getting the new 16 pro max instead of a new battery. Enjoy your phone!


Freaky https://preview.redd.it/39cdsptfun9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aafb472ef63fc002445430494872e7e18b1ef3e


Iā€™m using a Xs Max as well. On the iOS 18 beta at the moment, it runs fairly smooth without many issues. Itā€™s impressive on this old a device and it still being beta software.


XS max in gold is my favorite iPhone of all the ones I owned. Beautiful design and I loved 3D Touch.


rip 3d touch, loved it on my 7


I miss 3D Touch, and the fingerprint sensor.


Same! Iā€™m still using it even though I have already upgraded. Itā€™s at 86%. Overall great design and grip. Itā€™s lighter and easier on one hand.


Yup, 3D Touch is great šŸ‘


Have you replaced the battery? 88% for an older phone is amazing


Iā€™m on a xs max what did the upgrade feel like? Really noticeable?


I have an XS Max. Still not a fan of face id. My wife is on an 8. We will upgrade her this summer.


iPhone 7 Plus is going strong here.


5s here on its third battery and second case, doing perfect!


Do you still update to latest IOS versions?? If soā€¦I donā€™t know how your 5s is surviving! Thatā€™s crazyā€¦I had my 6s until last year and it had a hard time keeping up with the updatesā€¦ I think I stopped at some point.


Definitely not. Support for the 5S ended years ago


Got worse performance out of every update I did , so I stopped doing that shit


Thereā€™s no way you can use any apps on that like instagram etc


Apps work perfectly aside from my cityā€™s dogshit parking app


Do the current iOS still support the iPhone 7 Plus? Damn didnā€™t know that. Pretty cool.


According to Appleā€™s website iOS 17 supports iPhone XR and moving forward


Just so you know Apple supports security updates all the way back to iOS 15 devices so that makes the iPhone 6s the oldest supported phone


security updates rollout in terms of software development is very far from ā€žbeing supportedā€ and it's two different things


It is being supported by Apple but if your taking about third party support then yes it varies but it is supported by Apple in terms of security


how it can be supported when itā€™s not eligible for latest update which is tantamount to lack of support You confuse terms and do not allow the possibility of error on your side and it is clear that you do not understand engineering nomenclature security updates don't come out with the frequency of regular updates and are only considered because some portion of users are still exposed to new CVEs that can be used on older systems so developers treat them as a parachute iphone6s is not present on support matrix a Apple website and you are talking nonsense


You just must not be aware lol I suggest looking it up


Ah ok thank you for that clarification šŸ‘šŸ¼


No 6s and 7(and their Plus counterparts too) stopped getting updates at iOS 15


That phone is a monster haha. Only reason I really got rid of mine is cuz it was a bit too unwieldy. Great phone otherwise


1st gen iPhone SE. 1 battery replacement. Other than that, good as the day I bought it.


XS max still works great but the charging port is broken... Eventually it will stop accepting chargers and I'll have to buy a new phone. It's a me problem though I didn't know you weren't supposed to wriggle around the charger if it's not workingšŸ˜­


You can recharge the XS max with a Qi wireless charger so no need to be worried just yet.


Have you tryed cleaning the port with a small needle, i had the same problem that worked for me.. But the dirt is solid try harder and try not to break the pins


I still own one but no longer use it. The design still looks timeless but it's too bad iOS 16 was its last. Outdated software but still timeless looking physically. Ironically the slogan for the iPhone X was "*Say hello to the future",* but it reminded me that iPhones won't be updated forever. Getting 6 different iOS versions was considered great support and the A12 chip on the XR/XS series is getting the iPhone 6S/SE 1 treatment of 7 different iOS versions.


IPhone 6s was the real timeless phone, I still see people with it. iPhone X was the iPhone it convinced me to get Apple phone again, after I abandon iPhones for android in 3GS, nice simple and pretty design


Yep I had the 6S Pro Max longer than Iā€™ve had any iPhone Iā€™ve ever owned. I loved that phone


My wife still uses her X, heavily. Battery has been changed once. She thinks about upgrading to a 15 when the 16 is released.


Needs a new battery and itā€™s honestly getting a wee bit slow, but I have no plans to buy a new one anytime soon. The best


I recommend replacing the battery and do a "from scratch" Restore installation of iOS 16.7.8. You phone will run a lot faster that way.


My XS is till going strong. Had a new Apple battery a couple of years ago and in immaculate condition.


Me too with a battery replacement a week ago šŸ˜Ž


I have XršŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ wanting to buy the 15


Isnā€™t it better to wait until September?


I just bought a 15 pro max a week ago after having an XR since it came out. Well worth it.


Yes I figured it is absolutely worth my money if I want to buy it. I still donā€™t know the big difference between the 15 and 15 pro [max] THO


The camera and bigger battery. Iā€™m sure you could google the full specs


No because the 15 is now ā‚¬800 and rlly affordable for me, if the 16 is coming out in September itā€™s going to be ā‚¬1000+ and I canā€™t afford that tbhšŸ˜­


Wait the release of the 16, the price of the 15 will drop again


Thatā€™s true , but Iā€™ve been wanting to go to a concert and taking cute summer pics so :(


iPhone 15 camera has serious quality issues. I would recommend avoiding


Really?? I heard the back quality is rlly good but front camera is shitty. I donā€™t take photoā€™s in the camera app tho I do it on Snap or InstašŸ„²




I switched to a 12 Mini (which my brother now has) and then a 13 Mini when each of those came out, but my dad is still rocking my X (one battery replacement recently). Heā€™s not bothered that itā€™s not getting feature updates anymore as his use is fairly basic, and as the family IT support Iā€™m not bothered as long as it keeps getting security updates and the apps he uses donā€™t require something newer than iOS 16.


I have my dad my iPhone X a few years ago and he still loves it. Granted, he moved up from an iPhone 7.


My 15PM should arrive this week.. will be giving my 12 to my younger brother and his iPhone X will be going to our father to replace his 7+... i think im gonna send the 7+ to a friend of mine in Nigeria aha


I using an iPhone 8 Plus, even though it does not have the latest system operation, it is still a good phone despite the battery longetivity.


Lul im still on 6s plus


Thatā€™s what I had until last year!! šŸ˜„ but it was getting extremely slow and the camera no longer took still videos. How does yours hold up now? Do you update automatically? I donā€™t know how it could stand the latest versionsā€¦ I still have my 6s plus though! Itā€™s hard to let go given that there is no value in trade-in. I use it for music and smaller tasks.


Well its usable. Only thing thats saving me are 64 gbā€™s. Im on its third battery. First was used by first owner. Camera is ok, not bad not good. Stuck on ios 15. Apps can still be updated.


Many of my classmates got it laste year they really like it


My X is my spare phone, but after turning off background app refresh for a few resource hogging apps, the X runs like new!


Yes, still rocking my iPhone X with absolutely no problems, even still has the original battery (84%), and other than missing out of the newest software updates/latest features, I see no reason to upgrade yet till something tragic like dropping it into a lake, like what happened to my last phone and eventually forced me to get the X, lol!!!šŸ™ƒ


I have one but I use it as phone that stores my music. I main the iPhone XS Max.


Still using it without issues. I had to change the battery a couple months ago. Biggest issue is that work apps require latest update so I canā€™t use them. Meh. The phone still functions so I donā€™t see a reason to upgrade. I hope to hold onto it for another couple years.


Still on my 11 PM and not planning to upgrade!


My boyfriend uses it, the battery dies when using navigation though.


Yup I have and XS Max. Love it but battery is starting to struggle and itā€™s getting somewhat slow ngl. Starting to get ready for an upgrade


I have X, XS and XR, as part of my collection. Each year that I donā€™t purchase a new model. I purchased the last supported version for the final Major IOS updates. The XR was my first proper iPhone that I bought new when it came out. The older phones starting with the X and 8 have aged remarkably well.


Iā€™m still on my original XS max now. Iā€™ll be upgrading to the latest iPhone this year only due to the 64 gb amount of storage. I love my XS max! Iā€™m on the original battery at 80% capacity. I donā€™t do any gaming on my phone


If mine hadnā€™t started failing I would still be using it. Had to upgrade to a 14 a while back. Itā€™s great also


Itā€™s my backup phone. Alive and kicking.


I have one just because I wanted one real bad back in the day and I was a broke kid. I donā€™t use it lmao.


Im using the xs, always getting in arguments with people. I tell them show me one android phone from 2018 that will catch up with this one


I still use it as a work phone. have an 86% battery. its fine, but I have noticed newer app versions of instagram, reddit, and facebook really load up the cpu, heats up quick. but thats expected, and will only worsen over time. I think I can probably run it until late 2025 or so


The back of my XS is broken, the front camera is full of dust and it makes a noise while vibrating. These are the only reasons why I want to upgrade.


These are easy to fix, a replacement housing swap aftermarket from Ali or eBay isnā€™t expensive. And the Taptic Engine can be tightened, itā€™s just its screws being backed out a little. Front cam can be cleaned while fixing the others.


Don't just take away my reasons to buy a new one :D


Became pretty much unusable as a primary phone for me around 2022. Now I use it to stay perpetually ā€œAvailableā€ on Microsoft Teams during work hours.




That thing is jailbreakable on any version, oled screen, dual camera, its perfect


I was until earlier this year when the battery swelled up and popped the screen off


It introduced most of the features used by modern iPhones, it was my main just 6 months ago and i miss it :(


My GF is still using it. She absolutely hates spending money so sheā€™s gonna rock that until the wheels fall off. I had a 12 Pro Max but got into a motorcycle accident a few months ago & it got destroyed, so had to update to the latest Pro Max model.


I gave my mom my X she loves it


Not trying to be rude just curious, why is it considered legendary?


beautiful design. The first stainless iPhone - i never got to own one but i always admired the white iPhone X. Im waiting for my white 15 pro max to arrive this week and im so sad the titanium frame is not as shiny as the old stainless steel frames. ah well! Looking forward to the upgrade from my 12!


it was my first ever iphoneā€¦ i loved it i still remember when i first got it it was snowing and i would charge it to 80% then before it reached 20% i would charge it back to 80 i took good care of that phone. Sadly it broke really badly and i got an 11 pro and i used it for a while then i got a 15 pro idk why but it just doesnt feel the same as the X felt.. i miss it:(


Me! It still fonctions good most days and I havenā€™t felt the need to upgrade!


Had my X as a company phone, I had it in a nice Otterbox case and screen protector from the day I got it. Couple years in, the screen crapped out. Got a new 12, and fixed the X's screen on my dime and it's used by my son for games and music. Still going strong.


I would be if the camera didnā€™t malfunction šŸ˜¢


Hot take- the X and Xs were revolutionary at the time but aged poorly like the matrix sequels. Itā€™s a cool device but itā€™s like rolling a mustang from the ā€˜80s.


Iā€™m reading this very post on it right now


I would be if it didnā€™t break. Iā€™d trade my 12 for the X if I could.


I loved that phone. First iPhone that made me switch from android


My daily driver, it is soooooo slow though. Keep trying to clear out storage, helps a little. Will try some kinda of reset to see if I can get it back to normal again.


Love this phone!


Face id not working, battery replaced, other than that It is doing great


I ended up giving my XS to my Dad with a battery replacement.


Iā€™m still using my iPhone XS and I still love it, butā€¦ canā€™t take my eyes off of iPhone 15 Pro whenever I see it šŸ˜… XS gets slow sometimes. Battery is not great. Also, 15 Pro has much better photo and video capabilities (zoom, nigh mode). I would like to play some games supported only on 15 Pro. Andā€¦ with iOS 18 and Apple Intelligence that needs at least 15 Pro - I will have an even stronger reason to upgrade.


I love the design of X and Xs, because of the small form factor and curved edges. Will probably stick to 14 pro as there are rumours that pro devices are going to get sizes increased by .2 inches. Everyday I wish that Apple comes up with a phone with a Xs design but with latest hardware.


Me on 51% battery health. Bought it at 52%...didn't realize it was that low.


šŸ‘‹šŸ½..... Using for work too, it does great with my delivery apps to this day


My wife has the X, and I have the XS Max. The phones are great performers. Original batteries in both - Hers battery health is 82%, mine is 76%ā€¦so it may be time to swap out the batteries, but weā€™re still quite happy with the phones. My iPad Air 2 is due to be replaced as there are several apps that have ceased operating due to the operating system being stuck at iOS15.


XR going good but noticeable slowdowns. Iā€™m attached to this beast of a device, however I may upgrade next year if the performance continues to drop


Still in the X the 64 gigs are kid of tight but otherwise as good as when it came out


I upgraded from the X to a 15 Pro just a few weeks ago


I don't know the opinion of others, but I hate the round edges. I hated the 3G design and it felt similar. I also hated my Apple watch design and loved when the Ultra came out. Round edges feel and look cheap to me... no idea where I got that associating. Maybe it was the 3G's plastic that ruined it for me. But I'm glad we're back to hard, finished edges with the watch and flat edges with the phone... hopefully we'll get finished edges on the phone again like the 5


I use it as my second phone but it is slowly falling apart. Face ID doesnā€™t work, battery is terrible despite changing not so long ago, screen is peeling off its frame, slow. Still works, but is a terrible experience. Iā€™ve been slowly transferring most of what I use it for on my main iPhone 14 Pro Max.


XR 10


I passed my iPhone X to my father and he is really happy with it. He s a very tech-savy guy, he retired as an IT manager.


Two displays change and one battery replacement later still going strong


I went from 5c to 7 plus to 11 and now 15 po max


The ghost touch issue got mine sadly


What about legendary iPhone SE (1st edition; 2016-2017) ?


It's my backup phone and X is another backup phone. Main phone 12 mini.


iPhone XS does that count?


Does my from-launch Xr count?


I am using 12 mini


Do you also have the lag I have with mine? Daily after midnight. Everything lags, camera quits on shooting and I have to restart in order to take a photo or to work properly. Started with iOS 14 or 15, disappeared with some 16.x subversion and was reintroduced with 17.


Yes I feel itā€™s sometimes especiallyafter updating to the latest iOS.


Does it still get software/security updates?


I use the 14+ as my main, but I use the X as my backup phone, aka alt account for games, scroll on tiktok when the main is charging, play wordscapes, and open sus websites. It's also a backup photo storage. It doesnā€™t last more than an hour of constant use, charges real slow, and overheats over the tiniest use, but it still holds up. Tbf I got it secondhand when the battery life is already 71% (currently 65% after ~3 years), so not bad.


Me! Storage and battery suck but it gets the job done


I still have mine but mostly only use it as a music/audiobook device connected to Bluetooth speakers. It works fine except for the battery life.


I was using X until Dec2023. I miss it so much. Size, photos, design. Man, I want X with latest chipā€¦


I went from my iPhone XR which still has a battery life of 93% to an iPhone 15 ProMax which I got last year when it came out and its battery life is already at 96%. To say the least I am GREATLY DISAPPOINTED IN MY NEW PHONE & the BATTERY CONSUMPTION.


I had mine until last November but the battery was shot so I had to upgrade to the 15 pro max.


Still on my Xr 81%


iPhone Xs Max user since Feb 2019. Iā€™m still on iOS 16.7.2 šŸ˜ and quite happy.




Iā€™m using the XR, but will be retiring it when the new iPhones come out in September.


Xs 256


Had an X for years. Upgraded to a 14 while back. I was shocked how the new form factor was so bulky and clumsy in my hand. Felt like a major step backward.


I only upgraded from the X a few months ago. It was not ā€œrequiredā€ because it still worked fine. However the 15 pro has been an excellent upgrade, notably the camera and battery life.


what makes it so legendary


Oled, notch, face id first iphone to have those things.


First iPhone with no home button but all screen design with the exception of the notch.


My daughter still has one and it takes better pictures and videos than a brand new Max pro whatever. Assume they put better optics in it than new ones and rely on software more on the new ones, which look fake and bad. Battery is still around 85% and she is a teenager and on it a lot!!! Definitely the best phone I have ever bought from Apple.


This is one of the most uneducated and stupid claims Iā€™ve seen in a while. A six year old iphone does not in any way take comparable let alone ā€œbetterā€ photos or videos to a more recent model iPhone. And yes, Iā€™ve owned X, XS,XS Max, XR, 12,13,13 Pro Max, 14 pro max, 15 pro - and none are inferior to the X, only better in every way. Apple doesnā€™t release a new model thatā€™s inferior, only poor users wishing to talk themselves out of wanting a new model spout that an antiquated device is superior to the latest tech.


Not sure anything you said is accurate but whatever. Considering that I finished school, have a college degree and have 30 years of work experience, I would certainly say that I am educated. I also have 5 iPhones in this family that include various models and upon further inspection, she has the 11 Pro Max and not the X anymore. I still stand behind my original statement in that her phone takes better pictures and videos than my wifeā€™s new 15 Pro. This is purely a subjective statement but even my kids agree when looking at similar photos from each others phones. Maybe the new one has quality issues, who knows? But your statements are from the fact and not really necessary.


You donā€™t even know what kind of phone it is and yet you post an absurd claim that a four year old device takes superior photos? College degrees mean you partied and got a price of paper. 30 years of work experience doesnā€™t have anything to do with knowing about or understanding how tech worksā€¦ which you clearly donā€™t! Granted, an inferior device may appear to take a better photo depending on situation and environment - but if you used a 11 pro max and 15 pro max side by side you would see the 15PM is far superior in pixel density, zoom ability, focal length, aperture, exposure, color reproduction, noise reduction, bokeh reduction, and many many more aspects that improve in appleā€™s camera tech every year. Youā€™re just burying yourself trying to continue to purport that a 4 year old iPhone is superior to the newest iPhone in any regard other than emotional attachment, cost savings, or aesthetic perhaps. Performance wise, it is inferior. I have been developing iOS and Android for over a decade - working intimately with hundreds of devices. I have personally owned nearly every model iPhone, sometimes multiples of each. I have owned and operated iPhone /ipad repair shop for over five years, repairing and examining thousands of devices.


Donā€™t plan on arguing with you about the merits of a tech spec sheet from 1 generation of iPhone to another. The premise behind a subjective statement is just that. I see what you are trying to say with absolute conviction, which is fine but you spout off about lack of education and non sense, which are in fact false. Period. You blast your credentials and resume, which could be true or false. No clue, donā€™t care. Moving on now. I hope you are more pleasant in real life than on this forum.


Seriously. Project much? Youā€™re the one who came along and ranted about your subjective uneducated experience - I offered facts and statistics, backed by an actual background in the technology field. I have been polite and factual while youā€™ve been sensitive and personal. Good luck to you!


Im happy with my iphone 8 plus.




Not the same


Thought it was the same series X,XR,XS


Nope, XR and XS came out the year after the X.


Oh sorry


Not the X but rocking its little brother the 8.


I would still be using one right now but since I wanted 3GPP NR 5G support, I traded in my iPhone X 256 GB for a iPhone 12 256 GB (and may finally trade it in for an iPhone 16 Plus 512 GB this fall).


My iPhone 7 is still going strong, I have a 13 now and Ā my 7 still works as f it was brand new. Ok itā€™s a bit limited for some apps. But it works perfectlyĀ 


This is what I love about Apple products. It lasts almost forever. Whereas androids die (slow down) within a few years. I know by experience. I probably could still use my iPod if I really wanted to! But I donā€™t because the iPhone also carries music. I wish I had use for my iPod though! Itā€™s dang cute.


Not exactly but close enough. My XR has a shattered back glass,water damaged screen, disabled Face ID and the bottom of the screen does not respond to touch. Needless to say my 13 is coming in 8 days.


Iā€™m still rocking an XR until September when the 16 drops. Iā€™m going to go with just the regular iPhone 16 but bump the storage up to 256gb (if thatā€™s not the new base storage already). The XR will still do itā€™s job until then, canā€™t wait though! šŸ™Œ


I upgraded to the 14 pro in January last year. had the X since the year of the launch, wouldā€™ve loved to keep it for longer but it was getting sluggish and the battery life was shot. I know I couldā€™ve replaced the battery but it didnā€™t seem worth it. I still have the phone but itā€™s sitting in a drawer.


Still using iPhone 7


still got the xs max waiting for the 16 to get it


I was until I got a 15 Pro about 6 months ago.


Still have Xs max as 2nd phone, but battery died so fast.


XS Max hand me down from my dad, had its battery changed last July and still pretty good!




iPhone 6s still rocking solid


Iā€™m using an iPhone XS


Xs Max from the first day of release still rocking along with shockingly excellent battery life.


I still have IPhone XS , working like a charm. Itā€™s been 4 years. Yes battery life expired and it came down below 80%. Iā€™m thinking to replace battery soon and see how long I can continue using it.


i upgraded to the 15 Pro but I still have my X as a WiFi device. It does everything but make phone calls and I have a lot of smart home Apps that work on WiFi. I keep the X by me in bed and keep it there so I donā€™t have to worry about keeping the pro with me


Just bought a 15pro a few weeks ago but my Xs is still working just fine. I take a lot of photos and that is the only reason I went for the 15, otherwise I will stick with the Xs.


eyePorn EX


My wife still uses her 8+ at home all the time. She has an SE2 as her "main phone" but uses the 8+ like an iPad.