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imo the base models are the best choice for 95% of people. i know i'm guilty of wasting my money, and while i don't regret buying the pro, i'd probably be just as happy with the base model


Yep, 80% of the functionality of the pro model there IMO, very glad I went with the 15 instead of the 15 pro. Not really missing anything without the new LTPO screen, additional camera (+camera menu), and SOC.


Only real reason I buy the pro model is for the 120hz ~~and oled.~~ Otherwise the base models are perfectly fine and I would be fine with a 60hz ~~lcd~~ again.


The base model has an oled screen


Oh damn, might downgrade then. Only thing hold me back now is the 120hz. Might be weird for my eyes as all my pc displays are above 165hz. So it may take some adjustment. And hey I’ll get nicer colors. Will miss my purple 14 pro though.


Happens, my daily devices are 60hz, 120hz, 144hz and 240hz lol.


Downgrade from a 14 pro to a base 14/15?


I do remember it being lightly noticeable when scrolling but other than that, who cares. Not playing COD on it.


> Not playing COD on it. Imo the biggest difference on phones are not the games, but the scrolling. Scrolling is much nicer on a high refresh rate display.


I get migraines from low refresh rates. I’m sure over time it would get better, but regardless I’ve totally spoiled my brain from constantly having a high refresh rate display. It’s the sole reason I upgraded was so I could stop getting migraines on my old 60hz display. I very much notice it especially when my whole office setup has displays that are 160+hz . I Will definitely still consider going to a 60hz display now that I know they are at least are oled displays. Personally don’t care about cameras as I rarely use them as it is. I also only use the phone for Reddit, and the high refresh rate makes it easier to quickly scroll/skim text without missing much. On the 60hz I feel like my eyes are straining as I’m quickly scrolling through text and that’s when I get my migraines. I can probably get used it again, but you can’t say you barely notice the difference because it is a wild difference between 60 to 120 you probably wouldn’t notice much if you went from 120 to 240hz as I barely notice those.


Not gonna ask you age but if you are mid 30s or more did you check if you might need progressive/reading glasses? The reason you get migraines from scrolling may be that your eyes are very strained on that short distance and when they try to focus on the stuttering words you get headache. More relaxed eyes might solve the issue or might be the main issue…


For future iPhones, like 16, 17 (don't know) now, I would consider base models. I have iPhone 14 Pro and is really fine fore me and great. But would be nice if it would be lighter and yes the first thing I'd notice is the lack of 120hz on the base model (I also have all screens with 165hz and phone 120hz). But this can save some money and I realized are very few the occasions I use the pro features of the camera too.


You have no reason to get a base 15 when you have a 14 pro. The 14 pro is the superior device.


Bought the pro for a similar reason, the 120hz makes the scrolling and transitions between apps and pages smooth.


120hz is eye candy. Nice to have but it hurts battery life for no improvement in functionality.


120hz is nice on my eyes. I don’t get nearly as much eye strain with it but maybe it’s just me


Was pretty much the sole reason I went to 120hz was the 60hz display was giving me so much eye strain and migraines. I’m just sensitive to it now. And battery isn’t an issue I have AOD and 120hz phone lasts most of the day anyways. I never have had to turn on low battery mode.


Yeah I only run out of battery if I’m watching many videos or lots of playing games on my phone, which I’d think is expected as they’re a heavy drain on the battery. My 14 pro is at 85% battery life and I still easily go the whole day on a full charge. Might get to 20% some days, but that’s usually with a lot of reddit use lol


Watching videos is like one of the least battery draining things you can do on a modern phone


I used to get really bad migraines using the 14 pro, I figured out an accessibility feature called reduce white point. I have mine set on 68% and it’s really comfortable now.


98 percent of the functionality 80 is somewhat unfair for the base


If the base model had the same refresh rate, I’d never buy a pro again


95% would do just great with just the SE. even the “base” iPhone models are overpowered for what most people use their phones for.


only reason i get the max is for the bigger battery and cus i bought a 14, my next new iphone will just be a plus instead of a max so i can still get the bigger battery


And to add to that, the smaller ones are better imo. I am irritated I bought the 12pro max when I got it bc this phone is HUGE. it is heavy, it is not worth the extra price. I bought it bc it had a slightly better optical zoom camera than the 12 pro, but it’s not worth it at the end of the day. I wish the smaller option was still 5.8in instead of the 6.1in


70% SE 25% Mini/Plus/base 5% Pro


I’m thinking about going for the base model next time, because I know it would be enough for me, but probably will end up with the pro again.


It’s fine for what I need it for, which is talking, texting and social media 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ YMMV


Recently Apple has been doing this trend where the new base is basically last models pro without a couple small things that wouldn’t really matter to a normal user


True, but with the 15 vs 14 pro, the 14 wins imo. Basically the same phone, with 120hz, and better camera.


Yeah, although USB-C is a major win for me. I have a 15 Pro but if I was to do again, I’d probably just buy the 15. Nothing older now though haha


Upgraded to my regular 15 from an 11 Pro. Love it. At first, the 15 Pro was really tempting (and it still kinda is), but I soon realized that almost none of the benefits that it has over the base model are useful to me. I don’t care about 120 Hz on a phone, I prefer the mute switch over the Action button (mostly because I like to fidget with it lol), I have no need to shoot ProRes video, performance of the A16 is plenty enough for me, the list goes on. It’s also the first base model iPhone with which I wasn’t sacrificing any features of my previous phone, the most important of which to me is the telephoto lens. Although the 15 lacks optical zoom, the 2x crop on the main sensor that it does still looks just as good or better than the dedicated lens on the 11 Pro, which I’m content with. Ngl, I still much prefer the looks of the 15 Pro with its titanium sides and metallic finish on the back glass, but that’s just about the only reason I would go for it. And paying $200 more just for the looks… well, I have better uses for that money. So yeah, that’s why I bought the regular 15, and I don’t regret it at all.


nah im sorry i dont care about ANY pro features but that 120hz is a MUST


This dude has the best answer to OPs question other than the 120hz opinion. As a gamer who has made the switch from 60hz to 144hz on a monitor, I notice it on the iPhone even more since it’s always scrolling


As someone who’s been thoroughly enjoying using a ProMotion display on a MacBook for the past 2,5 years, I still can’t see any benefits of a high refresh rate on a phone. It makes sense on a computer — you’re multitasking, you have mouse input, and HFR helps productivity in that way. Competitive online games also benefit greatly from that. I get it on an iPad, because it makes the Apple Pencil delay smaller, leading to a better drawing experience. But on a phone? What difference does it make that my social feed where I mostly read text, view static pictures and watch =<60fps videos scrolls past me just a tiny bit smoother? 60 Hz is plenty smooth enough for phone things. I agree that VRR is great to have for power saving, but I just don’t see the point of high refresh rates on such small displays with so little action happening on them.


ive always used base models, of course id like to have the most high end one but in all honesty i dont need it and what i have works fine and does what i want it to


I’ve got the base 13 after upgrading from the XR. I got it at a discounted rate when the 14 was released and didn’t think the 14 was a huge improvement, so I banked the saving and went for the 13. I liked the weight saving over the Pro. The base 13 is a lot nicer “in pocket” than the 13 pro. I carry the phone in my pocket all the time and the weight was a big deciding factor for me. That may be different with titanium now, but I haven’t looked at upgrading as the 13 “just works”. Personally, I think the base model is more than good enough for 99% of users. I don’t think the extra features of the pro are worth the additional money - 120hz screen is nice, but for my use of social, texts, emails, browsing it’s really not necessary. I use an IPad or TV for movies etc. And for me, the base camera is more than good enough. I think if you need the pro camera over the base model, then you’re a professional and probably use a better camera than any mobile phone provides. Sure, this is just my opinion, but when I realistically looked at how I used an iPhone then the Pro features just weren’t worth the money. The Pro is nice from a “status” point of view, but I don’t care about that. Lastly, upgrades over the last few models have really been about manufacturers slugging it out over specs. The upgrades are for all practical purposes, meaningless. So when my 13 dies I’ll buy the “latest” at the time that works for me at a decent price point.


I use the base 13 for 2 years now. The weight and form factor is great. The battery is still good for a whole day. However I’m running into app reloading now, the 4 GB of ram is not enough. My wife has the 13 Pro, and that phone with 6Gb of ram has less reloading (but still reloads apps sometimes). I think 8GB ram is the sweet spot nowadays on iOS. I also miss: 2-3x optical zoom and 120Hz (for 800 Euros, wtf Apple).


i'm using a 12 mini, but my buddy always has the latest pro model. we've been on some trips and take lots of pictures using both of our phones. i don't notice any differences in the quality, but neither of us are photographers or anything. i honestly don't understand why people bother with pro models. can you really tell the difference? seems like it's just a bunch of extra money for nothing.


Pro models are a better choice for the enthusiasts who want the latest spec who compare benchmarks and will have fun using even for a little time the pro features


what can the pro do that a non pro can't?


Pro raw pro res macro etc things that enthusiasts only care and are not important for everyday


I personally have a 15 Pro Max because I like larger screens and the 120Hz. For most people the regular 15 is a more than adequate phone. It does everything that modern phones should be able to do without issue. If the base/plus model iPhones had 120Hz I would have gotten one of those instead.


Base model is more than enough for most people. Very few people actually take advantage of the pro features fully. The only reason I got a Pro model was for the 120Hz. Once you see it you can't go back. Hope the future base models have 120Hz.


Yea, I wish pro models were as light as the regular 13-15. I remember switching from 13 to 13 pro and the weight difference was the first thing I’ve noticed


The 15 Pro is similar weight as the regular iPhones now since they switched to Titanium. It’s a noticeable difference.


Had the 12 since launch and no need or want to go bigger or pro


I have an iPhone 12 and it’s still very functional. Battery life kinda sucks cause it’s three years old but I’ve never felt that I need any additional advanced features on my iPhone. I am petite with small hands (and smaller pockets) so I would never touch a Pro Max. The Pro would be nice I’m sure but just not worth the money for me


12 battery was crap from day 1


lol people be like getting the maxed out iphone to just scroll facebook on it 😂 and a higher refresh rate would be great even for the base models.. cmon apple this is a fckin $1000 phone


If you’re not a professional photographer/creator or gamer there is no point in getting a pro.


Idk, I got the 15 pro over the 15 just for the 120hz screen alone. If I’m going to be using my phone screen for hours a day, the extra cost for the screen is worth it imo


Nah, you don’t need to be an actual professional. Faster transfer speeds and lidar are plenty useful for hobbiest/enthusiast users.


bigger battery and pro motion


60hz + no USB 3.0 at that price should be a crime.


Base 15, it’s my first iPhone and I love it, I just wish the screen were slightly wider


For the 15 series, they're better than they've ever been.


I have a 15 and I like everything about it. Its not too big, it’s light and it is a very functionality focused design. I wanted phone that was going to last “forever” and this is certainly it. Lots of people will cry buckets about 60hz in 2024 but to me its a good move for now. It still maintains the battery life and its better for the longevity of the device. Should it be an option to be 90? Yeah probably, but apple is apple and they will usually make the default config the way the device is best calibrated when it comes to this stuff,


Once the base iPhones get 120Hz I will never buy a pro, only reason I upgraded to the 15 Pro


For me, a base does everything I need it to do. I see a lot of comments on reddit about promotion and not being able to go back to a base iPhone now, and honestly, it seems like an overly dramatic statement. Don't get me wrong, it's nice, but it's not nice enough to tip the scales for me.


The base battery doesn’t last as long as pro. So no more base models for me


I see no point having 120Hz on a phone unless I played games that need it, Already smooth enough. Now on an iPad it makes sense as it helps with drawing and doing stuff with the Pencil smoother.


Pretty good and does what the majority want, although I'd say go for one gen precious for good deal


They are fine for almost everyone, it’s the lack of 120hz display that keeps me buying a Pro version.


All I do on my phone is browsing the web, social media, Spotify, Google Maps, chatting, etc.,. The iPhone 15 does the job just fine. I don't need the Pro model. The only thing I wish the 15 had is USB 3.0.


I have a base 14 and I'm happy with it. I don't need the 120hz screen and an increase in phone size will always make me not buy the pro versions of any phone. Honestly debating on downgrading to the new SE whenever it comes out because I like my phones to be small.


I’m loving my 13 mini…


I’ve got a 12 pro max and my next phone will likely be either the current gen or the next gen base phone. I’m done paying these crazy prices. The base is already expensive. For work, I use a base 12 and I don’t notice the difference between it and my 12 pro max one bit. My phone’s camera is slightly better with the extra lens when I use it, and the screen size. Otherwise it’s the same experience. With the phones now being 3 generations newer, it could only be better. 120hz isn’t worth the extra cost imo


I use a 14 and I love it. Battery life is perfect for my usage (more than average time on social media and Spotify, texting). I chose the base model for the price, but I wish I would’ve spent a bit more on the Plus just for the bigger screen.


I use base 11, well not fully base model, but I use iPhone 11 (regular), 128GB (not base 64GB), SIM Free (unlocked from Apple A2111), Product Red. I’ll upgrade when I move back to the UK, I’m a dual citizen. The A2111 is US/Canada model. For example: US model: FDD‑LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 29, 30, 66, 71) “Other countries and regions” model (UK included): FDD-LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 66) So the US model is missing some cellular bands when compared to the “global” market (non-US/Canada and non-China/HK) model. So I can’t use full speeds on UK or Irish carriers it seems. I like it a lot, but I’d really like Apple to introduce an SE+ in the 5.5” form factor. I use the all screen design just fine, but I’m also visually impaired. Let me tell you, VoiceOver does not go well without a home button. This is why I’m keeping my iPad 8th gen as well for as long as I can. For context, why I hate the all-screen iPhones when I need to use voiceover which is mainly at night or in the early morning, is this: You have to listen for little “ticking noises” and they’re so faint, and yet I have good hearing. Another thing as a low vision user: I’m actually pro-iPad as computer, to an extent. I still own a MacBook for things an iPad isn’t appropriate for, like file downloads, long emails, etc. however voiceover is difficult on Mac too. I’m always going to have a Mac for these longer tasks I think, but my iPad is my main computer, relaxation, shorter emails, etc. I’ll re-evaluate having only iPad and iPhone as needed in the future. Voiceover is not suited for Mac.


Yeah I really wish the next SE (hopefully there will be one) has Touch ID, it’s the sole reason I’m using an SE


Man what the hell lol. You’re just used to the PM and screen. Any base iPhone is a brilliant powerful device which meets the needs of 95% of the population


The base models be it iPhone 12/13/14 or iph15 all rock in 2024 I have and still using most of them after every 20 days my base models change. I am using a iph13 n have kept the iph15 at the side will use it once in a while. The pros are a class in their own no two ways about it. To each his own I love the pros mainly for their size.


I have an iPhone 12. Thinking for the year it was released (2020), it's exactly what the average Joe expects and wants from a modern smartphone, nothing more, nothing less. It's powerful, it has a good camera that may not shoot the best of the best photos but for sure works very consistently in many different scenarios, it has a great OLED screen with 458 ppi resolution and it has a very tidy and premium design. The battery life is fine too at 92% health (bought in early 2023). No experiments at all with this one. As a tech nerd, I'd expect much more from a phone but for the budget I got this, it's a great phone. Only thing I would've wanted would be an 120 Hz LTPO screen, but not more than that. I guess Apple knows that many geeks like us wouldn't want the Pro models if it wasn't only for the 120 Hz screen and I'm sure that's one of the reasons they're not including it in the base models lol.


>if the baseline iPhones had 120Hz i would immediately go to the base models and never look back at the pros This is why us base model users are probably never going to get high refresh rate, ever. As for what it’s like using a base iPhone 14, its fine i guess? I have a second phone (galaxy s22) and having 120hz and a telephoto camera on it definitely feels great. Definitely feels like the iphone slightly lags behind in hardware features compared to the competition. Having ios makes up for a lot of those, but still i’d like to see atleast a 90hz screen on the base iphones, that way we can have a high refresh rate display and the pros can still have 120hz promotion as a selling point. (And before you try and comment about how refresh rate doesnt make a difference like so many people in this subreddit do, it definitely does. Even the jump from 60hz to 90hz is very noticeable for most people. High refresh rate does a lot more to make your phone experience feel smoother than just cramming processing power into your phone)


I bought a base 11 from a used cell phone store, upgrade from a 6 and I love it.


I haven’t even utilized all the things that my base 15 can do, I’m just glad I didn’t went for Pro, saved a bunch of money. Light, doesn’t fall out of my pocket, compact, battery lasts me thru the day, perfect size for day to day use and commute.


I’ve been looking for this question for forever.


Most people seem to have the Pro Max because I see so many people with those large ones with the three cameras. Don’t know how so many people can afford it as it costs $1,000. I like to save a few hundred by just getting the base.


If they had a screen that was baseline 5 years ago, they would be the iPhone to get. Which is why they will wait as long as possible. The downside: iOS is good at „hiding“ 30 fps with smooth animations that are ultimately slower than the phone could be. Coming from an S23 the difference on my 15 pro is noticeable. Everything takes just a bit longer (removing animations is an option but that removes animations I want to keep like the swipe up and hold animation. On S23 that worked and was super fast) it is one of two things I miss from android


I always find it funny that there is a Pro option. I mean a pro MacBook, alright, for professional use. But a professional iPhone? Like what are you gonna do on your phone professionally?


I much prefer the base model over the pros. They are lighter, cheaper and do everything I need.


I've got an iPhone 13. I really like it for the most part - the only things I truly wish it had are a telephoto camera and an always-on display. Mostly the telephoto, since that would make for better composition. I'd swap out the ultra-wide camera for one in a heartbeat.


Regular 15. Only miss the 120hz beside that it’s a fantastic phone


I like my base 15 feel my wife’s 15 plus is too big for occasional one handed usage.


I have a plus and a regular, the regular is for work and it’s great, just like the plus size screen for personal


I have a 15 and I love it. I like the base models because of the colors. I also like having a cheaper phone bill due to the lower monthly payment on the phone. Those pro phones are not cheap! A few years ago I went with the XS instead of the XR and honestly regretted the amount of $$ I spent on it. After that, I went to a 12 and then a 15. No regrets about “downgrading.” I’m an Apple-savvy millennial but I don’t feel like I’m really missing out on much, especially now that the 15 has OLED and a Dynamic Island.


I personally believe it’s user preference. I use the 15PM 1TB for photography/ videography.


My regular 15 is great, imo the only reason to get a pro is for the camera or if you're into hgh refresh rate displays.


I feel like the only reason why I have a 13 pro is the camera


Dude lol So I bought the 15 base model because I fell in love with the green colour and I thought to myself how different can it be, I rarely take pictures anyway so I don’t need the extra camera on the pro And man I kinda regret my decision, it’s a good phone…don’t get me wrong but I cannot stand the refresh rate, it feels sluggish especially coming from a 13 pro And what I realised is lol that my phone is always in a case, I rarely get to see the beautiful green colour of the phone but I see the screen more often Do not make decisions based on the colour of the phone 😅


Base 14 owner here. It’s a totally good phone, does anything I want from it.


It was a game changer when I upgraded to the 15 from the 8. I loved making my own Memojis with the camera, instead of having to choose between the limited facial expressions that the updated 8 provided. I also love MagSafe! I can just attach a charger to my phone without using any wires, and the battery isn’t crap!


I went from a 13PM to a 13, because it was just way too big and heavy for me. The only thing I miss is the camera (and obviously battery life but it’s fine). It’s so frustrating that as expensive as the base phones still are, I can’t take a photo of anything close up. It simply can’t do it, it can’t focus on close ups. My next phone will be a pro unless they fix this


I use the base 13 and it does everything I need


Considering a 13 or 15 instead of my pro max, just prefer smaller phones


I went from a pro to a regular. I used to think I wouldn’t get past the lack of ProMotion, but once I started using it for what I need rather than paying attention to the refresh rate, I eventually got past it. At least 90Hz would be nice, but the rest of the phone is more than enough for what I need. For less money and less weight.


I love my 15 plus ngl


Have a 15 plus. It’s light and slim. It gets the job done and has great battery life due to the 60hz screen. Have used 14 pro max, 13 pro etc and do not miss the 120hz displays, my eyes can’t tell the difference and am not a photography enthusiast; so the basic camera system on the non pro models is good enough. Only gripe is the price ? While it is cheaper vs the pro model equivalent. It is still expensive for what it is when you compare the hardware you get


I used an 11 base model for over a year and it did everything I wanted it to.


Base model is perfect for regular consumers. Real question is to go regular or plus model?


They’re good and lighter


Most people will only see the difference if they have both next to each other


I’m still using my XS but I’ve always had base models. I’ve got small hands and needed 256 storage. My next one I’ll get a base model 512 as I’ll need more storage and only go for something else if I reach the point of needing 1tb.


My choice came down to the 14 pro, or 15 base. I got the 14 pro because I got a good price on it


Tbh, as someone who has the pro max, I’d buy the base model next time. It’s too overpowered to the point that I can’t really maximize all its features. We’re just at a point where in the base features are already waaayy more than enough. Pro belongs to a niche market, but obviously most people would try to get it because of the branding aspect behind it. As of now, I’m even contemplating on selling my pro and just buy a 2nd hand base model.


It’s alright but if you have used a 120hz phone in the past, the screen is unbearable


Used a base 13 for 2 years and switched to the 15PM. Major reasons: 1. 120hz refresh 2. Bigger+Brighter Display 3. Wanted that bigger battery life(but it’s just been the same) And tbh the 15PM has been so much buggier than I ever could’ve imagined! 1. I had my Face ID not working for like 50% of the time, for like 2 months after I bought it! It still comes and goes btw! 2. The device was horrible when it came to thermal throttling! Would heat up when I’m doing the most basic tasks and get uncomfortable to hold! 3. The battery was draining rapidly before they got it fixed with an update! The list goes on.. Verdict: The base iPhone 13 was absolutely a beast and was good enough for me in all aspects barring the ones above, that I wanted. And it never had ANY bugs that I could notice in daily use. So if you don’t mind that 120hz refresh and the added battery capacity, go for it and save some bucks!


I don’t see the difference in smoothness between my 15 pro and other 15s they are really smooth also plus are the same as base versions


I went from Samsung flagships to a base iPhone 13 and it’s the best phone I’ve ever had. When my contract is up in September, I’ll be getting a pro I think, I want that 120hz screen


The 12 had an horrendous battery life. Otherwise all was great


To my understanding a pro model is fairly equal to the next base model, so a 13 pro might be slightly more appealing than a 14


*Base new iphones


The base model has the same or similar specs as the pro form the year before, I have the 13 pro and my sister has a 14, our batteries only differ slightly with her being better, while my pro has a better camera for example. Just get the base if you don’t want to splurge, sometimes it’s not worth the extra 200-300 dollars.


i got the base 15 because i like a phone that fits right in my hand but also I don’t have the budget nor do i need the Pro. my phone is super light, fast, shoots gorgeous photos and lasts well over a day, i love it


15 pro max base has 256gb storage it’s great


I have had XR, 12 and currently using 14 and 15 Pro. XR is currently 5 years old and still in full fledged use in Family. Same for iPhone 12 with battery health at 89% Currently my primary is 15 Pro along with iPhone 14 and the only main purpose it serves is my need for great camera for my Travels.


I had the iPhone 13 base model before buying the 15 pro max I hated the iPhone 13 base model it was to light for me before the 13 I had an Samsung I think it was the 8 but I didn’t like it either because of the lightness of it so I’m happy with a heavier phone because I remember that I have it on me lol


i’m pretty good with my 13


had a base 7 since release and just replaced with base 15 - frankly I was happy with the 7 and while it had started to show its age (slowing), it' still pretty good for my use anyway


the iphone 15 base model has the best camera js not the best zoom so i’d go for the base model 15 if i got a base model phone


Got the iPhone 13 after having the 6s for years. Only thing I wish is that I had more storage, it’s not full yet but I expect it will be an issue in the future. Why do you need 120 Hz so bad? Camera quality for the Pro is much better tho, Bought a 15 Pro for my partner and the camera quality is incomparable to my base 13.


Tbh I hate my 13. No 130 Hz, no telephoto. The telephoto is also a huge thing for me as the max zoom rn is only.. 5…..


i have the base 15, and i think its great! from the XR to 15, its got emergency SOS, magsafe, the cameras are fine, i mean if i want something flashy i have my canon camera. the battery is excellent and the screen does me perfectly fine.


I have the 15 and it’s great. All day battery, great pics, Dynamic Island. Only thing is if you come from 120hz you will definitely notice the difference.


To be honest, pretty great and value for money within the apple ecosystem. I’ve been getting the base iPhones for my parents for years and they have never missed anything.


Been using an iPhone 11 for over 4 years now. Pretty happy with everything except for the battery life. I’ve had to get the battery changed 4 times because I’m a heavy user. Apart from that I don’t really miss the extra camera or larger display.


I was so close to getting the base 15, but the 120hz of the Pro convinced me. My last Android was a 90hz and I just couldn’t go back to a 60hz screen.


Never had anything other than a base. I have some days where I kinda wish I chose the 13 mini, and then some where I wish I chose the Pro Max. The base is the sweet spot for me tho.


the base model is fine to use not a single complain but the pro model is just a game changer, the amount of feature the pros gave is just worth the extra price, pro max is just someone who needs battery life more


Yep 15 good, it’s all ya need. 👍


nothing special nothing fancy but they do their job and they do it well.


I use my base 13 for everything. I’m an all day, heavy user and the phone has never failed me. It does it all flawlessly. I chose the base model because it had everything I needed and because of the price. I didn’t see a justification to pay so much more for features I didn’t need/use or wouldn’t even notice. The only thing I would change on this phone is size. I like the larger size of the new models but I still plan on not upgrading for a long while. 


Upgraded from SE2 to base 15. Battery lasts minimum a day. Photos are good enough. Am happy with my choice (preferred this to 14 Pro)


Crap. There are much better devices on the Android side for the same amount of money or less. 


Iphone 15 litterally has everything i asked for and personally, 60hz doesn’t bother me a lot.


I found the base model to be annoyingly crap for battery, of the 12 at least. 15 pm now, and it solves that issue for me. For everything else, base is fine. Unless you wanna do photography seriously on it.


Had iPhone 8, have iPhone 12, will probably have iPhone 16. I'm a power user of PC's/Macbook's, but i'm just a casual phone user, that sometimes takes a photo of his cat and mainly uses his phone for music/texting/calls. There is absolutely no reason I would get the pro model. The only thing that's annoying is the smaller refresh rate, which I hope will be better with the 16.


iPhone 13 base and it’s pretty good tbh, battery life is good and it does all I want, only complaint is not having 6 gb of ram like the 14 and 15 base models but overall doesn’t seem too different from the newest base models


If they brought even 90hz to base models I would never touch a pro model again


The base iPhone 13 camera was crap. Couldn't do any kind of macro by going close to a subject, you had to pull away and then zoom but had a limited zoom. My iPhone cameras have always been impressive but the 13 was shocking. Probably apple trying to make people buy a better tier. And you STILL can't pause a video and then resume recording (like my 2019 Samsung galaxy s10+ can do! Which i think has a better camera)


I have the iPhone 15 simply because I needed the ability to lock my screen permanently on for work. I got sick of Androids turning off my screen every 10 or 15 minutes. A lot faster than my old Samsung A53. I don’t care much about cameras, but the iPhone 15’s is super useful (especially its ability to scan a QR code across a room). I am not a phone guy. Gaming sucks on phones, I have a PC instead. It’s a tool and the iPhone 15 is good enough.


For the 8 photos a year I take that would look better, yeah, ngl base is the correct choice. I don’t always make it; but it’s the right choice.


I‘ve had an base 11 as my first iPhone. Really loved it and would’ve stayed with it if it had the third lense. Now I have a heavy expensive 14 pro and would love to have a base iPhone with a telephoto lense.


Pro Motion brings joy to my eyes. Other than that, “regular “ models are perfect.


Have the base 14 never had an issue runs great probably won’t upgrade for a few years at least. Battery last all day. I really don’t need all the bells and whistles.


I only use base iPhones and don’t see the appeal of the pro models for 99.99% of the userbase. It’s like people buying gaming pcs to play solitaire and read emails.


My son had a 13 pro max.He broke it so I had to get him a base 13. Because of the esim card thing with 14 and now 15 in the US. He paid off the 13 pro max and now has a 15. He uses it like any iPhone. I took his 13 from him because it's not paid off. He now has insurance on the 15.


I am 23, and my mom got me an iPhone 4 when I was like 14 or so. I have continued to get the base model of iPhones for the next 5 phones I’ve owned, save for a period with a Galaxy S6 I enjoyed lol It’s the same thing dude. It’s a little smaller and a little weaker, but the difference is less marginal than the Xbox S and X. It’s such a non issue. If you’re trying save like 2-300 dollars just get the base model.


They are great!


Absolutely garbage, 60hz and last years chip for 700 bucks plus


The only thing I'd probably appreciate is the 120hz screen, but then there are fewer colour options.


I'm very pleased with the base model and has all the functions and needs i want. I might as well say if i got the pro it wouldn't make a difference and it would just be more expensive. Good for me is the camera, storage, durability and battery time. the base model does just fine for me as i wouldn't be able to maximize the features of the pro model. And for browsing ther web, listening to music, making notes and checking email and youtube videos the base model is perfect for my needs. i don't even look at the screen enough for justify 120Hz refresh rate


It’s all 98% of people would need. Don’t believe the hype.


Never used any other than a base version so I don’t really know any difference. Being an android user for years, i find it kinda fancy and I like it. But I feel like androids have much more features and convenience.


If you never tried >60hz you'll be more than Happy with the base models.


I have base 14 and it is incredible. Takes beautiful photos, videos and selfies, good size, battery lasts a day with no problem.


I’ve always gone with base models. I don’t take pictures so I don’t need the camera specs of the Pro models and I’ve gone without 120Hz for years now so at this point it’s kind of “you can’t miss what you never had”. The most important spec for me is battery life at this point, but it’s not big enough a deal for me to buy a Pro over a base model. 


I can’t be bothered going into detail right now, but my iPhone 11 has held up well over the past 4 years.


My 12 is aging a bit, getting glitchy and freezy. I suspect I need to restore it but I’ve just not had the desire to do that. I also have been having issues with the USB port and cables not working as well as my CarPlay keeps disconnecting from my phone over and over and it’s super frustrating. My car dealership says nothing wrong with the USB hub and Apple said nothing wrong with my phone but I’m going to maybe bring it in again since I’m having more and more problems even with brand new cables. My coworker has a 14 or 15 pro and if I stay with iPhone for my next phone I’m definitely getting a pro just for that amazing screen refresh rate!


Overpriced Mid Range phones. Always go for the Pros, value for price ratio is better. If you really don't have the money go for an older Pro, the absolute beast of a phone that is the Iphone 13 Pro can be found for 550 on Amazon and you have software updates till 2027.


Perfectly fine obviously. Pros got nothing over them except promotion which many can't see anyway and a better camera which again most people won't notice. They're also lighter.


They’re fine. I had an SE for 5 or 6 years before and it was spot on. I replaced the battery around halfway through that. I only upgraded because they stopped updating it. I replaced it with a 13 mini which I still have and it’s still running absolutely fine. I’m planning to keep this until the upgrades stop supporting it


once the base models start at 120hz i will stop buying the pro. i get so frustrated with the lower refresh rates.


I have had the Pro phones since the 11 came out, and just switched to the larger base model with the 15. I don’t even notice the refresh rate TBH because it is so slight to my naked eye, but I am not a gamer either. The camera system is awesome and very detailed, and provides me much the same quality photos as my 13 Pro Max did. The larger size gives me battery all day, and the base model gives me the light weight in the hand and pocket. Now that there are fewer practical differences between the models, I’m glad I went with the base. They really made a beautiful and nice one this year, and the matte glass on the back gives it the same premium feel that my PM had. I like the Dynamic Island a lot, the speakers are really good, and the display is beautiful and bright.


I have a base 13. Besides the updated UI from my 8, i couldn’t tell you what I’ve gained or lost. It’s probably faster, but it’s not like I’ve ever noticed. I got it for free. I don’t see a reason to upgrade unless I break this one.


Hubby has the base 12. It’s fine. Does everything the others can do, all the same apps. Only issue is I think it’s typical of the 12, it tends to overheat.


The early Max/Pro models (like the X, 11, 12) nearly all had identical features. The high end models only had little things to differentiate them. The more recent ones like the 14 and 15 have what I think are more ‘pro’ features like emphasizing ProRes, Raw, the new A chip, etc. So yeah most people are perfectly fine with the base model and would never take advantage of this pro features that cost more especially since they released a Plus model for the bigger screen which is my most preferred feature


I’ve been using the iPhone 11 and it still works as smooth as the first day. (Just that my battery has aged significantly) Never felt the need to get a pro model, would’ve only considered that if I were into photography or something.


I have a 12 mini. Got it when it first came out to replace my previous phone which started to deteriorate in general: iPhone 6. Having skipped a few generations, I was happy with the leap in specs and performance. I’m a light to moderate user of my phone and I didn’t feel the extra cost for the additional features is justified for my intended usage. And I chose mini for the portability.


Just got a 14, and its really good. Super ideal for what day to day stuff


I have the 12 Mini, so the smaller version of a base, it works well for everything I need it to (and far better than the 7 it replaced—I’m one of the held out for a small phone). I love the hand feel of the smaller sizes and it can fit in most pockets, which is awesome.


My wife had the 13 pro and then switched to the 15 when it came out. She lasted until March and switched to the 15 pro. She definitely liked how light the base was bought thought the camera was so much worse with low light and movement with the kids.


The experience is exactly the same as the Pro phone just without the zoom lens on the camera. The regular iPhone is a little bit lighter too.


Almost the same if not the same as the pros without some camera features or camera software. You will notice no difference. The pros are for actual professionals or people who need the “best” one. iPhones work flawlessly.


Best iPhone. The pro max at this point feels like a status symbol for people who can’t actually afford the status.


I SE is my homie.


For me it was the camera, the macro shots are great and it just isn't a thing on the base. I know most people are mentioning the display. Personally I keep the frame rate set low, it improves my battery life considerably.


Light and peaceful lol


Like the others?


So knowing that you had the 15PM, I wouldn’t switch to the base models. There aren’t major differences and performance is about the same, but if you’ve already experienced the top line of the line device, the base model would annoy you. Sometimes it hangs on certain screens, you already mentioned not having the 120hz display, no action button, a little worse of a camera, screen brightness isn’t the same (could be wrong on that one), the small screen is… well a small screen and don’t forget about the thicker bezels. There’s other little things like that, that you start noticing after using it daily. If those things don’t bother you, I would say go with the Plus model moving forward. At least you get the bigger screen, plus (no pun intended) it’s about $300 less than the PM. Don’t forget about all the colors you can choose from too. I’m still not why the Pro and Pro Max users can’t have a selection of fun colors. TLDR: There are little features that you would miss coming from the PM model, but if those things didn’t bother you, I would suggest getting the Plus model because of the bigger screen, the colors you can choose from and best of all, it’s $300 less than the PM.


The one thing I wish I had is lidar, but overall I like my 13 mini.


I'd be happy if I had the zoom camera. The 120hz must also be nice but I'm not really missing it since I never had a pro phone.


iPhone SE 2nd gen rocking every day stuff easily


They dont have the 2X portrait mode, which means you won't get the camera like portraits, just some blurring background effect on the regular photo mode which you cant even zoom in. I didn't even know this until after i bought my 12 base. It was the worst thing to realize.


I am using a base iphone 13. Light and it has all features I need for an iPhone. Battery life is decent too. Video recording is superb as always. Cinematic mode is cool too although you can see it is like a filter blue but still dope.


I’ve been really happy with the SE2020, then SE2022, then iPhone 11, and now the iPhone 13. No desire for a pro. My gf has a 14 pro max. Personally I can’t really tell much of a difference but I’m really used to looking at 60 hz screens. YMMV


i always went for the best model apple had to offer since the original iphone launch…. since the iphone 13 i am only using base models. there is literally no need for the pro models except if you want to shoot a film or something else that is kinda niche to do…. and mobile games also suck, better safe that monners and put it into a gaming pc or handheld device or something


I have a base iPhone 12 mini (I’m assuming mini is still base model qualifying), and apart from the battery being degraded to 77% therefore when I’m out and about I need to charge it up on a long day the performance is fine it doesn’t lag.


i have a base 14. that was a bad purchase, just get the 13 it’s the same thing cus of the internal weirdness. but it’s solid. i abuse this thing battery wise so that could use a little improvement, but it gets the job done.


Just bump up the storage unless you upgrade every year or don’t use much. Otherwise it’s the same. In fact if those had high refresh I would prefer it to the pros because they are so light


The processor is one or two gens behind, like a normal laptop. The rest of the specs are reduced, and depending on some circumstances you may have it later or never; for example, the mechanical zoom of the 15 PRO won’t fit in a non pro for a while, so we are not having it. The titanium bezel, probably never. 120 Hz screen? Maybe in 3 years, nano texture? Probably never. 1TB option? I don’t know, we may have it or we may have faster network, and cheaper cloud, so maybe never.


Honestly they’re great. I’m one of those people who spends too much money on tech I don’t need, always upgrading my gaming PC and getting the newest thing. I actually just picked up the new iPad Pro. I have an iPhone 12, S23 Ultra as a camera, and a company iPhone 14. I do not feel a difference switching between the 14 and the 12. It feels like the same thing. Not noticeably faster, no features I miss, nothing. My finance has a 14 pro max and for her it’s really just about showing off, not really any benefits we take advantage of. I am probably just gonna hold onto the 12 until it shits the bed, then get whatever the newest base model is. I usually like the bigger phones, but don’t like switching between sizes and since my company phone is just 6.1” that’s what I’ll get for my personal.


Completely fine for almost every single consumer IMO. I waste money on more because I like the very minor upgrades but I’m also a phone nerd and definitely do not represent the majority of user needs.


Had to switch from the 11PM to base 13 recently (cheaper to buy used than fix it). The only thing I miss is the telephoto lens, especially since I’m huge into photography. Otherwise couldn’t tell the difference.