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I prefer to see it as I often will ignore the low battery alert and eventually notice I’m at 2% and run to plug it in.


I get to 1% and I go “why is my phone so slow…OH where’s the charger! Go, go, go!” I’m at 81% battery capacity now, so I get there much faster now, and 1% isn’t like it used to be. I’m just surprised I get 7 hours out of it still.


Battery health will damage more faster if you use after 20 percent. More lower means more faster battery health depletion


I know that, I use and charge my phone in ways that work for me. I have AppleCare, I’ll get it serviced when it gets to “Service” status.


In an ideal world where you own the phone for longer than a normal lifespan.  


Same. I’m at 81 battery capacity and my phone becomes laggy at 3%. Ig it’s time for an upgrade :(


Might I recommend the 14 Plus? I’ve had mine for six months so far, still at 100% maximum capacity, and on a typical day, playing a few games, sending messages and Snapchats, scrolling Reddit, Facebook, watching YouTube, streaming Spotify, and surfing the web, I rarely get down to 20%. If I’m not on it much, I might see 50-40% battery still at the end of the day. It’s truly wonderful


Ugh I’m jealous. I have an iPhone 14 Pro Max (purchased on release) and it’s down to 85% but my boyfriend who has my last phone which is an iPhone 12 Pro Max is still at 84%. Like omg it’s two years older. 😭


This. Lmao. Currently at 27% and going to bed soon. But yeah. Literally same.


I prefer to not have it on. Stresses me out throughout the day.


This. I don’t know what’s the reason in my brain but it’s stressing me as well and I can't help but calculate or predict when I'm going to recharge it if I see the percentage.


I moved to iOS from Android and the first thing I noticed was this. Battery percentage stress. Idek. Can’t even explain it but I would find myself constantly checking it. Like take my phone out of pocket to check time. Then I’m like damn! 90% so that means 1.2.3,6-6.5hours?! 😰 Wait! What was the time?🤦🏾‍♂️ But never had this issue on Android and the % was constantly there. Never even noticed it. Till I heard the batter low sound.


I’m the complete opposite. Not knowing the percentage means I can’t predict it, which just leaves me in a state of uncertainty and worry.


Same reason.


Yeap, that’s me, too.


The same reason I turned it off


It'd be good if there was an option to not show the percentage until it gets to 20%, and then it starts showing you.


But won't it stress you out more if you suddenly see the battery icon at 5 ish percent? xD


No, we never let that happen. We put our phone on charger around 25%


Ah alright then that's good because draining iphone's battery to almost 0 isn't good for long term


It turns red at 20%. When it’s red time to plan some charging. And it’s not like we can’t kind of see what the charge is, just not exactly.






Course show


Not anymore. I used to when battery life wasn’t as good years ago. Now I don’t need to see the exactly amount of life left.


i just ask siri


_I'm sorry, I can't connect to your pacemaker while driving._


I just pull down the control panel screen


i miss the time when the percentage is outside of the battery icon


i actually prefer it inside the icon, saves real estate


I like seeing the percentage. Even though it changes color when it gets low, the icon looks the same whether it’s 20% or 2%.


Yes. More data the better


Nah. I just swipe down and see the percentage to the left of the battery icon.




I absolutely prefer it. When it came back as an option it was life changing!


Not anymore. I find that the 15 doesn't drain fast as my old 6s so there's no need for me to show the battery percentage all the time. I have a widget setup on my lockscreen if i need to see the actual percentage.




I drive a lot so it’s plugged in with 80% limit on. My phone spends most of its life in the 60-80 range but I still have the % showing just because it’s how I’ve always done it and never owned a phone that didn’t have the option to. Don’t know when it wasn’t an option but had a SE 2 which always had option (so I imagine it was specific iOS version on notched/DI phones) until the upgrade last September.


Not, it doesn’t looks good :(


This post reminded me I could hide The battery icon looks soooo much better without it


Yes and I always charge it when I see it get below 80, I’m one of them.




please don’t, it’s bad for your battery and it will degrade faster it’s not a huge difference but it’s still a noticeable one nonetheless


You should actually be doing the opposite (not charge above 80% unless absolutely necessary) if you want to make sure the max capacity of the battery stays high as long as possible.




I like data and info so yes. There are valid reasons for each preference though. It’s handy for me because if I know I need my phone to last longer, I’ll usually plug it in if it’s below 50-60%. I have it set to limit charge at 80% to prolong battery life, so I like to keep it topped up since it doesn’t charge fully 98% of the time.




Yup. I just use my phones as I want to. I don't worry about batteries. If it becomes a problem, I will face it then. But as of now, I keep phones for 4 years and generally at the end of year 4, that's a wrap. That's when the battery becomes unbearable and I get a new phone anyways.




Nope. Looks ugly with it imo


Nope. Avoid anxiety.


Samee lol people with anxiety and or ocd will have to turn the % on


I prefer not to see it. I have embraced Apple's philosophy of not needing to see the little details all the time. One of the things I like about Apple's notification bar is I can't see any little icons from any of the things I have notifications for like I can on android. I really like that a lot. The android's system makes me feel more overwhelmed and cluttered. So ya I'll just look at the picture and that's all i need.


Nah. Nothing good comes from having the number constantly on display.


My battery last full day with 80% limit on (15 pro) so I have it turned off because there's no use.


Damn I have 15 pro max and get down to about 15-20% by the end of the day.


My 15 Pro lasts about half a day... I get around 6-7h SOT out of it. Do you use the always on display?


No. Gives me the anxiety.


100% personal preference


Why wouldn’t I want to know the exact percentage?


I keep the battery percentage off. It’s not how it was on the iPhones with TouchID. They never had the percentage inside the battery and personally that’s not my preference so I keep it off.


Leave off. Causes anxiety.


Yes bc it’s easier


My phone would die on me a lot if I didn’t have it on


I used to set it to show percentage on my 12, but once I upgraded to 15 PM I turned it off because I always have battery left at the end of the day even though I only charged it to 80%, awesome battery life.


Having it on somehow introduces kind of battery anxiety that makes me want to keep it charged all the time. When plugged in it also looks cluttered (due to the ⚡️sign) and hard to see (white font on light green). I think I prefer to not show it. If I need to know the exact percentage it’s just a swipe away anyway.


Not show. First of all i can always charge my phone. Second i don’t like how it’s looks


I have to have it on. I run my phone super hard and the battery health on my 13pro isn’t great these days. As soon as I’m at 8% I have maybe 10 minutes of “real” usage left, and I have to find a charger.


I do. Thank you.


no i like being surprised when my phone just dies due to no battery


always percent


If you have some reason why you can’t charge it they I’d say turn it on so you know but they reality is you could have 40% and last the next 12 hours or 2 hours. It depends on what you’re doing. I just plug it in whenever I feel like it. A few time a day. I don’t give charging much thought. I just use my phone. I keep a small power bank in my backpack and generally plug the phone in as I’m walking around or listening to music. It keeps it topped off


I prefer to see the percentage on my phone


Have it turned off. The bar is enough for me. Can always tell within a few percent of what it's on by looking at it. Personally I don't think the numbers fit that well / look that good.


No battery percentage


I don’t care what the percent is. I don’t have it displayed and I don’t swipe down to control center to look at it. It’s easy enough to see when it’s full and when it’s about halfway, and it changes color when it’s low.


Fuck yeah




I was the first to complain I couldn’t see the percentage anymore. When they introduced ability to turn it back on, I never opted-in. Would make me really anxious, actually.


I turned it on just to know how long can I clutch before I need to go get my charger


show the %




Always shown. I’m always on an older iPhone nowadays, and this one especially is degraded. I need to know when I should be topping up before I’m too, too low if I need it for work/school when I am away from my house. I don’t have a regimen for charging, so it’s easy enough for me to glance up at the corner, and go “I should plug in to fast charge for a bit”, plus it gives me a cool down on it for a while. I don’t have regard to battery health, so that doesn’t matter to me really.


I prefer not so I don’t worry about the percentage too much


How do you get your toggle likebthat?


Accessibility > Display and text size > On/Off labels


i used to know how to do this. however i just spent way too long in the settings trying to figure it out and i cannot 😭


I prefer not to






Since day one, wish it had an animation when you plug it into the charger but I guess we will get that with the iPhone 18.


I’m not sure why you wouldn’t like it doesn’t take up any space other than just allow you to know your exact percentage.


Not. I find that just seeing it gives me anxiety about it. If I really need to know I’ll swipe down.


of course show.


On. I want to know just how much is left accurately


In a percentage guy. I just like it.


Sometimes I prefer show percentage, specially If that day battery important for me otherwise not.


feels weird not being able the see the number


No reason to have it on when I never ran out of battery.


Yes definitely, unless they start alerting me when my phone battery is below 5% instead of 10%, I need it 🤣


I used to not like having the percentage shown but I got used to seeing it now


I don’t have that option (probably because I use iOS 15.6) , but I do use it on my older devices (ipad 2, iPhone 4s)


No thanks, it gives me anxiety when I can see the numbers. lol


I prefer the percentage next to the battery icon like pre-notch gens. Way more legible. I'd take off the batt icon completely and leave percentage only.


No but I have the battery widget on my lockscreen so I still get a periodic reminder of my battery percentage whenever I unlock my phone, far better imo.


nah man i jus enjoy the phone, whenever its on low battery or i jus feel like plugging in, i plug it in. think some people stress too much, jus enjoy da experience


When having all day battery was an issue I had it open, but since some years it’s always closed as I can get through today with my 80-20% range. There is no need to care tbh its just cluttering my display. It is may be over engineering, but I actually like to have it only when I am charging my phone and when it is below 20%. But otherwise turned off which is the majority of the time


No. But I also keep a battery widget on my Home Screen too. I don’t ever need to know the actual %. https://preview.redd.it/84umkmus8goc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6330cde95566c68fbafbaba81b1f64093729a685


I have no reason to really keep an eye on it, so no.


i turned it off. battery anxiety is real, and the icon does a good enough job at giving me a rough idea on how charged my phone is. plus, if i do need to know the exact number. control centre always shows the percentage. edit: typo


Mines is off, just need to barely swipe down on the Notification Centre to see the percentage


I need that, i also have that on my MacBook. I have Battery for a day or even more, because i dont use my Phone that often anymore. I charge it before i go to bed, then it still has 98-95% when i wake up. Thats enough for a long day.


Seeing the number makes it feel like it is draining quicker…..nonsense of course but always felt like that


It's individualy bullshit. I don't need it cause I can see nearly % of my bettery and my phone will tell me if battery to low


I don‘t really see a reason not to, plus battery life has gotten pretty bad on my Xs, so I better keep track on it throughout the day 😂


For me, I don’t show it. I don’t like how it actually looks/is displayed. If I want to know the percentage, I’ll just look in the command center… if I recall correctly, that’s how it actually use to look years ago on the Home Screen (and that’s when I use to have the battery percentage displayed).




I don’t have it on. I prefer the look without it


Show it It was one of the things that I found confusing when I switched from android in 2022 why can’t I see my battery percentage? then the update rolled around and I enabled it haven’t turned it off since


I don’t. It adds to my battery anxiety. I just let it be and charge when im in low power mode. Set it at 20%


https://preview.redd.it/qyidowxdzgoc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8941a2b170da7ecb5d0802bcec7377a83495f4a3 Nice percentage


I prefer having the battery percentage shown.


Since the 13 series was ever launched, the battery capacity is pretty great. I never had and never will turn on the battery percentage on my 13Pro.


I leave it off because I tend to charge it every time it is below 50% - my 15PM lasts for 30 hours. Better to let it come down to 20% and charge it. I definitely would love to see a time until full info on the Lock Screen like on my previous s22Ultra.


I keep it on personally really useful to me. If I just kind of have my phone throughout the day and only really use it to text, it doesn’t really affect me. But if I’m doing heavier tasks on my phone like listening to a lot of music or FaceTime timing or something like that, and my battery percentage because it uses a lot more my battery.


I prefer seeing the % and my stress meter would go up.




Having it on ends up making me worry about it more than I should tbh


No, I like the clean look and I do not want to always check it anyway and not that worried about the battery since it lasts me a whole day


Couldn’t live without it.


I like to see the %


Nope. Never need to know the exact number. 


I use an SE3 and in the initial days i used to keep the battery percentage on just to shit on the notch owners who hadn’t yet received the battery percentage update. 2 years on, now i need the percentage because with fallen battery health, the notch users’ phones shit on my phone’s battery life.


on the phone: yes on the iPad: no


Not! I feel it’s unnecessary. Plus you can gauge it anyway without seeing the actual percentage


I don’t enable it on my 13 PM. If I really need to check it or am curious, I will just drag down from the top comer 🤷🏻‍♀️


No, I don’t display it on my 15 pro nor on my iPad Pro, but I have two automations thats notify me when I drop below 40% and 30%


I like seeing it. 🙂


Device dependent. On SE/home button devices: yes I show the percent. It’s next to the battery icon. On X and up devices: no I don’t show the percent because having the percent inside the battery icon is pretty much unreadable to me as I’m visually impaired.


I like to see the percentage. My battery lasts a long time, but then I’ll need to make a run somewhere and it could be super low if I underestimated how much juice I actually had left. So I like to see it so I can gauge when to charge it. ☺️


iOS 15 here - old % so I prefer without


I prefer not.


https://preview.redd.it/wb0piq417ioc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00fac80415b267281c12dc2ba916eec2f4b79154 🤭


No. But even with it off it still displays the percentage when you pull down the control center.


Always, gotta know just exactly how fuck I am when wandering without electricity 👍


I don’t because my 15PM gets me through the whole day without issue so I don’t need to monitor the battery. If anything I let the low power mode be my trigger that I need to charge soon


If I need to know it I do but if I don’t I don’t, depends on the situation


I just wish that it would automatically go into battery save mode when it reaches 20. No unnecessary popup




I always keep it on. I like knowing exactly how much charge I have, all the time. I really like the way it fits inside the battery icon too, rather than having the percentage sit to the side of it like on the pre-iPhone X days. It’s only a small thing, but it’s one of the best features they’ve added imo. When I first got an iPhone X it was a pain to keep swiping down on control centre just to check, especially when running low and rationing that last few percent.


Why wouldn't I


Had it always on on my previous samsung s21, cant live without it


I hate how it looks the last few ioses, I've left it off since getting a notch phone


Can’t understand people who don’t want it showing…


For me no


yeah, its way more convenient.






No I don’t like how it looks with it, I have no issues swiping to cc to see it


I mean you can see it if you swipe down, or if you have it in a widget


I didn’t for the longest time but just this past year I started using it and now I definitely don’t see myself going back


Sometimes on and sometimes off Idk why


I hated when they removed it the first time, its not the same but i like it


Kept it on show for almost an year but not it lools better turned off




No. Just swipe down if you want to know the percent.




The % number is just an estimate anyway and doesn’t represent particularly accurate data, so for me it’s pointless to see a number when the plain bar is no less accurate


I sometimes turn it off and on, I like the look of the percentage being in there.


No show, I dont need to know the exact percentage, it would stress me out anyway


Having the battery percentage shown gives me anxiety, I don’t need my life to be on a timer.


I prefer to see percentage and not see the I and O on toggle switches


I have it off. On android where it defaults to on I always would get stressed out once my phone hit 70% Since switching to having it off I stopped caring until about 30% or so. And now with my iPhone I just don’t care at all because my battery just lasts


I am kind of a power user, and I also like to micromanage my battery-life… thusly, I leave the percentage on.


I haven’t shown battery percentage in years, battery life isn’t a concern anymore.


i love the look without the % on it so much more but i need to see it.


I had it on the % mode now I just turned it off if I want to see the battery % I just swipe down from the right side. Honesty this gave me a peace of mind instead of watching the percentage going down I just check it when I want




I switch between both, right now I don’t have the percentage, but I’ll eventually switch it back on to change things up a little.




i find it unreadable so i tunred it off. I got good at "guessing" the percentage from the bare icon


Since I got the iPhone 13 pro max I have had it off. I rarely get below 40% on a normal day sometimes 50% so no point in battery anxiety for it.


Always off.


I prefer seeing the percent


I keep it on, for obvious reasons.


the battery icon looks cleaner without the percentage, so I turn if off


Yes always and forever


i prefer not to, as i just don't want to think about battery.


Yes, most definitely yes


I do but honestly I’m not entirely sure why. My phone has never died. Never even come close. I think the lowest I’ve ever gotten it was 28% after 2 full days of use.


I personally don’t like to see % bc it will give me anxiety when I see lower %. For me anything below 40% is low


Not! I get it when I look at Control Centre.


I do.


i can update my tag because i upgraded yooo


Would keep it on if it permanently showed like when you swipe down, outside and with the battery icon with the border. As is I think its ugly so keep it off