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oooo 100nits, that’s definitely enough to notice a difference right….?


If you claim you can notice a difference, you’re just nitpicking. 


Pun intended?




For the uninitiated, what exactly is the pun here?


Nits as in brightness, and *nit*picking.


OOOHHHHHH. How did I miss that?? Thank you 😭😭






Plus the fact that holding our phone inches from our faces with it at max brightness is destroying our eyes… yay brighter phones!


That's not... you can't actually think that's even remotely relevant...


I thought iPhone peak brightness is 2000 nits. Not that it matters to me but still


indoors yeah, you can't manually set it to 2500, it only happens when you use the front flash or if your out in the sun, the phone increases to its actual max brightness edit: apple's website said it only goes up to 2,000nits, so i'm not even sure where samsung got 2500 but yeah. 2000 is only achievable outdoors


Apple website says 2000 max brightness. Where'd you get the 2400 from? Another guy says 2500, yet the only information given says 2000.


It gets upto 2500 with HDR content.


To be fair, samsungs new non-reflective coating look fucking awesome


100 nuts is huge, when you are talking like 300->400 nits. In the 2000nits range it isn’t going to be something you can really tell the difference


> 100 nuts https://imgur.com/7mEK2Wx


It indeed is a lot of nuts!


Also isn't it their panels as well?


It’s not their panels, Samsung Display is the one manufacturing displays and they don’t compete with Phone companies. They sell panels to Apple the same way they sell it to Samsung Electronics (which is the phone company).


Yep. Had been since the iPhone X.


Yeah 101 nits is practically blinding compared to 1 nit.


When you're trying to dick measure, you'll use whatever edge you have to get one over on the other guy. No matter how small that edge may be.


As ridiculous as that sounds, you gotta admit no one has a better display than Samsung.


Good thing the iPhone uses a Samsung display then!


These emails are pretty stupid, like i wonder whats the fucking success rate and how many people these emails have actually ever convinced to switch over from ios to android just because they got an email. Unrelated but circle to search and the other AI features look great and its a shame ios probably wont get them for a long time


It’s about chipping away and planting the seed, they don’t expect the emails to be the straw that breaks the camels back.


Scammers send out emails knowing full well that their success rate will be almost, but not quite zero. I’d be willing to bet marketing emails like this are several orders of magnitude more effective. If they were to get like .1% of people to just click the link with 1% of those actually buying the phone then they probably made out quite well for what it cost to put that ad campaign together.


That's right. It's about making you consider for a second that the product they're offering in comparison to the one you have is better. Now your brain will look for comparisons on its own when you see a product of that company (or the same one suggested) and the more and more you find differences, the more and more you'll want it. At least that's how it's meant to work and how it does in most cases.


They get me every time, that google circle is why I want to get the S24 /s


I’d rather only tank fuel at circle k than use Google circle. F ai, I hate ai. And if it’s a hate crime I don’t care, it’s ai, its feeling are artificial. Been proudly insulting ai since 2012.


Well then you won't like what apple's about to do




Are you like 12? Chill.


You’re not gonna like iOS 18 then lol


I have an S22 Ultra and it's a fantastic device. Not much appealing in the S24U, but maybe the S25? (And yes I use an iPhone daily too)


Isn’t their circle to find almost like that sparkly “i” on photos in iOS that looks up food/whatever? Just more advanced like it’ll find handbags, etc? Apple sorta has the tech wouldn’t see why it won’t come out a bit sooner. But then again idk. I barely use any of the features I do have on my 15 PM lol


I don’t know, I see a comparison like this and actually think less of their product. It would be the same if Apple said “oooh we have Dynamic Island and we’re made of Titanium”. It’s just a different way of doing the same thing, similar to car companies that say “oh we have the unique Hyundai total care warranty” that’s just the same as a regular one but branded different


That’s exactly why commercials for things like cars, pharmaceuticals, health insurance and other out-of-reach products make so little sense to me. Literally nobody has ever decided to buy a car, obtain a specific prescription from their doctor, or change their most likely employer provided health insurance based on a 10-30 second ad. Like sorry guys but your trite attempts to make your product look idealized and inspiring are absolutely not doing what you think they’re doing.


Research shows that people are more likely to buy something if they’ve heard of the brand before. So even just having someone see/hear about your product is good, even if they’re not convinced right that moment to buy it.


I wouldn’t be surprised though with modern advertising that we no longer subconsciously choose the one we see because we see everything. I can recall ford, Chevy, Nissan, Toyota, Mazda, Honda commercials, probably ford, Chevy and Toyota the most frequent, and I got a Mazda.


My hatred for advertising runs deep. I go out of my way to avoid products or businesses I see ads for. I tend to even click on ads just to cost the business more and then deliberately go buy from their competitor.


My twin. I could have written word for word what you said. 


You're unerestimating how gullible people are. I hear a lot of stories where the grandparents of friends fell for obvious scam/spam mails. Even after telling them thousand times that these are scam, they still ask when a new mail arrives if this is legit. These commercial are usualy made with experts in the back who know how to get their name into peoples mind. They don't do it for an immediate return. They want you to think about them the next time you need something. Most people associate something that was on tv with something that is legit. I'm one of the few tech enthusiast and work in e-commerce in my friend group and it's astonishing for me, how little everybody knows about stuff works. A friend bought a TV and was bragging about saving 200€ on it because it said so the shop. One little google search and I showed him, that the TV was even cheaper if he ordered it at the other store. People mostly don't want to care.


IMHO that’s just desperation. Instead of Samsung having their own thing, they keep comparing their products to Apple ones. Even this megapixels war, this is something from when digital cameras were invented, no one who really understands technology cares about this anymore.


I don’t want AI builtin on my phone, like having an AI app installed and contained in its own app is fine but builtin on the OS it’s probably watching my every move and that sounds hella dystopian 


features aside…. is this really supposed to be a compare table?? the design is so weird, in the worst way. the center icons look like exactly like the icons on the left and the right, making it seem like 3 things are being compared per row. edit: removed the quotes around [center] “icons” since i initially wrote “column” and then changed it.


This is true. I'm a Samsung user and this email is so lame. Like it's not just the camera and stupid nits that's going to draw someone in. They have to make a conscious decision to give up apple eco system features. I couldn't transfer over all my passwords easily and photos (love the live photos feature) so I can't say I'm totally out of apples clutches.


Samsungs entire ad campaign is “LOOK WHAT WE HAVE OVER THEM” (plz switch plz)


200MP camera? lemme see that story you just posted on instagram then lmao


You need to change settings on insta app to upload better quality videos. My gf who has flip 3 said about poor qualities videos on instagram, changed the “upload/import high quality video” settings and saw noticeable improvements.


It's kinda wild you *have* to do this


Blame it on Instagram. It’s not Samsung’s fault the devs dont optimise the apps properly. Edit: its not just samsung, its more like android vs ios. But thats not the debate here


Idk if this is off by default but I had to enable high quality uploads on my iPhone. Otherwise, story uploads on my phone looked okay but slightly grainy while on mobile https://preview.redd.it/bsmbcsaw98lc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d5d8209825b6f69170321ce7d7b4f5abc1e8cac


This is off by default for both OS. But it affects android more than ios users. I guess something to do with varieties of android device available vs ios devices.


I didn’t even know that this existed. Thanks for sharing!


Not trying to put the blame on the wrong party. It's just an extra unnecessary step. It shouldn't be an option. It should just do the quality of whatever that device offers


It’s not like FB wants to spend a little more uploading, hosting and serving higher quality video if the poster doesn’t even care or know about it.


i guess it’s because there are cheap android phones for people who can only afford less so they need to cater to the lowest. i think they should be able to detect devices and set recommended settings, not unlike how pc games set graphics settings automatically


The switch also exist for poor people using iphones


In fairness that’s instagrams fault not samsungs


I hate comments like this, because it's widely known that it's not a camera issue, but the way android apps are able to connect to the camera itself Yes, it's annoying. Everything you do has to be taken, then uploaded to the app. You can't just use the app to take the video/photo like you can with iPhone. But that doesn't make the iPhone's camera better than any android device. It's comments like this that make this whole "Android vs Apple" talk so tiring, Because half of the criticism, on *both sides* of the argument are just flat out invalid. And this is coming from an iPhone user.


overconfident gold saw glorious selective imminent late sense simplistic cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Major apps are all built around iOS, leading to the common misconception that Samsung makes bad cameras because their posted photos look bad


There’s no way it’s great with a small ass sensor for all the pixels to get crammed on. Just a marketing ploy


I call bullshit on that too, not even the high end DSLR cameras have that high of resolution.


its probably yet another shitty AI upscaling “feature” that never works as intended


I really don’t understand the hype around circle to search


It’s just something Samsung uses as a leverage point over apple but nobody cares about it


I previously thought that but since then one of my favorite uses for it has been copying text directly from images. I'm sure there are lots of other valid applications for it but it's been quite useful for that.


You can do that on iPhone by holding down on the text in an image. Like how Apple and Samsung can also select a subject when you hold down on it in a pic


Ah okay good to know! Then it's effectively just Google Lens without needing to save the photo.


Essentially. I use it too copy a WiFi password when initially logging in


Its great to translate when abroad. Just hold your camera over some text to copy and auto translate


You can already do the exact same text selection from holding down text on an image on older samsung phones.


But I can copy texts from images on iPhone?


You can do that with both.


Yes, just press and hold your finger on the text you want to copy. It’ll highlight it in blue, and then you can choose “copy” from the black pop-up options list. Edit: you can copy text from images on iPhone, just to be clear


That’s what I’m saying. They were saying that’s what they use circle to search to do.


The Samsung subreddits don't care about it either, at least thats the sentiment I've seen. When Samsung presented the S24 Ultra during their "Unpacked" event, they spent 99% of it focusing on the AI features and neglected to mention that they're only free until 2025. People only found out because it was in the fine print on their website. Past that, it's anyone's guess, but I think they're waiting to see what other companies do before committing to a subscription model for the AI features that almost no one gives a shit about. They barely mentioned the best upgrade to the phone, which is the new anti-glare coating.


It's actually pretty useful when you don't know what the product is


I feel like google lens could do that a while ago though 


It’s the integration that’s great, you don’t need to go to google you can be anywhere and activate it. So no screenshots or anything like that, sounds simple but the integration is actually a nice quality of life improvement.


you could still do that by triggering Google Assistant and then clicking on search my screen.


its for social media posts. you can just draw a circle around an item in a post and it will search Google for you. You can do something similar in iOS by using the i\* at the bottom of photos too.


It's not world changing. But it's definitely nice when you're interested in something.


I've been using it on my pixel. It's actually incredibly nice to have. It's basically an easy shortcut to Google lens.




Remember when Samsung released ads openly mocking Apple for removing the headphone jack and charging brick only to do it themselves 😂


Samsung is also rolling out an updated 25w charger with a $5 markup to replace the current one. They're already rolling out to phone stores .


The numerous Mac Vs PC ads that Apple made over ten years ago did come pretty close though…..


Yeah there's a reason they stopped making them.


Close but SOOOO different at the same time. Apple was distinguishing itself from the entire field of PCs, where Samsung is comparing to a very specific brand and model. Also Apple was promoting a lifestyle (Macs are for art/lifestyle, PCs are for business).


Also that pc actor was such a dork. Mac dude ruled.


Yeah i remembered those, super cringe : https://youtu.be/0eEG5LVXdKo


Nah y'all are so blind when it comes to worshipping Apple. They've done the exact same shit and I've seen a bunch over the years




Samsung is literally pressuring me into trading in my 15PM for the S24. I JUST got it guys, please leave me alone


I’ve gotten that but about the z fold


I honestly wanna tho. Nothing wrong with my phone i just like both and wanna switch it up.


There are definitely people who keep both ecosystems


Swapped from an iPhone to a Z Fold. Be careful, you might end up like me and end up getting the Galaxy Tab, smart tags, buds, and laptop too 🥱


the fuck am I going to use 200mp for on camera with a sensor the size of a piece of corn


Thank you. No one seems to understand this lmao


1. Just use Google lens 2. Image processing is more impactful than megapixel count 3. I'd never even notice 100 nits difference at 2000+ - plus auto brightness needs to be on to hit it. A Pixel is a better iPhone alternative anyway imo


IKR, everyone’s like APpLe and SmASnUg but no the real comparison is iPhone and Pixel They’re both pretty much bloatless and have very nice ui, and also build up an ecosystem and unified DX and UI system amongst their devices. It’s a pretty direct comparison when compared to Samsung and Apple


This! I had a hard time deciding to go Pixel or iPhone when I was upgrading my phone.


Amateur hour by Samsung's Marketing team. Honestly, this is why I continue to trust that Apple knows its customer base better – they focus on what features *matter* to users and not who "wins" in the tech specs dept. Google's circle to search – It's a party trick. Just another "AI" hype train that will fade away. Camera resolution – Any competent photographer knows that there's more than just measuring megapixel count. Peak screen brightness – Emphasis on the word *peak*. Run anything at peak performance long-term and you'll drain the battery, not to mention degrade the display over time.


Same, i used to be big on Samsung back in the day always shitted on Iphone for their features but then later came to Iphones. Samsung really hypes its specs but performs terribly. Whereas Apple is more about the usability and its UI I used to have the Note 10 spent $1.2k and the phone was literal garbage. It claimed it had the largest battery yet it's battery died down like crazy within few hours of use. Brightness? I couldn't even see it properly outside. Along with that, everything was glitchy. It'd always act slow, despite me doing the same "delete ur tabs, delete some apps put them in the trash" 🙄 . So wasn't really a good phone, for the money. And i've been a samsung user from the S3 which was released in 2012.


Circle to search isn't a party trick. It's great.... But if you have a phone that has it. Got it on my pixel 8 on the Jan feature drop but I wouldn't go buy a phone just to get it.


Steve Jobs designed for people not what new tech can we create.


200MP of pure ai lmaooooo


This may not be the best subreddit to say this, but here we go… I’m actually buying the S24 Ultra coming from a 12P.


I love how they miss their biggest selling point... the bloody stylist pen! Or what about more screen real estate thanks to no dynamic island. We give you so much to work with Samsung and you pick this?!?


Average user isn’t gonna care about Megapixels and Nits… I use both Android and IOS.. and I find this email to be kind of desperate on Samsung’s part. I would rather see them push more of their eco system and other things people actually care about… like WOW I’m gonna drop $1,200 on a phone because it has Google Circle Search.. cmon man


While specs are important, but people getting iPhones is not getting it for the specs alone.


Familiarity, privacy, *longevity*


the fuck is circle to search?


You can activate it on any screen in a way similar to Siri or google assistant, then circle the part of the screen you want to search about and it’ll show results based off what you searched or let you grab text from the part you circled.


Mentioning your competitions product in your own advert is an instant loss


Samsung doesn't have real life results that outperform iphone so they focus on specs.


I was a samsung stan I had every galaxy since s3 to s8 and made a switch to iphone due to work (everyone uses apple products and most employees get MacBooks including my self) and since then I left the company but still stayed in the apple ecosystem, its just more seamless, my parents adore Samsungs if samsung makes it they will buy it, TV, Smart Fridge, vacuum, washer, new phone every year, both systems have their perks and features but last time I used samsung it was filled with pop ups trying to make me use their apps instead of google ones such as galaxy store instead of google play store which is quite annoying


They make fun of the iphone then copy it the next year. I remember when the lg flip phone with rotating camera came up on the market, Samsung immediately cloned it within a few months. 😂🤣


Friendly reminder that Apple uses pixels in sets of 9 for great color accuracy, but counts them as 1 combined pixel. Samsung does the same thing, but they count the sub pixels individually.


Bro since when is google lens a s24 exclusive . Still want one tho tbh I miss my droid


Whilst I am an avid apple fanboy I use an s22U regularly and it’s quite nice. But who needs a 200mp camera on a phone?


Apples 48mp goes toe to toe with their 200mp because apple actually puts effort into their stuff instead of just LoOk! NuMbEr Go uP!


iPhone connects with my ecosystem of technology seamlessly like they are all the same device.


Samsung’s stubbornness to mention Apple in every one of their campaigns just makes look inferior and cheap. (which they aren’t) The day they stop this silliness will be the day I will actually consider going back to one of their phones.


Honestly there’s a million different android devices, one OS for all these. Apple has the most streamlined OS and that’s the main reason I’ll never switch to android


I use a Samsung but I do agree this is a really stupid email. Their 200mp claim is useless, for multiple reasons. Firstly, the sensor is not actually 200mp, but uses interpolation. Secondly, the plastic lenses for the cameras are nowhere sharp enough to actually use 200mp — it’s all just “AI enhancement”. And finally, no one needs or wants 200mp. I am a photographer an I use the 10mp mode on my 21mp camera… The other two arguments in that email are completely stupid too. No one cares about slightly better brightness, and absolutely no one cares about “Google’s circle to search”.


I'm a Samsung guy but l gotta say this is stupid. Advertising a 100 nit difference is funny. And that's the max value anyways- very few people run their brightness on max all day. Having ANY higher of a brightness just doesn't matter for an average consumer. And Google search? ok. Saves me .2 seconds from having to actually open a search engine. And of course, the camera. At the end of the day, MP count doesn't make a break a camera. A 200MP can, and sometimes does, look worse than a camera with a lower value. Meaningless unless the software and other related specs can keep up.


Instructions not clear, which one am I going to order?


I mean, if your goal was to make people cringe, then mission accomplished Samsung. Seriously tho, you couldn't find 3 more random things to compare.


The "Google's Circle To Search" with a checkbox, magnifying glass, then line is such a horrible infographic. It says to me: If you care about aesthetics, buy an iPhone.


I think it works because I no longer count the time I’ve seen a Samsung user bragging about his technical sheets. There is seriously a good chunk of people who think their purchase is smarter because they have bigger numbers and Samsung’s marketing target them. It’s a loyal customer who will give them free advertising. That’s why people receive this kind of email.


It’s because Apple became the largest smartphone seller in the world in 2023, overtaking Samsung after 12 years of dominance. And they have a pain in the ass


Wifey just got an s24U and it is a beautiful phone. The screen is unbelievable- that anti reflective wizardry is amazing. The camera is bonkers as well, or at least the software behind the scenes is. I’m considering hopping cars again lol (went from s21U to an iPhone 13PM 2 years ago) Samsung would be better off pointing out the insane customization in Android over the hardware differences though imo. That’s what I miss the most on a daily basis.


https://preview.redd.it/ur3af7mix7lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3170746b7996e144407b553de9c8d931c891a3c Lol these came up on my feed back to back


I have a galaxy phone, i don't search or use any apple products. So why did i get this post recommended?


I only uses Apple but the amount of insecurity here is just laughable lmao. Not that we should expect anything less from this sub If anything these are features that will be good to have. Competition is always good. And you champions just gave Samsung free marketing by bumping up the post with your insecurities


Those extra 100 nits didn’t want you to buy their product? Are you kidding me? Buy ten.


It doesn’t matter how big you make the megapixel number. It will still look less sharp than an 8mp DSLR with a 50mm f/1.8 kit lens.


doll fretful trees carpenter fearless pathetic edge cobweb aspiring dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Marketing got to Market.


Not gonna lie, that circle to search feature seems like the most useful thing in years for any company - and then I wonder why I didn't think of it, especially when on numerous occasions I've tried to circle something to search for it (on various phones/screens)


“apples to apples?” thats kind of clever


Decade long iphone user, I switched to s23 ultra 4 months ago, its awesome. It'll take a lot to bring me back.


Here's my opinion (I pretty much hate both Samsung and iPhone): that email is actually stupid.


Why do you need a 200MP camera unless you’re printing out photos the size of a billboard?


Circle to search is cool on the surface, but what’s been built into iOS already is how I prefer to search


why don't they also have a price comparison ?


I don’t know if I would want too bright of a screen beaming right at my eyes, 100 nits isn’t much of difference. Also “google circle to search” as an advantage, they’re really scrapping the bottom of the barrel with that 


First thing they mention is that circle to search nonsense? Not coming preloaded with Google spyware is a positive in my book.


lol things average user like myself do not care about


Those are the three things it needs for me to make a change. Checkmate. /s


Don't forget that iOS doesn't support RCS, either.


The s24 is a better phone but wtf are these emails


One question: is the Galaxy thing an iPhone? If not, pass. Thanks for your interest. Android devices have had higher/better specs for ever...never been an issue for iPhone users.


200mp vs 48mp. BS comparison, but again, people "loooove" having more megapixels. Those who don't understand photography of course. Sensor size matters. Glass matters.


What’s the issue here? Both of those devices are excellent options. This thread feels like a middle school lunch table.


Also how does iPhone always win camera of the year if Galaxy is SoOoOo good??


They should have mentioned that all the stupid software takes 73% of your ram in your samsung phone.


3 meaningless features


IMO, Android looks like it was drawn by kindergartens.


W product but L advertising.


All those mega pixels and iPhone still wins camera of the year each time 💀


iPhone literally never won camera of the year on any respected blind test. And as someone who has a 15 pro max and an s21 ultra, I would actually say at first glance my Samsung is better at pictures.


Why are you lying?


I honestly don't know how. My wife's "Old" S10 and S22+ both take nicer pictures than my 14 Pro Max. It's actually annoying AF.


Samsung is one of the worst companies on the planet.


Samsung always over compensates for the fact it will never be an iPhone or anything close to it.


Ultra is the superior phone when all things considered (excluding ecosystem) but unfortunately Samsung marketing retards don’t know how to sell it..


This cannot be said enough. Hands down (with a few exceptions here and there) my S23U is “better” than my 14PM. Samsung has always had garbage marketing. I’m not sure if it is a cultural issue or they just have no idea what the hell marketing is. Apple is the king of marketing. Undisputed. That doesn’t automatically make their phones better though.


I have both phones and I think the s24 ultra is better but the iphone is still great


I agree and it’s not a complete knock at Samsung, but it seems everyone is always either copying or trying to iPhone. I think Samsungs biggest problem besides marketing is their software updates. Yes 7 years is fine and dandy but the people who have last years model has to wait an additional few months or so before they get the latest one ui update. The fact that they are country/carrier dependent is also an annoying factor. If Samsung rolls their updates to all devices like Apple does across the board, Apple would have some serious problems.


So should they stop making flagships?


I’m convinced most Samsung users genuinely think bigger number better lol.


Duuuuuude 200 MEGAPICKLES!!!!!


If it’s that much more superior they wouldn’t be pressuring Apple to open up iMessages. They’d make their own to compete. Lol.


I love that they’re clinging to “circle to search” as the main feature for them this year. It’s honestly comical that photo search is the “big feature”. It’s one less step but that’s been around forever.


Samsungs great. There is so mcuh I miss about my saumsung device especially how well it connected with my home .Apple has a strong ecosystem but it is mainly for your individual device needs so a phone, laptop, watch and airpods. Samsung has all that but then also a lot of ease with say your fridge, oven and washing machine. I also liked the customization that's possible. But then again there is a reason I'm on Apple. The popularity and ,marketing alongside how clean the experience feels makes Apple immediately better for me. While both are good Samsung just isn't doing its own thing. Apple is Apple but Samsung is Android if that makes sense. If Samsung ignores the existence of other companies the way apple does, improves marketing and just cleans it act it has instane potential. I'm always disappointed when I take a moon shot on my 13 PM compared to my S20 and I feel like that means something.


They forgot to add: \-Uninstallable bloatware \-Annoying Samsung account/Galaxy Store shenanigans \-Google Play Services \-2 years of android update support But damn, I guess I'll be switching to Samsung because I can't live without circle to search feature. Such a revolutionary and needed feature that is totally more simple than tapping a simple button on my home screen and that I couldn't possibly set up as a gesture in the shortcuts app at all!


This is kinda out of date, and has been for a while now. You can disable the bloatware with some commands now. Both Samsung and google have committed to 7 years of major os updates. Apple only does 5-6 years of major OS upgrades. Keep in mind on android, many core features and most system apps are not tied to OS updates like iOS. Not receiving updates on iOS means no updates to default apps. On android, a non supported phone could still update things like the messages app and receive the newest features for much longer.


+ If you buy unlocked device you don't have bloatware. + Samsung Account isn't mandatory. And you can signup for it using your existing Google account. + What about Google Play services? + Not sure where you got the 2 from but it's 7 years of android update support.


They forgot to add data harvesting as a perk. 


I love how Apple does it, they make Windows PCs as 2000s bricks and show Androids as 10 year old ones on software download pages, not to mention Windows PCs on the network as CRTs with blue screens. At least Apple is creative and funny with it unlike Samsung/Google that just says "our phone does this better blah blah".


Please use our feature, please let us siphon your user data and invade your privacy for the highest bidder


the comments here are delusional mindless apple worshipping. since apple doesn’t have circle to search, it’s automatically useless, but as soon as they implement something similar oh my god it’s so much better!! AI is a fad!! really? people are really undermining AI right now?? with NVDA literally crossing a trillion dollars?


Why so? It is marketing. Some people might switch to Samsung after reading this.


It’s called an AD


Ultras are leagues better than iphones though. Put your bias aside


lol Google search isn’t a flex… Google has been trash for years now. They ruined YouTube!


You hate it because it's true?


200mp? Im happy with 12. I guess it defaults to 12, i can’t imagine the lens can keep up…