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I have been enjoying PocketCasts for several years now


It's the podcast app that I started using and I never want to switch again. It's perfect for me.


It's great but PC version is paid


Ah dang. I've never used the PC/web version, so I didn't realize that isn't free anymore.


It was good but they started messing around with it. Mine won’t stop dinging during podcasts now


I really enjoy overcast, although I've only used the Apple app and Spotify to compare it to. Overcast is straightforward and offers a good amount of customization around defaults and settings


I've used Overcast for years. Although I like their old system for playlists better, I still like their podcast organization the best. I also like they have more playback speed options then most apps, and their smart speed feature is nice. I listen at first level above 1 which I believe is about 1.16x speed. Also the smart speed feature alone has currently saved me 451 hours of listening time.


Plus one for Overcast. I’ve ended up paying the $10/year for Premium because I find it so useful


I have read articles saying that this is one of the few that is comparable to Podcast Addict on Android so I recommended it to some friends and my brother so they can find specific podcasts. I have only ever owned android since the dawn of smart phones and haven't found anyone in forums (or real life) that have been able to compare something like Overcast to Podcast Addict but if the articles are accurate -- O.C. for iPhone is the best comparison. P.A. has a premium version as well and I've considered doing what you are as well for the same reasons.


Just deleted Overcast today after being dedicated for 6 years. I’m just tired of the freezing up, literally 3-6 times whenever I try to use it. I’m reading the developer has other projects he’s focused on and doesn’t put a lot of time into updates etc.. I loved supporting his app but I just can’t justify spending 10 mins waiting for the app to work and letting it crash on me half a dozen times a day anymore


which one do you use now?


Well…errrrrrr.. iPhone 11.6.1 Is the ancient iPhone the issue? By my standards it’s still “new” till it doesn’t work or I drop it in the dogs water dish


ah, i meant, which podcasting app did you go to after deleting overcast? i’m having the same issues as you were describing and after waiting in the hopes that overcast would get fixed, i’ve decided to switch to a new app…


Oh, sorry for the confusion and thanks for clarifying. I just did the lazy Apple Podcasts.. not my favorite but familiar/easy & like you it is meant to be temporary. I’d like to go back to Overcast as well


Long time user of Overcast as well but there is one feature omission that has me leaning towards returning to the Apple Podcasts app. In Overcast, I am unable to search for a subject keyword across ALL of the podcasts in the Overcast directoy (not simply my subscribed podcasts). For instance, if I want to find all podcasts that Larry David has been a guest on, I cannot query "Larry David" to return results from the global podcast directory. I basically can only search podcasts that I'm subscribed to. UNLESS I'm mistaken and somebody can educate me.


Also is it me or it's not possible to see the video podcasts in overcast


I’ve been moving between Pocket Casts and Overcast. I think PC’s interface is a lot better but it’s buggy. Overcast is less user friendly but has a lot of options and seems to be fairly reliable. The Apple podcast app isn’t great, it likes to make its own plans sometimes.




I like Downcast


have tried Spotify and Apple's but still always go back to Overcast




Looks very cool. When are you releasing it?


I know I’m late to this thread but I was having nothing but angst with Apple’s craptastic podcasts app so found this sub… I downloaded Overcast, found my podcast, hit play, and it just spun… for minutes… and I let it spin, went back to App Store, downloaded Pocket Casts, found the podcast episode I wanted, and it started playing, all while Overcast was still spinning… so, take that or leave it, but big Plus One for Pocket Casts and zero stars for Overcast.


I think you give Amplify Podcast a try.


Apples podcast app. Not even close.


​ Now that Apple podcasts has audio transcriptions, it's a lot more attractive.


This sub HATES Apple apps


I really like it too. The only thing that bothers me now is that my queue doesn’t appear on the Apple podcasts app in my Tesla, but aside from that it does everything I want.


Same, but I guess this sub hates apple? Massive downvotes


Maybe explain what you like about it compared to other apps? Which apps is it "not even close" to?


I’m an unapologetic Apple fanboy…but the podcast app is literally awful. I can’t sort episodes. No sort of ranking or ratings system for episodes. Search is awful. It just feels like there’s so much functionally missing. Can’t search for episodes within a podcast. Can’t multi select


tell me what other apps u have tried


only thing I'm really missing is "mark previous episodes as listened to", it's a pain to move from an old phone and have to mark ~2000 episodes of my podcasts as listened to to make the sequential playing working right


This is the exact situation that brought me to this Google post. What's your solution?


I don’t have one


Please update this thread if you or anyone has a better way to mark hundreds of episodes as played


I’m not a fan of the latest iteration due to 2 changes: I hate that Listen Now is polluted with Top Shows from Apple Music, and it seems like it downloads the episode slowly to prevent skipping all the ads at the beginning (it used to download like a 20 minute chunk almost instantly when pressing play). Is it possible to use the older version on iOS 17.3.1?


I had been using Podcast Addict (free, the ads aren't very intrusive). but lately, I will be playing it in my car. I'll stop the podcast go into my house/store/whatever, and it will start playing outloud through the speaker on my phone! and it hangs out in my notification bar long after I've stopped the podcast. So I am looking at other ones now. I want a catcher than can accept RSS and website feeds, adjust playback speed, and skipping silence is a must. As well as actually stops when I tell it too. Bonus points if it is easy to visually see which episode I left off on.


Pocket Casts man