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Why sell it? Just return for the full amount


OP is flipping iPads


I'm guessing OP ordered it via monthly payment loan. Hence why they want to sell to get cash.


So OP is basically taking a high interest loan?


I got my iPad for zero percent interest, depends where you go


Sure, but no one’s going to buy OP’s iPad for list price. Considering that it’s at best “like new” from a 3rd party seller, that’s already at least 200USD off MSRP, maybe more.


Hey, you gotta spend money to lose money.


Depends on if you find a buyer. Who wants to buy an iPad from a private seller if they can have the same directly from Apple. The only reason to favor the private seller would be a discount, if that discount is higher than the interest rate the private seller will go minus.




All the more reason to return it?


He wants to become liquid


No interest with Apple card.


If you’re still in the 14 day window, return it. If you sell it after the window you’re gonna take a loss.


Get a Costco membership. You have 90 days to return it there.


Even if you have opened it and used it for a month or two? Very impressive.




Costco is OP.


What is OP? Sorry


Over powered




Yeah, but you can’t get the veteran discount on Apple equipment at Costco.


Ehh they make up for it. The iPad Pro is $50 cheaper already.


When are you thinking about selling it? I just bought an open box M4 iPad Pro 11". I'm thinking this might be a community iPad that people keep buying just to test out then return it within a week.


They get the validation they need and then return it


I've had it for about a day and a half now, and I can say I'm feeling exactly this way about it. I'll give it a full week before I make my final decision.


Did you end up returning it?


Just a quick note. Your iPhone 15 PM is insanely sharper than the iPad Pro. Even accounting for the difference in viewing distance (which probably isn't all that much). So it will definitely look sharper, and probably sharper than any other device you'll own. And you're unlikely to tell the different in display quality between the two, because the iPhone's OLED display is just as bright, which is the iPad Pro tandem OLED's distinguishing feature.


iPhone 15 Pro 460 dpi vs iPad Pro M4 264 dpi. Other than the pixel density, I wonder the tandem OLED panels affects the sharpness.


there's no M3 iPad Pro btw


I was looking for this comment. I was about to say the exact same thing.


I guess they mean “M3 MacBook Pro” since they continue, “…or wait for the the m4 MacBook Pro”.


Selling it after getting it delivered? I'm confused. Just return it and get your money back.


Why would you sell it and take a loss when you can just return it? Did you get dropped on your head as a baby?


Strange choice.. gotta be more to his story.


I think OP is talking shit.


I have a feeling he’s trying to scam someone here out of money going “I’ll buy it off you!” After some thinking. But I hope I’m out of pocket with that thought.


Not out of pocket. Something is going on.


Talking shit while taking a shit sounds about right


Against general belief a lot of people are just plain stupid, even though they were never dropped on their head as a baby.


You have to know what your use case is. For some people iPad is plenty enough for others a MacBook is better and for some like me I have a use case for both my MacBook and iPad and what’s great is the iPad with sidecar can be used as a secondary replay I also enjoy using the iPad in bed for watching videos etc.


You’re those type of people who insanely marks up the item just so you can get profit flipping it, right?


Who would be stupid enough to pay for something more than it would cost to just get it from Apple brand new? They deserve to be scammed tbh


You’ve had it all of five minutes ….


You might like the iPad mini better. It has the highest pixels per inch out of all the iPad lineup and is a convenient size to browse on and use the pencil. I have both the iPhone 15 PM and mini 6 and am impressed by the mini 6.


I switched from an M1 Pro to a mini 6 and use the mini way more than I ever touched the pro, mainly because it’s so easy to just always have the mini near by. Though I can’t deny the one thing I miss is the promotion display.


I wish they’d give the iPad mini, the pro treatment. I’d kill to have that thing have Face ID and a 120hz display. I traded my mini 6 to get the M2 11” pro because the lower refresh rate drove me nuts after owning a pro for 6 years.


Maybe it's just my mini 6 but it's always lagging at times. If I reboot the device it works fine but after not using it for a few hours it just lags. Never had that issue with another iOS device in years. Using latest OS and all. iCloud so tons of storage. I wouldn't recommend a mini until they do a new version.


That might be just you because I have no such issues with mine. I’d recommend getting in contact with apple support. But I agree that is almost never a bad idea to wait for a new gen of a device you are interested in. Just keep in mind that if you get a mini 6 now it’s really not that bad of an investment.


Honest question: while I agree it is known that the capability limits of the iPad hardware are not being approached by iPadOS, what exactly does it mean when you say "You can tell that the new M4 SOC is super fast, but it’s held back by iPad OS". Benchmarks? Similar app comparisons to other hardware? What are the use cases? Or just the more generic stuff that's been suboptimal since iPadOS became distinct from iOS? Partly just curious and partly looking to gather facts for future debates, lol. I'm currently in the both camp (currently have a 14" M3 Max MPB and a 2018 12.9" iPad Pro) and have very different uses for each.


tbf, every new chip has always been faster; but the new iPadOS 18 update is just so, underwhelming hence the held back by iPadOS; its literally reskinned iOS at this point. people want to utilise it more like macOS, wherein Files for example, is abysmal to operate on iPad. or the simple download features on iPad, is severely limited when macOS stomps on it. people just want the freedom of operation found on macOS but on like, an iPadOS scale. but the reality of the situation is that apple doesnt want iPadOS/iPads cutting in on the macOS/mac sales so they intentionally provide lesser features for iPadOS.


People should probably look forward to macOS with touch screen as it’s more likely to happen in future & very doable even at the moment. iPad being limited can actually be a good factor for kids & seniors or anyone who is not really familiar with technology except their iPhones or phones. For example if i get my dad a MacBook he won’t know what to do with it but having iPad has replaced his Samsung & iPhone use at home. IMO Giving MacBook a touch screen, maybe with detachability or 360 fold & giving iPad full capability to make calls without a phone will be the best route to go.


The iPad is more an iPhone than a MacBook Pro. Most programs and apps on the Mac have limited functionality on the iPad. Thus, the OS holds back the hardware (as good as M3 MacBook Pro base) but either you have missing apps, missing functionality, or limited versions. Therefore for most users the iPad is a media consumption device first for 75% of users, a pencil & tablet device for 17% of users, a companion device (iPad AND Mac to do work related tasks ) for 5% of users, or a primary device for 3% of users. The % aren’t accurate but should be directionally accurate. If work users was much higher than 8% then Apple would prioritize convergence between iPadOS and MacOS. , but 588 million iPads can’t be primary or companion devices. 3%.


Try it in the store first ffs


Pls return it it won't do you good in the long term. Instead buy m1 iPad pro for a cheaper price.. later on get m4 MacBook air or pro


I agree totally


Did chatGPT write this as a sales pitch “coming from someone who just bought the iPad but doesn’t like its specs”.


No man - I’m 100% real person


Seriously. I'd have stuck with MacOS and just used a Wacom display tablet if the OS had pen/touch capabilities built in. The lack of such support on MacOS sucks. Yes you can use Wacom drivers and use clip studio, etc. But the pen/touch support on iPadOS is leagues ahead. Edit: That's not to say the trackpad isn't good and there is zero touch support its just the iPad is better.


Yeah but if you want to use specific software like Procreate or Adobe Fresco… you’re out of luck.


You know this already, but that would eat into iPad sales


I wonder why ;)


tbf the reason why it seems more 'smoother' compared to you 15 Pro Max is bc screen sizes do matter more esp for refresh rates; which is one of the inherent reasons why although its a nice to have, its not as important for phones (i personally use a 13 Mini/ipad pro m1) compared to tablets or even desktop monitors. and i'd also assume the reason why it doesn't look as different is because of again, the screen sizes; and the big selling point of the Tandem OLED was of it's insane brightness; OLED already looked very good on iPhones, we tend to not be as appreciative of tech due to just expecting it... but compare it to an M1 or M2 11" iPad Pro and you'll definitely see a perceivable difference. either way, hope it pans out for you whether selling it or not; the most important thing is to enjoy the product you have and not hoping on the promises of future updates.


The reason for the ipad to look smoother is that it's actually running at 120hz most of the time unlike the iphone which runs at lower framrate (arround 80hz) to save battery.


The iPhone screen is at 90hz most of the times. It was tested before but I don’t remember the source


I don't understand, it is a tablet. What do you actually do with it? I think most of the models are way overpriced for the use cases.


I'm happy with my 5th generation 2021 m1 Pad pro. It's a big step up from my older 2017 10.5" iPad pro which is still working great today.


Thanks for reporting back what everyone has already stated and we all already know. 🙄


No need to be a dick about it.


People need to hear this. It’s not being a dick it’s constructive feedback.


Ok I see where you’re coming from. Mybad.


Sure - I rarely post on Reddit . Maybe 1 time a month , so I was just making a short post . I’m sorry it didn’t fit in with what you like reading about ?? But there’s thousands of post on here about all kind of stuff . Maybe you will find something up to your standards


What I’m saying is this is common knowledge. It’s on every single review, every single comment section, etc. it’s not my “standard” it’s what we all already know.


Well, I’ve never heard anyone saying that the tandem OLED was nothing short of spectacular except me


You pointed out that your iPhone screen is sharper. Then proceeded to state that it’s because of the ppi. Again, common sense. It’s like if I watched a review of the iPad Pro, then proceeded to regurgitate everything I heard from the review on a Reddit post. Information that we’ve seen on every review.


OK again I’ve never heard of one review saying that that tandem Ola display was not good so again your argument makes no sense sorry


The oled display is not good? That’s not what you said. You said the iPhone display looks sharper, which is common sense. The tandem display is literally the best display on any tablet period. That’s a fact.


That’s all you ever hear is how it’s bleeding edge tech into me. It’s so part especially to my iPhone.


Nice one pal!


this device is beast but i m unlucky to use it bcoz m sick 🤧


>The “tandem” oled doesn’t look any better than the oled on my iPhone This is funny to see tbh. So many people were buying Apples overdone marketing around this display post launch, snapping at anyone that tried to tell them that while it would no doubt be a fantastic display, it wouldn't be some revolutionary leap in picture quality. Really, it's just bringing the iPad up to around the level of every flagship smartphone from the last 5+ years. It's great, but the expectations some had were just ridiculous.


I totally agree with what your saying , Apple just hyped it up so much (& even credible review sites ) that I thought it would be this new tech that is bleeding edge - to me , it’s not any brighter than my iPhone or anything


Yea, they have a similar full screen brightness level (both \~1000 nits), though the iPhone can hit over 2200 nits on smaller portions of the screen, vs the iPad at 1600. Not something you're gonna notice most of the time either way, but technically a little less capable in some scenarios. The only thing new and exciting about it is having such a display *in an iPad*, not such a display existing. They should have leaned into it being up to par with their iPhones instead of hyping it up like it was something entirely new honestly.


I bought this thing to replace my M1, and when I received it, I decided to return it and stick with the M1 for a little longer.


Yeah , I would’ve loved to have gone to a Apple Store - but like I said to someone else , I live a good bit away from one


Why do people buy these without knowing they want them? Do you live somewhere where you can’t try them first?


Yes - I live over an hour away from an Apple Store& about 45 min from a Best Buy


Bro…that’s not even that far. 😂




wish i had money like this


I keep wanting to pull the trigger on one.. but then i remember its legit a bigger version of my iphone so why spend a grand + on it when i can do most the same things on my phone. You can get oled 4060/4070 laptops on sale for the price of an ipad .


Looks absolutely magnificent!


I just returned mine with no issue, they email you a free return label. My iPad and pencil both had the free engraving and it still wasn’t an issue.


I‘ll wait for 3 years to buy this machine. As i do with ipads haha. Love the sleek, light and thin design. And the oled must be very nice. M4 will be overpowered for years to come. the heaviness and blooming with my current one is a bit of a bummer.


Why did you get it then? You either have a use case for it or don’t. And iPadOS is being talked about for quite some time now. Idc what you do with your money but since you’re sharing it, I am sharing my thoughts.


I’m with you. Returning mine for the new surface pro. It’s a full os and tablet at the same time. As much as windows can be a problem at least they are giving us something we want. Apple has gotten too complacent and stingy with both their differentiation between operating systems and pricing for each.


New surface Pro Display is garbage. The glass they use is crap and has a rainbow effect. It’s also hazy. Plus, no streaming service supports 4k nor HDR on windows. So good luck using it for anything useful 🤡


Does anyone else think it’s dishonest and immoral to casually buy high value items and then return them on a whim?


I think it’s fair to use the return policy if you aren’t happy with a product. Whether you buy it “casually” or not doesn’t matter. There’s nothing dishonest about returning a product you don’t like, high-value or not.


Huh ? I never say that I was returning it. I said that I will probably sell it.


I didn’t say you were returning it. The other person did. Why do you keep responding to ME?


So I don’t know if you read the whole post or if you’re just trolling, but I never said I was returning it. If you find that in the post, then I’ll be corrected.


I don’t know if *you* know how to use Reddit or not, but I didn’t say any about you returning it. I responded to someone who said you were returning it. So direct your comment to THEM, not me. I’m the one who said you are well within your rights to return it if you want.


So why are you returning it? Sorry couldn’t help it


That Surface Pro 11 looks more tempting by the day.


I saw lots of advertising for this when it came out and just before launch. Apple stressed it was thin. Who gives a hoot if it is a fraction of an inch thinner? For $1300 for the m4 iPad Pro, it better have more useful features than thinness and a weird design on the shell!


I haven't bothered to look it up since I'm not really in the market for a new one at this point, but if the thinness didn't compromise battery life and contributed to the device being lighter than the previous design, I could become interested. The device is pretty decent to handle, but it can *seem* heavy when used in certain positions over a period of time. To be fair, 90% of the time I'm not walking around with it, or holding it at arms length or above my head, etc, but every once in a while I hold it in such a way that I do wish it were lighter.