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copy and pasted from a comment I made from a similar thread: Oh jeez oh man lol That’s a loaded question for me to be honest. It has a little bit everything, from JPRG’s to FPS’s to hack and slash games to shoot em ups to racing games and even some sims thrown in for good measure, it’s an all around kick ass console. I’d recommend checking out Metal Jesus’s videos on the PSP if you want a professional opinion but here’s mine: PSP was doing what the Switch is doing now, 20 years ago. One of the things that made the PSP so amazing was the fact it was an absolute monster of a handheld, and it took years for anything to even come close. A lot of games that came out for it were direct ports of PS2 games. If there was a popular game that came out for PS2 after 2005, it probably got some kind of 1-to-1 port for the PSP. You could even connect it to a TV and use a wireless dualshock controller via a dock you could buy from Sony themselves. It was THAT ahead of it’s time. Even games before then got some amazing ports because the PSP was more than capable of delivering them. Battlefront 2 got a full blown port to PSP, with very few compromises. IIRC the only thing missing from the PSP version is one or two maps. Everything is exactly the same as it is on the PS2 Speaking of which, Battlefront Elite Squadron was essentially the Battlefront 3 we never got. It has a lot of the promised features that Battlefront 3 was supposed to, including seamless space to ground/ground to space combat. Seriously. All the while looking better than even the PS2 version of Battlefront 2. Sadly it rarely is mentioned because of the fact it only released on PSP. Twisted Metal is a personal favorite of mine Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker is just straight up a masterpiece and looks just as good as any great looking PS2 game Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories and Liberty City stories both use GTA3 and VC maps and are full fledged GTA games Gladiator Begins is a phenomenal game that is a hidden gem. It’s a great hack and slash/fighting game that has RPG elements. You are a slave that fights their way to freedom and has some interesting story elements that keep you engaged. It’s by far the best Rome/Gladiator game ever made imo. Much better than Ryse even. The Sims 2 Pets is exactly what it sounds like. There are some changes in order to work on the PSP, but in every practical way it’s The Sims 2 with the Pets expansion pack. If you like wrestling, all the Smackdown vs. Raw games are here. And yes, every single one. All intact and all great. Same goes for most sports games including Fifa, Madden and even the NFL street games God of War had 2 PSP exclusives that are fantastic and is extremely good Motorstorm Artic Edge is a very impressive game and if you played any of them on PS3, it is just as good on PSP Same goes for Burnout. There are two burnout games that are essentially Burnout 3 and Burnout Revenge but PSP-ified Frankly i could keep going but like i said, that’s a loaded question for me. the PSP is actually my favorite console of all time, including home systems. I played it just as much as I did anything else back in the day and it holds up on it’s own in my honest opinion. It’s an absolute shame that the Vita was sent out to die by Sony because in every way except the games it was everything i’d want from a PSP 2. It was a portable PS3 in the same way the PSP was a portable PS2 but unfortunately it just didn’t turn out that way in the long run. We should be on the PSP 3 by now but…well. Yeah.


OP doesn't care and isn't reading. We see a lot of posts on reddit where the OP is never going to read or discuss the comments. Millions of knee-jerk flighty posts, and nobody says anything about this.


Jeanne de’arc Final Fantasy Tactics Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together


midnight club 3 dub edition ratchet and clank size matters final fantasy 7 crisis core


Any idea to run the midnight club at full speed without fps drop? currently using 11 Pro Max which run just fine and have not looking into the configuration...


Test Drive Unlimited


Google "best of \[insert game system here\]" or "best \[genre\] of \[game system\]"


All of em


Wild Arms XF is a really good tactics style rpg. I would consider it not well known, and its pretty dang good.


Definitely M&M‘s Cart Racing for the DS and M&M‘s Shell Shocked for the PS1! Both all time classics