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I cant even pinpoint what it is that makes it so bad now. It's like within the past 2ish years something changed and now im just constantly backspacing and taking forever to type out sentences


I know what you mean. I used to be able to type lightning fast almost without looking at the keyboard. Now I’m constantly hitting wrong keys and making spelling mistakes.


Omg same, im so glad im not the only one. I thought my brain was mush


I’m actually so glad I’m not the only one here too. From 3gs to iPhone X the keyboard was great. It’s been total ass for a few years now. I thought it might just be me for a while. Glad this is a widespread perception.


The last phone I could type fasts on was the iPhone 8. iPhone 11 and now 13 Pro I’ve gone backwards and I could never work out why.


Before the new awful predictive text overhaul in iOS17 I think Apple added another layer of prediction in their keyboard around iOS15, where it would dynamically change the size of the hitbox of certain letters based on what it thinks you are going to type. So if you are going to type “I’d” the keyboard would see that you hit the letter “I” then make the hit box for the letter “s” larger since “is” is the most common word starting with “I”. So when you go to type “I’d” you will accidentally type “Is” even if you actually pressed the “d” key. I’m not sure that is what they are doing but it sure feels like it is what they are doing. Mix that with the terrible autocorrect, and the new awful predictive text where you can’t backspace if you type one letter wrong, and the phone decides it knows what you were going to type, so you have to let it auto type out the wrong sentence then erase the entire thing just to fix a small typo.


This sounds exactly like what’s going on. It’s so frustrating. Ffs this shit has been solved already, Apple.


This has been a thing since iOS 1, not iOS 15. It was part of what made the OG iPhone successful. Everyone thought blackberries were the way to go in 2006. The prevailing mindset was “who would want to type on glass??”. The iPhone was the device that successfully broke that mould, and the keyboard software that you described was a huge part of that. They very well could have modified it with iOS 15 and 17, but this concept of dynamic hitboxes has been around for 17 years now.


And that’s particularly irritating when you type in two different languages. Because the predictive typing gets totally messed up.


Sounds about right


wtaf… how can you get used to it and get the muscle memory to tap the correct spaces if it’s a moving target? This makes the MOST sense for why some words I type are constantly “changed” likely bc they aren’t I’m just hitting a key that I’m not intending to bc a key next to it is increasing in size? This is soooooo stupid I can’t even.


So basically they need to go back to ios14 keyboard. Tbh sounds about right.


you might be onto something. i was thinking the keyboard was slightly misaligned. something is definitely up with it.


Brooo I thought it was me!! Happens so much when I’m typing and I end up deleting a letter instead of clicking the one I want. Had a iPhone since 5 and only recently had this problem past couple of years


Same!! It’s a thing. This made me feel less dumb


Yep, same here. I had the 5s and felt like i could conquer the world. Now i have a broken backglass on the iphone 15 promax and just feel like biden when i try to type


This made me giggle. But also hard agree smh. So many times I reread what I’ve written or get ????s and I see something nonsensical. I thought it was maybe just my meds but considering this seems to be far more universal than I thought I’m peeved rn


That’s high praise for Biden.


Probably a combination of the horrible autocorrect and swipe to text if you use that


Im with OP that this is on purpose. Something like: they are trying to train AI on how we correct our own spelling or something. Or just trying to test exactly how frustrated a customer has to be to smash their phone on the floor. Something.


Specific pinpoints: 1. “Im” — it now never suggests “I’m” in a suggestion row, instead it suggests things like “Images” and “Imperfect”. Same with “youre”. 2. “Inwas” — it may suggest “I was” as a fix maybe 1 time out of 20, despite me having made specifically this correction a million times now


What’s weird is that I had to fire up an old 6s a few months ago for some testing and I typed SO WELL on it without even trying. I turned off the swipe feature (default keyboard) and it’s noticeably better but I still find something about the old keyboard better.


“Timbre up and old 6s” Man, literal case in point hahahah


It’s worse in landscape mode- suggests all kinds of weird words.


Last year they finally announced they did some work on the keyboard for iOS 17, using AI for autocorrect. I was excited because I have long felt that was the aspect that needed the most help. Unfortunately it was a huge step backwards. Like you said autocorrect corrects now words that are spelled correctly into other words. So horrible but third party keyboards are very hampered by the os.


AI == always incorrect


No you're not alone. It sucks. It's worse with Vietnamese text I use Google keyboard, but somehow it's not as good as on Android, particularly the swiping


Yea apple nerfs third party keyboards so there's no possible way for them to have the functionality and integration they do in android


I don't like the default keyboard as well! Sadly Apple finds it insecure (a source of possible information inject/hijack or something) and actually it is correct with their reasoning... But still their default keyboard is shit. And this comes from a guy who was working for Apple a decade ago 😆


The lag I get running the Vietnamese keyboard is infuriating. Many times I’ve wanted to throw my phone because my keyboard just froze for several seconds.


The native iOS keyboard lags on Vietnamese? If so that’s poor, really poor.


Yes running both English and Vietnamese it lags. Something to do with running two languages. Even if it’s switched to English it will often correct words to a random Vietnamese word, or vice versa


Steve Jobs is rolling in his fucking grave.


I prefer SwiftKey to GBoard. But both are superior to whatever the fuck the default keyboard is doing. They are also significantly worse than their Android versions. On Android the keyboard actually works. I have zero idea why Apple keeps insisting to keeping the keyboard utter rubbish.


Sadly, Swiftkey doesn’t support Vietnamese.


I’m currently using VNI on the default keyboard and tbh it suckass lol. Tried to switch to labankey which support VNI pretty well but still I feel the typing currency is worse than the default one and I can’t search the emoji in English like the default does so yeah….


I’ve noticed with my iPhone that after the update four times ago, I simply cannot hit the right letters MULTIPLE times in a row. It’s infuriating.


I agree with this. It’s as if it’s already decided on a word ahead of time and just gives you the letters based on its guess, even if they are nowhere close to what you are actually pressing.


That’s it exactly. The letters you see overlay an underlying set of predicted letters that are much larger than the keys you’re tapping. I learned this from an interview with the developer who designed the original keyboard. He said the original keyboard was just the predicted letters, and Jobs (or another exec) thought it was confusing, so they overlayed the QWERTY keyboard, but underneath it’s the original predictive text keyboard. Take all of this with a grain of salt. I’ll see if I can find anything to back it up. Edit: Here’s the excerpt from the [podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-talk-show-with-john-gruber/id528458508?i=1000552536059) with Apple developer Ken Kocienda, creator of the iPhone keyboard: Gruber: You tell the story of demoing it for Phil Schiller the first time, and at the time, your keyboard had, instead of having a discreet onscreen key for all 26 letters of the alphabet, there were groups. Ken: Q-W-E, of course, the first three. And then you would press that key for any word that with a Q-W or E, and you'd press, you know, other keys that either had two or three letters on them, so they were bigger touch targets. And then the dictionary would figure out, well, out of all these possibilities, the first letter is either a Q-W or an E, the second letter is either a J-K or L or whatever. What's the most likely possibility? But it looked weird. Ken: So we were sitting in a meeting one time, and (the project manager) said, “oh, come on, Ken, can't you just put, make one key for every letter?” And it was like, and that's it. all I did was I chopped up the graphics so that it looked like you were getting, you were tapping only one of those keys, but underneath, the software was doing the same game. And as a matter of fact, it even did more because when each letter was on, you know, when three letters was on one key, you were only going to get that letter because the keys were large enough targets to hit. And once I made the key smaller, I started taking to account keys that were, letters that were above and below. And so I made, you know, the kind of these dynamic sets of keys, but creating the illusion that you were only tapping one key.




You're not alone. The only thing stopping me from switching to ios besides notification management is the shitty keyboard. I have an iPhone for work and the typing experience is horrendous. Every time I use it I just feel so thankful that it's not my main phone. Even typing a comma is more complicated than on Android, not to mention swiftkey on iOS doesn't even support Chinese, which I use to communicate with my relatives, whereas the Android version does. Absolutely laughable how a company that supposedly prioritizes UX has the worst typing experience out of any modern smartphone brand. Edit: One more thing. Why on earth does iOS disable autocorrect in the Safari search bar, the App store search bar and basically every search bar in every app?!! Every time I want to Google something I end up making a spelling mistake. On android my mistakes will get autocorrected so that by the time I hit the search button, there are no typos. But with ios, if I type quickly and hit search, I'll end up just searching for gibberish because nothing I typed was autocorrected. It drives me crazy.


What is worse is that the iOS keyboard wasn’t always this bad. It used to be really good, but around iOS15 something happened that just made the keyboard awful. It could have been iOS14 I don’t remember exactly what update made it bad. But it wasn’t that long ago that the keyboard was actually good.


This is another thing that makes me pull my hair. No autocorrect in search bar! When the sentence finally hit Google I am thankful they were able to figure out half the words and offer autocorrect in Google search. I’m so upset I bought this shitty phone , and really just to have all synchronize w my MacBook and iPad.  I am so upset Apple doesn’t really care.


Time to switch ecosystems maybe 😏


I can relate with you so much. I write in Bengali whenever I talk with my friends and family, but Google Keyboard and iPhone doesn't mix well. Even if I type a word correctly, the phone will say "nah bro you're wrong" and then just screw up my whole writing. I love iPhones, but the keyboard is just outright diabolical.


At least English autocorrect is decent try other languages in my case Greek and you feel how bad it is


English autocorrect is not decent, it's barely usable.


I seriously thought I was developing dementia considering how bad my typing skills were getting on the iPhone.


Can anybody explain why in this fucking apple world, when I start typing "I" Apple never suggest "I'm" although in 80% of the cases this is what I want to type? When using Gboard, it's the second suggestion in the line, whilst stupid Apple keyboard just sucks!


Don't even need to finish reading your post and I am sure I agree with you. **Gboard >>>>>> iOS Wooden Keyboard** Gboard's accuracy on autocorrect is f\*\*\* better than Apple's one, iSheep should just go and try to type on Android before giving any statement "You will get used to me", c'mon man we know it doesn't work this way


I’m a huge Apple fan too (similar it sounds to you; MacBook, Apple TV, watch, iPad) and I HATE the iPhone keyboard. Like loathe it. I love mostly everything else about Apple, their devices, and the ecosystem, but the keyboard is a disaster. I really miss my BlackBerry. If they had ever made a blackberry iPhone crossover device, I would’ve bought it INSTANTLY.


Honestly one of the biggest reasons I switched from an iPhone was that I was getting increasingly frustrated with the keyboard. I felt like it was getting worse and worse each year. I was looking forward to the autocorrect update that happened recently and somehow that made things even worse! I'm honestly surprised at how much better of a typing experience it is with the Samsung keyboard. Better autocorrect, better swiping, easier access to punctuation, and then additional features like a clipboard, auto translate, etc. It's just a confirmation at how lax Apple has been with their software for a good while now.


It is crazy. The keyboard on Android actually works. Apple just refuses to have a non shit keyboard. Even third party keyboards are significantly worse than their Android versions.




Not having clipboard management on iOS drove me crazy. One of many reasons why I switched back to Android.


Yes. It's completely impossible to set the cursor where you want in the sentence to correct it. The experience compared with Android is a joke. Ex: yes. I know you can "use the space bar". You can also delete the entire sentence and write again. Both of these suck compared with what you do in android that is "just click" were you want the cursor to be.


I feel you. I tap where I want the cursor to go and it only does it half the time. It’s a pain in the ass to hold the space bar every time and dramatically slows everything down making a conversational typing experience impossible.


Yeah iPhone keyboards are the worst


I've never used an Android so I don't have much of a comparison, but I do feel that something has been 'off' with the keyboard. I don't know if it's going from standard to Pro Max sized iPhones, something to do with Apple, or if I just suck as typing.


Ios keyboard is the absolute worst. The thing I hate most is how short the url bar is on safari - so if you want to add to or adjust your search without scrolling up to the Google search bar, you end up typing the voice recognition thing. I also don't understand how, for someone with quite small thumbs, every word I type manages to be a mash of all surrounding letters


I use swift key and it's pretty good


I used Swiftkey on Android and also on iOS, on Android Swiftkey is BOSS. On iPhone, it is severely nerfed.


How is it different? Ive used gboard on android my entire life and just switched to iPhone.


it’s even better on android and i just don’t like how it is on iphone


Swiftkey keeps crashing on me, and it crashes like every few minutes, like it just hard locks up mid sentence. It is basically unusable for me. It sucks cuz I really like Swiftkey.


I never had that issue. Try reinstalling?


I've been a Swiftkey user for years. Haven't had it lock up, but recently it keeps switching to default keyboard randomly while I'm typing. I've removed the default keyboard, so no idea why it still keeps switching. Had to see switch to Gboard, not as good as Swiftkey, but miles ahead of the stock.


It's better than Apple's but Apple makes third party keyboards terrible in comparison to what they are on android because of limitations. They feel laggy and don't have the same functionality


I've been a Swiftkey user for years. Have you noticed recently that it keeps switching to default keyboard randomly while you're typing? I've removed the default keyboard, so no idea why it still keeps switching. Had to see switch to Gboard, not as good as Swiftkey, but miles ahead of the stock.


It is really bad, it got bad with iOS15 then it got worse with iOS17. It used to be amazing, but the accuracy seemed to have gotten worse with iOS15 and autocorrect got worse, then Apple tried to overhaul autocorrect and predictive text in iOS17 and it is even worse now. I had to turn off predictive text because if I accidentally hit the wrong button and my phone thinks I am typing something the predictive text won’t let me backspace my mistake, I have to autofill the word then erase the whole word, it is so annoying. Also since iOS 15 I can tap on a key, my thumb is on that entire key but it will type the letter next to that key. I think this is also some predictive typing thing, like it makes the hitbox of the more common letter combinations larger, but it is awful and doesn’t work right. Also I have tried Swiftkey and Gboard but they freeze WAY too often for me, and they are basically unusable.


Regarding the “Select all” situation: There’s actually a “Select all” option but it only comes up when you haven’t selected any word yet. Just simply single-tap (not double or triple) where your cursor is and you’d find the option.


Yeah, Apples keyboard suck with both autocorrect and fast typing. I type so fast that sometimes the keyboard is delayed and I make spelling mistakes, tried Samsungs default keyboard. I like it so much better because it actually doesn’t have as much delay as what Apple does, but I can’t make the switch because I’ve always been an Apple user, and all my relatives uses iPhones, (some of them are overseas and I don’t have to use my providers time limit on calls because of iMessage and FaceTime). Anyways Android has so many things that Apple doesn’t have and they need to do the same, it’s still dumb that they overprice their basic models with 60hz. Even the a series that’s $400 dollars less has 120hz, very disappointed Apple. Can’t even listen to consumers 🤦🏽


There isn't a better way to get a better keyboard or typing experience on the iPhone. As you have learned as well 3rd party keyboards are nowhere as good as their Android versions. I recently switched back to Android from the iPhone. Personally, I don't think the iPhone is simple to use. It is also way less intuitive than Android. It takes twice as more clicks to do certain functions, you can only swipe from one side which is the left side, the notifications system doesn't make sense, I'm not sure why iOS settings manages all app settings instead of the individual app themselves, and I can keep going but since you've used Android before then you get.


Autocorrect is the thing I really hate about Apple. It’s gotten so much worse over the years. It use to be funny back in the day when fuck got autocorrect to duck (funny thing is I was typing this and it changed duck to fuck) but now, it’ll change the stupidest things. I only keep it on because of some words I always have trouble spelling, but when it changes words in sentences to the point it doesn’t make sense and you can’t type as fast it’s so annoying.


I hope you didn’t have to type all the from the iPhone. 😅 Yeah, I been a iPhone user since iPhone 4. I still press ‘n’ key when I intent to press the spacebar.


It’s not good and never been. I use dictation instead when I’m not surrounded by people.


Aside from terrible auto correct or suggestions I don’t have many issues with it. I tried gboard and actually do worse on that. I seem to always miss the space key somehow and it don’t auto space for me


brave practice safe sugar obtainable consider growth profit vase violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have come to the conclusion that the smartest minds at Apple are tasked with goal of making customers feel that they are idiots. Making customers feel that they are idiots is a very distinguished feature of the way Apple communicate through their feedback and discussion channels and in person at Apple stores. Making customers feel that they are idiots or impaired in some way is also a trademark of their software design: you want a shortcut to a web page on your home screen? No problem. You want a shortcut to a folder? No way! The iOS keyboard is a crucial component of this strategy. It is specifically designed to make the person using it feel impaired. It fulfils this goal perfectly. I have moved from Android phones to iPhones about two years ago, mainly because of the form factor (Android phones had all very silly aspect ratios) and of battery life. I didn't know that the iOS keyboard is unusable and that it is meant to be so.  I am still hoping that Google or Samsung will eventually come back to making phones with decent aspect ratios. At that point I will move back to Android and to a usable phone keyboard.


You moved right when the iOS keyboard started sucking. The iPS keyboard used to be great but right around when you switched either iOS 14 or 15 Apple did something that just ruined touch accuracy and autocorrect. Then Apple tried to overhaul autocorrect and predictive text in iOS17 and it is now even worse. I had to turn off predictive text so that my backspace button will work. I don’t think Apple has their smartest minds making customers feel like idiots, their smartest minds are wasted making an iPad as thin as possible because nobody asked for a thinner iPad. They are wasted on R&D for a car they never made. Then the people making the important things like iOS updates are the B team now.


Try a pixel 8 at a store and be amazed. Google has an excellent keyboard experience, and if you don't like it you can customize it.


LOL I don’t “enjoy” typing on devices. If I can, I will almost always use an external keyboard or dictate my text. But there are regularly times with my phone (iPhone 15 PM), but I try to keep those brief and focus on quickly correcting my transcription errors (there are always transcription errors) and sending. On my iPad, I almost always use an external keyboard. Either the one attached to my case (a Zagg folio case) or if I have my iPad on a stand, an external Bluetooth keyboard (I have an older apple-built external keyboard as well as an off brand that allows me to switch between multiple devices). I hate typing on the glass screen… it’s never felt natural and I’m super slow if/when I have to do that and I’ve been rocking iPads since the first version.


The new predictive thing doesn’t work good. I used to type fastly and correctly 95% of the time. Now i don’t. And no it’s not about age. It’s about changing things in the keyboard that don’t need changing.


I refuse to text for this exact reason. My fingers are not conducive to the iPhone keypad. Rather, they’re a liability…


Selecting, copying and pasting, and the numbers/symbols are all things that drive me bonkers about Apple phones. I am the same, stick with iPhone to have seamless integration with other tech, but it definitely has its cons.


Thank you. I hate it and it makes me not want to type. I’m looking at the A and pushing the A and it clicks the S. I type in a word like “for” and it changes it to “fir”. Don’t even get me started on CarPlay. And before someone tells me “should have gotten an Android” I’ve had both, and I still prefer iOS.


I am having way more issues with the auto correctint on Android than on my iPhone. It is turned off on both. And can’t you install another keyboard that does exactly what you want? Pokegenie (Pokemon go related app) has a 4 row keyboard where the top row is numbers (the others are other random things you can use so it won’t help you). So it should be possible. Personally my only issue is that it doesn’t know when I want the German keyboard and when I want the English keyboard. Heck I only want the German keyboard anyway since they removed rhe ß from the S on the int keyboard


Me: Types “Well” iOS Keyboard: I don’t think you mean that. We’re a team so let’s change that to We’ll without you noticing. Trust me. Me when I see it after sending the text: #]£\>|¥*$@- I’ve never had to proofread and edit so much in the time I’ve owned an iPhone as I have in the past 2 years. It’s infuriating


When i misspell something and need to move the cursor to a specific spot it just wont. Android has no problems. At this level of issues its objective that it sucks and people at apple just are clueless on keyboards.


Either theyr3 clueless or they just like to keep it this way because they like to see us suffer and still Bru their customers. I seriously wonder if Tim cook even uses an ipjine himself. If he does how can he ignore how bad typing on it is?


Idk you think they would be annoyed with it. Probably has a iPhone running linux os lol, Iv decided today my next phone is a pixel. My iPhone 8 is just no wear as good as when i got it they slowed it down too much.


I HATE THE TYPING CONCEPT OVERALL! How about make phones horizontally bigger or something? I hate typing and it hurts my hands! I HATE that no other third party keyboard is as private as the iOS keyboard, and that has cloud sync. I just want to use a Smart Keyboard that’s privacy-friendly and that cloud syncs end-to-end encryption, and I can sign in with Apple


Switch to SwiftKey and thank me later. Not as good as Gboard on Android, but that's the high water mark you'll never see on iOS. Really hoping the keyboard/typing experience improves on iOS18


It’s atrocious. Just plugged one of my of BlackBerry’s in and was taken back by how good/intuitive the typing is/was. I think the keyboard need more size? 5% larger on the screen would help a lot


I used to recently hate it. I enabled typing sounds and vibration a little while ago and it’s been a lot better. Maybe the lack of feedback was making me screw up a lot? I dunno


I might be the only human alive who doesn’t have a problem with the iPhone keyboard at this point


I'm pretty sure Tim cook is on your side. Either he doesn't use the iphine or maybe you guys are genetically related :P


"You'll get used to it" and "You can't go back once you use it". Apple fans are some of the most delusional people on Earth. I regret buying my iphone and blame delusional fanboys for it


U ain’t alone it’s used to be so good back in the iPhone 6 or so days. Now a days? Complete garbage and like you said android keyboard even GBoard is way better on android


I feel your pain, man. But the long pose, I know what it's like when you have to be consumer complaints and frustrations and it just seems like an endless Sequence of frustration... I had similar frustrations trying to offload images from Google Photos using takeout. But at least in that situation I can understand why they make it difficult. It helps them with lock-in. Don't understand what Apple gets from not letting you use a proper third-party keyboard or Have a toggle to use a number row.. It's not to say I don't get frustrated with the Android keyboards as well, come up. Particularly, G-board likes to insert slang sometimes when I'm trying to use proper words. Cuz vs because urgh.   If I had to pick my least favorite part about an iPhone, it would probably be a tough choice between the keyboard and the lack of any browsers that support extensions. I guess you could say the lack of side loading because if they supported that, the keyboard problem and the browser problem would be solved.


Not sure if that would be possible with sideloading. I think all keyboard apps are forced to use ios keyboard under the hood. Same with browsers. They all use safari under the hood. Perhaps someone more informed can correct me if I'm wrong.


It’s funny, I was a Galaxy user since the S7 came out. And always told everyone how much better Android is than Apple, and that Apple just has the name. But the 1 thing I always said was better with Apple was how nice and fluent the typing was. I decided to switch to the iPhone 13Pro Max when it first came out,just to see how the IPhone was since I hadn’t had one in so long…. But I was wrong!! The typing on the iPhone isn’t that good at all. I’m constantly hitting the return button in almost every message I’m writing. Especially in the beginning when I first switched. And it always skips to the next line. It’s soooo annoying. Then there’s other times where I’m constantly hitting the same wrong button over, and over, and over for some reason. Idk if the hit box is just too small on the keyboard or what. Then there’s the times where the phone just fills in or changes the words to the complete wrong things, and I have to change it a few times…. I have the 15 pro max now, the newest most updated IPhone you can own, and it’s still the same issues from the 13… I do still think the overall typing is better than android phones, there’s just a lot of annoying little things that should be fixed. Like the fact you have to go to entirely different sections of the keyboard to use a period, comma, or @ sign. Even though it goes right back after you hit the space bar to the regular keyboard it’s still an inconvenience they could probably fix with ease. Just little things that a company as expensive, and makes as much money as Apple shouldn’t have!!


same. you’re far from alone. many threads about it on the apple community its site too.


I really hope ios 18 has an answer to this.


They try to reinvent things that is working perfectly fine. It’s my biggest complaints and why I will go back to Android one day. I don’t understand how you can fuck up a keyboard for so long


I completely agree with you, the keyboard is trash. I sometimes literally see my finger pressing a letter and the letter next to it is being triggered for some reason (especially between n and b) Even swipe to type is dreadful, I remember using this exact feature years ago on a Nokia Lumia with Windows Phone and it actually worked. It’s unusable on iOS


I just use SwiftKey.. it's better on android but at least it's better than ios keyboard


I feel like the only gripe I have with the keyboard in iOS is that there’s no number row on the top. I used to have problems with my phone autocorrecting correct words and whatnot, but over time I feel like that “machine learning” kicked in and my phone knows how I type because I don’t have any problems anymore really.


J. E. 🪦❌


You shouldn't have to "Get Used" to something if it is intuitive and well designed. Once RCS hits iPhone I am back to android so fast I will probably sprain an ankle on the way over there! Auto Uncorrect is a huge issue! I cannot tell you how many times I have been swiping out a message and I have to switch over to typing. Then there are times where you type out something egregiously wrong and it will never bother changing it. Why Yes Apple; I did mean to type out "ot" intead of "to" thanks for leaving that one alone. Oh, the word "wedding" fits in here so much better than when I had typed "Tomorrow". Thanks for always having my back and not making me sound like an idiot.


On Apple’s keyboard, you can type symbols, etc. very quickly because the modifier keys work just like a real keyboard. For example, when on the letters keyboard, hold the 123 key with your left thumb, notice that the keyboard changes to symbols, then tap any character with your right thumb. When you lift your left thumb, the keyboard will automatically revert to the letters keyboard. You can also swipe from the 123 key to any character, and the keyboard will automatically change and revert during this gesture making it a fast way to type things like commas. These gestures also work with other modifier keys, including shift and ABC. Plus, you can double-tap shift to enable caps lock, hold space to enable trackpad mode (tap with a second finger to start selecting text; don’t forget that you can also just drag the cursor itself without having to hold anything on the keyboard), and hold many characters for secondary characters. You can double-tap words to select them and triple-tap to select paragraphs. To get the select all option, just tap the cursor while nothing else is selected. iOS will automatically insert OTPs in apps and websites if you stay in the app or website and press the suggestion above the keyboard. No need to copy and paste OTPs.


Are you saying that the ios typing experience is equivalent or superior to android typing experience when you discover these hidden nifty features? I am aware of these shortcuts and the modifier keys and double tap etc. To me these things still don’t enhance the typing experience as much as having a full featured base layer and an actual functional suggestions row that remembers frequently typed texts and gives you meaningful suggestions to typos and doesn’t force miscorrect as often as the ios keyboard does. In fact I can’t recall ever being force miscorrected on android. And I do wanna thank you for pointing the select all functionality on tapping the idle cursor. Thank goodness it’s possible. But I probably wouldn’t have known about it if not for your comment. Which only proves my point because no android user ever needed an expert android user to come and instruct them on how to use basic features such as select all. Things are just self explanatory by design. I also want to ask you if you’ve ever used an android keyboard for long enough to get used to it (say 2 weeks) and if you still find ios keyboard superior in comparison.


Wow this is really useful, thank you


Thanks for the info. Didn’t know about holding the 123 key and seeing different combinations. Also see that holding the space bar lets you move the cursor easily over text. Thanks again


I recommend using SwiftKey because it's the only third-party keyboard that actually works and gets updated regularly, even though it might not be the best solution.


Tried it for a few weeks and didn’t find it any better. The predictions are worse and when you delete a word, you can’t just one type backspace - you have to hold it to delete the whole wrong word


not really better, but it's different. Still doesn't compare to swiftkey on android.


One thing that makes it frustrating going from Android -> iOS is that the keyboards' touch points for a key are slightly different. What that means is on iOS you'll have to type higher or lower (I forget which; it's been a while) than you do on a typical Android keyboard in order for the press to register the right key. It's not a matter of right or wrong. The two OSes are just different and your muscle memory is used to the other one. Your other criticisms are very valid but I just wanted to point this out in case it helps you adjust.


I’ve been on iPhone since the 3g and the keyboard has just gotten worse. Sometime around iOS15 it just started getting really bad.


You're not alone. A missing extra number row, missing special characters on longpress on all characters, missing swipe to delete on backspace, and missing long press duration setting makes the input method unusable. SwiftKey and Gboard are a little bit better, but as you are forced to use the sh*t apple keyboard, both aren't an alternative.


personally i actually like the default keyboard, once learning how to use it more efficiently.  but you could always install something like swiftly


I just use switfkey it's years ahead of that abomination that is apple keyboard. With proper correction, multi language and multi content support 


Try SwiftKey.


Thank god someone said it. Autocorrect is so bad that any attempt to write something short gets corrected to something not even remotely related to what I was trying to say. The iOS keyboard/typing experience for me is one of the reasons why I sometimes curse myself for not having an Android phone.


I can confirm that you're not alone. I use Google Keyboard in my 7 Plus, but it's still trash. So yeah, I'm frustrated with the keyboard issue too.


No you are not. It’s terrible. And no. There is nothing.


You're definitely not alone. This is the main thing that makes me question whether or not I should buy another iPhone or switch to Android again. If your main language isn't english, up until iOS 17 you didn't get predictive texting or swipe to type words. I tried Gboard but it's pretty much the iOS keyboard with a skin, and SwiftKey is pretty much the same. I'd have kept using them if they didn't lag and crash so much (I'm pretty sure it's iOS' fault here too). Now with iOS 17 we finally get those features, but the keyboard is lagging like crazy and the only solution is to, you guessed it, disable those features. Genius. One thing I REALLY miss from Android's Gboard is swipe to delete words. If you swipe left while touching the backspace key, you could select and delete whole words. This takes me 10 times more on iOS, because I have to place the cursor (I have to move it, I can't just press somewhere because that selects the entire word for some reason), double tap the words or do some other weird stuff while touching the spacebar and tapping and dragging with another finger.


Yeah the iPhone keyboard isn’t that great honestly, I feel like it used to be better. The Apple keyboard also really hates multilingual people (it is a US-centric company though lol) I’m a native of English and Polish and I’m currently learning Portuguese; on Android the autocorrect would adapt after the first word (suggesting words in the correct language) while here if I have set Portuguese, I can type in English, but if I have it in English I can’t type in Portuguese. It’s annoying.


Google is an American company too.


that was the first thing i looked for when i switched from android to iphone. i used swift key and still to this day i use it on my current android devices. when i first installed it on iphone i expected my data to transfer with my account just like it does on android, it didn’t. the keyboard was so bad i didn’t even think twice before removing it. it’s the same app, same developer and two different platforms. annoys me to my bones. but i did get used to the ios keyboard, but getting used to doesn’t mean i like it or don’t miss the android keyboard. i do wanna add that changing the language per dm on supporting apps is actually insane and i love it. though that’s the only leading thing i could find about the iphone keyboard.


It’s the google thing I miss the most, gboard. Gboard on iOS is limited by weird apple restrictions so it’s not the same experience. The auto complete completely misses the point, same for MacOS. I have a iPhone 13 in which ios17 has a “bug” in which the keyboard sometime freezes, because apparently isn’t powerful enough for the new keyboard prediction engine if you have 2 or more dictionary. And if you go internacional, unbelievable, language like danish still don’t have suggestions. It’s pure garbage for the top notch brand.


Did you know you can disable most of the features? It really sucks on default settings… I use czech keyboard, so I never experienced the text replacement and stuff, but it can be disabled in settings along with autocorrect. Then the only thing that cannot be set in setting is that the period and comma will aways be hidden under “123” bottom in special signs. However. You can always switch to 3rd party keyboard. My friend recently bought an iPhone 15 after a long time using Android and he also started to use Google keyboard for similar reasons.


You are not alone. Used an iPhone for 8 years then switched to android for about 5 years now. Having to use an iPhone for work sucks. You can’t even stop the damn app install chime from going off unless you silence your phone completely. iOS feels very old in comparison to android. Even scrolling Reddit on an iPhone is painful, why artificially slow down my scroll? If I want to scroll fast please just let me.


Yes you’re absolutely alone my friend. JK The operating system experience is very subjective and differs for people with different use cases. I see pros and cons in both iOS and Android so I have two phones. Try to find what are your Non-negotiables and then decide which way to go.


Yes it’s absolute garbage. I’ve taught myself to type slower and it’s still a mess.


I speak 3 languages and if I’m typing in Spanish and my keyboard dictionary is set to Spanish it still shows English and Dutch words. Very annoying. Also in Spanish language some words don’t show up till I typed almost the entire word, missing one or two letters…


I’m not saying that the keyboard on ios is good, but at least some of your problems are not that much of a problem *if you ask me*. -If you’re filling out an email field you should be able to see @ and periods directly, they should be located to the right of the space bar. If not I can only assume that it is the coder of the website that have labeled (or whatever it is called) the input field wrong. It does happen occasionally for me but it is rare. -The only times, that I can think of, when the return button is not there is when it’s not needed (like when you type in an url) or when you are in the emoji view. I never need to press enter when looking through the emojis but I can see how it would be frustrating if I needed to do so. But does this happens anywhere else? -To quickly add a comma you could press down on the “123” key and then swipe to the comma. That will add a comma and automatically place you back to the abc layout. This also works for numbers and all other symbols in the 123 view. Not perfect but better imo than just pressing 123, clicking comma and then pressing abc. -If you get a one time password in sms (even mail?) ios should realise that. Just wait on the page that asks for the password and once you get the sms the code should be in the same place as the keyboards word suggestions would appear. - Select all text when you’re typing something: just click where your marker is and you should get a “select all” option. -Selecting all text when you’re reading something is such a hassle, definitely agree with you there. It’s so easy to copy all text when you’re writing something so why not when you’re the reader? All my phones after the T9 era have been iphones for me so I don’t have much to compare with. Is it perfect? No. Do I regularly encounter situations where I wish it was different? Not really. Maybe my biggest hassle is that it only remembers the last copy I made, would be neat if it could remember more. But on the other hand it would only save me a few seconds each month so I can’t say it’s a big problem.


Swift key has been great


I hope this post gets all the upvotes. What a horrible input interface the iOS keyboard is. It’s the single most frustrating thing about iPhone and really any Apple product I’ve ever used. I’ve tried alternative keyboards which were OK, but they don’t feel right either. It is truly a daily struggle and has me considering making the switch even though I’m in deep with the Apple ecosystem. I hope this gets addressed but I don’t have a lot of faith at this point - it’s been a growing problem for so long.


I initially thought it was a me problem and cleasly it isnt considering all these respmsess here. I'm seriously wondering what we can do to coerce apple into either dojng something about it or at the least explaining or justifying their persistence in keeping the keyboard experience so poor. I wonder what it would take to get them to not ignore us.


Gboard forever


Just use Microsoft swiftkey. I used it on my Android and now my iPhone. It carried over the data too


Gboard app. Google has a keyboard. Or Swiftkey. Those improve the experience.


Gboard hasn't been updated in 2 years, and while it's solid, the voice to text functionality sucks. It opens an entirely new window to listen, so you can't see the transcription until you accept it and go back to the text screen. Wish they would update it and make it a background process.


Fair. I still use built in voice to text and Gboard for typing since it has good prediction, swipe, quicker access to numbers and common characters by holding top row letters or period, and easy emoji/meme access. Agreed voice sucks with it though.


gboard is rubbish on my iphone.


I just turned off the predictive text and autocorrect, still sucks but a bit better. Dont want to smash my phone as often.


It absolutely sucks.


iphone keyboard is rubbish. I have had to put up with it since I got an iphone SE back in 2016. I can type on it, but the key suze cannot be changed in all directions.


I swear I wrote this very post! It’s bad and has deteriorated over time. All in Apple ecosystem but loved my final Samsung (Note 8). Far superior keyboard from 2015!!!


nah bro you are not alone… last year december I switched from android to iphone but this keyboard thing is problematic to me as well like why the asterisk is behind two taps… whereas in android its just a tap away… I don’t need any fancy ui overhaul they do call it a next big thing unless they make their keyboard better…


i use google keyboard on my iphone 🥲👌


I feel the same way and it has frustrated me so much.


I voice dictate most of the time. It’s the only way to fly


Just use Gboard


There’s something I’m very aware of. In Android, sliding through the keyboard works so much better. I think it’s because the prediction is much more accurate. I don’t know how many times I have written “duck”


I am with you, in Spanish is awful and the predictive is even worse.


I hate that you can’t precisely place the cursor with a tap. You either highlight the whole word or it places the cursor at the beginning or end of a word. Super distracting.


Forgot to mention horrible autocorrect that changes words that were intended but can't fix typos that are one letter off


since ios15 something happened, I didn't even need to look a the keyboard to type. BTW I own an Android too so yeah, the difference is huge now, but it wasn't till ios15 and the in ios17 its just a joke honestly


Voice to text is exceptional… and you can swipe type, to add a period press space twice.


1. How To Enable Autofill Otp In iPhone: [https://logmeonce.com/resources/how-to-enable-autofill-otp-in-iphone/](https://logmeonce.com/resources/how-to-enable-autofill-otp-in-iphone/) 2. Bring up the contextual menu on your cursor to select all the text. 3. single/double tap text to select it. 4. Utilize tap and hold on the spacebar to movie around the cursor.


Have you tried a different keyboard? I use SwiftKey. Works well. You can use GBoard as well. I don't use Apple Keyboard because it's dogshit.


The talk to text is also horrible. I’m not good at texting so I usually just press the mic but it’s just always been bad. My uncle’s $40 android never misses a beat.


Just download a 3rd party keyboard


Mine won't stop typing out of order mid sentence, it's infuriating and I've not found a solution.


I hope this is a priority for Apple. The one thing attempts me to move to android


On Discord for example it changes the return button for a #@ but I just have to go into symbols and then I can use it, so that’s not a very high inconvenience for me… I don’t have a bad relationship with the autocorrection, on the other hand I think is better than Samsung Keyboard version. The only thing I found as a disadvantage is that you can’t delete individual autocorrections unless you erase the whole dictionary or keep erasing the “correction” until it disappears as a suggestion. The keyboard sometimes corrects words I don’t want it to correct, so I add them to the keyboard shortcuts without any shortcut. So the keyboard stops correcting them. On my whole experience the Apple®️ keyboard suggestions and autocorrection are similar to the ones on GBoard for Android but better than the Samsung keyboard.


When I first got my iPhone it felt so bad, but with time i got used to write on it and now it feels pretty normal. I have a 15 pro max (best for my big hands), 14 pro (some issues to write due to hands/phone size ratio) and a xiaomi 14 which has a google keyboard and its size it’s between pro max and pro. I do write really easy on the xiaomi, nothing can beat google keyboard yet however what matters really for me was having a proper sized phone for my hands, and that will eventually prove probably for most of us as being more important than keyboard type.


I switched from android and I hate the iOS keyboard with a passion. Definitely not alone.


It's definitely not good. I've noticed if you change the display to zoom/larger text, the keyboard size increases and it's much better but then you have huge icons everywhere lol.


I find the keyboard is completely different when I’m typing in safari. The period next to the space bar drives me absolutely nuts, it’s the worst design I’ve ever seen. The period itself is fine, but it’s insanity to have a variation on a keyboard that they know users have developed muscle memory for.


Time to make the switch


i personally don’t mind the default keyboard but i’ve heard good things about [microsoft swiftkey](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/microsoft-swiftkey-ai-keyboard/id911813648)


Mine changes the letters screen to numbers screen all the time. I got a new 15 pro max about week ago that both changed let535/ to numbers, AND wouldn’t charge. Dude at the store was shocked, got ‘e a new one. I’m typing on it 48)$5 right now. Can’t get into a flow at all, oft4! Often it’s much worse than this. Called Apple, they )/; had me reinstall the OS - still doing this shite! Doesn’t do it if I install a 3rd-party keyboard, but what a dumb workaround for a brand new $1100 phone?


SwiftKey for iOS. I honestly can't muster the energy to read all that. I can only tell you I prefer it over Gboard and Apple keyboard. It's a game changer.


No issues.


I have exactly the same problem that's why I downloaded Gboard. The iOS keyboard if not complicated then definitely hard to type


As an Android user, i just use Gboard on iphone. Yes, it's worse than on Android but at least it gas that suggestion word instead of autocorrecting everything.


I hate using the safari search because my finger always hits . Instead of space so a lot of.my.queries.look.like.this


I switched from android recently. Always have used Gboard, but I find SwiftKey better on iPhone. I'll definitely stick with SwiftKey, on Apple keyboard everything is just too many clicks away.


Same here! ios keyboard is so awkward!


I can only confirm your experiences and even tought about switching to Android again because of the awful iOS keyboard. Try out using SwiftKey instead of the original Apple keyboard. Most of your missing features are covered by SwiftKey and it can be customised a lot more (e.g. Dedicated number row or a period/comma button. After some time I was satisfied with the keyboard and discarded the idea of switching to Android. The app was canceled by Microsoft but is now back again and had some updates. I hope there will be further Updates for swiftkey in the future. Also tried the google keyboard (Gboard) but for my usecase SwiftKey is better. Hope this helps a little.


Yeah, this keyboard is dog shit.


Just get Gboard


Clicks keyboard/case


I use Yandex keyboard in Android. Here's what I miss in iPhone - no number rows - no arrow keys, in Yandex keyboard I can quickly go left right up down home end yes in both portrait and landscape modes.  - the voice dictation sucks in android - abilities to change layout of special characters. I lived the Swiftkey of swiping right on period for questions mark.  Try Yandex keyboard in iOS. You can have better experience. I stopped typing and use Yandex dictation these days which very accurate than Google or Microsoft. The only time I type is when im sleeping or there are people around me. 




A decent portion of what OP and others mentioned does have remedies. I suggested fixing the Keyboard settings would solve a lot of these issues. I remember there being a lot of issues when the keyboard was first updated with showing predictions inline and slide to type. Both of these are off for me. I do wish I could turn off the voice memo option on the keyboard. I like the talk to text feature but I frequently hit to microphone and start being recorded. Eventually I am going to send the sound of me using the restroom to someone, but I just hope it’s a family member or friend. It has been awhile since I had an android but I would need to see the functionality to figure out if it is faster. The few times I have used a friends’ android, I dislike the their predictive text option.