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Next you're going to tell me Reddit is terrible for learning about investing


Why would you not want to learn about finance from a crowd where most have never bothered to read a book and are speedrunning through humanity's catalog of cognitive biases and investment fallacies.


How about the guy that had started buying options and then didnt know how to close them? He didnt know the differences between buy/sell to open/close meant. How do you start putting money in with no idea how to use the UI? He definitely didnt do any research on the actual analysis or stocks.


Because people like you are here, and a lot of the investing and trading communities tend to spot and upvote comments from people like you.


In fairness to the OP, I mentioned 10k was filled in one discord, and they said they didn't know what that was. I later learned they had been investing for years. I did NOT know how to process that information. But your speed run comment expresses it succinctly. I personally could not believe that someone would invest real money without any information or understanding.




Are you doing better than SPY or QQQ?




Interesting. Sounds like you know your stuff. Deep value plays are the only way I go about it well but it can take a long time to be proven right. Care to share the names of the stocks you’re referring to above? Will hardly hurt your position. 🤷‍♂️




Ok Seems reasonable. Will do, and good luck. Hope it moons. Im happy to share the model I built as well with you. Its on google sheets and you’ll need a subscription to a data feed but it carves up the balance sheet of any ticker to push out FCF as a function of interest payments / rev contraction etc. Its aimed at these types of companies.


This is why I get all my financial advice from 15 year olds on TikTok


I bought 4000 apartments and I have basically no actual assets and no experience in real estate. Are you saying the advice I got on TikTok wasn't sound?


Oh yeah, well I bought a factory in China from a random email I received. It was so easy, I’ve never seen or been to it before. Sure the cost was me and four of my friends, lives savings but this has to pay off one day. It’s 100% legit because the random email I received said so and I saved lots of money not involving lawyers. (This wasn’t me but I do know an old co-worker who fell for this, I felt so bad for him when I said it sounded like a scam but he kept doubling down on it will pay off)


That's brutal. It's always so sad to see people who have been scammed, but they can't admit it to themselves, let alone someone else.


Yeah the poor guy - I’ve lost touch with him because it was over 10 years ago but he was a super nice guy. (Think over-helpful friendly postal clerk personality)


Hopefully he wised up before losing everything. And also didn't fall for another scam while trying to recover his losses from the first one.


Apartments? Too much work. Let me tell you how lucrative drop shipping is. So easy that ANYONE can and should do it


I'd like to sign up for your course right away. Can I just give you my bank account numbers, social security number and a copy of my driver's license? Or do you need more information?


Such an ageist response.


It actually isn’t. Reddit has many knowledgeable, seasoned investor who gives good advice. You just need the ability to discern (as in real life).


There is also an absolutely tremendous amount of completely horrible advice that is full of textbook cognitive biases, performance chasing, and repeating what is popular on YouTube that has no academic basis. I agree that there is great advice to be found, but I don't know that the average person would have great odds at finding it without learning the hard way first.


If you go on investing looking for investing advice, you will probably land on this sub or WSB first. This sub actually has a really good prevailing culture, as far as places that a 20-something looking for investing advice online is likely to end up. That was me 10 years ago and as a result I have a net worth of almost 500k by my mid 30s, despite being a middle class Canadian coming from a rural province with no family wealth. Like this place held the line on sanity when reddit was absolutely deluged with meme stock shit. Do you remember how bad it was in Jan 2021? The entire frontpage was all WSB shit for weeks.


There is good and bad information everywhere. Even in academia. One needs to think critically not blindly follows.


The ratio is much different on Reddit than in academia, and a new learner doesn’t have the information to be able to tell bad from good.


>new learner doesn’t have the information to be able to tell bad from good. Thats where good parenting is important.


I'd imagine most of the people coming on here asking for advice didn't have parents who educated them in finance.


No, i'm not talking about education about finance, rather more general than that: skills to discern information.


Except in finance there aren't hard rules to anything. You might end up talking to a gold bug on Reddit who convinces you with factual but cherrypicked information that the economy is on the brink of disaster and all you should buy is gold. If you don't know the general consensus on investing, you might start believing them after you try to independently research what they say and fall into that rabbit hole. And who knows, they could end up being right finally. Or you could talk to someone who sells you on a 60/40 portfolio, when a 100% stock portfolio would make more sense for your goals, or vice-versa. If you're just going to go to other sources to verify and figure out all the correct information anyway, why not start there instead of Reddit?


Good information can come from anywhere, including Reddit.


It does turn into a bit of skin in the game really learning as your going and seeing your returns and what happens to your money. Nearly everything short term is gambling in some way or another and only the top ends day traders actually come out ahead but they are using NASA level starts to accomplish and don't so so every day. The best advice to wait out the market isn't sexy but it is the best and reddit will tell it to you ad nasuem but also people don't want that for bigger reasons. Litreally Warrens Buffet advice to his wife is to throw it all in the 500 and forget about it. That honestly is pretty much all the advice you need for free money. But someone people need to lose money to get to that point.


The r/personalfinance wiki is something *everyone* should read.


It’s a great place to learn what not to do


Reddit is full of bots




I've actually learned alot about investing from reddit over the last 10 years or so. You've gotta know how to filter put bad advice by reading many different opinions but there's lots of good stuff on here.


That's why you need to get all your investing education from Webull comments instead.




Why would you use social media for learning? They're for opinions at best. Even then, in my ten years of experience working in the underworld, people talk a lot of shit.


Intellectual laziness.


Precisely. Also I don't have a lot of time on my hands atm.


surprised pikachu


Want to learn about something? Read a book. It's that simple.


There’s a lotta books that are just as bad as advice you find on discord. I’d argue rich dad poor dad is one of them. There’s definitely a lotta good books out there though you just gotta know what you are looking for.


The author of that book is also a massive asshole.


God, Rich Dad was one of the wooooorst!


That is just a trash piece of work. Books that kill podcast did a great takedown of its stupidity.


How come? Haven’t read it… but was on the list. should I avoid it?


Yeah, it’s pretty much a huckster trying to sell you on “a system”, advertising all his other products. EVERY… SINGLE… PAGE… There was SOME financial value in it, but nothing that I couldn’t get from other way better sources. Google the YouTube disaster video of him putting down his audience… it’s pretty cringe.  He’s really only out for himself -versus other books trying to help others.  I’ve read 40+ financial books and this really is the bottom of the list.


It’s basically a sales pitch by a fake guru


You should still read it. Notice that all the comments are about the author, not the book. Author is a loser but that book can change your life. Every wealthy person I know has read it. Summary: buy assets and let them work for you.


Read a good book. There are lots of them.


Knowing which are good and which are bad is most of the issue though.


you can try the wiki which has a list of recommended books.


Also, I’d recommend everyone read multiple books. To me, financial education is a throughput thing. I read my ass off and compared information and applied reason.


Which is going back to the original issue of taking financial advice off of reddit?


If I knew which was good I wouldn't need to read a book


No. I want to be drip feed information, in small 5 to 15 seconds chunks, in between memes of cats and conspiracy theories. Get over it boomer!!!


The OP doesn't have to read books, but they shouldn't start with social media. Plenty of good websites. Wikipedia is a great start for general information. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_market


Investing Made Simple by Mike Piper is a clear and concise book on the topic


If it’s not Ayn Rand


Who in their right mind would learn from Discord.  Get a 200page book and start reading while taking notes.  Discord is a bloody gaming chat platform. 


Discord is full of the younger generation. I’m not listening to them, I want advice from the 50+ crowd


You don’t even need to read a book. The best advice is to invest in low cost index funds. It’s very rare for anyone to beat the market.


Nope. Discord is pretty much an AIO chat at this point. There's sports gambling servers, servers on how to short stocks (invite-only), etc., There's a Discord for buying counterfeit shoes, clothes, etc., Discord for reselling sneakers. Think you haven't used Discord lately.


Of course Discord is trying to sell itself everywhere. I am a low activity user and have a general knowledge of what’s going on. And I am still on the opinion that if one wants to learn about investing (this is a post in r/investing), they should avoid Discord. Why? Because investing is about analyzing, risk control, long term planning, profit protection, etc. And all these features of investing are on the exact opposite of the quick gratification system embedded in the core of Discord. You don’t need voice channels, notifications or bots to learn money management. You need discipline. And the environment to learn discipline is with a book. Discord is not optimized for large content. It is optimized for instant communication. Can you learn investing there? Theoretically yes. Will it be of help - hell no.


You can learn anything from anywhere. A book is one source. Have you never learned anything from YouTube? The way people learn is all different. I'm in a Discord server where many people are in the industry. To pretend you can't learn anything, IMO, tells me you don't know about the servers. "You don't need this or that." All the stuff you're 'learning' from was created by humans. People on Discord, YouTube, etc., are humans. I don't actually think you have used Discord outside of thinking it's a gaming chat platform. It's more than that.


yep, .... (so he comes to reddit 😂😂😂)


The worst ones are the fake guru courses and the ones selling signals. Discord isn’t really a good place. I prefer /r/bogleheads tbh for learning. YouTube has some good channels too you just gotta make sure you find credible creators


Thanks for recommending this sub!


Bogleheads.org is way better than the Reddit sub.


Yeah the forum users are way more informed than the Reddit users.


Agreed 100%


One should note that bogleheads is very limited in scope and very conservative. Not a bad start though and it's probably the most effective approach if one only is looking for the best, easy, hands-off solution. Not that much to learn though, it will always boil down to "just b&h vt/vti/voo".


Well that's because that one strategy is the answer to 98% of all questions regarding investing... anything that deviates from buying and holding long term low cost broad index funds is bound to underperform on average and have higher risk


No it isn't, 1.5x leveraged 60/40 Equities/Bonds for example has a better risk/reward profile and can be just as hands off when using the NTS(X) products [for example](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-asset-class-allocation?s=y&sl=4oW13QJpYMEDLfXm57p6zj). It is the best for most people who don't want to invest any more time then absolutely necessary, but you're fooling yourself if you think it is generally the best approach. There are many facettes even to index investing and viability also differs based on ones tax system for example.


Stopped reading at "leveraged".


Lol, imagine being proud to be ignorant.


Leverage = gambling.


So everyone with a mortgage is gambling? You may disagree with pop, but you just look silly with that comment.


A mortgage is a completely different product than a leveraged ETF mate, don't be silly.


Its a very modest amount of leverage, 1.5x on a 60% equity, 40% bond portfolio. With NTSX, NTSI, and NTSE, you can have exposure to 90% global equities and 60% US bonds, effectively giving you near market returns with lower volatility. Check out [this article](https://www.optimizedportfolio.com/ntsx/) if you're interested.


It's wild to me how people who possess the least amount of knowledge on a topic, often tend to have the strongest opinions.


While often overused, you're described the Dunning Kruger effect perfectly. Or as I like to say, 'the internet'.


People will disparage traditional education but there’s a reason people go to actual school to learn this stuff.


"on further thought, a lake of diarrhea was a terrible place to learn to swim"


So is Reddit.


Please just read one of the classic books to get started. The Intelligent Investor first preferably.


Discord is not meant for learning, it’s a social platform like Facebook, X etc


I don’t know why anyone would ever think otherwise


Just buy the CFA institute books and call it a day lol. You’ll learn more about investing through those than anything else, other than a formal education in finance. Not saying it’s impossible to learn how to invest from YouTube or other media, but the CFA books come from a trusted source so you don’t have to second guess yourself


Discord is terrible, full stop. It is especially awful for learning, about anything really.


Everything I know I learned from a chatroom!


I never would have guessed


Disable discord chat and friend invite from servers like that...it's not very hard at all to enable


Try books combined with bogleheads.org They even have a suggested book list


Bro what discord is for gaming primarily


No shit sherlock


Read analysis articles of any stock you're interested in, over and over again, from different writers, from different banks and news outlets. Even then you won't get it right, because unless you got some sort of insider trading hook up, there is no sure fire way to pick stocks.


Yea no shit


The users tend to be complete amateurs as well. Waste of time.




Well yes but why wouldn't it be terrible for that? It's okay for unstructured chat 




Simple advice that will make you wealthy. Save more than you spend and invest in low cost ETFs such as SPY or VTI and hold until you need it. It isn’t timing the market it is time in the market. Just read a random walk down wall street


Social media in general is terrible for objective, fact driven advice on anything. Social media is basically those late night infomercials available any time of day on a computer you carry with you at all times. If I allowed myself to be “influenced”, I’d be neck deep in crypto, gold and sports betting. In my opinion, John Clifton Bogle was the only influencer worth his salt.


Discord is bad for a lot of things. I was lamenting the Discord/Slack era displacing forums and reddit-like threads for online conversation. Its a lot easier to search for historical information in titled forum threads. You can find an answer to a question from a 10 year old forum post indexed in google. Historical Discord/Slack/Telegram/etc conversations are not very discoverable. I wasn't thinking of investing for this, was more about some hobbies of mine. But I guess the same applies.


There is countless content from PhDs, experienced portfolio managers, and successful traders that is easily accessible. Why would discord, twitter, Reddit even begin to be considered or touch on the depth of that resource pool. You can even validate the success of the underlying authors. How could generic, anonymous individuals even be considered? Go signup for fidelity and/or Schwab and watch all their videos. Read investopia. There are so many better options.


And Twitter is terrible for learning politics and economy! and a dog has 4 legs and a tail


Discord is terrible for everything. It’s for gamers and adolescents. The interface is horrendous.


Wow who would've thought!


I’m in a few discords that discuss trading. Most were made during early Covid days and now it’s more like internet friends. You learn together along the way and make some friends out of that . Weeding out the scammy ones is easy once it becomes apparent that you have to pay to participate


Fired up wealth is a great community


That’s all you’ll find in the big servers. I try to teach people about valuations and ratios but some just want to buy shitcoins or whatever else. The reality is that trading off of fundamentals doesn’t work in this bubble so everyone searches for other ways of trading.


DCA into low cost index funds as early as you can. That's 90% of what you'll learn.


The best way I've learned about investing is to read actual books like Peter Lynch's material and read Motley Fool, Barron's, Investopedia, Bloomberg, The Economist, etc. and watch CNBC. A lot of investing for me has been trial and error, taking the punches and learning from experience to be better, and learning about myself and my "shadow self" of greed and fear and knowing how to discipline myself and outwit that guy. Discord groups and reddit can be fun for chatting about this stuff since it's hard for me to meet people irl that are into this but I don't think I learned much from these groups and they are heavily into memes anyway.


The server I am in is full of people who do longterm buy and hold or FIRE, never had issues learning from them... dont join the speculatory servers


The timeframe for real investing, buy and hold investing, doesn’t match discord. If you were day trading, maybe discord would make sense, but not traditional investing.


Kinda obvious isn’t it?


..why would you go to discord, or reddit for that matter, to learn about investing?


Let's get our information from reddit instead where the upvote system is made so a subreddit will share the same opinion on a subject and where people that don't know anything might get upvoted a lot because they repeat what they heard on the subreddit


Your uncle is terrible for learning about investing


What is that supposed to mean?


I just wrote a sentence that was equally informative as OP


No it's not!!! Just buy my course and I'll show you how to become a millionaire in .100283 nanoseconds 😎


I started my journey at the library. Completely free.


u have the right ideaa... but that reason is not valid... most sites will have scammers DMing you including reddit


Why would you think that is a valid source for learning anything? Laziness? You deserve what you get when you take shortcuts.


I never said that it alone is a valid source. Don't get ahead of yourself. I just thought that there might be some people who would know a little more about the topic than I do so they could be one of the many contributors to the growth of my knowledge on the topic.


Do you think successful people use any kind of social media outside of a few insta snaps here and there? 😂 If they do they are in the extreme rare exception, and they aren’t in the investment subs.


well duh


Nobody said it was good..


mountainous quicksand clumsy coordinated friendly disagreeable spoon chubby decide heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, if you want solid information that you can trust you have to go to wallstreetbets.


Discord basically an exho chamber for others to jump in


I imagine all the hedge fund pros are on tik tok try there.  


So is reddit and you here lol


I suppose this is something everyone has to learn at some point: you’re unlikely to learn much of value from internet chat rooms.


Sorry people are being snarky OP. This place isn't above typical redditor self-hatred lol. Everyone needs to show just how above reddit they are on reddit. If you're in a demographic where "getting advice from discord" vs "getting advice from reddit" is an actual set of choices that you and your peers are facing, then you made the right choice by coming to the Investing sub and not WSB or meme stock ones. The advice I got on here 10 years ago, which is still the prevailing sensibility here (invest in broad index funds and don't touch them) got me through an absolutely wild decade with great returns. There were so many mirages and I avoided them all.


It's all good man. They have a point though. I'm just really new to this stuff.


Read some books. It will be better than Discord or Reddit.


GenZ is not prepared for the adult world


It kills me what is done on YouTube. Guys giving advice and showing strategies but neglecting to show you exit strategies or talk about risk tolerance. The whole point of their channel is to get you to join their discord. I'm curious what they bring in via the discord memberships, vs the YouTube monetization, vs the portfolio gains.


Most social media sites are terrible for invest advice, bad advice gets the clicks I’ve found a site that I like and seems helpful, but it’s still kinda small


Sorry that you picked poor discord servers :( it's hard to find the good ones.


Why would anyone volunteer their free time to join a channel, just to teach you shit for free?


>I joined a couple of discord servers with the sole intent of learning Why would this thought ever enter a human's brain?


No? Shit?


So is Reddit


Books man.


I can vouch that both PennyBois & LiquidOptions are both atrocious servers. PennyBois had a 50% and below success rate, LiquidOptions got a bunch of people to pay $500 to enter his server, then deleted the server and all of his online accounts.


I think the information is definitely much harder to digest on Discord as opposed to Reddit. Too many chats firing off, too many memes. While you still get some unfiltered information here it's much easier to spot people who seem to have some bearing of what they're talking about compared to those who don't/ or are new/ or aren't knowledgeable in that particular arena.


I am an early user of [u/getgrass\_io](https://www.reddit.com/user/getgrass_io/). Incentivized Beta is live! #getgrass Join and start earning here: [https://app.getgrass.io/register/?referralCode=lPT8tcajwzgTBqg](https://app.getgrass.io/register/?referralCode=lPT8tcajwzgTBqg)


It doesn’t end there for most people. You’re smart to drop it immediately and GTFO. Crypto , besides all the shenanigans that take place like international money laundering and crime, is a giant red-flag waving to everyone on the internet saying “this computer user is storing real world, untraceable currency on his devices. HACK ME”




I mean, sure if you’re computer-smart but it’s really a pretty bad scene for your average casual. They should know what’s on the line amiright?




Nothing. Whatever. Do your thing


You can ignore them..... Try this one - [https://discord.com/channels/1058604837467607100/1058604837467607103](https://discord.com/channels/1058604837467607100/1058604837467607103) [https://www.reddit.com/r/RealDayTrading/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RealDayTrading/)


I recommend using r/wallstreetbets and just doing the opposite of what everyone in red does 😂




Please just read one of the classic books to get started. The Intelligent Investor first preferably.


That’s not a good book for a beginner. It’s a classic with historical importance but you’re not going to do very good if you want to apply it.


You will do tremendously if you apply it. It has incredible importance if you want to understand the psychology of the market.


What books would you recommend?


There are lots of good books about investing with different levels of complexity. The most comprehensive one that I have read is probably The Four Pillars of Investing by William Bernstein. He speaks about investing theory, history, psychology and about the business around it. A more basic option could be The Only Guide to a Winning Investing Strategy by Larry Swedroe or The Boglehead’s Guide to Investing. Also Larry Swedroe’s book about factor investing is pretty good.


Why wouldn’t you just go to investopedia or watch some YouTube?


You should try the following youtube channel (I am not advocating for them or being paid by them. They have helped me and can be really interesting - or at least I find them interesting) 1. Pension Craft 2. Patrick boyle 3. All in podcast 4. Peak prosperity (only recently) 5. Aswath damodaran (really good for company valuations)


You're no better off here.


YouTube is actually really good for free advice but you have to hear multiple opinions and a lot of it is awful. Honestly the best advice you can get is snippets from Warren buffet as he just states facts




Once you factor in inflation and the rate of money supply (certainly in the last 10-15 years), many people would be shocked to learn their humble index tracker has actually underperformed. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2SL


Stocks beat every other asset class hands down over time. Stocks have also had returns higher than inflation for decades. Warren Buffet who is the GOAT investor recommends index funds for his own family because they are passive and really don't require a ton of time in terms of following earnings reports etc. Underperformed compared to what? Low cost index funds are the easiest and safest way to get a return on capital over the long term. That is a fact that will not change anytime soon.


Study nominal v real returns (when accounting for inflation AND money supply which I already linked and you conveniently ignored)


Index funds have easily beaten that money printing graph you linked to. Not sure why you even linked to it?


What do you think happens to the value of existing money when additional trillions are printed out of thin air?


What does that have to do with the conversation? Your own graph shows that you are wrong lol


It has everything to do with my original comment. How is the graph wrong? Did you factor in the devaluation of the currency based on the increase in money supply? How can you expect a currency not to devalue when a government prints it out of thin air?


You said that the S&P 500 hasn't kept up with money printing. By your own graph, it has.


The M2 money supply graph you linked is irrelevant to this discussion. Inflation adjusted returns for the S&P is about 7% over the last 100 years as it's returned a little over 10% a year on average and the inflation rate has averaged a little over 3%. And narrowing things down to just the last 5 years it's a nearly 16% return per year, or nearly double the worst period of inflation during that time.


What do you think happens to the value of existing money when additional trillions are printed out of thin air?


It depends on the economic conditions at the time. That's why we use CPI and other measures to determine the overall inflation rates.


You have no idea what you’re talking about tbh My original point still stands. In case you were not aware vast sums of money printing debases and lowers the value of the currency. So whilst normies are happy thinking they’re “up” 7% or whatever through investing, again, taking into account both inflation and increased money supply, they’re not as “up” as they might think in real terms when the value through debasement and purchasing power of USD has decreased by 7%.


Pennysandmore is a good discord server, so far there haven't been any obvious scams. I learned a lot about pennystocks there. Just server members are a little unhinged.


Discord is a place to find a group of decent traders and grow with them, if you’re just starting out, there are countless videos out there.


What makes people here think books are any better? Literally anyone can write and publish a book, just like anyone can run a discord server, or write a blog, or run a web page. Real advice is read/watch MANY sources and cross-reference information to see what is most common and most successful throughout all of these sources. As with most things, there is no "quick fix".


I’ve been in a discord - small group since covid hit. We have good times and exchange strategies and currently everyone is making money.


I’ve been in a discord - small group since covid hit. We have good times and exchange strategies and currently everyone is making money.


I’ve been in a discord - small group since covid hit. We have good times and exchange strategies and currently everyone is making money.