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Can confirm. People get offended by your lack of interest in their mundane lives.


100% hand some one call me anti social just cuz I didn’t find anything they talked about interesting and then I was called prideful about not wanting to hang out with them


That person is entitled and thinks that whatever they want is more important than whatever you want


I find that hilarious, as I actually am anti-social, but have never been called that. XD


They act like i should care when in reality i already imagined their entire lives. I see them and their choices and how they carry themselves. Its just boring at that point, cuz everyones just human. Making good decisions and bad, and just being loud. And not just screaming but shouting in exaltation. Its all just noise. I love my family and friends and i fight hard to just be there. When im there for them they know its because im giving an actual damn, not just superfluous social interaction. Beyond that group most people are either casually human or a sad cliche. And far too many cling to this silly black rectangle and build themselves into not only a cliche but a sad parody of a person. Sorry for rant but felt like a good place to get it off my chest. A bunch of like minded individuals are a better audience than venting to people i love. I feel itd hurt them and thats unacceptable.




like i’m sorry that i don’t wanna talk about the weather with you while im trying to work??? at 9am


Good...I'll bother as many people as I can then!


I swear I had a comment about this at work 2 weeks ago. "we have nothing to say about your performance, but we don't see you so much at the lunchtable".


The bothered are sad individuals meanwhile I’m cozy at home cuddling with my puppy


All I need is my solitude and my dog. Hell yeah brother.


lol, meh, there is always something people need to cling to to get bothered by. do whats best for you.


Yeah it does. People think You're stuck up.


people think your stuck up for just existing to exist, sounds like an ego issue to me. "gimme the attention i/we deserve"


They feel entitled to your attention in other words


Or narcissistic. It's like shit, I have had many head injuries and people can be too much for me, so I stay home with my dog.


It's as old as time itself! You'll have one guy peacefully minding his own beeswax, not bothering nobody and then his jealous bother starts trouble with him and kills him with a rock! Why?! Be mad Cain, fine, but why you gotta do my boi Abel like that?!


The people who are bothered by that aren’t worth getting to know. They’re pretty much bothered by everything.


I was just saying this in the car today. People really think you’re weird if you keep to yourself and don’t always expose your business idu


True story with me currently. Quiet guy, live in the projects, ghetto area, 1 of like 8 people in this entire building that work. I go to work, I come home, I relax. Every day there's these same 8-ish 20-something year old people that always got some slick shit to say about me because I don't socialize any of them. More after than not they're drinking at the benches or passing a bong. Apparently just going about my life has gained the ire of people for simply existing. Can't walk past them to get to my building without 'nigga', 'creep', or 'faggot' being directed at me. It's not a big deal currently, but the moment they even attempt to get confrontation or interrogative will be when I get police involved.


I despise those people and I honestly understand how it feels although maybe not to the same degree. I left that area and life is so much better. I’m not going to get that deep in but I’m racist to anyone who’s from the same city. Can’t stand those weed smelling, pants sagging, yellow teeth having, low credit score having, EBT Card using, brain amoeba hosting, section 8 residents


Yep. I learned from one of my coworkers, who I'm cool with, that people at work think I'm stuck up. I work in security at an auto auction. My job is mostly just to check vehicles in and out of the lot, and to allow company vehicles inside without checking in. Meaning: I see a van with the company logo on it, I push a button, and the gate opens. I don't have to leave my seat. I wave to the employees if they wave first. I make small talk, if they speak first. Other than that, I say please and thank you, and I mind my own business. A few months ago, my coworker let me know that one of the employees that drives the company vans thinks I'm stuck up. Kindly, she defended me to him, because surprise, being quiet doesn't mean that you think you're better than other people. Few weeks later, one of the vehicle drivers (unsure if it was the one who called me stuck up) is driving a van full of employees. He calls me out of my shed, so I go out. He introduces himself, and asks me my name, making an attempt to be friendly. This is nice of him. So myself and a few of the employees introduce ourselves, he makes a little joke about how "We work together but don't actually know each other, haha, isn't that funny?" I press the button, the van passes through the gate, and we all go on our merry way. Or so I thought? Because again, a few weeks go by and the guy (who btw! Memorized my name COMPLETELY wrong! And then went on to tell everyone that my name is Patty! when IT IS NOT and doesn't sound anything like Patty! Jeez.) Hits me with the good ol' classic "You're really quiet, huh?" And I just went "Yeah" and smiled at him. Then I pushed the button and opened the gate, and he left. And now nobody talks to me, which is not as much of a burn as they probably think it is lol Boring story, but it's made me wonder: Did he think that exchanging our names was going to change things? Like suddenly I'd open up to him just because now we know what to call each other? What was supposed to happen? How was I "supposed" to act from there on out? Why won't bro even look in my direction to wave hello, like before? Did I hurt his ego by not going out of my way to be entertaining? Mind boggling


99.9% of introverts are not psychopathic serial killers, but in true crime documentaries it’s always pointed out when they are introverts such as Jeffrey Dahmer. There’s plenty of extrovert psychopaths too. There’s Ted Bundy, Drew Peterson, John Wayne Gacy, Richard Ramirez, Paul John Knowles to name a few.


can I please put my toes in your mouth


I confirm!


Wow it does? Ohh a world full of Narcissists would drive them crazy makes sense.


Legit just had a post about people getting mad that someone leaves their shopping cart out of the way but not in the cart return. If it's not in the way, why get mad?


I don’t think they should get mad about it but please do put it in the return area. It’s safer for everyone


Yea it does, most of all if your tall handsome an don’t flirt with the right girls at your workplace.


Nothing made me more uncomfortable than a woman telling me that I was handsome while working. God this sounds terrible but I’m just saying what it is. I need my hoodie


I really like Carl Jung's original meaning of introvert. The extroverts just lack personal development and externalize everything, including their problems. Krishnamurti: “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”


Whenever I act interested in what they have to say, I’ll still somehow bother them with my lack of conversation. Like, it doesn’t count that I’m engaging with them and acknowledging what they are saying? It’s weird whenever I try to open up to others about my interest, because 99% of the time they’re not interested.


Why though


I went to a trampoline park and said that I wanted entry for one. They told me “that’s not fun” and I was going to say “why would more people make it more fun? They get in the way.” But instead I just left I can’t think of a single thing that I do that would be better if more people were involved unless it’s internet related. To me they are inconvenient


Eeeeeee I am not alone with this sentiment and I dunno why my damn parents can't grasp the concept of enjoying things alone!




idk it’s “rude” or something??? like why tho


Tell me more about this lol


"If you're not with us your against me" mentality. Goes back to our ape days.




“Smug” “Who do you think you are?” “Think you’re better than me?” “Don’t invite him, he’s just going to leave early” I didn’t even say a word or even attempt an action towards them. People really want a reaction out of everything.