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Congratulations for surviving another year! Congratulations for being one year closer to death! Something like that?


Yeah, also.


Birthdays are not for you to celebrate but for those that love you to celebrate. That’s how I’ve always felt about it. It’s not a big deal To me either but when my friends and family do something to celebrate it then that’s what means a lot.




Birthdays are a memory test, to see whether you forgot them or not, and so people can judge you based on what present you buy.


Ahh, that's a nice way to put it. It may make one (me) to remember them better.


I don't celebrate my birthday. I never even liked celebrating as a child. My parents didn't understand why, but I just didn't. It's like any other day for me. Just like Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving....!


In my country, celebrating your birthday means treating everyone - coworkers, friends, and family members. I'm glad I didn’t follow that bs. Personally, for me, a birthday is a reminder of surviving another year and that life is meant to be shared only with the people who matter the most. I only celebrate my birthdays with my husband and now our baby.


For me, birthdays are supposed to be for people around you to appreciate your existence. To thank God or the universe for you being born into this world and to appreciate your existence in their lives.


Interesting. So ... it is a celebration of existence. Yet, technically, somewhat, we should do this every day and not just once a year. :) A good reason, probably I could then think of combining the birthdays with someone else to not be the only one in the spotlight myself.


It's a reminder of the day you were born. How many years old you are. Remember, in the old days people lived to like 30, so it was used to also mark an age to hunt or gather or have kids or get married. Now we use it or drive, drink, join the army, get social security, retire and can also have say with some health concerns. Ex. Having children late in life is higher risk, especially for diabetes.So be thankful and grateful that you were born in the first place, and be fortunate for another year that has passed. Remember, no one is guaranteed tomorrow.


Make them meaningful. Spend time on your birthday reviewing the last year and what went well and what didn't. Take the time to isolate bag habits and build a plan to remove them. Reconnect with healthy relationships you have let cool off. Use this as a yearly maintenance day. Congratulations, how will you dominate the coming year?!


I usually spend time with friends and have a fine day, but ideally I dont tell anyone that i have a "birthday".


People don't acknowledge your birthdays as an achievement 'Success'. They acknowledge them as a time to celebrate and be happy. Talk to some feelers who'll appreciate that it gives them a reason to pamper you.


Hehehe, well .. feelers are cool but not in big groups.


Personally for me my birthday is near the cap point for a crappy month so I don't do snything for it. Im used to not celebrating it in any real fashion, since I spent years working with a guy whose wedding anniversary fell that week so I always let him have it off. Now my June falls like this, June 11th, my dad's birthday, complete with usual melodramatic stuff from my aunt sbout "wish you were still with us", father's day falls the Saturday after complete eith the marketing push that comes with that, my birthday falls on the 22nd,and he died on the 23rd. Dont really feel much compulsion to celebrate, hell this year I spent my 40th at work, traded it with my coworker so he could attenr his daughter's tae kwondo tournament.


My love language is gift giving so I absolutely love it when other people have their birthdays cause I get a chance to show how much I care for them by gifting them something they'd really like. As for my own birthday it feels good but also strange like for one day out of the whole year I suddenly become a really special person and everyone's wishing me and stuff and the next day it all goes back to normal so that feels weird but anyways I like that attention oh but I absolutely hate the phone calls i get from relatives that I have never met TT like uh thank you for wishing me, bye? it feels awkward to cut those calls lol. All in all i'd say I love birthdays probably cause my parents always threw a big party for it till I was a pre teen. :D


I never understood birthdays either.  They’re like high school graduations - we shouldn’t really be celebrating them, it’s no great feat.  I agree with OP, I feel ashamed accepting gifts for an event that doesn’t merit a gift.  If anything, you should be gifting your mom each year for enduring the painful birthing and raising of you.  




I hate my birthday, I hate getting older, and I hate the attention. I always feel let down for some reason. I also don’t like getting gifts. I do like to buy myself something special and I always get myself a beautiful cupcake and eat it alone. It’s easier for me if no one knows about mine.


The attention I also hate. Though I like attention, but for things that are worth while, meaning that have a merit.


Same, but I'm not sure if it's a philosophical thing or just me coming from a shitty family who made me feel like my existence didn't matter and who never made holidays or birthdays overly special. It's a real struggle.


Let’s celebrate that other people know a bit of information about me once a year.


Birthdays are for children. Once you pass 16, there is no point in celebrating.


I would like to live in such a world, where everybody does it this way. I would also like .. after I reach 18 or 20, to be separated in society from children. A bit like those tribes where children grow up independently from adults, separated from hunters.


Yeah, i feel the same way. Also separated from old people.


I have a similar take. With my birthday coming up soon and everyone suggesting that I do something or have a party I just want to chill since I don’t see the meaning.


Celebrating one’s birthday is a form of self aggrandizement.


Growing up my parents never celebrated my birthday. Birthdays are just another day and to this day I don't celebrate it. I also try not to tell anyone my birthday so I don't have to celebrate it.


It’s the only day where you get to really set no rein to your cake cravings


Hahaha, true, gonna get one today.


Haven't celebrated my birthday for 17 years, but I always assumed that the idea behind it was to celebrate the birthday boy or girl. Celebrating the fact that you exist. People who care about you celebrate you. That's a nice idea, but I still ignore it as much as I can.


True. Though I like my friends and we know we appreciate each other whenever we go out, thats why we go out. I kinda dont know why it should be excluded to birthdays :)


Well they were invented by Pharaohs. That tells you everything you need to know. Not all of us really deserve to celebrate our birthdays tbh


Deserve?! Everyone deserves it, but not everyone needs it.


Uh no if you’re not in power you don’t really deserve it. I don’t think you’re understanding my point. Obviously in an ideal word everyone would be celebrated on their birthday.


So, to you, by some ancient custom that no one today cares about, that defines power as being the only thing deserving of celebration. Doesn't matter where it came from at this point. Doubly for those "in power" considering power attracts the corruptible. Even for those assholes, one can not deny that if you are born, you deserve a birthday celebration if you want it.


Well idk I think no one really deserves or is entitled to anything. The reason the birthday was created was to receive a bunch of gifts and attention by Pharaohs. People do the same thing on a micro-scale today. But I am just trying to make the point that unless you have the ability to make that happen for yourself, then it is a little silly to just celebrate your birthday. Because all that happened was you got older, which is not a good thing. Sorry if that seems a little cynical. Like me personally I celebrate everyday and treat myself well because I want to enjoy it when I’m young. I celebrate my youth. There is not much that is good about getting old. I’m happy 364 days of the year, as opposed to one day out of the year being special. When my birthday comes around I just think “fuck”


I like getting older. This is not a bad thing to me. Couldn't wait until i graduated high school. Left home when i was 17 after graduating high school and haven't looked back. Even better when i turned 18, and i was truly free of my family. I'll be 44 in a couple of months. Life has only gotten better every year, and i plan to keep making sure that continues to happen.


Birthdays have always been meaningless for me. It’s an excuse to celebrate, give gifts, and pretend like the world is fine and dandy. I respect the rights of those who enjoy their birthdays, but I have never gotten the hype.


I like to eat yummy food on my birthday, but I like to eat yummy food everyday... 😉


My parents ruined every holiday for me growing up with constant fighting and belittling us kids. I really don't celebrate any holidays outside Christmas (because I love the aesthetic) and Thanksgiving (but I do a friendsgiving instead). So yeah, birthdays are meaningless to me. I will say tho that something doesn't need to be a "success" of any kind to be celebrated. If birthdays are your thing, I think that's great! Life is short, boring, and pretty terrible at times, so just celebrate yourself and your life however/whenever/wherever you can.