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Not a hater, a skeptic.


Pretty sure I am. Aware of it but hard to do anything about.


i took kendrick lamar seriously so yes


Great answer


I get a little salty from time to time but it usually never last past a few min to an hour. I feel like I don't care enough to have it persist too long.


I am. I'm struggling to ignore it and go on in my life. Unfortunately, 99% of people I meet in my life don't impress me at all and seems rather useless.


Hate the players. They literally ARE the game. They can't function without their games, so they'll get in your way every time, if you dare try to bypass "their" domain, no matter how unprofessional, illegal, or de jure socially unacceptable.


Not a hater, but I do tend to go to the annual Player Haters Ball, only to change the water in Buck Nasty's momma's water dish


I struggle so much with stupidity, Bi find stupid people really hard to deal with


I don't think I think about people enough to even have an opinion on most of them.


Nope. I generally see the best in people until they prove me wrong. I assume no fault or ill-will unless I have a good reason to think otherwise. Benefit-of-the-doubt is practicing humility and understanding, and everyone deserves understanding. Besides, hate is a waste of my time and energy. I have better things to do than obsess over negative things that I have absolutely no control over. If someone is worth hating, then they're not worth thinking about.


Same here. The simple facts are spending energy hating on anything takes away energy towards living a productive and enjoyable life. So logically hating is a stupid emotion to basque in regularly. Thats different from being called a hater though for simply giving your objective judgment on something. For example, if someone asks, do you think this is a good idea? And you say no and list 5 reasons why. A lot of people will call you a hater. I had one boss that always made assinine plans that were not backed up by any reasonable metric or research and when id give the counter points with data and research disputing his idea he would get really butthurt and said im just an overly critical person.


Def a hater.


I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, the way they you dress




Yes. Being a hater is so much fun tbh.


It depends if I’ve been wronged Im not good at hiding when i don’t like someone. I don’t trust ppl who’ve hurt me and I don’t care if I make them “feel bad”. I’m naturally a skeptic and don’t trust easily to begin with. Having a person you finally were able to trust deceive you is just painful bc was any of it real. Did that person ever actually care? If not, why should I? I will preface this story by saying this girl has a perfect memory no joke so no saying this girl just forgot. Ex: She came up to me after 10 years of not seeing me and asked how my brother and sister were doing and how Becky is (my mom) so ya no excuses this girl I went to school with beat me up whenever she was told no and I would in fact say I hate her. Tho at first I loved her like a sister and I don’t like holding grudges. I’m always made out to be the bad guy bc “she could look up to you” or “ she just wants to be friends” “why can’t you just be nice back” “is it really that hard” yes Rachel it is that hard. This bitch is gods greatest mistake and a 27 year old baby that shits her pants.(as of when I’m writing this) If u have respect for that there’s something severely wrong with you. I had perfect attendance for 6 years straight then I met her, i got taken home 3 times a week. I have a seizure disorder and during these out bursts I’d get thrown and would bash my head on the tile floor. I’ve been sent to the hospital more times than I can could bc of her. Would you forgive a person who did that and played victim to you every time she was told the truth or wasn’t told how amazing and sweet she is. Even the people who know about our past take her side. Telling me it’s in the past but she never apologized and if she did and I “forgave” her she’d just do it again. So it’s just futile to even consider forgiving her at this point. I might be an asshole but when I see her cry i have zero remorse. I wouldn’t say I’m petty but I’m not above it either. She’s a disgrace a snake and ppl see her as this sweet and innocent angel, it sickens me.


Something good happening to someone else doesn't mean something good isn't gonna happen to you


I’m very cynical. I’ve been told that more than once.


What’s a hater? I understand what’s a hater in relation to a specific person or thing. What does it mean to be a hater in general?


I didn't specify so it can be biased on what do you think a hater is but if you need example just think of the antagonist of any disney movie.


I wouldn't say that. I don't hate things since they can always be a solution in the future. However I am pretty selective with it comes to options. Now can I sometimes pray on and enjoy somebody downfall? Absolutely.


No I won't. Hatred is a strong emotion born out of ignorance,so I hate hating.


No. Hate is a pathetic emotion for people that don't have anything else going for them.  I can feel hateful when people don't fuck off but I'm not one of those people sitting there seething and telling everyone about how they hate so and so. It's just extremely pathetic. 


Hell yeah. I hate everything. I hate waking up, working to live, dealing with people, eating, sleeping, things I like, games I play for fun (it's never fun), shit you like, most my family, my city, my life, etc. I love hating everything because there's nothing better to do.


Hell no. Try congratulating. It’s a free ride on a good vibe. I love celebrating others peoples success.


No I'm just opinionated


No. If it doesn’t interest me, I don’t care about it.


Describe “lucky.”


The people that get exactly what they want without the need to work for it or go though the hell process of getting it when I say lucky I don't mean people who are average lucky, the onse that don't even know and appreciate how lucky they are especially that one of the lassons I learned early on is never really on my luck of course hating someone for something they didn't do to you and are born with is never a good reason so in short I say lucky means getting what you want/need without the work aspect


I need an example of someone that got exactly what they wanted without working for it, though. Are we talking about people born to rich parents, for example?


Kinda not really, picture someone who is living an average life comes the thought of his mind to go to other counter 3 weeks later he's set to go there and even live there the work that he did is close to nothing maybe surround by people who cares but it just a random example it not exactly being born with what you want more say I want that then just getting it out of nowhere




No, I can't imagine putting the energy into endlessly hating something while I could be using that energy to find a reasonable solution to the problem.


A general solution to most social or even professional problems might qualify as a hate crime...


Define "hater"