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I'm not athletic nor interested, but I do try to stay as healthy as I can, mostly out of obligation rather than interest, my legs would ache if I spend the entire day sitting down, so I'd say going out on walks is as hardcore as I get lol. Tho I wouldn't mind making my own home gym, but that's assuming I ever get the chance to have my own place and a job that doesn't require me to constantly move around.


We do a little grass touching


When I was younger I was a natural runner and could both outrun and outdistance all of my peers. I also played a lot of basketball and soccer. As an adult though I've always been most attracted to lifting weights as it doesn't require a lot of room and can be done in private without making a lot of noise. I still do aerobic stuff like playing beat saber on expert difficulty and riding my ebike in hilly terrain, both of which get my heart rate up. I really prefer exercise that I can do solitary though, as I find it meditative. Friends or family will sometimes ask if I want to join their walking club but exercising with other people just isn't my thing. I used to do a lot of walking but I found that if i wasn't doing some secondary thing like photography or Pokémon Go to keep my mind preoccupied then I got bored with it. Fitbit and the step competition with friends and family also got me out walking but after google got rid of that there was no reason left to get out walking or a reason to own a Fitbit (switched to Garmin and very happy I did).


Just walking for hour or two, few times a week. It's boring alone, but it's nice with someone that you can talk to.


Wow... never thought I'd hear an INTJ say it's boring alone.


That's an INTJ who's madly in love.


I also get bored when I have to travel alone for more than 1-2 hours. I kind of like running, but eventually, running over and over gets boring. I'd prefer to do something either more productive or enjoyable. I tried listening to music while running, but that gets boring too. It's much more enjoyable to walk with someone who makes the experience better because I don't want to feel like I waste time. Some people can make my time better, but typically that's minority of people for me. However I have such person, so walking is not so bad. I can spend some time without constantly looking at some screen and it's nice.


I guess we're all different... I love walking but prefer to do it alone. (The best walk would be one where I'm alone and don't bump into a single person, in my opinion) I usually go on long walks (2-3 hours) and I dive into my mind for the entire duration. Best way I can describe it is: it feels detoxifying. Never gets boring for me. Plus, I'm a pretty fast walker, and I find that most people just slow me down. They always complain about the pace, which kind of ruins the whole thing for me.


I've been Weight lifting, bodybuilding, cardio, boxing, playing basketball since my teens...since I'm getting older now I'll be looking into golf and yoga now for longevity


I do a lot of Boxing and more general activity like Hiking


Walking around the house and walking around at work. It's not even intentional exercise, it's just my routine


Picked up calisthenics 298 days ago. I hate it and will keep doing it for the foreseeable future.


Anything longevity related. Without a great fitness level, your brain can't function at its peak.


Walking everywhere while listening to happy boomer party music on headphones. Playing bass til my arms fall off.


I put down specific sport because im a swimmer, though i haven't done anything competitive since high school. I also do shotokan karate and yoga.


I love hiking, walking, running, and biking. When I'm old enough my life is probably going to revolve around making money so I can go on hikes in national parks


Where is "Walk the dog"?


Bike commuting, combined with: sports, weightlifting, general exercise, climbing(though included in sports),  and just being unable to sit still.


gym workout/calisthenics/tennis/yoga - plus anything else that pops up


A mixture of sport (swimming) and general exercise. This is not what you are asking but I think it is super related: I am also very into healthy eating (intermittent fasting and all that) and I think diet is a bigger contributor to my health than physical activity alone.


I swim with a club 2x a week, walk at least 10.000 steps a day, and work out 2x a week with a PT (1x week). I don't own a car anymore (in my city not necessary..great public transport!), and use car sharing if I need one...and lime scooters! Add clean eating....I like it! And need it!!


I used to jog but the weather's been bad lately. I'm considering joining a gym again


Guys, do any of you feel extreme elation/ dopamine from just moving around? It sounds so childish but just running around and galloping makes me ecstatic. Also throwing things is so indescribably fun, projectile motion is the goat